DreamsAstrology >> 占星術と夢 >  >> 占星術 >> てんびん座





では、あなたが最も興味を持っていることについて話しましょう。 天秤座と水瓶座は互換性が大好きです。彼らはお互いに惹かれ合っていますか、そしてその理由は何ですか?彼らは長期的な組合を構築する可能性がありますか?調べてみましょう!



• 社会的基準を無視する



この星座に属する人を知っている場合 (または、これがあなたの星座である場合)、彼らが自分の星座に溶け込もうとはしないことをよく知っています。

代わりに、彼らは通常、群を抜いて目立ちます。 一部の人にとっては、これは多すぎるかもしれませんが、てんびん座にとってはそうではありません.実際、これは彼らが潜在的なパートナーについて最も愛していることです.


そして、てんびん座は細部に目を向けることを忘れないでください。したがって、これら 2 つのエネルギーが衝突しないことはありえません。




• エネルギーと熱意







• 革新的なアイデア


水瓶座は革命的な天才です。 彼らは誰の足跡もたどらず、常に新しいことに取り組んでいます。

彼らの計画やプロジェクトは多くの人にとってクレイジーに見えるかもしれませんが、Libra は常にパートナーをサポートしてくれます。









• 知的刺激


てんびん座は非常に魅力的です – 誰もそれに反対することはできません.正確に言うと、彼らはおそらく干支全体で最も美しくハンサムな人々の 1 人です。


彼らはいつも身なりがよく(場合によっては)、素晴らしいにおいがし、髪はきちんとしています。素晴らしいメイクアップ スキルを持つてんびん座の女性のことを忘れないでください。

はい、おそらくほとんどの人がこの星座について最初に気付くのは、彼らの外見です (特に水瓶座の男性と天秤座の女性について話している場合)。

しかし、アクエリアスを打ちのめすのは天秤座の外見ではなく、頭脳です。 これらの 2 つの兆候は、信じられないほどの知的な刺激を互いに提供します。

それが誰もが夢中になる理由であり、Libra も例外ではありません。



この 2 つは、実質的に何でも話すことができます。日常的なことについて情報やアイデアを交換しますが、深い話題にも取り組みます。


• 必要なバランス



一見すると、この2人は地獄で行われたラブマッチだと思うかもしれません.しかし実際には、すべての占星術師は、この 2 つは互いに補完し合うと言うでしょう。はい、てんびん座は優柔不断で、そうです、水瓶座は瞬く間に決断を下します。


While Aquarius acts in a moment and does everything impulsively, Libra will always think things through before making any decisions.

So, if you’re wondering what one of the strongest things that attract Aquarius to Libra is, it’s the balance they give them.

To be precise, this might not be the first thing that draws Aquarians to Libras, but it’s definitely something that makes them stick around.

Libra will give them something they didn’t even know they needed, and that’s the true beauty of their relationship.

• No judgments


For as long as they can remember, Aquarius was an outcast. Yes, they might have a lot of friends, but the truth is that not many people truly understand them and their point of view.

They’re a bit weird and have been turned down and rejected multiple times in the past.なんで? The answer is pretty simple:because, for many people, they’re too much.

Well, not for Libra, they’re not. Libra is full of understanding and never judges people.

Ironic, isn’t it, especially if you keep in mind that they represent justice and law and the scales are their symbol? Actually, if you think about it, that’s exactly what makes them so non-judgmental.

To be exact, Libra will never form an opinion about you based on shallow things. They don’t make assumptions and work hard to stay away from prejudices.

That means that they look at everything from a different perspective before forming an opinion on you. And that’s why Aquarius likes them.

Libra will always put effort into digging a little deeper under the surface. They will do everything in their power to get to know this new Aquarius in their life and even try walking a mile in their shoes.

Aquarius vs. Libra

Now that we’ve covered all the good things about this union, it’s time to tackle the negative sides of the Aquarius Libra relationship. After all, everything can’t be so perfect, can it?

• Self-sufficient vs. emotionally neglectful


Aquarius is more than just independent:they’re also self-sufficient. This means that they practically don’t need anyone to be happy.

Don’t get me wrong:I’m not saying that they’re introverts without friends or family they stay in touch with. Aquarius has a best friend, a bunch of acquaintances, gets along with their coworkers, and leads a pretty active social life.

I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about the fact that they choose to let these people into their lives.

Nevertheless, they’re not emotionally dependent on them. And they behave the same way in a romantic relationship as well.

They can love their partner to the moon and back, but they can live without them regardless. Their SO’s presence in their life is not mandatory, and it’s definitely not a condition for happiness.

The truth is that Aquarius can make themselves happy – without anyone around. They cherish the relationship they have with themselves over everything.

Even though this is great for them, it often makes a Libra partner feel emotionally neglected. They frequently doubt their significant other’s love and end up feeling unwanted.

次は何が起こる? Well, Libra gets accused of being too clingy, which is something that Aquarius doesn’t tolerate.

Of course, this doesn’t have to be the end of the romance between these two star signs. If they manage to find a middle ground, their relationship might survive this obstacle.

Nevertheless, the truth is that this is the point where Aquarius and Libra are likely to part ways.

• Independence and commitment-phobia vs. settling down


Aquarius is adventurous and always up for trying new things. This is exactly what makes them so attractive to the opposite sex.

Let’s be real – nobody loves a boring relationship – especially not in the beginning. We’re all into fun and games, and that’s exactly what Aquarius gives.

Nevertheless, after a while, for Libra, this becomes a problem. They’re also into partying, traveling, and exploring all of the world’s beauties, but they don’t plan on doing it forever – unlike Aquarius, who never thinks of changing their lifestyle.

Aquarius is the Peter Pan of the zodiac. They’re childish and surrounded by excitement.

But sadly, this is not something you can build a long-lasting relationship on. Sooner or later, Libra wants to settle down and move their relationship to the next level.

Nevertheless, Aquarius struggles with a fear of commitment. They’re terrified of the mere thought of being stuck in one place and being held down.

When they hear the words ‘marriage’ or ‘serious relationship,’ they have a panic attack. They connect it to being tied down since they’re aware that this kind of lifestyle would stifle their wild personality.

• Impulsive vs. indecisive


Here is another problem with Aquarius and Libra:their different attitudes toward making decisions, especially important ones.

Aquarius is impulsive and never thinks twice before doing something. On the other hand, Libra has to put every little thing on a scale.

I’m not claiming that neither of them is right here:they just have different approaches to things. Nevertheless, the problem arises when these differences grow so big that they start to annoy them both.

Aquarius simply can’t stand Libra’s indecisiveness. It gets on their nerves, and they think it takes up too much of their precious time – time they could use for new, exciting adventures.

They prefer to follow their gut and claim that overthinking never brought anything good to anyone.

On the other hand, Libra starts to accuse Aquarius of being too irrational, irresponsible, and immature. According to them, you can’t just do whatever comes to mind without looking at all the pros and cons.

These differences don’t represent a problem for these two love birds at first.

It’s one thing when they can’t agree about the restaurant they’re having dinner at that night, but it’s something completely different when they have different points of view when it comes to deciding what house to buy or where to live.

• Dominance vs. dominance


Opposites attract, similarities last. Well, in the case of Aquarius and Libra, there are situations when they’re actually so similar that they can’t reach a middle ground.

Maybe the biggest problem for this couple is that they both have this incredible desire for dominance. Nobody accepts the submissive position in the relationship.

Don’t get me wrong:I’m not saying that two partners shouldn’t be equal in a romance. But the problem with these two is the constant power struggle they engage in.

Who is right, and who is wrong? Who will be the first to back down? Who will say “I’m sorry”? Who will accept the other person’s suggestion?

This power struggle starts with small things but continues with big ones as well. Of course, after a while, it gets quite tiring for both parties, and sadly, it often brings an end to their romance.

Are Aquarius and Libra soulmates?

Even though Libra and Aquarius might seem like a perfect match, in most cases, their connection is not meant to last forever. Actually, it’s more likely for them to get into a karmic relationship – one that will teach them a lot but not give them the happily ever after they might have hoped for.

These two make great friends, get along amazingly well at work but are not romantic soulmates.

Aquarius And Libra Sexually

How do these two get along sexually? Are they compatible in the bedroom, and can they please each other?
All of your questions are about to be answered. Here is everything you need to know about Aquarius and Libra in bed.

• Emotional bond before physical connection


The thing that connects these two is that they both prefer forming a strong emotional connection with a person of the opposite sex before jumping right into bed with them.

No, this is not me saying that they don’t have a wild sex life – once it gets there. Actually, their physical relationship tends to be extra spicy and steamy.

Nevertheless, the point is that things between them aren’t likely to begin that way from the start. Before they sleep together, they have to learn how to trust each other.

Also, what’s important for both of these horoscope signs is to be comfortable next to the other person before engaging in any under-the-sheet activities.

This doesn’t mean that they have to fall madly in love before even kissing, let alone doing anything else. Nevertheless, they’re unlikely to sleep together the first night they meet either.

First and foremost, a spark and a vibe have to appear between them. Once they both feel bonded and secure, that’s when the real fireworks take place.

• Wild vs. reserved


The problem between these two in the bedroom occurs because Aquarius is sometimes wild to extremes while Libra is more reserved. Libra is more elegant and classy under the sheets, while Aquarius is more savage.

In practice, this means that Libra is more into gentle lovemaking while Aquarius is into wild, steamy sex without any breaks whatsoever.

Libra is used to sticking to basics. On the contrary, Aquarius enjoys trying new things and experimenting in the bedroom.

The good thing here is that neither of them is close-minded. If they put in the slightest effort, Libra can get used to

Aquarius’ dark side and go with the flow.

This is another aspect of their relationship in which they want to be in charge. Both Aquarius and Libra want to take over the leadership role in sex.

Aquarius And Libra Friendship Compatibility

I know what you must be wondering right now:are these two better as friends or lovers? Can Aquarius and Libra be friends? I guess there’s only one way to find out:by reading on and seeing for yourself.

These two zodiac signs are highly compatible in friendship. So if you’re wondering if Aquarius and Libra are friends – the answer is, in most cases, yes. In fact, this is probably the best kind of relationship for this pair .

Friendship is the field where their similarities take over their differences, and here is exactly why.

• Extrovert/social butterfly


The first thing that connects them is that they both have extremely outgoing personalities. Of course, this doesn’t mean that they can become best friends with just about anyone who enters their lives.

Nevertheless, they certainly don’t have any problem fitting in with different social groups and becoming the life of the party.

Yes, Aquarius is often perceived as a weirdo, but at the end of the day, people don’t mind spending time with them.

Aquarius is the textbook example of an extrovert, and everyone will tell you that Libra is a true social butterfly. These two combined make a perfect friendship match – at least, at first glance.

• People pleasing/adaptable


Do Aquarius and Libra get along? In most cases, they do. The important thing here is that they understand each other almost perfectly.

Remember how Aquarius loves that Libra doesn’t judge them? It goes both ways, and that’s exactly what makes their friendship so great.

Nevertheless, maybe the best part about it is the combination of Libra’s people-pleasing skills and Aquarius’ adaptability.

Let’s be real here:Libra being a people pleaser is awful for them. But, it’s great for others around them.

At the same time, there is Aquarius, who has no trouble adapting to different circumstances and places.

Overall, these two don’t have much to fight over as friends.

• Adventurous vs. playing it safe


So what are the downsides of this friendship? Or is it all sunshine and roses?

Well, maybe the only thing that differentiates the two is that Aquarius is adventurous (at all times and ages) while Libra prefers playing it safe.

Even though this is not an obstacle to a true friendship, it can get in the way of their activities together.

This can be best seen, for example, when they travel together. Aquarius would always choose an active vacation that includes exploring new areas and cultures and even visiting some dangerous places.

They don’t mind going to the jungle or on a safari.

On the other hand, Libra prefers a fancy hotel where they’ll be treated like royalty. It would be even better if they could go to a place they’ve already visited, so they know what to expect.

The examples are endless, but I’m sure you get the point. Basically, Libra enjoys their comfort zone, and Aquarius despises it.


Now that you’ve learned a lot about these two together, maybe you want to dig a little deeper into them as individuals. Let’s check out what’s hidden underneath these two zodiac signs.



Libra, the peacemaker of the zodiac (especially those with the Libra moon sign). The one who hates arguing. Nevertheless, there is much more to them than just this.

  • Ruled by Venus
  • エアサイン
  • Cardinal sign
  • Symbol:Scale

Libra compatibility with other signs


You know everything about Aquarius and Libra compatibility. But what about Libra’s compatibility with other signs?

  • Compatible with:Pisces, Scorpio, Gemini, Leo, Taurus Sagittarius, Aquarius, Aries
  • Incompatible with:Capricorn, Cancer

What is Libra’s perfect match?

Libra’s perfect match is probably Gemini. Both of them are social and outgoing, which makes them so great together.

When they first meet, it appears that neither of them takes life too seriously. They’re playful and enjoy flirting over anything.

But their relationship is quite prosperous in the later stages, especially due to their loyalty and devotion to each other.

Personality traits:

Here are some of Libra’s main positive and negative traits. Here is what makes them so damn incredible and unique:

  • Indecisive
  • Fair
  • Social
  • Conflict-phobic
  • Intelligent



What about Aquarius’ personality traits? What makes them so special?

  • Ruled by Uranus and Saturn
  • エアサイン
  • 固定記号
  • シンボル:ウォーターベアラー

Aquarius compatibility with other signs:


What are the Sun signs that get along with Aquarius? And which ones can’t they stand?

  • Compatible with:Aries, Libra, Sagittarius, Gemini
  • Incompatible with:Taurus, Scorpio, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces

What is an Aquarius’ perfect match?

Gemini is Aquarius’ perfect match. These two air signs get along in almost all life situations – especially when it comes to their social lives.

They have so much in common and share so many similarities that make them a true match made in heaven. They have no trouble keeping up with each other’s wild sides and outgoing personalities.

What makes them so great together is that they find everything they’re looking for in a partner in each other. Neither of them wants to settle down, and ironically, that’s exactly what makes them both settle down with each other.

Personality traits:

Check out some of the basic characteristics of this sign. If you have someone belonging to this zodiac in your surroundings, you’re already familiar with these characteristics. But if you’re just getting to know an Aquarius woman or man, bearing these in mind will come in handy.

  • Rebellious
  • Eccentric
  • Original
  • Intelligent
  • Unpredictable

Are Aquarius And Libra Compatible?


To conclude, Libra and Aquarius might not be the perfect zodiac match, but that doesn’t make them incompatible either.

The truth is that they have their share of differences, but that’s not something that they can’t overcome.

The fact is that they function better as friends than lovers. Nevertheless, with the slightest effort invested, they can become each other’s forever people as well.

If you’re interested in finding out more about Aquarius, read everything about their personality traits. Also, here is some insight into Libra’s characteristics.

  1. 愛と友情における蠍座と射手座の互換性

  2. 愛と友情における蟹座と射手座の互換性

  3. 愛と友情における天秤座と蠍座の互換性

  4. 愛と友情における山羊座と水瓶座の互換性

  5. 愛と友情におけるがんと山羊座の互換性

  6. 愛と友情における天秤座と山羊座の互換性

  7. 愛と友情における天秤座と魚座の互換性

  8. 愛と友情における蟹座と天秤座の互換性

  9. 愛と友情における牡羊座と天秤座の互換性