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雄牛が夢の中で私たちを追いかけているとき、それは私たちが私たちよりも優れていると信じている権威や力から逃げていることを意味します. We are afraid that situations will overwhelm us and hurt us. Dreams of black bulls chasing you are often linked to work situations that are disturbing you. This can also be a dream that occurs in certain circumstances or conflicts that occur in our lives. If the black bull chasing you is a person or a person not running away from the bull, it indicates that a person is betraying you. It’s time for you to study everything around you and be stronger to deal with situations.

Dream of a meek Black Bull

Dreaming of meek black bulls can be deciphered as a symbol of prosperity and tranquility, it can also personify the inner strength that person has to achieve concrete goals in his life project. This momentum will be key to their achievement and the achievement of success. It can mean, for the family of the person who dreams it, prosperity that could be interpreted as an increase in the number of members of the family tree. In man, in particular, he can decipher that it is in his near destiny to become head of the family.

Dream of a dead Black Bull

Black Bulls can show a meaning of weakness. The interpretation of dreams with a dead black bull shows us our inner being, weak and dominated. We are letting our true strength be oppressed. We have to work on changing the targets and recovering the energy we have lost in some projects. It’s possible that if we have dreams about a dead Black Bull it’s because we’re being manipulated and deceived by a person nearby. We advise you to open your eyes wide and watch what happens around you.

Dream of a wounded bull

Dreaming of a wounded black bull gives you a loss of dignity. It means that there are many possibilities of approaching a difficulty caused by a person close to your family, work, friendship environment. We have to keep a close eye on this, since a possible betrayal is at the door.

Dream of a black bull attacking me

These very peculiar dreams, and dreaming of a black bull attacking you mean that something is hurting you, you can be yourself or someone else in your field. You are not aware of what is happening and this dream is trying to alert you of what is happening around you. It’s time for you to analyze the people around you, they’re damaging your life somehow, and they’re impeding your personal growth. Beware of people you normally trust, some may be hurting you with bad advice because they don’t want you to achieve your personal goals that will lead you to greatness.

Dream of Black Bull without horns

Dreams with black bulls without horns, represent a state of tranquillity in our being. This picture makes it clear that we are at peace and calm, but we have to be careful about that. We can be very calm, but letting things happen around us that can hurt us later. We have to keep in mind that this dream may include a person, who is surely being weak before us or before life. The interpretation of this dream will vary according to the behavior of the Black Bull without horns.


  • Dreaming of sleeping black bull:this dream is interesting, when you dream of a sleeping black bull, it means that you are falling behind and you have not come out of your slumber. You have to activate your life and exploit all the potential you have to become someone awesome and powerful.
  • If you have a dream where the bull is running in the open field, it means that you are full of vitality and health. If this bull runs happily without bothering anyone, it is because you feel happy and are full of good energies.
  • Dreaming of black bull and person:dreaming of black bulls and another person, means that person is trying to deceive you, you have to be very careful of the people you trust. Approaching an animal like a bull is not easy. If he does, it’s because he’s earned its trust. Don’t be fooled by the people around you who earn your trust, choose well who to tell your plans and secrets to.
  • Dreaming of a dying black bull:this indicates that we are without energy, if we have dreamed of a dying Black Bull, it is because we are repressed and unwilling to do anything. We no longer have the strength to face the daily challenges. Don’t worry, it’s not a bad dream at all. It makes us understand that we need to wake up and go out and face our problems and the obstacles we face.
  • To dream that you’re going over a black bull:when we dream that we’re over a black bull, it’s a symbol of power. We are making the right decisions and we are close to achieving goals that interest us and that we have endeavored to achieve. This dream tells us that we are on the right track and that we have tamed the power within us.
  • Dream of killing a black bull:very careful with this dream, we may be betraying the trust of a close person or creating problems in the field of work or business. We have to watch out, killing a bull is a very bad thing. We’re probably not doing the damage on purpose, we’re significantly doing it. Either intentionally or carelessly.

You can also find this article useful if you are looking for:

  • black bull attacking in dream meaning in Hindi
  • bull attacking me in dream meaning
  • what does it mean to dream about a bull attacking you
  • black bull spiritual meaning
  • seeing black bull in dream Islam

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