- 夢の中の棺は、多くの場合、完了を示します。つまり、サイクルの終わりと新しいサイクルの始まりです。
- 夢のシナリオでのオブジェクトの存在は、敗北の兆候として解釈することもできます。
- 最悪のシナリオでは、それを夢見ることで、死別の期間を予見することができます。
- 積極的に、棺は夢想家と彼または彼女の愛する人たちの生活の中で至福の時期を告げることができます。
- 経済的な観点から、このオブジェクトは、夢想家が予見可能な将来に蓄積する予期せぬ莫大な財産の兆候です。
棺の夢を経験したことがありますか ?正確には何を見ましたか?きちんと装飾された棺の中、誰も触れずに動く棺、それとも死んだ人の復活?

7。 2つの棺が隣り合って横たわっているという夢
専門家によると、夢の中の子供は病気の発症を表しています。 「なぜ子供なのか、大人じゃないのか」と疑問に思われる方もいらっしゃると思いますが、それはまだ病気が初期段階にあるからです。
If you dream of crying in front of a coffin, there’s a possibility that one of your lifelong wishes will come true.
Another approach to the dream is that you will hear extremely pleasant news concerning a family member or a close friend.
61. A dream of sleeping inside a coffin
Here, the coffin stands for your comfort zone. Therefore, a dream about sleeping inside a coffin denotes escapism. According to the plot, you are running away from responsibilities by keeping yourself bottled up in your comfort zone.
According to other experts, the dream heralds pleasant times ahead. Likely the dream promises good times with someone.
Keep in mind that the interpretation may flip for those who are not in the best of health. If you are presently sick or are suffering from any lingering health problem, the dream portends complications while trying to recover from the illness.
Negatively, sleeping inside a coffin in a dream symbolizes depression and loss of motivation.
62. Dreaming about praying in front of a coffin
According to the scenario, you give much importance to material possessions. In pursuit of worldly riches, you have been ignoring life and its essence.
Through the dream, your subconscious advises you to live in the moment. Enjoy life for what it is, treasure human relationships, and learn to see the beauty of everyday happenings.
63. A dream about lifting a coffin
Let’s take a look at the scenario first!
What does lifting a coffin mean, in other words? Isn’t it the same as lifting a dead person or the weight of a dead person?
The plot implies a similar meaning. Having a dream about lifting a coffin implies you are bearing the weight of something dead, or the failure of someone else.
Say, your boss has created a mess at work. As one of his subordinates, he or she might have to dump everything on you and you have no option but to accept and clean up the mess he created.
Though you have nothing to do with it, you are left to bear the dead weight of his or her actions.
64. A dream of carrying a coffin
According to the Wanderer’s dream book, a coffin in the dream world symbolizes loss/ grief.
From that perspective, a dream about being a pallbearer signifies some of your reckless behavior, attitude, actions, and decisions will bring sorrow to your near ones.
Now that the dream happened, it might be a good idea to revisit and reevaluate your decisions and actions and make amends before it gets too late.
Alternatively, dreaming about carrying a coffin either alone or as a part of a congregation signifies the success you will achieve by gaining the respect of those around you.
Another interesting meaning behind such a dream is that you are slowly making progress towards a grim result. Day after day, your actions are contributing to a loss, which will someday amount to a massive loss.
65. A dream about carrying a coffin and dropping it
Having a dream about dropping a coffin while carrying it may seem like an ill omen. But it has a positive connotation.
Based on the plot, you have the ability to come up with quick solutions when you are suddenly pushed to a dead end.
66. Carrying the lid of a coffin in a dream
Having a dream about carrying a coffin lid is a symbol of despair, hopelessness, poverty, and health issues.
67. Dropping a coffin in a dream
If you dream about dropping a coffin or at least hear it fall to the ground, it means you will successfully avoid negative events, situations, and energies that show up in your way.
68. A dream about watching someone carry a coffin
Watching someone carry a coffin in a dream heralds bad news.
69. Dreaming about someone else dropping a coffin
This particular dream may occur during the sleep state of those who are guiding or influencing other people in certain aspects of life.
According to the dream, you certainly have a positive influence on your siblings, subordinates, colleagues – whoever fits into the shoes. In due time, your efforts will pay off and they will begin to see the results of your guidance.
70. A dream wherein a coffin falls to the floor and breaks
The plot signifies major changes that will shake your whole life up from various aspects.
71. Dreaming about carrying a coffin into your house
The plot is associated with your plans on how to generate more income for yourself and your family.
72. A dream about carrying a coffin away from your home
According to the scenario, a few friendships and partnerships will cost you financial loss and mental peace. Therefore, take the scenario as a warning and do not let just anyone get into your circle.
73. A dream about a coffin inside your house
A coffin inside your house, either with a dead body or nothing at all is a sign of positivity. Soon, there will be a substantial improvement in your professional life – be it in terms of a salary hike or a promotion.
74. Dreaming about a coffin in your room or any other room
The dream points to your recklessness that is bringing trouble and humiliation not only to you but to everyone associated with you.
Also, recall where exactly you saw the coffin as the location plays a prime role.
75. Dreaming about a coffin under your bed
Having a dream of a coffin lying right under your bed shows that you are engaging in awful activities that literally bring you closer to your grave.
According to the plot, you must step back from whatever you have gotten entangled with before you get buried.
76. Coffin in the backyard in a dream
From all perspectives, seeing a coffin in the backyard is an ill omen. Generally, such types of dreams occur to warn the dreamer of a tragedy that is about to befall his or her family.
It can be anything from untimely death to bankruptcy to divorce, etc.
77. Dreaming about a coffin in a hearse
To dream about a coffin in a hearse warns you against road accidents.
78. Dreaming about a coffin in the middle of a church
A coffin covered with flowers placed in the middle of a church stands for an unsuccessful marriage.
79. A dream about a coffin at a funeral service
While a coffin has a negative connotation, funerals in the dream world are generally associated with victory and blessings.
Additionally, the ceremony is regarded as a process of tying loose ends so as to progress with a clean heart and mind.
Since the scenario involves both coffin and funeral, the dream may be indicating a trying time from which you will come out victorious.
Yet, there are experts who believe a casket and a funeral service together in a dream portends unpleasant events.
80. Seeing a coffin in the middle of a cemetery
To dream of seeing a coffin inside a cemetery denotes you will soon undergo a period of grief and mourning.
81. Dreaming about a coffin blocking your way
This calls for a celebration as you will soon be victorious! Chances are, you had kept your adversaries at a pedestal. You were initially under the notion that they are invincible and would be impossible to defeat.
But soon, time will reveal who the real hero is. The scenario further hints at your bright future ahead.
82. Dreaming about being surrounded by coffins
Here, the coffins represent people and situations that give you nothing but worry and ill consequences. They seem to be lurking around and you can’t help but feel overwhelmed.
83. Dreaming about selling a coffin
According to the dream, you would soon be able to get rid of unnecessary baggage. Perhaps you will be able to move past emotions and feelings that no longer serve you.
Or the dream plot may simply be referring to decluttering and a mass cleaning.
84. A dream about buying a coffin
Buying a coffin in the dream world is a harbinger of hard times, especially in terms of finance. In the coming days and months, you may find yourself in situations that would need you to empty your pockets.
They may be the result of your recklessness or ill luck. Regardless, the dream reminds you to be frugal and set aside cash for the forthcoming difficult days, if you can.
Here, let us remind you once again that dreams provide you with a lens to see what your conscious mind couldn’t. Therefore, paying heed to the scenarios and their meanings will save you trouble.
In this case, if you let your conscious mind direct your actions and neglect the dream meanings altogether, the chances of you getting into debt are exceedingly high.
On the other hand, buying a coffin in a dream signifies your fears, thoughts, and opinions of death.
85. A dream about finding a coffin
To dream about finding a coffin indicates it’s time you literally put something or someone inside that coffin and send it off.
Take the memories of your ex-lover, for instance. Since the two of you have ended the relationship, the time you spend together and the memories are as good as dead.
There’s no point in keeping them alive and dragging them around in your present and future.
Therefore, your dream wants you to pack the dead up and bury them deep inside.
86. A dream about a coffin lid with a cross on it
The scenario is a wake-up call for you to incorporate several changes in your life. Possibly this is the last call. You might never get another chance again.
87. Dreaming about a coffin filled with flowers
Seeing a coffin filled to the brim with flowers signifies a promotion at work.
88. A coffin filled with water in a dream
The image alludes to the womb. According to the plot, you will soon experience the cycle of life either through rebirth or death.
89. A dream about a coffin floating on water
Having a dream about a coffin floating on water signifies you will stumble upon wealth pretty soon.
90. A dream about coffin and grave
The scenario warns you to be more careful with your words and actions. You have the tendency to hurt others unintentionally through your sharp words.
Dreams About Coffin:Different Types
91. A dream about seeing an old coffin
Having a dream about an old coffin is closely associated with a loss of money. Chances are, the people you hang out with day in and day out are to blame for this.
Take this dream as an opportunity and analyze who’s worth keeping in your circle and who’s not.
92. Dreaming about a new coffin
To dream about a new coffin is a sign that you will successfully eliminate your problems.
93. A dream about a stone coffin
It is a positive sign to see a stone coffin in a dream as the plot heralds power and financial security.
94. Wooden coffin in a dream
At any point in time, if a wooden coffin appears in your dream, the scenario indicates you are a perfectionist. You strive for the best and refuse to move on to the next until you are 100% satisfied with your present dealings.
But does your subconscious encourage that?
Remember, your goal is PROGRESS, not PERFECTION! If you keep on lingering on something until you are absolutely happy with it, chances are, you will never reach your destination.
Wooden coffins also mark an ending and a beginning of something new.
95. A dream about carrying a wooden coffin
Carrying a wooden coffin in a dream is a good sign. There’s a possibility that what you yearn to attain is what you are made to do in your life.
96. Dreaming about a tin coffin
According to the scenario, your near and dear ones often offer advice, opinions, and suggestions with the best of intentions.
However, you always draw a line and try your best not to let their opinions affect your decision. Then, what can be the meaning behind the dream? Nobody is perfect in this world. One person’s weakness can be another’s strength.
What we are trying to hint at is the fact that someone may be able to resolve a problem that you believe is impossible to solve.
Hence, the dream encourages you not to brush away others’ opinions and thoughts. At least, listen to them, let them sink in, and see if you can make any use of their advice.
You never know!
97. Dreaming about a glass coffin
If you dream about a glass coffin, it is a sign that your personal matters will become transparent and see-through just like a glass.
It’s only a matter of time before the personal becomes public, open for everyone to see.
98. A dream about a silver coffin
The dream indicates you will be able to reap a considerable amount of profits with little investment.
99. Dreams about a golden coffin
Generally, golden coffins in the dream world symbolize inheritance. It can also stand for some other types of fortune.
Seeing a coffin with golden detailing can also indicate positive happenings. Perhaps you will suddenly become successful.
And there’s a probability that the success will take you by surprise because it will come from an event or resource you had underestimated.
100. Dreaming about a coffin moving by itself
The imagery stands for the humiliation you would soon be subjected to. From the looks of it, you have no one to blame but yourself.
You brought disgrace upon yourself through your immature actions and behaviors.
101. A dream about a coffin covered with dust
The plot symbolizes the evil energy working around you. You must not take this dream lightly as the energies have the potential to crush your life and existence.
102. Dreaming about a flying coffin
A flying coffin in a dream has to do with problems with your partner. There’s a strong possibility that they arise from a lack of communication and misunderstandings.
The image is also related to the revelation of something important.
103. A dream about a heavy coffin
A heavy coffin in a dream is usually a sign of success. Expect to hear good news if you have been investing your time into something, of late.
On the other hand, the dream can stand for a harmonious relationship between you and your people.
104. Seeing a gigantic coffin in a dream
The plot signifies harmony as well as success in your endeavors.
105. Dreaming about a small coffin
While some experts relate the scenario to dangers and threats that you would find extremely difficult to shake off, others linked the dream to a need for a break and relaxation.
106. Coffin for babies in a dream
The image stands for lost hopes and dreams. Circumstances will compel you to give up on something you have had high hopes for.
Coffin Dream Meaning:Different Colors
107. A dream of a white coffin
Such a dream can have different interpretations. While it is often regarded as a loss of innocence, others believe that the dream happens because your soul is as pure as the color.
On the other hand, it can be a sign that you are an optimist. Whatever life puts you through, you always look at it from the brighter side, thereby boosting not only your spirits but your near ones as well.
If you find this particular meaning relatable, remember that many people look up to you for having such a mindset.
108. Dreaming about a black coffin
Based on the plot, you believe people underestimate you and do not give you the respect you deserve.
Some dream books associate the scenario with missed opportunities.
109. A dream about a brown coffin
Generally, a brown coffin in a dream announces the coming of a person into your life. Likely this individual will present himself or herself in a good way and everyone except you will be immediately smitten with the charms of this person.
Despite his or her attempts to befriend you, you will keep that person at a distance.
Your subconscious encourages you to continue in the same manner and not change your opinion about that person.
Because very soon, he or she will show his or her true colors which would be exactly the opposite of what he or she has shown so far.
110. Red coffin in a dream
If you see a red coffin inside your house in a dream, it portends trying times and loss.
Who you saw inside the coffin also plays a major role in the dream interpretation.
If you see someone you are familiar with inside the casket, you will hear a piece of news about that individual. Regardless of who, note that a living person inside a coffin portends pleasant meet-ups and new friends.
111. A pink coffin in a dream
Pink coffins symbolize the loss of innocent love.
112. A dream about a blue coffin
Blue coffins in the dream world point to a loss of harmony in the domestic sphere.
113. Dreaming of a coffin and black flowers
If you see a coffin in a dream accompanied by black flowers, it implies the unforeseen death of a person who plays a vital role in your life. Needless to say, the tragedy will take a toll on your life.
114. Seeing yellow flowers and a coffin in a dream
Having a dream that features the above two elements symbolizes unexpected fortune.
Coffin Dreams:Different Dreamers
115. Coffin in the dreams of young people
If a young person encounters a dream about a coffin, it is a sign of marriage.
116. A girl dreaming about a red coffin lid
According to dream books, the girl will have an unsuccessful marriage.
117. A married person dreaming about a coffin
In a broad sense, a coffin or coffins in the dreams of a married person is an ill omen. The scenario symbolizes either the end of your relationship due to a lack of mutual understanding or the death of one of the spouses to a terrible incident.
118. A pregnant woman dreaming about a baby inside a coffin
The scenario is related to your fears regarding the delivery of your child. Though the dream does not necessarily mean anything bad, you must take utmost care of yourself and your baby to be on the safer side.
119. A pregnant woman dreaming about lifting a coffin
If a pregnant woman lifts a coffin in her dream, it portends a smooth delivery.
120. A mother dreaming about her child in a coffin
A mother dreaming about seeing her child in a coffin symbolizes the health and long life of the child.
In case the child is presently sick, the scenario signifies a quick recovery.
However, Miller believes a dream wherein you see your child inside a coffin is an unfavorable sign.
121. A dream about seeing your grown-up child inside a coffin
Seeing your grown-up child inside a coffin in a dream is a reflection of loneliness.
122. Seeing someone else’s child inside a coffin in a dream
A dream about seeing someone else’s child inside a coffin is related to your inner child.
On the other hand, the scenario connotes that whatever stands in your way presently will clear itself with little to no effort from your end.
123. Businesspeople dreaming about coffins
Coffins in the dreams of businesspeople portend profits. Nevertheless, you should note that this is just a generic meaning. The accurate interpretation of your dream depends on your dream details and real-life circumstances.
124. Employees dreaming about coffins
In case coffins appear in the dreams of an employee, it shows he or she will be appreciated and even promoted.
125. Elderly people see coffins in their dreams
This is one of the most heartbreaking dreams anyone can encounter in their life. The coffin signals that the dreamer’s life is about to come to an end.
Coffin Dream Meaning:Dream Examples
1. A woman had recurring dreams of lying inside a coffin while listening to others talk about her life.
The woman in question was aged and because of her old age, death was constantly on her mind.
2. A woman dreamed of building her own coffin.
In reality, one of her relationships was deteriorating and she felt like her attempts to restore it were failing.
In this context, the coffin stands for her failed efforts to rebuild the relationship.
3. A young woman dreamed of a broken coffin
As mentioned in the sections above, coffins are also related to emotions in the realm of dreams.
In this case, the woman had feelings for a person who did not reciprocate in the same manner. In fact, the person in question kept on ignoring the woman.
So, the broken coffin here symbolizes the heartbreak the woman went through.
4. A man dreamed of being inside a coffin.
In waking life, the man lost his job. His circumstances pushed him to a dead end and he felt like there was no hope for him to get back on his feet again.
Here, the coffin symbolizes his acceptance of defeat.
5. In his dream, a man was asked by others to get inside a coffin.
Turns out the dreamer’s venture was on the verge of failing due to massive losses. The coffin, in this example, symbolizes the dreamer’s fear of accepting failure.
Spiritual Meaning Of A Dream About Coffin
From the spiritual point of view, a coffin symbolizes rebirth after undergoing an awfully difficult phase of life.
For instance, a decision to finally end things off with your lover after repeatedly failing to bring back the spark.
Biblical Meaning Of Dreaming Of A Coffin
From the Biblical perspective, a dream featuring a coffin or coffins denotes the end of something in your waking life.
Perhaps you have decided to let your partner go after several failed attempts to restore the relationship. Or it can also be related to your business venture.
If you find yourself in a similar situation, recall the saying ‘After the rain comes the rainbow’. Whatever you are going through may be preparing you for something grander.
And chances are, the coffin appeared in your dream all of a sudden because you absolutely need to bury the old to make room for the new.
Having said that, the Holy Bible also includes instances where the coffin has a negative connotation. When you face conflicting meanings to a particular dream interpretation, you need to analyze your life deeply.
What dream experts give is a generic meaning to the dream. As for an accurate meaning, it comes down to your life, your emotions, your social circle, and what’s happening around you.
Possible Reasons Why You Dream Of Coffins
Since coffins in the dream world can have either positive or negative connotations depending on the scenarios, there are thousands of reasons why you encountered the dream. Some of the most common ones are:
- You are an undertaker or have a profession directly or indirectly related to death. In that case, do not let the dream disturb your peace as it probably is nothing but a reflection of your daily life.
- Coffin dreams may occur if you have decided to let go of something or someone.
- However hard you try to escape, you believe you are trapped in a certain situation.
- Such dreams may also mean you have buried your genuine personality in an attempt to fit into your environment.
- A bygone event or a person from your past will come back to haunt you.
- You will find yourself caught up in a series of problems.
- Positively, coffins in the dream world also stand for the accomplishment of missions.
- Interestingly, caskets are also associated with wealth and fortune, inheritance to be more precise.
- You are gradually bringing yourself closer to misfortune.
- Something in your life has ended and will never be restored to its original place.
- You or one of your loved ones needs to see the doctor at the earliest, for your own good!
A Few Questions To Help You Get Closer to Your Meaning
It won’t be easy deciphering coffin dreams considering the object has multiple meanings and can carry either positive or negative connotations.
Though it is not possible for us to provide the exact meaning of your dream (none can do this except the dreamer), we can certainly help you get much closer to the accurate meaning of your dream.
Start by asking yourself the flowing questions. Remember to note your answers as specific as possible, exactly as you remember what happened in the dream.
Refer back to the article if you have to. Without a doubt, you would begin to see some patterns on how to proceed with the dream.
- Whose coffin did you see in the dream?
- Was it empty or was anything inside it? If anything was present, what was it – a living or a dead? Be very specific with the answer as one single point can influence the overall meaning of the dream.
- Where was it placed or where did you see it?
- What were you doing in the dream?
- Note the emotions you felt in the dream. Were you scared out of your wits or were you indifferent even when it was right before your eyes?
- Also, take into account the state and condition of the coffin? Which color was it and how big or small was it?
- Were flowers present in the dream? What about the coffin lid? Note down if you see a cross on the cover.
- Have you finally decided to let something or someone go?
- Do you think your past still influences you strongly?
- What are your ideas and thoughts on death and mortality?
- Do you or any of your loved ones have health issues that keep coming back time and time again?
- Are you engaged in habits and routines you believe bring you nothing but harm?
Who Often Dreams Of Coffin?
These types of dreams can occur in the sleep state of literally anybody because life and death, endings, and beginnings are universal and not limited to some sections of people.
However, they have been found to occur more frequently to those who are rather pessimistic about life, people who often dwell on suicidal thoughts, and life after death. In such instances, red colors also tend to appear abundantly in the plot.
Also, if a person believes he or she will fail in something even before actually working on it, coffins are likely to surface in his or her dreams.
Hopefully, we cleared your doubts and answered most of your questions on a dream of a coffin. Once again, let us remind you that coffin dreams do not necessarily amount to death.
Instead, many such dreams happen to foretell you of pleasant events or the completion of a cycle.
Remember to have an open mind while deciphering your dreams. Delve deep into your life, the past as well as the present, think of all the possibilities, and most importantly, be honest with yourself!