DreamsAstrology >> 占星術と夢 >  >>  >>  >> 







  • 行方不明の子供は、深刻な家族の機能不全や、子供の世話をするときに常に意識していることに対する不安を意識的に認識する方法を表している可能性があります
  • 行方不明の子供の夢は、成長中の子供の感情的、心理的、精神的なニーズを示している可能性があります
  • 行方不明の子供の夢は、子供があなたと一緒にいないときのコントロールとコントロールの欠如に関するものです
  • その夢が予感であることはめったにありませんが、だからと言って今後特に警戒する必要があるわけではありません
  • 夢は、実際に子供を愛し、子供のために最善を尽くしたいと思っていることを示すことができます
  • この夢は、お子さんの元気な気質に反応している場合や、完全な癇癪を起こしていて落ち着かせるのが難しい場合に表示される場合があります
  • 迷子になった子供の夢は、あなたが子供のことに関して不注意で、もっと離れていなければならないことを精神的に示唆している可能性があります
  • 深刻な危機の時に、迷子の夢が現れ、経済、権力、喪失など、人生に何かが欠けていることを示している可能性があります
  • 子供はあなたが心配しているあなたの人生の他の部分を表している可能性があり、あなた自身の祝福について考えることが重要です
  • この夢は、子供の父親に問題があることや、あなたが取り残されていると感じていることを示している可能性があります。元パートナーがあなたを去った場合、失われた子供の夢は一般的です














  • 夢の中での喪失は、目​​覚めた人生で対処しなければならないことです。喪失とは、あなたの人生で毎日起こることです。
  • 将来、つながりが失われたり、つらい状況になったりすることがあります。
  • 迷子になった子供は、あなた自身の内面の不安に関係している可能性があります。
  • 行方不明の子供を夢見るということは、今後は用心する必要があることを意味している可能性があります

私たちの夢には一定の自明の理があります。そのうちの 1 つは、子供を失うことは、夢の状態では死別のように感じることが多いということです。私たちの生活は一般的に快適で安全であり、夢の中で子供を失うことは自然の秩序に反しています.私たちがこの地球上に住んでいる毎日は学習経験であり、私たちが期待するものにサインアップすることは決してありません.その過程で、子供を失う夢を見るのはごく自然なことであり、これは癒しに関連しています。私は、あなたが夢の状態で楽しんだことを共有できる道を示す手助けをするためにここにいます.この精神的な夢が、あなたの夢のビジョンに光を当てることを意味することを願っています.










そのような悪夢の後遺症は、翌日の目覚めの生活の中でこれに続くことがよくあります.夢は現実に感じられ、まるで子供を失ったかのように感じることができます。 Hartmann による 1996 年の研究では、これらのタイプの夢を調べて、睡眠中、脳は意識よりも効果的に接続に集中していると結論付けました。言い換えれば、私たちは眠っているときに、起きている間に与えられた情報を見直しているのです。この研究では、私たちの夢の状態と、これがトラウマ的な出来事を乗り切る方法であることも調べました.本質的に夢を見ることは癒しのプロセスですが、子供を失うという悪夢を見ると問題になります.睡眠中の子供の喪失に対処する簡単な方法はありません。迷子になった子供の悪夢から目覚めると、子供がまだそこにいるかどうかを確認するために寝室に走ることがよくあります。人が子供を失うという悪夢を繰り返し見ると、日常生活で気付いていない問題が明らかになることがあります。

マイルストーンに関して子供たちを他の子供たちと比較しすぎると、これもこのトラウマ関連の夢の引き金になる可能性があります。夢はしばしば後付けであり、「それはただの夢だ」ということです。親であることの最も難しい特徴の 1 つは、子供を手放すことです。あなたの子供が託児所にいる場合、あなたの子供が安全かどうかについて不安を感じるかもしれません.


子供の年齢は、子供の夢に関連しています。多くの場合、これらの種類の夢は、子供が 15 歳未満のときに発生します。これは、親として、この時点で子供の命を消費することに完全に集中しているためです。明らかに、ここではあなたが子供と一緒に住んでいると仮定しています。私は、もはや子供たちと一緒に住んでおらず、この種のトラウマ的な夢を見ている多くの親から連絡を受けています.この場合、夢はすべてコントロールに関するものです。私たちが眠っている間に記憶にコード化された本当の認識は、私たちがどのように心配を移すことができるか、そして私たちが目覚めているときに子供たちを自然に心配しているという事実を理解するのに役立ちます.夢の影響からの解放を見つけることは、やや面倒な場合があります。








スピリチュアリティ この夢は、あなたの感情とつながっています。この地球上の私たちの多くは、息子や娘に魅了されています。群衆の中で子供を失った場合、これは状況の現実を受け入れる必要があることを示している可能性があります.受け入れる必要があるという考えがあります。私たちの子供たちは関係なく私たちを愛しますが、夢の中の群衆は通常、あなたの周りの人々や感情を表しています.あなたは閉じ込められていると感じていますか?現時点ではバランスを保つことも同様に重要であり、特に人々のグループでは、人生の状況があなたを不安にさせる可能性があります.この夢はまた、あなたが人生で追放されていると感じているか、息子や娘が取り残されていると感じていることを心配している可能性があることを示しています.








詩篇 127:3 では、子供は負荷からの「遺産」です。これは、子供の成長をサポートすることに集中し、親として提供するガイダンスを委ねる必要があることを意味します。聖書はさらに、箴言 22:6 で、子供たちの感情的、発達的、精神的、身体的必要を考慮して育てる必要があると述べています。子どもの成長や発達が心配なとき、子どもを失う夢が現れることがあります。聖書のもう 1 つの重要な領域は、箴言 29:17 に戻って、子供のしつけに重点が置かれていることです。


聖書では、子供たちは脆弱であると見なされていることもわかります。さらに、暴力は子供に実際の損害を与える可能性があります.聖書では、それが孤児を選び出していることがわかります。ゼカリヤ書 7 章 10 節に目を向けると、子どもたちも極度の貧困の中で難民として生活しています。 the message here is that if you dream of a lost child then do make sure that you can protect the vulnerable. This is not necessarily your child but perhaps somebody else in your life such as a grandmother or somebody who has a delicate disposition. In biblical terms to dream of children is normally joyful and signals that there will be complete domestic concord awaiting you.

Dream about losing a child to death

Children are a blessing and we have an internal bond that connects spiritually to each child and parent. Dreaming of losing a child to death can be connected to milestones that they are currently going through. Obviously, in waking life if we witness that our child is satisfied, content, and happy then it is rather unusual to dream of a child being lost to death. Dreaming of a child dying can invoke feelings of panic and loss, we all fear this in waking life. Often, I've come across this kind of dream are a result of losing something important in life and the interpretation needs to be fully understood. Seeing any child in a dream is often connected to our own emotions, if you don't have any children in waking life then this dream can be connected to our own stages and elements in real life. If you think about dreams per se, they are often a reflection of our internal mechanisms and how we are affected in daily life. It could be that you are finding it difficult and emotionally challenging in some area of your life and this is the result of a feeling of loss. Systematically the dream occurred because you are feeling that you need to bond closer to your child and that you feel you are losing a sense of bonding. This dream suggests.

Dreams about a lost child on holiday

There are rather famous media references to children going missing on holiday. A child vanishing on a holiday can be a parent's worst nightmare. There were some famous cases of British children such as Madeleine McCann going missing in Portugal which is a cold case and never solved. Despite extensive searches, there was no trace of this child being found. Jaycee Dugard was another child who was kidnapped outside her California home and later found, after being held captive for years. The media covers such stories and this can often highlight our own subconscious mind during the dimension of the sleep. Therefore, the reason I mention this is because if you did indeed have a dream about losing your child it could mean that you are experiencing reflections of external forces on your dream state.

If you dream about being on holiday and you found your child vanished without a trace then this could be directly associated with your anxieties about your foundation of truly loving relationships in your life. We all have feelings and the child in our dreams represents our own emotional stability. It means that our feelings are stormy when they should not be. On holiday you should be experiencing joy and happiness, not losing your child. When you are truly feeling loss feelings you are allowing the true anxieties to come to the surface. Therefore, my interpretation of this dream is that you are feeling unsettled at a time you should be experiencing joy.

Dream about a small child 

Dreaming of a small child is often reflected in our own inner child. Virtually all religions bear stories of children. In the stories children could be orphaned, abandoned or their lives are threatened in some way. For example, Moses was abandoned in the rushes. Jesus was not able to enter the Inn. In Greek mythology, the child Zeus was abandoned and threatened. Therefore in our culture, there are lots of stories about small children being mistreated. In the dream state, we can often see a child mistreated or lost as being a signifier of our own inner self. In order to understand a dream of a small child, it is important to turn to dream psychologists. Carl Jung for example believed that when we dream of children indicates our universal human experiences. This dream, in my view, indicates that we are feeling somewhat misunderstood or vulnerable in daily life.

Dreams about a child you don't have in real life

This is a very interesting dream but extinct in conflict with what happens in daily life. Often dreams of children when you don't have any real-life are associated with your inner child. The only way too often to fill our emptiness is to realize that we are essentially connected to God or a higher spirit. Therefore we can carry on our life and complete any unfinished business in order to heal ourselves. There is powerful energy to force an encore being. Spiritually, if you dream of a lost child but you do not have one in real life then this could be a spiritual message of change. If you see yourself in a dream as having a beaming, apple-cheeked toddler but in real life, you do not have a child at all can represent the spirit of your inner child who is speaking to you through your dreams. The child is a spirit that wants you to find your true self and honor what you do in the waking world. It could be a dream which reflects the inner child wanting to come out. Over time if you are not recognising your true feelings and wishes we can often have dreams about children or being a child. As the dream was a tragedy that you lost something you could simply mean that you have lost your inner child and this must be embraced and expressed.

Dream of an adult child as small

Many people have contacted me in regards to dreaming of their adult child being small again. Sometimes a child can represent the union of two people, especially if two people were married at the time of conception. Adult children can appear in many different ways during a dream if they are small and this points to the fact that you are growing in regards to the relationship with your adult child. An adult child in a woman's dream may also indicate the nurturing and caring aspects of rearing a child. If you are looking after your adult child during a dream, or you go back to the past in the dream state then this can suggest that you are feeling that your adult child has not matured and still needs nurture.

Dream of a child losing limbs

This can be quite concerning. The natural world sees our offspring as a gift from God. One of our greatest fears is for our child to get hurt, subsequently to lose limbs or be hurt in any way is a parent's nightmare. Everything in your dream belongs to the fear factor but also provides an insight into your anxieties. It could suggest that you hurt yourself at some point in your childhood and this is where your subconscious mind is trying to deal with it.

As parents, we have to prepare for milestones such as primary school, college and eventually leaving home. Dreams such as these are often a reflection of such a milestone and to dream of a child losing their legs or arms can signify a stepping stone of their development in waking life. The child in a dream often represents our own wonder of childhood and the openness and ability to nurture that child. Often, dreams can be quite strange and not necessarily represent the waking world, it is a completely different dimension that is a reflection of our own fears.

Your child in real life never appears in your dreams

This is quite interesting that you may dream you never actually see your child during the dream process. Our subconscious mind is naturally quite interesting during the dream. Often we dream of symbolism that we see or hear during the day. The anomaly of dreams can mean we enter a paradox and want to know why our child is always missing. When we dream we find new pieces of information into our web of knowledge in waking life. Naturally, our brain shifts through memories, and dreams often inspire stories from our waking life. Your waking self and the elements that you are not aware of are called the self by Carl Jung. To not dream of people that are close to you in real life (such as your child) can indicate that the time you sleep is important for you to obey the unconscious mind and that equally you need to work on your whole self spiritually. The whole self (which Jung describes) is like we need to focus on our darkness and light. The whole self is associated with balance and also the fact that we need to see what goes behind our cosmic mind. Sometimes we can not dream of our child because we are denying a repressed part of ourselves such as our inner child. While we dream we exist in another dimension and the dream world cannot reflect how it is in the real world, instead, a projection of our fears and wants.

Dreams about a lost child in the water

To lose your child in the ocean, river, stream, pond, swimming pool, or in any type of water is directly associated to aspects that relate to your feelings. For instance, to dream of a child lost in the water and you are trying to swim to find the child can sug lose your child in the ocean, river, stream, pond, swimming pool, or in any type of water is directly associated with aspects that relate to your feelings. for instance, to dream of a child lost in the water and you are trying to swim to find the child can suggest that you need to focus on the flow of your own life energy. The water itself is a good indication of how your healing energetically and also how we feel guarded and insecure around our own children. This is natural as the water often represents your whole emotions and the shape or movement of what's to come in your life. If the water itself was choppy or involved large waves and this can indicate that you are feeling threatened. Remember as well water was a sort of life as the womb that held your child, therefore, is a collective sense the water can represent your parenting styles. When children go through different milestones we emotionally rack to those.

How we relate to our moods and emotions in daily life can often be reflected in the water in our dream. It is rather common for mothers to dream of losing their child in a lake or river, this represents the deep emotion that we feel and the bond to our child. If example you do not have any children in real life that dream of a lost child in water can represent your own inner child. try to give yourself permission in order to let out your inner child. It can indicate that you need to feel lighter and more energetic and liberated in what you say. Try to get in touch with your inner child so you begin to feel more safe and relaxed if you dream of trying to find a child in water that you do not have.

Dreams about a child not in the house

It is a parent's worst nightmare to wake up in the morning and not find the child in the house. Our house is a representation of our own self and connected to our own well-being. If you are frantically trying to run around the house finding your child and they are not there then spiritually this can signify developing techniques they used to do as a child. Try to allow yourself to draw, have fun, play games (even video games) in order to connect to your inner child. The dream can also be natural fears, it can indicate that feelings and healing is required.

Try to open the door and invite the inner child to come out and be part of your life. I do feel that dreams about children being lost, reflective of our own parental anxieties, however, because the house was featured in Audrey it can often indicate a deeper, more emotional part of the brain during sleep. For survival's sake, try to have more awareness of spiritual development going forward.あなたは誰? How do you feel? What would you like in order to have fun? Try to picture your inner child and ask these questions in order to create fun in your life again.

Dreams of a lost child trying to find parents

If you dream of a lost child unable to find the parents, it indicates that your soul is willing to merge into the essence of all things, and attached to all that is in transit. This is a dream of meeting with the self-supporting existence inside - and it signifies your return to unity in order to find yourself again. It also suggests you are trying to find a union to the nurturing side of people's nature. If you've been going through complex relationship struggles then it is a dream which is self-supporting. The fact the child itself is unable to find its parents indicates that you may find yourself being a mother to others. It is certainly important to remember that physically you are not infinite even though you are spiritual. Sometimes difficulties can be resolved by talking to others, is the dream meaning if the child found their parent. At other times it is important to clarify our own internal understanding so we have experiences based on reason.

For our internal soul, it is really necessary to understand the unity of the individual and our own body. However, because you dreamt of a lost child this can indicate in many aspects the explosion of the seed and expansion into the world of duality. When the seed is the blueprint of perfection, (when I describe the seed I am talking about the creation of children) we can find our perfect self. This dream, in my view, is about the potential contained within you and the different dimensions. It reflects the feeling you have lost something in waking life internally that needs to be found to make you emotionally complete.

Dream of lost child at school

Dreams of school are often connected to how we learn as adults. Not much lesson but more about interrelationships. By way of the soul comes a focus on our relationships in life. The school can represent our own structure such as class structure, authority, and competitiveness. So whilst work itself is a principle of learning in dreams - this can be mirrored by the influence of a lost child in the dream.

This dream is in relation to how we receive and nourish information in our life. The school can often indicate the behavior or reactions that we have developed in our own cycle of spiritual development. The soul connection in the dream is focused on our own inner child. The weakness of this dream is that in order to become strong we must masterfully link our soul to increase our own power as life goes on. Life is like a river; it gathers force as we move forward. The dream principle here is that you need to be able to create knowledge within yourself in order to progress in life. If the child is your own in the dream this can represent that you need to move your child into a direction of study, or teach the child something important. If you just see a child lost at work then this is a connection between the ego and everyday personality. So whilst the principle of this dream mirrors a need for learning it can also indicate part of your own school life and what you missed out on learning. What do you need to learn?

Dream of your child being found by someone

Your own child being found by somebody during the dream often indicates self-reliance on others. Other people's relationships and relationship (original roots) and corresponds with our daily cycle and contact in life often appear in the dream world. By way of the soul link comes an indication of the relationship with our mothers and fathers. If another person found your child in a dream this can indicate you are feeling separated from your parents at some stage in your life.

The need to make decisions is important which can be highlighted by the difficulty in choosing certain things in life. This dream can also mean that there is a need to receive affection from others. You may well feel betrayed and wounded from the experience of trusting your parents, especially the father and this can also be a reflection of this dream. However, the power that you hold lies in your heart and through this, you can start to be more open with others rather than to keep trying to protect yourself.

The need for self-love appears to go along with the need for destruction. Our needs are very complex, and it could be painful for us to fully understand when we are in touch with our feelings. This dream results in the absence of certain feelings and can be connected to why you dreamed that your child was found by somebody else.

You are a child lost or you were found in a dream

To be the lost child in the dream is often a reflection of our own inner child. Certainly, it is a well-known fact that children of all ages develop through creative play. While they are actually playing they look at their limits, test their developmental skills, and engaging creativity. This blossoms the child. When you are lost in a dream it can indicate that these areas of your life are missing. Remember when he was a child you created beautiful landscapes such as magical castles in the sandbox. Dynamically playing with paints, clay, and scribbling crayons are all things you can still do as an adult. It is very important to keep your inner child happy, this is especially true when getting to know what makes you feel vulnerable. Perhaps you were highly selective and you share only certain information with various people in your support network. If you feel safe inside then your best friend, lover or spouse may also have a positive relationship with you. If you are missing your parents in a dream and this is associated with controlling your behavior, thoughts, and feelings towards others. Often, a dream of being lost in the dream indicates that you need to feel safer and supported by others around you. The power of Venus south is synonymous with our own spiritual higher self. The inner self reminds us of what's important in life. If we start to open our heart to our own inner self then we open our heart to others.

Dream about losing a friend or another child

Dreaming of losing a child that is not yours, such as a friend or a relative is connected to our social relationships. Perhaps you are dreaming you are a nanny and this dream indicates the express problems that we often feel in daily life around trying to project our own value. In life, we often need to be seen and reassured and a need to be listened to by others. The dream of losing a child is not a negative omen and can mean you need to express yourself to others better. On another note, the dream of a stranger's child being lost can represent that you feel there is unfairness in life. There is a need for you to have fun like the child and make sure that you have the protection and safety around yourself.

The element of loss in a dream is not directly connected to you but of others. It can suggest that other people will simply “lose out” if they do not engage in fun activities with you. The dream itself often occurs when we need to connect our own internal power through laughter and it is always sometimes useful to get in touch with the anger that is beneath us.

Spiritually speaking the dream is a connection for practical physical self-expression, which includes showing other people your emotions. We all remain independent to some degree in life and this dream often occurs when we've had to go through separation in life and try to find independence, the need to make decisions is also important if a lost child that is not yours is found.

Dream about helping a lost child

Finding or helping a lost child in a dream indicates our protection of our inner child. There is a need for fun and activity in your life as well as protection safety but sometimes maybe you refuse to ask others for help. Perhaps you were in a large store or mall, I remember myself in real life being a frenzied parent trying to find my child in the middle of the supermarket aisles. Parents these days are naturally more protective than they used to be, generally because we hear of children missing all the time. There is a spiritual message within the stream that there is a danger of naïveté and your power will come from the touch of your own innocence. There is also a need to perhaps prove something if the child is not returned to their parents. It means that you deserve attention and that you are capable of many things.

Physical activities also very important in this dream depending on the context of where the child was lost. If the police were involved then this can indicate the state authority. Are you feeling confident in your work position? The obvious thing when we find a missing child is to take them to the lost and found section, alternatively try to find the parents. If this did not happen in the dream something else appeared then this can suggest that you should not follow the status quo in order to get what you want in life. You may feel strongly about the absence of the parents and the dream but this is rather a spiritual force that you must empower in order to give love in a world where you're aware sometimes of his absence. To help the lost child is a beautiful thing to do in the dream and this indicates how you can help lost or scared people in daily life.

If you stand with a child and a place in our somebody to get security or a manager to help find the child's parents and this could city signify that you are looking at moving jobs in the future?

Dream about a child being taken away

If your dream involves a child being taken away and that they are lost or missing then this can have a profound state on your mental well-being when you wake up, especially if the child is your own. Dreams give gridlines on the multidimensional map of consciousness they show the way we need to go in the work we must do in waking life. At the same time sometimes dreams can appear decorated and be connected to paths where - we are not yet to follow. The dream of a child being taken away is associated with something in your life being removed from you.

This could be a job, relationship, money, health issue. Despite this, we must all recognize array of manifestations. So, for example, in simple terms, we can start to look at the manifestation that this dream may produce. If you are going through a rocky relationship it can mean that even though it will be really tough at 1st to remove yourself from that relationship in the long run it is the best thing for you to do. This metaphor can be applied to various situations in your life. Life is like a river; it keeps running and never stops therefore we need to make sure that we can swim above water. If you do indeed find the child in dreams is a positive omen it can indicate that you have a meaningful relationship with someone special - after a lot of ups and downs.

Father is lost in a dream

If a child dreams that they have lost their Father this indicates there is a presentation of the Father figure in their life. The dream is about security and that change is going to accept in life. Generally, the dream of when a child loses their Father consists of the fact the child needs comfort and needs. These types of dreams happen when the child can feel insecure about clarity and security. It is not uncommon for children to have this type of dream if parents have split up. There is often establishment and officialdom when this dream occurs. The good news is that your child is on the road to strength.

Mother is lost in a dream

The main comfort in a child's life is the Mother relationship and helps in a child's development. The Mother is a teacher. And the child often looks to the mother for nurture. We've all heard of skin bonding when the child is a baby, this type of nurturing is important for the child. Society often believes that Mothering is not as important as in the past and sometimes we are rushed back to work and have to put our children in daycare. Our children could have these kinds of dreams if they are spending a considerable amount of time away from their Mother.


  • Your child is found by somebody in the dream.
  • Other people find a child in the dream.
  • Your own child is found in the dream.
  • You are a child that is found in the dream.
  • You are confronted by a lost child in the dream.

Feelings during the dream of a child lost

心配。 Despair. Worried about the child. Panic. Concerned about the child’s welfare.

  1. 子供を犠牲にする夢

  2. 子供の事故の夢

  3. 子供の首を絞める夢

  4. 迷子を助ける夢を見る

  5. 石の子の夢を見る

  6. 子供が嘔吐する夢

  7. 子供が迷子になる夢

  8. 迷子を見つける夢を見る

  9. 子供が迷子になる夢