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ああ、トイレが見つからないという夢から覚めたばかりだったので、見知らぬ人に公衆の面前で便器におしっこをするように言われました。私たちの夢の世界で起こること!私たちの体は宇宙からの素晴らしい贈り物であり、さまざまな方法で機能し、体液や老廃物を排出します。私たちの尿道が開いて、おしっこをすることを夢見ることは、輝かしくポジティブな夢です!あなたの尿に対する社会的恐怖もあります。おしっこは、毎日何度も起こるものです。実際、私たちはほとんどロボットのように頻繁にそれを行っています。私たちの生殖器領域全体が設定される方法は、かなり驚異的です。有名な夢の心理学者によると、ジークムント・フロイトの夢の中でのおしっこは、夢想家が目覚めている世界で膀胱がいっぱいになっているためにのみ登場します。では、これは心理学者の解釈ですが、スピリチュアルな意味はどうでしょうか?夢の中でトイレでおしっこをしている自分を見ることは、人生で感情的に自分を浄化する必要があることを示しています。 下にスクロールして、尿の夢の解釈を見つけてください:


夢の中で尿を見たり、トイレに行って排尿することは比較的一般的であり、感情を解放して手放す必要があることを意味します。一般的に自分の尿を夢見るということは、あなたの人生が何らかの形で制御不能になっていることを意味します。 誰かが排尿するのを見る夢を見る 他者とのコミュニケーションを改善する時期であることを示しています。それは本当にあなたの時間の価値がありますか?しかし、他人の言うことを聞かないという危険があり、この夢の結果はコントロールの喪失です。良いニュースは、1930 年代の夢のテキストに、おしっこを伴う夢は将来の経済的利益を示す可能性があると説明されていることです.


これは大きな夢ではありません。それは、あなたの人生にコントロールの欠如があることを示している可能性があります。現時点であなたの人生に問題があることに気付いた場合、これはあなたが何かを解決することを示唆している可能性があります! 路上で排尿している場合 夢の中で、あなたが行くのを待つことができない場合、この夢はあなたがどのように認識されているかに関連しています.それはあなたが人生においてもっとプライベートになる必要があることを示しています。 犬の排尿を見るには 夢は、あなたの親友または親しい家族が近い将来あなたに近づき、あなたと一緒に時間を過ごすことを示しています。話し合う良い機会かもしれません。

一般に、あらゆる種類の 大量尿 夢の中で見られることは否定的ではありません - むしろ、夢はあなたの目覚めている人生の肯定的な側面を指しています. 動物の尿自分の尿の夢を見る ペルシャの夢の伝統では、赤ちゃんが近づいていることを予告することができます.実生活でのあなたの行動について考えてください。この夢は、最終的にあなたがより良い人になることにつながる特性について考えることができることを意味するため、重要です-内側と外側で! 夢の中で他人の尿を見たら これは、誰かがあなたを助けたいと思っている状況をあなたがコントロールできていないことを示しています. 尿で満たされたトイレを見る 思いがけない恩恵があなたに訪れることを示唆しています。これは、かなりの金額になる可能性があります。古代ギリシャの伝統では、夢の中の尿は大きな富と重要な経済的幸運のしるしです。この夢は、ある種の反社会的行動を示すこともあります。最近の演技はどうですか?順応してきましたか?社会に順応するために、あなたの人生のどの部分を変えることができますか?この質問について考えてみて、人生を前向きに変えてみてください。 おしっこを待つ列に並ぶ 夢の中では、他人の世話をするのではなく、自分の人生に集中する必要があることを示しています-あなたはあまりにも長い間待っていました.

わかりました、そこに取り入れる割り当てがありましたが、うまくいけば、それで一般的な概要が得られました.多くのスピリチュアルなテキストでは、尿の夢は、あなたの人生を通してあなたの考えや認識が形成されてきたので、それらを解放する必要があるというメッセージです.この夢は基本的に、人生のあらゆることをコントロールできるが、特定の出来事や状況を手放す必要があることを意味します。真実は、人生の中で、私たちは皆、ある時点で鬱屈した感情に苦しんでいるということです.尿が夢の中に現れたとき、あなたは自分が人生を妨げられていると感じているかもしれないことを理解する必要があり、おそらくそれについて何をすべきか疑問に思っています.男性と女性の両方に特定の夢の意味があります。夢の中で見られるあらゆる形態の尿は、私たち自身の感情、意図、自我に関連しています。尿が汚れていたり、嫌だったりする素因を、たまたま受け継いでしまうことがあります。これにより、私たちは尿を間違った方法で見るようになります。実際、尿は私たちがより良く生き、精神的に自由になることを可能にする技術に使用できます.他の体液と同様に、尿は魔法の物質と見なすことができます。古代では、尿は今日でも使用されている特別な癒しの儀式に利用されていました. それについては後で説明します. 下にスクロールして、おしっこの夢を見つけましょう!




夢の中でおもらしすることは、お金につながります。今後どのようにお金を節約できるかを考えてください。自分の服や他人の服を尿で濡らしてしまう夢を見たら、社会問題が近づいていることを意味します。あなたの側近の人々とのいかなる衝突も避けるようにしてください。おねしょをする夢は、あなたが経済的に苦しい時期を迎えていることを示しています。 The good news is that you have the ability to communicate with other people in a powerful way but the bedwetting featured in a dream can suggest that you need to think more about your manner and your approach other people especially in your career or at work. To see others wet themselves in a dream is a sign of money that is going to come your way!

What does it mean to dream of restroom/toilets overflowing with urine?

This is quite a common dream, seeing dirty toilets overflowing with urine indicates that there is a situation where you need to stand up for your own personal needs. I have had this dream many times! To see a restroom full of urine in a dream indicates that you need to let go of any difficulties and problems in your waking life. Seeing overflowing toilets can also indicate pent-up emotions. If a bathroom is covered in urine it indicates you need an emotional release - are you angry at someone close to you? This dream normally occurs when you are!

What does it mean to drink urine in a dream?

Drinking urine can be yucky but spiritually gives many health benefits. Dreaming of drinking urine is an omen of property and lots of money, but also of a very good health in your waking life. Feeling bladder pain while you urinate means that you are not very open with your close friends or family at the moment.

What does it mean to urinate in strange places or in pots (odd things) in a dream?

Urinating in strange places during your dream state indicates that situation is going to occur where you need to use your instinctive ability to rise above any problem. If you’re urinating in a park this can signify you will find beautiful potential in your own undertakings. If you see yourself suddenly pull your pants down urinate in odd or strange places this can suggest that you need to express the different layers of your personality to mark your territory in life. Peeing in a house or at work in an office can indicate you need to connect better with others. To pee in a bowl or bottle in your dream indicates you are holding onto emotions and someone makes you cross.

What does it mean to see a baby urinating in a dream?

Believe it or not, seeing a baby urinating in your dream has a spiritual meaning. It’s related to the need to release emotions in order for rebirth. This dream denotes that you need to remove negative emotions. Your dream is a clear message that you can overcome anything. To dream of a baby urinating indicates rebirth and a new start. Often, this type of dream occurs when you feel like you can’t achieve anything. It may be a result of a negative mindset. If you saw a baby boy urinating in the air in your dream it means you’re going to enjoy comfort and happiness in the near future. Seeing a potty and a toddler urinating, or that you are undertaking potty training in your dream signifies new beginnings, purity and cleaning your karma.

What does it mean to dream of urinating in a toilet?

If you urinated in a toilet in your dream, it represents certain feelings you’ve recently rejected. Your dream also foretells you have a complete control over your life. That’s nice but it may prevent you from feeling the beauty of spontaneity. You’re not allowing yourself to express the “real you” and it could suggest that you are wearing a mask, thinking it will protect you from people’s bad intentions. You’re trying to ‘mark’ your territory in every aspect of your life. Yet, soon you will encounter difficulties in your personal life. Someone will prove you that you can’t always have what you want.

What does it mean to dream of a urinal?

If you had a dream of a urinal it denotes your hurt ego and pride. Although you believe you can have it all, sometimes, things in life just don’t work out the way we want it. In an interesting spiritual paper on dreams by the London Press in 1932 provided an interpretation to the dream of a urinal. It mentioned that to see urinals in a dream indicates that you need to let go of your ego and determine your next move. This dream often occurs when we have an opportunity to resolve any problems in a relationship with others. To see a row of men's urinals in a dream can signify that you may encounter conflict with the opposite sex.

What does it mean to urinate blood?

What a strange dream, don’t be alarmed and I am sorry you had such a strange dream. If you dream that your urine is red or is blood can predict a loss of passion in life. In the waking world blood found in your urine indicates that you may have a UTI, kidney stone or anemia. If you urinated blood in your dream, some dream text’s predict a painful moment is coming your way, but through this, you will find the best way to achieve your goals.

What does it mean to urinate on the floor?

If you urinated on the floor in a dream, it denotes you’re losing the control of your life thanks to people who wish to see you fall. Spiritually, you know who these people are. Try to listen to your intuition. To see a floor covered in urine indicates that others will seek your advice.

What does it mean to urinate in public?

If you urinated in public in the dream, it reveals someone’s irresponsibility and lack of privacy in life. Someone close to you has been under the spotlight - because they want people to admire them. This dream is all about being private in life, discretion goes a long way, especially if people were actually watching you take a pee. If someone is peeing over you in a dream it can suggest difficulties. Again, if there is a basic lack of control and this has affected your self-confidence in a negative way this dream is common. To feel ashamed and embarrassed in the dream can symbolize a hidden power in your life.

What does it mean to dream of wetting the bed?

If you urinated in your bed in your dream, it foreshadows a traumatic experience that is still haunting you. Sometimes our dreams of urinating can really just mean you need to go to the loo in waking life.

What does the smell of urine mean in a dream?

Smelly urine in dreams can indicate that you are actually dehydrated in waking life. So, to smell that pungent urine in a dream can indicate that your body is telling you to drink more water - so go grab that glass of water. To walk into smelly toilets in a dream can suggest that you need to control a situation - especially in a work context. Spiritually, if you smelled urine it implies to your strong intuition and sixth scent.

What does it mean to be unable to find a place to urinate in a dream?

If you couldn’t find a place to urinate, it foretells an emotional release. You want to reveal your suppressed emotions and show others how you actually feel but your low self-confidence is getting in the way. This is preventing you from achieving your goals. If you are searching for a place to go pee in a dream, this can indicate you need to really pee in real life. There are times I have woken up from this dream and really needed to go to the loo. So it could just be your brain's way to say wake up! I need to pee!

What does it mean to see someone urinating in your dream?

You may not even think about it but seeing someone peeing could be a communication from spirit that you need to confidently achieve your goals. As far as this dream goes, there is something rather interesting when you are watching other people urinate. It can mean you are feeling out of control due to others. If you witnessed a child urinating, it reveals your perception of people is spot on.

What does it mean to see a man urinating in a dream?

If you saw a man urinating in your dream, it denotes you should connect with your masculine side, no matter if you’re a male or a female. Learn how to make positive choices and this will bring happiness to life. Seeing multiple men peeing in a dream can suggest a male is going to give you some advice and you should listen to it!

What does it mean to see a female urinating in a dream?

If you are a man and dream of a women peeing this indicates according to Freud that you are sexually frustrated. Additionally, to see a female urinating, means you need to work on your sensitive “female” side. This dream can also indicate anxiety. Right, if you are a female yourself and you see another female going to the loo in a dream it is all about our emotions. I know us girls go to the loo together when we go out clubbing but if you did not know the women in the dream this can suggest a possible breakdown of a friendship. Now, every dream that you have is unique to you, if there was any embarrassment about the female peeing in the dream it can suggest that you need more privacy in life.

What does it mean to urinate in a high arc in a dream?

If you saw yourself urinating in an arc shape and this is connected with your own self-confidence and also diminished responsibility. If we turn to dream psychology the urine according to Freud represented a sexual urge of freedom and association. There are many different books that have also suggested that the urine itself is connected to semen.

Some more interesting urine dreams

You saw an animal urinating in your dream: It predicts an unpleasant moment thanks to someone else's carelessness. This dream is a warning to watch your words and actions.

The smell of urine made you feel sick in a dream: うーん。 This is not a nice dream, it denotes a negative period in life. The good news is that you will overcome problems quickly thanks to your sixth sense. It can denote that you will find an optimal solution that works for everyone.

You urinated together with someone else: It means that will establish a profound connection with the person in waking life. If you peed over someone in a dream in a sexual way this is associated with releasing your pent up emotions in love.

What is the spiritual meaning of urine?

To dream of urinating spiritually signifies a release of negative energy and suppressed emotions. To see urine in your dream, according to ancient dream texts denotes a disorder in your private life. Now, I am going to mention something quite unique here, there is actually a spiritual practice known as Amaroli which is urine therapy. This is a practice where Urine is drunk and massaged into the body for health benefits. There is quite an interesting book which I read called the miracles of urine (see my sources for this article at the end) and in this book, there has been observations and practices where urine has improved the health of many different subjects.

This is also a practice in Buddhism and monks have long drunk their own urine. Also, Romans used urine to wash their clothes and brush their teeth! Urgh! In Western tradition, urine is seen as a waste product. In Christianity the Bible states in Proverbs 5:15 to drink waters out of one's own Cistern. So to conclude there is many spiritual practices where people drink urine to cure disease, depression and to keep the skin and eyes bright. Urine therapy is an ancient natural method that is not supported from a scientific viewpoint. I’m not saying rush out and drink your own urine but I thought this is interesting to try to change your perception of this dream. Urine is not disgusting after all. Additionally, urine has been used in ancient times to repel ghosts in the spiritual sense. In hoodoo, urine is used to cleanse and in magical work.

Who am I and how can I help you?

Our dreams are focused on a universal meaning and my job as your own personal dream interpreter is to provide you with the best guidance that I can. I’m Flo and I am half psychic half scientist and have been studying dreams for twenty years, in that time I have had many dreams about urine. It is interesting that you have googled this and come to this article, we only actually remember a small percentage of our dreams, scientists believe it is around about 2%. Therefore, for you to be reading this dream interpretation means that seeing urine in your dream state has been quite significant to your subconscious mind. In order to ensure that you gain a full overview of what this dream means


I will say that your dream was not negative in any way which means you will take full responsibility of your finances. Our kidneys are a complex filter system, and you should not think this dream is dirty in anyway, it can denote the need to release your emotions or review your current financial situation in life. Thank you for reading and don’t forget to check out other parts of this wonderful site. Blessings x Flo x


The meaning of your dreams, melbourne (1999), the bedside dream dictionary, Janco (2004), The language of dreams, Duncan Baird (2003) dreams hidden meanings and secrets (1987) and Urine Therapy Flora Boomer (1999)

Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of urine

うんざり。ショックを受けた。混乱している。動揺。心配した。安全でない。不満。 Sickish. Nauseous. Furious.疲れた。 Lazy.圧倒する。 In a bad mood.気分を害した。怒り。驚いた。コンテンツ。安全でない。心配した。残念だった。邪魔された。驚いた。奇妙。楽しんでいます。 Fertile.幸せ。 In love.リリースされました。 Free and easy. Anticipation.不注意。 Carefree.錯乱。 Fear.

  1. 尿を見る夢

  2. 尿の夢を見る

  3. 尿を飲む夢

  4. 茶色の尿の夢を見る

  5. 尿を吐く夢

  6. 赤い尿の夢を見る

  7. 白い尿の夢を見る

  8. 動物の尿の夢

  9. 尿をきれいにする夢