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イザヤ書 36:12、NIV 」 しかし、司令官は答えた、「私の主人がこれらのことを言うために私を送ったのは、あなたの主人とあなただけでしたか?壁に座っている人々にではありませんでした-あなたのように、自分の排泄物を食べて飲む必要があります自分の尿?」








  • ベッドの夢
  • トイレの夢
  • 夢辞典の主な意味
  • うんちの夢を見る
  • 夢辞典A~Z




エゼキエル 16:49、 「見よ、これはあなたの妹ソドムの不義であり、彼女と彼女の娘たちには高慢と満ち足りたパンと豊富な怠惰があり、彼女は貧しい人や困窮している人の手を強めなかった。」




尿が体に付着すると、尿が悪臭を放ち、精神的な観点から、悪臭、拒絶、憎しみの精神を招きます。尿の夢は、あなたにとって満足のいくものではない、またはあなたの人生のバランスを崩している妥協をすることの代償を表している可能性があります。 .ベッドで尿をする夢は、夫婦の恥の精神があなたに影響を与えていることを示しています.





  • 基本的な魔術攻撃
  • 夢の中で汚染された食べ物を食べる
  • 未解決の結婚
  • 過度の飲酒/喫煙
  • 不安定な関係。
  • 姦淫/淫行。
  • 途切れることのない呪い
  • 尿の定義

    healthline.com によると、「尿は体が必要としない液体と老廃物で構成されています。腎臓はフィルターとして働き、血流から余分な水分や細胞副産物を取り除きます。この老廃物は尿として膀胱に送られます。」



    夢の中で尿に血が混じるのを見ると、憂鬱になることがあります。多くの場合、精神的な意味は病気と死です。このタイプの夢は、差し迫った危険を示している可能性があります。人が血を吐くときの目覚めている生活とは異なり、それは通常、腎臓または肝臓の障害の原因です.しかし、霊界では大変です。尿の夢を見るもう 1 つの理由は、あなたにとってもはや重要ではない古い習慣、行動、態度にしがみついていることが原因である可能性があります。



    あなたの夢の中で糞便でいっぱいのトイレを掃除するということは、そのような人が利益のない、または十分な利益のない仕事をするようにプログラムされていることを意味します。敵はこの夢を利用して、その人の運命を混乱させ、怠惰を助長します。聖書は次のように述べています。 詩篇 51:7 – ヒソプで私を一掃してください、そうすれば私はきれいになります:私を洗ってください、そうすれば私は雪よりも白くなります.

    夢の中でおしっこや排尿を待って列に並ぶことは、人が深刻な束縛に陥っており、彼を救う適切な牧師がいない状態で配達されるのを待っていることを反映している可能性があります。 When such dream is frequently common, without any doubts, deliverance should be the next option. If you see some people attending many deliverance programmes without any solution is because the demons in them is powerful.

    Urine dream has disgrace lots of people. A person who dream of peeing would wake up bedweting, that alone is to tell you that the attack or dream is not ordinary. There are some dreams you should never take for granted. Strong spirits are behind many dreams. It could be good spirits or bad demons. An urine dream can be an entrance to satanic attacks. Majorly, people explained to me that sickness is usually one of the key symptoms. You can imagine a man or woman being disgraced in the dream by urinating. This stubborn foundational spirit disturbs people.

    Spiritual Meaning Of Urine:Foundation

    Dreaming that your urine is painful means a discomfort and emotional problems. This pain may also affect you not to fulfill your purpose.  Perhaps you feel unprepared for the task at hand and are afraid of getting ridiculed. These dreams are often an attack from the devil for you not to enjoy your life, health. In most cases, the roots of your problem is from your foundation. This dream can be a symptom of a more serious problems.

    While it is true that dreams about pee can illustrate anxiety, loss and foundational problem. Symbolically, urination is the release of urine from the urinary bladder through urethra. This might indicate significant changes in life that one is finding hard to cope with. But more often than, ones foundation can influences a person to pee in the ground. Perhaps you have known that once you are plague with attacks in your father’s house, you stand a chance of having this dream being in your memory over and over again. It is true that one you urinate in the dream, virtues will go. This could be very discouraging and frustrating because you will try to gain control and there will be no help.

    Different angles to this dream of urine

    1. Dreaming about a dog urinate. means evil tares
    2. Dream about a baby urinating . means covenant between you and spirit spouse
    3. Dream of urinating in a gutter. means frustration and aimlessness
    4. Dream of floor soaked with urine. means polluted environment, sin and strange curses
    5. Dream of peeing on your legs means bad luck, stagnancy and misfortune
    6. Seeing urine on your pant means embarrassment and infertility.
    7. Dream of holding your urine means unstable emotional life, unprofitable works, lack of direction.
    8. Dream of feeling pain during urination means sickness and acute health problem
    9. Dream of someone releasing urine on you means covered with evil veins
    10. Dream of urinating on the bed means marital and financial problem.
    11. Finding a baby urine on your body means bondage and slavery.
    12. Dream of smelling urine on the floor means death and loss.

    Many young adults bed-wet or urinate in the dream do not even realize they are doing it until they notice their body is  seriously wet with urine. The attack of excessive urine in the spirit realm is a way of letting you know that your virtues are gradually taking away from you. These are things that satan is using  to cause emotional troubles and bring their victims under their observation.

    In order to know you are being attacked by witchcraft through this dream, the first sign to notice is your body chemistry. For example, if your body is weak, it means manipulation. Even if you notice that you find it so difficult to pass out urine in the waking life, it is also a way of the enemy to destroy your health with sickness that will swallow your resources. While it is important to check the background of your life, there are situations where you can’t even understand the purpose of your life.

    What does it mean to dream of baby urine on your body?

    The spiritual meaning of a baby’s urine can have several interpretations, depending on your actual feelings. However, if you are a single woman, obviously, this dream can mean marital hinderance. It shows that such woman will experience marital unstable, and disappointments. If the urine is smelling , that means bad luck, curses have been issued against you. That urine of a baby is spiritually done to mess up your life.

    It shows that you have a spirit husband who is having or bearing children with you. It further highlights the severity of marine attacks. Moreover, if you also encountered this  as a married woman with children, then you should start praying against powers using your children to trouble your life and marriage.

    Baby is very important in marriage, but in dream, a baby urinating on your lap, hands, room etc portend a dream of pollution, tares, destiny diversion. If your baby diaper is filled with urine, if you have a baby, it indicate the intention of the enemy to hijack the star of your child. But if you don’t have any child as of now, you should know that a certain strongman is blocking your destiny.

    Meaning in focus

    1. Unfruitfulness.
    2. Financial turbulent.
    3. Promise and fail.
    4. Frustration and hindrance to be noticed by men.
    5. Beauty is spiritually covered with evil veins

    What does it mean to wet yourself in a dream?

    Wetting yourself in dream have a significant mental impact causing a great deal of embarrassment and stress particularly in adults and older children. Whilst bedwetting is capable of destroying the reputation of a person. Moreover, it is not common for an adult to release urine in the day and dream, but more often than not it is a dream of pollution. It is important to stress that a when you see yourself wet the bed, a strongman has been plagued to torment with the spirit of mistakes and poverty. If you see yourself wet other people’s bed, it means your presence is causing touch challenges for others.

    Many people have lost their lives due to bladder problems.  When this dream of urinating is discovered in their dream, it become less important to them. A person can have bladder issues when he is usually confronted with this dream. The implication of having the spiritual dream of urine can sometimes be dangerous and can also lead to many other health conditions when it’s not managed properly with deliverance prayers.

    To pee in a dirty toilet in your dream may indicate that your sin is really destroying many things in your life. This can open the door of evil smells, sickness and anti-marriage spirit. Dirty toilet is an unkempt toilet environment that oozing out armful odour. If you urinate in a clean toilet this dream refers to bringing out evil deposit programmed in your body.  If you see a toilet full of  urine in a dream it therefore means operating in a bad location.

    Do you drink urine in your waking life? Have you been living on urine therapy? If your answer is yes, then this type of dream is for you. However if you dream of drinking urine, it means you are going to be disconnected from God. Check if your purpose of drinking is for health purpose then this dream means the presence of dangerous sickness attack has been fired into your body.

    Even though they are not visible to you, but it will surely manifest. When a person is cursed to drink urine, or you see a person drinking urine in the reality, first, you will be shocked, and secondly, you will assume the person is running mental problem.  If you go to the hospital, you will find out that some people are in a critical urinary tract problem. Some cannot pee, some pee with the help of machine. May that not be your portion, in Jesus name. So drinking your urine or other people urine is demonic and contamination of soul, body and spirit. This resultant effect will always be sickness, mental illness and long term infection and moving objects in the body. For example, if you see a person packing your urine to the herbalist in dream or even physical, it indicates attacks on your fertility.

    If you dream where you are using other people’s urine to bath, to masturbate, to rob your body in the dream, it means you have been plagued by wicked forces to act that way.  Sometimes, the urine dream experience can foster the easy passage of evil spirit to attack you more.  This dream also symbolize the action of the enemy to capture your star and frustrate your efforts in life. If a person is drinking the urine of a goat, dog etc, it will take the grace of God to get the person delivered. The person will be in trouble and if care is not taken, its spiritual life will be almost zero.

    The kidneys make urine by filtering wastes and extra water from blood. Holding urine in your bladder for a longer period can be painful and harmful to your health.  If you are holding your pee, it indicates heavy burdens, discomfort mood, strange occurrences in your life.  But if you are unable to locate or find a place to pee means long term bondage, lack of good health, emotional problems, lack of focus and joy. If you are urinating blood in the dream, this means tragedy, death and calamity. Financial problem is also another interpretation.

    Dreaming of your own urine smelling foretells a serious illness, but it can also be the omen of problems in your marriage or in family in general. If in your dream your urine is reddish, this means you are closer to the grave, Going for urine test in a dream can indicate a possible personal damage ahead due to an event that will catch you by surprise. To have your urine mixed with sperm means infertility and blockage in the organ.

    As a young person, if you urinate on the floor, you don’t any interpreter to tell you that you are covered with shame. Shame is a very strong emotion that can tells you that you are irrelevant. When a married person found himself or herself releasing urine in the dream in a disgusting way means there is problem somewhere. Floor urine will activate the problem of marital challenge and social relationship. If you urinate on the floor, means your reputation is destroyed and your respect has been eroded. When discovery your urine on the floor, your close person may be plotting to see your sudden downfall. When a child urinate on the floor, the mother cleans it up. It can also be a reflection of how you allow others to take advantage of or abuse you.

    Bible Verses Assignment: Please read the following:

    • James 4:7 Prov. 18:10, II Cor. 10:3-5
    • Eph. 6:10-18 Rev. 12:11 ,I John 4:4-14
    • Luke 10:19 Mark 16:17, Col 2:14-15
    • Isa 54:17, 2 Tim 1:7, 1 Cor 10:13

    What does it mean to urinate in the public?

    To dream of urinate in a public domain, it means lack of protection. It also mean that every other information has been known by the enemy. Dreaming of passing out urine in the public means the garment of shame and mockery has been put over your body.. Check if you are living a sinful lifestyle at the moment. For example, some people will be made to come and make mockery of you. They will also come to sympathize with you. Because this type of dream will drive away your confidence, faith and power.  When a person disclose a sensitive information, it is to hear the part of your story. Some people like to use the story of people to attack me. That’s the essence of this dream meaning. For instance, maybe you feel humiliated about the treatment or punishment meted to your loved ones.

    There are plenty of reasons that urine may get rid of your blessing, and it almost always has a negative connotation according to most dream meanings experience. If recurring urine related dreams do occur, a great way of making sure that they stop is to reevaluate the way you live your life, and see if you uncover any ugly habits that you wish.

    In some cultures it is a taboo when a man is peeping at a woman’s urine. If you are a woman and dream of a man peeing at you this means that you are spiritually defiled. Another meaning indicates that your body chemistry is attracting unreasonable or immature men in thinking to sexually harass you. When occurred in the reality, it a big offence that can take a person to jail especially when the woman is married. Also, if you see a woman urinating, means you have  spirit wife who sexually arousing you. You need to be very careful so that you did not fall into the hand of marine witchcraft women. Furthermore, if you are not free within your spirit whether as a man or woman, you may need to purge your mind with the blood of Jesus through prayers or betterstill, you go for deliverance.

    How to overcome the dream of urine?

    1. Be a friend of JESUS.
    2. Repent from your sins and deal with them.
    3. Surrender your life to Christ, if yes, then rededicate yourself to Him.
    4. Go for medical checkup to see if there is any sickness in your body.
    5. Pray against distressful condition or emotional problems.
    6. Break every foundation ancestral bondage of evil inheritance.
    7. Watch your body thoroughly with the blood of Jesus.
    8. Deal with the powers that wants to disgrace you.
    9. Live a holy life. Do not backslide again or go back to your old life.
    10. Go for deliverance so ensure you did not experience another round of affliction.

    INSTRUCTION: Embark on 7 days fasting and prayers between 6am to 6pm. Enter into midnight prayers. Lay your hands on your reproductive organ and pray. If possible, pray on your urine .

    PRAYER ASSIGNMENT:Cancel the arrow of long term afflictions for 7 days.

    1. ホテルドリームの意味

    2. 夢の中でサッカーをすることの精神的な意味

    3. 夢の中のロープの精神的な意味

    4. 夢の中の十字架の聖書の意味

    5. オウムの夢の意味は何ですか?

    6. ナンバードリームの意味:根本的な意味

    7. 元の夢の意味

    8. 家の火事の夢の意味:家の火事の精神的な意味とは?

    9. 夢の中の火のスピリチュアルな意味は? 7 メッセージ