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Eric Ackroyd の本などの夢心理学の研究では、何かを失う夢は、新しい変化や始まりを示唆している可能性があります。また、自分の人生について自分が恐れていることをもっと学べるようにすることにも関連している可能性があります。特に夢のテーマに関連する、隠された感情を確認する必要があるかどうかを理解することが重要です。夢の心理学では、この夢の中での喪失感は、ジークムント・フロイトが支配した私たち自身の「防御メカニズム」を示していると考えるのが好きです。ジークムント・フロイトの多くの本によると、私たちの夢には、私たち自身の精神を混乱させたり傷つけたりしないように制御しなければならない緊張の領域が含まれる可能性があります. 夢は時々、あなたの潜在意識が凝縮に遭遇した可能性があることを表しています.あなたの心は、あなたが目覚めている人生で覚えている情報のビットを取ります. 潜在的なコンテンツは、夢の状態でのマニフェストコンテンツを表しています. したがって、夢の中で迷子になることに遭遇した場合、人生の喪失感を感じることができます. それは可能性があります.充実した人間関係を経験できないという事実、またはこの夢は、近い将来に困難な時期があることを示しています。これは、失われるという夢の心理学的観点です。




夢の中で何かを探すのはとても面白いです。明らかに、あなたはアイテムまたは人を失い、返品を求めています。夢心理学の観点から、私の見解では、そのような夢は、現在あなたの周りにある恐怖を表しているのかもしれません.仕事に不安を感じていたり、理解できない状況があるのではないでしょうか?なくした物を必死に探している自分の姿は、愛の探求を象徴しているかもしれません。検索が肯定的で、アイテムを見つけた場合、これはあなたのエネルギーの伝達を示唆している可能性があります.多くの夢心理学の本で、私は夢の中で私たち自身の性的、仕事、または愛の生活に関連するオブジェクトを探したり探したりすることをレビューしました.また、あなたが若い場合、物質的な成功の可能性を示唆している可能性もあります。この記事の最後に、私の書籍の出典を示します。スピリチュアルな観点から何かを探しているということは、あなたが人生の答えを探していることを示しています。 You may not notice right now, but answers will come with time.

What is it me to dream about being lost in the mall?

Being lost in the mall can suggest that you need a period of calm in your life. Malls are notoriously busy places, I can remember as a child being frightened of losing my mother in the mall. In dreams, a mall represents material attainment, wealth, prosperity, and your own security. Such a dream could mean that you are worried about losing something.

What does it mean to dream of trying to get home but you can’t?

Being lost and not able to get home can indicate a new beginning - alternatively not being able to get home at all is a message from your own conscious mind that needs to acknowledge “change” in life. Our home in our dream signifies a place we feel comfortable. It can indicate your attitudes and feelings. Houses from a psychology perspective are symbolic of the greater tomorrow and a sense of self and well-being. In dream psychology, the house represents our own unconscious identity. The house could take the shape of an apartment. Many dreamers have contacted me about not being able to reach an old home they used to live in which can imply that you regret some past mistakes. If you are finally able to return home is connected to how you are developing moment. Not being able to get back to your home is a reflection that was questioning your own identity. Perhaps you are about to embark on a life-changing process in life? This dream can create challenge inside our psyche, depending on the fact you are able to eventually return home we wake up feeling lost.

What does it mean to dream of being lost in a hotel?

The hotel is obviously a temporary living accommodation in the dream world it relates to searching for something in real life. The hotel is associated with your own ambitions and characteristics in life. Being lost in a fine hotel can be associated with the need for wealth development. Being lost in a large, tall hotel can signify you are having career worries. Perhaps you don’t feel that you’re taken seriously or appreciated where you are? The steps in a hotel or lift represent our inner challenges.

What does it mean to dream of being lost in school?

Being lost at school is quite an interesting dream. This can occur if you are currently school or alternatively you’re an adult and left school a long time ago. Not being able to find a classroom is rather common. It represents that there are certain anxieties at work in your that must be addressed. If you are not able to find a locker in a dream this can represent that you need focus in life to work out the best direction. Walking to school in your dream and not knowing the way can imply a feeling of mistrust with others.

What does it mean to dream about somebody you know been lost?

Losing a loved one a dream is quite common, dreaming that your daughter goes missing or you can’t find your son, is a worrying dream. You may even, the next day worry about their own well-being. Dreaming of your child lost in some books represents your own inner child - It’s all about your anxieties. Dreaming of losing your child can indicate that you are feeling overburdened or worried about things at the moment. Perhaps it could even represent an area of your life which is going to change, but for the better. This dream is associated with vulnerability and feelings that we develop in life when we are going through a difficult time.

What does it mean to search for something lost in the dream?

The dream of losing something can imply that you are searching for a new start. If the search had a positive outcome it could be associated with the fact that you need to think about phases in life. From a dream psychology perspective, the “search” is connected to the beginning and end in our mind.

What does it mean to dream of being lost in the desert in a dream?

Lost in the desert represents our own internal feelings that we lock away. As a desert is boundless, it can be associated with a situation in waking life that results in a lack of empathy. Feeling lost in the desert in a dream indicates you are finding endless problems in situations.あなたは? Deserts are not only hot places but also supposed to be extremely harsh. The temperature can change from incredibly hot to incredibly cold in a very short space of time. Additionally, the desert holds little water and there are many different animals that you may encounter. The desert symbol in dreams is also connected to our own internal solitude can represent the isolation needed in order to find the answers in life.

What does it mean to be lost at sea in a dream?

I believe that the ocean is connected to our own emotions. In fact, throughout my whole website, I reiterate that water is a representation of how we connect with our emotions. Being lost at sea in a dream is associated with feeling your thoughts and emotions are not being taken seriously. There is a potential for personal growth and being lost at sea can indicate you are sewing your own seeds ready for growth materialize. To be on a boat that is lost can imply in future you communicate with others successfully.

What is the dream lore around being lost in a dream?

Here I am going to list the old-fashioned meaning of being lost or losing something in a dream. If you are lost in your dream according to ancient dream libraries it shows that you have a bright future. In my reading being lost in ancient folklore can represent a symbolic journey of life, and it can mean you are going to start new beginnings. Factors that need to be considered as well. I have a question. Are if you are happy or content in your dream? If you are simply lost from a relationship or situation, then this can mean you will be forced to make a choice in your life in the near future. Think about the future:is it clear, do you feel the weight of the future bearing down on you?

If you are dreaming of being lost, this shows that you need to think about your mind, especially when making decisions in the future. If you are undertaking a trek in a jungle and get lost, this can suggest that you may have worries about your ambitions in the future. If you are walking and you get lost, this means that you are feeling restricted. Running away from a situation can mean decisions are being made far away. Losing money is a contrary symbol, as it means you will be rich and prosperous. In general, losing something in a dream means you need to pay attention to the object you lost, as it might have a special significance. Being lost in your dream is the omen in the ancient gypsy folklore of a disease threatening you. I don’t really believe this, to be honest but thought I would include the interpretation. Dreaming of being lost can suggest acquiring a transient benefit, or that you could be cheated. Lost in a forest foretells a trip or a full spiritual life. It could also be the sign of poverty and misery. If in your dream you are lost, this means that your enemies will fade away. Being lost with another person indicates that you cannot obtain results in your waking life. If someone else is lost, this foretells poor enemies or useless isolation.

If in your dream you are on a field and get lost , you will receive news that you expect, but it can also be a sign of a funeral. Lost on a road means to gain or that you will be free of worries. If the road is straight, this means big earnings. If it is a countryside road, this means mishap. If you are lost in an orchard , this predicts a pleasant life, but if you are in a garden it means pure happiness. Roaming around lost suggests unpleasant moments.

Lost in a park means peace of mind. Lost on an island foretells tranquility in your real life. Lost on a mountain trail predicts good luck and good health while walking on the grass is the sign of being calm and content. If you see yourself lost in the sand, this suggests that you could be doubtful, but also jealous and suspicious. Lost in snow tells that you have initiative, enthusiasm, imagination, but also doubt. If you see yourself lost, this dream predicts love, special luck, and that your wishes will come true.

If you are lost while the weather is bad in your dream, this means that you are not going to accomplish your important decisions. The dream is a bad omen, and it means that you wallow in the happiness of others. Lost in a cemetery suggest true friendship. Lost items in a dream could portent trouble, but also that you will soon have a lot of work to do. If you lose a person, this means you have to be less selfish with that specific person in the waking life. In general dreams about something lost portend profit.


  • You are lost.
  • You find yourself suddenly lost in a forest.
  • An object is lost.
  • Lost people.
  • Lost items.


  • You do not isolate yourself.
  • Pay attention to your mind.
  • Accomplish your important decisions.

Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of lost

驚いた。コンテンツ。驚いた。奇妙。楽しんでいます。 Admiring.コンテンツ。幸せ。動揺。疲れた。 Indignant. I like to include many sources when writing my meanings. Each meaning takes a long time to write in order to provide the very best interpretation o this dream of being lost I have reviewed the following references:The Complete Dream Dictionary:A Bedside Guide to Knowing What Your Dreams Mean, Trish MacGregor, Rob MacGregor, Published by Adams Media Corporation (2005), Dictionary of Dreams - Pocket Reference, Published by Geddes &Grosset (1999), The Dream Dictionary, Published by Random House (1970), On Dreams (Dover Thrift Editions) Freud, Sigmund, Published by Dover Publications Inc. 2001-01-01 (2001)

  1. 失われたゾウの夢を見る

  2. 浜辺で迷子になる夢を見る

  3. 亡くなった夫の夢

  4. なくしたギターの夢を見る

  5. 迷子になったヤギの夢を見る

  6. 毛布をなくした夢

  7. 紛失した運転の夢を見る

  8. 紛失したジュエリーの夢を見る

  9. なくしたブレスレットの夢を見る