DreamsAstrology >> 占星術と夢 >  >> 占星術 >> おとめ座


乙女座と乙女座の互換性は、知性とコミュニケーションに強いですが、感情的および性的側面に弱いです。そのため、全体的な互換性は中間 (高くも低くもありません) です。

乙女座は、完璧主義の「天賦の才」を備えたタイプの人であり (これはもろ刃の剣になる可能性があるため、引用符を付けてください)、自分自身や他の人に対して過度に批判的である場合もあります。






• 乙女座の星座は地の星座です。 地の星座である乙女座は、根拠があり、実用的で、信頼できます。


地の星座 (おうし座、乙女座、山羊座) は、他の地の星座や水の星座 (蟹座、蠍座、魚座) と非常に相性が良いです。

火のサイン (牡羊座、獅子座、射手座) は、他の火のサインや風のサイン (水瓶座、双子座、天秤座) と仲良くなります。

• 乙女座は水星に支配されています。 水星はコミュニケーションと知恵の惑星として知られています。そのため、乙女座は優れたコミュニケーターであり、問​​題解決者です。また、すべての作業において信頼性が高く効率的です。

• 乙女座は星座の変化しやすい星座であり、「順応性のあるカメレオン」であることを意味します。 「可変」という用語は、ラテン語の語根 mutabilis に由来します。 、変化を意味します。 mutabilis に相当する英語 は「突然変異」という用語です。



• 乙女座の太陽のサインのシンボルは処女または乙女です。 処女は収穫、豊饒、知恵を表しています。




何よりもまず、乙女座は細部にまで気を配る完璧主義者です。 彼らは、自分自身と他人の両方に対して高い (そして時には不合理な) 期待と基準を設定します。




彼らは考えさせられる質問やその他の種類の精神的刺激のために生きているため、雑談に耐えることができません。 それが、彼らが他の乙女座との交際を楽しむ主な理由です。




彼らは知的で、雄弁で、優れた批判的思想家です。これが、これらの (同様の) 特徴を共有する人々とのみ仲良くする主な理由です.

乙女座と乙女座の関係には分析すべきことがたくさんあり、何よりもお互いのクリティカル スキルを高く評価するでしょう。







Truth be told, their soulmate connection won’t be based on emotions but their strong intellectual compatibility. Their hangouts will mainly revolve around sharing new ideas and perspectives.

They appreciate inspiring mindsets, which is exactly why they will fall for each other instantly. It won’t be love at first sight, but rather love at the first word because of their great communication skills and critical nature.

Virgo Man And Virgo Woman Compatibility In Marriage


When it comes to Virgo-Virgo zodiac compatibility in marriage, they have two strong aspects:practicality and communication. Still, this doesn’t make them a perfect love match.

Given that they are both problem solvers, they won’t have any unacknowledged issues in their marriage, which is a great thing and something not every couple can boast about.

Talking things out is their motto and the basis of their marriage bond.

Now comes the critical part. Their marriage will lack passion and charm, given that emotional intimacy is not their strong point. They will have problems balancing their rational mindsets with their emotions.

We could say that Virgo and Virgo compatibility in marriage greatly depends on their willingness to work on their emotional and spiritual compatibility.

Both partners need to encourage one another to express their feelings and turn off their rational thoughts once in a while.

That is the only way for them to form a balanced relationship where practicality won’t overshadow their emotional side.

Virgo And Virgo Communication


Virgo and Virgo compatibility in communication is the strongest aspect of their relationship. Given that they are ruled by Mercury (which is the planet of communication), Virgos are bound to be eloquent and smart.

When it comes to types of conversation, they prefer writing more than speaking, which means their communication will be based on lots of texting.

They prefer written communication because it allows them to think twice before sending something because they are perfectionists at heart.

By typing instead of talking, they have more time to ‘polish’ their thoughts and express themselves in the best possible way according to their standards.

However, there’s one potential problem regarding Virgo pair communication, which is their critical nature.

Virgo partners will be overly critical of one another’s every single word, and they will focus on evaluating details in both the virtual and real world.

10 Virgo-Virgo Relationship Tips


The Virgo match is neither low nor high when it comes to compatibility, but it’s challenging for sure.

Still, it’s nothing Virgo couples can’t work on. With that being said, here are a few tips that will help Virgos form a happy and healthy relationship:

1. Work on your emotional intimacy.

2. Encourage one another to express your feelings.

3. Stop trying to reach perfectionism.

4. Don’t spend too much time together.

5. Don’t overthink things.

6. Avoid being critical and judgmental.

7. Lower your expectations.

8. Relax.

9. Don’t try to change one another.

10. Appreciate each other’s efforts and express gratitude.

Virgo And Virgo Sexual Compatibility


Virgo and Virgo compatibility in bed is not so high. It’s because Virgo couples’ critical side often prevents them from enjoying sex.

Instead of boosting their passion and following their emotions, they will be primarily focused on evaluating their sex life and looking for flaws.

Their rational side is the main culprit of their not-so-enjoyable sex life. Because of that, they will have problems keeping the sexual fire alive in their relationships.

If they want to overcome these challenges, they need to fully relax, turn off their critical thinking (at least during lovemaking), and live in the moment.

They need to focus on their feelings and sensations instead of criticizing and analyzing the situation.

Once they make the necessary changes, their sex life will level up both physically and emotionally. So, yes, they have the potential to become the ultimate power couple, only if they want to.

Virgo And Virgo Friendship Compatibility


Yes, Virgo and Virgo friendship is based on communication. Talking, criticizing, and having opinions of their loved ones and people close to them is practically their hobby.

Truth be told, they are sometimes guilty of giving unsolicited advice, which can be the cause of arguments in their friendship.

All in all, Virgos get along perfectly as friends because they are both practical, loyal, and hardworking.

Their determination is what connects them and helps them strengthen their friendship bond. What Virgo friends greatly appreciate in one another is that they are both flexible and adaptable.

Due to these similarities of their character traits, they go through friendship levels with lightning speed.

Also, they are both organized, which plays an important role when it comes to being roommates with one another.

However, there’s one thing they will have to pay close attention to, which is their control issues.

If their perfectionism and controlling tendencies prevail, they might find themselves in constant disagreements (as their daily and weekly horoscope suggests). So, patience is required.



Virgo and Virgo compatibility is not overly high or low, but it’s medium. Their relationships solely rely on their intellectual side and great communication.

When it comes to emotional and sexual aspects, they aren’t so lucky. They have problems expressing their feelings due to their need to always rationalize things.

This can greatly affect their levels of satisfaction and performance in the bedroom as well.

Working on improving their emotional connection (and patience) will help them strengthen their relationship bond.

If you and your partner are Virgos and would like to learn more about the Virgo zodiac sign, I suggest checking your birth chart. Pay special attention to their Venus, rising sign, and moon sign compatibility.

  1. 愛と友情における乙女座と蠍座の互換性

  2. 愛と友情における獅子座と乙女座の互換性

  3. 愛と友情における牡牛座と乙女座の互換性

  4. 愛と友情における獅子座と獅子座の互換性

  5. 愛と友情における山羊座と山羊座の互換性

  6. 愛と友情における癌と癌の互換性

  7. 愛と友情における魚座と魚座の互換性

  8. 愛と友情における牡羊座と牡羊座の互換性

  9. 愛と友情におけるおうし座とおうし座の互換性