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問題は次のとおりです:これら 2 つの兆候は、関係を機能させることができ、その意思があるか? 以下に、愛、ベッド、友情における彼らの互換性について知っておく必要があるすべてを示します!



牡羊座は火のサイン、乙女座は地のサインです。 火の星座は風の星座 (水瓶座、双子座、てんびん座) と相性が良いことが知られていますが、両者が関係を修復する意思がある場合は、地の星座ともうまくいく可能性があります。

牡羊座は木星に支配され、乙女座は水星に支配されています。 木星は哲学、精神性、高等教育の惑星であり、水星はコミュニケーションと分析に関する惑星です。


カーディナル サイン VS ミュータブル サイン

牡羊座は枢機卿の星座ですが、乙女座は可変星座です。 枢機卿の兆候は、人生の多くの側面における強力なリーダーを表しています。


ミュータブル サインは、他の黄道帯よりも柔軟で変化に慣れているため、黄道帯の「カメレオン」として知られています。彼らは発明家であり、偉大な思想家です。

情熱 VS 実用性

牡羊座は頑固で、決断力があり、情熱的で、衝動的で、攻撃的です。 彼らは他の人から隠すことのできない強烈な感情を持っています。




おとめ座は、論理的で、忍耐強く、実際的な星座です。 彼らは完璧主義者であり、優れたコミュニケーターであり、発明家です。ただし、この太陽のサインは、過度に批判的で、考えすぎモードに入る場合があります。



これらの 2 つの星座には多くの共通点はありませんが、関係を改善する意思があれば、完全に互換性があります。



乙女座と牡羊座の恋の相性は最高ではありませんが、爆発的なものになる可能性があります (ポジティブな意味で)。乙女座はゆっくりと恋に落ちますが、牡羊座は衝動的で非常に情熱的であるため、より速いペースで恋に落ちます。






乙女座の女性と牡羊座の男性、またはその逆は、どちらも頑固な兆候です (ただし、牡羊座は火の要素があるため、本質的にもう少し頑固です)。 牡羊座は、同じようなエネルギーを共有する人々と一緒にいることを楽しんでいます。


この 2 つの魂の間に意見の相違がある場合、彼らはプライベートでも公の場でもためらわずに議論します。どちらも妥協を始めない場合、これは彼らの関係を破局へと導く可能性があります。




On the contrary, Virgo women are looking for a stable and secure life, which is not a surprise given that they are an earth sign.

Aries is a type of person who lives in the moment, whereas partner Virgo overthinks things, and is mostly concerned with the future.

A Virgo woman will also remember all the details about her lover (the favorite color of her partner, their date of birth, you name it).

Aries man and Virgo woman can create a loyal and respectful relationship together if they accept their dissimilarities when it comes to their desires and needs.

They can establish a balanced relationship through healthy conversation, which will create a stronger love match.

Virgo Man And Aries Woman Love Compatibility


According to astrology experts, a Virgo man is a fixer. Therefore, they often find themselves in relationships with those who they think need help.

Well, an Aries woman is not the type of woman who accepts other people’s help that easily. She’s a fiercely independent woman, and stubborn as well. You can read this in a daily Aries woman horoscope.

When her partner Virgo offers to help her, she might get insulted by his gesture. This could cause resentment between the two of them.

If we add holding grudges to the equation, the whole thing could go south sooner than it officially started.

Virgo man lacks self-expression, which can be bad for their love match. Their relationship could become dependent on an Aries woman’s expressions of love, which can lead to nonreciprocity.

Can Virgo And Aries Get Married?


Aries-Virgo compatibility in marriage is strong if both partners participate in making the best of their relationship. Their marriage is emotional and intense, and it is based on trust.

Truth be told, at first sight, relationships between Virgos and Aries will seem more like they are friends than in a romantic relationship. This is a good thing because being friends first is the basis for a healthy marriage.

These two zodiacs will fight, but they will also respect each other and create something truly meaningful together.

Virgo will be the one paying attention to details (which is evident in their horoscope), whereas Aries will make sure that their marriage (and sex life) never lack passion. Together, they can make a balanced match.

10 Aries And Virgo Relationship Tips


Aries-Virgo relationships can be tricky, and that’s why I suggest reading and implementing the following pieces of advice:

  • Patience is required.
  • Listen to your emotions.
  • Focus on other things outside your relationship as well.
  • Avoid discussing things that create differences between the two of you.
  • Always look for new ways to spice up your sex life.
  • Don’t take your partner for granted.
  • Respect each other’s choices.
  • Spend quality time together.
  • Apologize after a fight.
  • Don’t draw comparisons between your backgrounds.
  • Aries-Virgo Emotional Compatibility


    Their emotional compatibility is definitely stronger than their sexual one. Virgo is an intellectual sign who likes to think logically, whereas Aries relies on passion and impulsive decisions.

    Their emotional compatibility depends on their patience. Aries should give Virgo some time to express themselves. Aries shouldn’t rush things and overwhelm Virgo with their intense passion or aggressive tendencies.

    Aries (as being a fire sign) should also think before acting so that they avoid the consequences of their impulsiveness. Virgo is required to be patient with Aries and reduce judging.

    These two zodiac signs can establish strong emotional compatibility if they are willing to be patient and listen to each other.

    Aries-Virgo Communication Compatibility


    These two zodiac signs can be really annoying to each other at times mostly due to Aries’ impulsive personality trait.

    When Aries believes in something, they become determined to fight for it, and even lose their mind over it (even if it’s trivial).

    Overanalyzing VS stubbornness

    The (potential) downside of Virgos is their never-ending talks, accompanied by overanalyzing and critical thinking. When you connect these two mindsets and their personalities, endless fights could become inevitable.

    Aries will surely never change their stubborn trait, whereas Virgo won’t stop overthinking and analyzing their behavior. Or, maybe I’m wrong.

    I’m sure there are plenty of Aries-Virgo matches that succeeded in making their conversation compatibility descent. By descent, I mean respecting each other’s unique way of thinking and acting.

    Balancing personality traits is the key to successful communication

    Once they manage to balance their traits, their communication will become strong. However, not everything is “doomed”.

    If they share the same interest, they will cooperate and enjoy long hours of intellectual conversations. They will challenge each other’s minds and awaken each other’s intelligence.

    When Aries and Virgo cooperate, they can be excellent problem-solvers due to Aries’ creativity and thinking outside the box, and ‘Virgo practicality’.

    Aries And Virgo In Bed


    Aries and Virgo compatibility in bed is challenging. Here’s why.

    Routine VS experimenting

    Virgo is the type of person who perceives sex as a practical act due to their practical personality. This means that they won’t mind repetitiveness in the bedroom (repeating the same moves, positions, and similar).

    On the contrary to Virgo, Aries personality is fiery, passionate, and creative. Aries is not the type of person who could repeat the same moves over and over again. Instead, they are driven by adventure, and repetition bores them.

    This doesn’t mean that Aries doesn’t enjoy steamy games with Virgo when they’re together, and vice versa. It’s just that Aries will want to implement new things in the bedroom, but a Virgo will want to stick to the routine when it comes to sex.

    Compromising is required

    Virgo-Aries sex life can turn from challenging to intense if they learn to compromise. Virgo should work on their inability to step outside of their comfort zone, and Aries should work on their understanding.

    In other words, they shouldn’t have unrealistic expectations from each other, but focus on other good things in the bedroom.

    Once they manage to do so, they will not pressure one another, but create a peaceful and balanced atmosphere.

    Aries – Virgo Friendship Compatibility


    Aries-Virgo Friendship compatibility is strong as long as they accept each other’s personality traits. Their relationship can be intense, and it has the capacity to move from enemies towards BFF.

    If you’re friends with Aries, then you know they like to hear themselves talk. If you’re friends with Virgo, you know that they are great listeners. That is one of the reasons why their conversations could last for hours.

    Virgo-Aries compatibility is based on their sense of humor, respect, and appreciation (just like every other Aries-Virgo relationship).

    When they’re together, they can’t stop laughing and creating new memories that will make their bond even stronger. All they need to do is agree to disagree when needed and there won’t be any problems.

    The Bottom Line


    Aries and Virgo compatibility is odd, but promising if both signs invest themselves in a relationship. Their love life, friends match, and sex life can be described in the following terms:strong emotions, fun, intense, respect, practicality, passion.

    Here is some additional info that could help you understand these two zodiacs better:

    In astrology, sun sign and moon sign compatibility can tell you a lot more about the traits of each zodiac and whether they’re compatible with other signs.

    For more information about these two zodiac signs, follow their daily or monthly horoscopes and, ladies, don’t skip reading the following:This Is How He’ll Act If He’s Falling In Love With You, Based On His Zodiac.



    1. 愛と友情における乙女座と水瓶座の互換性

    2. 愛と友情における乙女座と射手座の互換性

    3. 愛と友情における牡羊座と射手座の互換性

    4. 愛と友情における乙女座と蠍座の互換性

    5. 愛と友情における牡羊座と蠍座の互換性

    6. 愛と友情における牡羊座と魚座の互換性

    7. 愛と友情における獅子座と乙女座の互換性

    8. 愛と友情における牡牛座と乙女座の互換性

    9. 愛と友情における牡羊座と蟹座の互換性