DreamsAstrology >> 占星術と夢 >  >> 占星術 >> おひつじ座



これらの 2 つの太陽の兆候を組み合わせると、問題が発生するのを待っています。それについては疑いの余地がありません。




牡羊座と双子座の関係は、控えめに言っても、興味深く刺激的なものです。 2 人とも浮気好きで、新しいことを探検したり見つけたりするのが大好きです。また、非常に情熱的で、瞬く間に飽きてしまいます。



• 精神の栄養


この 2 つを最初に結びつけるのは、物理的な魅力ではなく、知性です。 双子座と牡羊座はどちらも信じられないほど頭が良く、それが彼らを結びつけるものです。




一緒に、この 2 つは世界を征服することができます。どちらも革新的であり、革命的な考えが欠けていることはありません。


• 嫉妬しない


皮肉なことに、この関係で発生する最初の問題の 1 つは、嫉妬の欠如です。 はい、そのとおりです。牡羊座の女性は、双子座の男性が嫉妬の兆候を示さないという事実に悩まされています。





• 拒絶されることへの恐怖










しかし、深刻な関係を築いた後もこれらの慣行を続けるため、これはしばらくすると問題になります.実際、彼らのからかいは、時には境界線上の有毒であるマインド ゲームに発展します。


自分の気持ちに完全に正直であることはめったにありません。問題は、2 人とも競争するのが大好きで、勝つことを崇拝しているということです。





牡羊座の男性 双子座の女性


• 牡羊座が主導権を握る






2 人ともこのいたちごっこを楽しんでおり、それが興奮を維持しています。

• 信頼の問題


この関係の最大の問題は、信頼の問題です。この 2 つは常に異なるマインド ゲームをプレイしているため、当然、お互いを十分に信頼していません。




ここでの最大の問題は、彼らが自給自足で自立しているということです。 They’re not used to depending on others, and they have a hard time realizing that now they’re a part of a team.

• Knight in shining armor and an independent princess


Remember one thing:nothing is what it seems at first with these two. An Aries man is a modern vintage gentleman.

When he is in love, he’ll never fail to surprise his better half and make different romantic gestures for her. He’s the type of man who’ll walk you to your front door, hold your coat, and always get the bill.

Keep in mind that he likes to be in charge. He’s the dominant type, and therefore, he thinks he has to take the lead in romantic relationships as well.

Basically, he considers it his duty to keep the woman by his side safe and protected at all times. He acts like a knight in shining armor and expects a Gemini woman to play the role of the princess.

But that’s not always so easy for her, bearing in mind her independence and badass character.

She doesn’t accept the submissive position, but let me tell you a little secret:she enjoys having a man who takes care of her. Nevertheless, she wouldn’t admit this, even if her life depended on it.

Are Gemini And Aries Soulmates?


One can say that Gemini and Aries are soulmates. Yes, they have a lot in common, but they also have a lot of different character traits.

Nevertheless, the point is that these differences don’t set them apart. Instead, they bring them even closer together because Aries has everything Gemini needs and vice versa.

The best way to figure out if two people are a perfect match is to explore their moon sign compatibility because it tells so much more about person’s way of processing emotions, so check it out right here.

Why Are Gemini So Attracted To Aries?


Gemini goes crazy over Aries the moment they see that Aries can keep up with them.

Even though they appear to be more serious and grounded (almost as if they were an Earth sign), once Gemini discovers how outgoing and open-minded Aries is, they fall for them immediately.

Aries is active in every sphere of their lives. They move fast and jump from one thing to another, which is exactly what attracts Gemini.

Why Are Aries So Attracted To Gemini?


The thing that Aries loves about Gemini is that they’re persistent when they set their mind on something. Not many people know this, but they hate giving up more than anything else.

Another thing they love about Geminis is their adaptable nature. They’re not people-pleasers but are certainly capable of going with the flow in different situations and circumstances.

Can A Gemini And Aries Get Married?


Aries and Gemini are good signs to marry each other since they have a high success rate when it comes to romantic relationships. If they fall in love with each other, their union is likely to last.

Aries is the one who takes the lead in this marriage. I’m not saying that Gemini is or should be submissive, but the truth is they need Aries to give them balance and keep them grounded.

At the same time, Gemini gives this marriage the exact opposite:a dash of fun every relationship needs.

Aries And Gemini Friendship Compatibility

Do Aries and Gemini get along? Can they be friends, or are romantic feelings the only thing that connects them?

• Decisions based on impulses and emotions


The first thing that connects these two the moment they meet is that they both follow their hearts . Don’t get me wrong –

I’m not saying anything against their intellect – the truth is that they’re both sharp-minded.

Nevertheless, the truth is that they both make decisions based on emotions (similar to water signs) instead of thinking them through. They do whatever they want and often don’t think about the consequences of their actions.

I’m not saying that this is a good thing, but it’s definitely something that makes these two horoscope signs such a great match.

There is no need for much planning and thinking ahead. When they’re up to something new, all they need to do is pack their bags, and they’re good to go.

Some might say that this kind of behavior is immature. The truth is that Aries and Gemini are overly reckless from time to time.

And that bothers most people around them. But luckily, they’re pretty much the same, and that’s exactly why they get along so well.

• Adventures and trouble-making


They’re both rebellious and don’t follow the rules. Of course, that gets them into a lot of trouble.

You know those two fun best friends that travel the world together, always making a fuss wherever they appear, and even sometimes play with the law? Well, that’s Gemini and Aquarius.

If you hang out with them, you can be certain that you’ll never get bored. Even a simple walk or a cup of coffee with these two lunatics is a real adventure.

Spending time with them is like riding the craziest roller coaster in the world. They’re both extroverts who enjoy partying and meeting new people.

The best way to describe this relationship would be that they’re partners in crime. They’re there for each other, no matter the situation.

• A life-long friendship


This is exactly what differentiates an Aries and Gemini friendship and an Aries and Gemini relationship:trust. When they’re romantically involved, their trust issues are the number one problem.

But when the two of them are friends, this is not a problem. On the contrary, they would trust each other with their lives, no questions asked.

Their similarities and the fact that they always have each other’s backs is what keeps them together. An Aries-Gemini friendship is likely to last a lifetime.

Of course, it’s far from perfect because they do have their differences, but if they truly love each other, nobody can break them apart.

Aries And Gemini In Bed

What about sexual chemistry between these flirtatious signs? Will their lack of trust kill the spark in the bedroom? Or will their crazy personalities be the cause of between-the-sheets fireworks?

Are Aries and Gemini sexually compatible?

Yes, Gemini and Aries are highly compatible in the bedroom . The best thing about their bedroom activities is actually the great communication skills they both possess.

They don’t mind telling each other all about their preferences as well as talking about their deepest and darkest desires. That is exactly the key to their success.

• Passionate relationship


Both Gemini and Aries are “all or nothing” kinds of people. What does that mean for their sexual relationship?

Well, for starters, it means that they’re either fully passionate about the other person, or they don’t care about them at all. When they fall in love with each other, the sex is hot and steamy.

Even though they fall for each other’s intellect, the fact is that Aries is strongly attracted to Gemini and vice versa. But this attraction isn’t only because of their good looks – it’s all about the vibe and energy.

Aries sees sex as a game of pursuit. They enjoy chasing their partner and expect them to play hard to get, even if they’ve been together for ages.

On the other hand, Gemini is all about foreplay. They’re sensual lovers but don’t mind being a bit passive between the sheets.

The best thing about them together is that they never get tired of each other and their bedroom activities.

• Selfless lovers


Gemini and Aries don’t give up on their lovemaking until they’re both completely satisfied. They’re selfless lovers who take care of each other’s needs in the bedroom at all times.

Sometimes, this can be difficult for Aries because Gemini needs time to get in the mood.

While Aries would dedicate more time to the actual sexual act, for a Gemini, the penetration doesn’t have to last that long – what matters is intense and long-lasting foreplay.

• Sexual creativity


Both being open-minded, their sex life is never boring. They’re more than happy to introduce and accept new things in the bedroom.

Even though Gemini is a slow starter, they get used to Aries’ creativity and learn to go with the flow after a while.

General Characteristics

It’s about time we learn something more about these two individuals when they’re apart. What are their dominant personality traits? What are their biggest similarities and differences?



They’re probably the sign of the zodiac everyone has the most fun with. The life of every party. An extrovert with a great sense of humor.

That’s what we all see on the surface. But what’s hidden under these layers?

  • Ruled by:Mercury
  • Fixed sign
  • Mutable sign/air sign
  • Symbol:A pair of twins

Gemini compatibility with other star signs


Now that we’ve learned everything there is to know about Aries-Gemini love compatibility, let’s check out how this sign of the zodiac gets along with other signs.

  • Compatible with:Libra, Aquarius, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius,
  • Incompatible with:Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces, Taurus

Personality traits:

You must love a Gemini – if you have one in your life. But why is that so? What are the characteristics of a Gemini that make them so special?

  • Outgoing
  • Intelligent
  • Unreliable
  • Impulsive
  • Inconsistent



Let’s find out more about this sign of the zodiac as well. Here is some basic info about Aries.

  • Ruled by Mars
  • Cardinal sign
  • Fire sign
  • Symbol:Ram

Aries compatibility with other star signs:


Who is Aries compatible with except Gemini? And who are the zodiac signs they can’t stand?

  • Compatible with:Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Libra
  • Incompatible with:Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces

Personality traits:

If you don’t know anyone belonging to this horoscope sign, here is a sneak peek into their personality. Check out their most important traits:

  • Confident
  • Leadership skills
  • Direct
  • Aggressive
  • Brave

Are Aries And Gemini A Good Match?


Are Aries and Gemini compatible?

After everything we’ve found out about these two, there is no doubt that they are a perfect match. They don’t only get along well friendship-wise and between the sheets but also have high marriage compatibility.

This zodiac compatibility is quite rare and difficult to find. The two are each other’s soulmates and have the potential of being one another’s happily ever after – if they just try hard enough to make things work.

If you want to find out more about Aries’ personality traits, here is some insight into their character. The same goes for Gemini – these are all of their traits revealed.

  1. 愛と友情における牡羊座と山羊座の互換性

  2. 愛と友情における牡羊座と乙女座の互換性

  3. 愛と友情における牡羊座と射手座の互換性

  4. 愛と友情における双子座と魚座の互換性

  5. 愛と友情における牡羊座と蠍座の互換性

  6. 愛と友情における牡羊座と魚座の互換性

  7. 愛と友情における双子座と獅子座の互換性

  8. 愛と友情におけるジェミニとがんの互換性

  9. 愛と友情における牡羊座と蟹座の互換性