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鏡をよく見る時が来ました。最近、愛する人や大切な人に攻撃的になりすぎましたか?もしそうなら、あなたはもっと注意する必要があります!あなたはそれらを追い払っているかもしれません。職場でもっとアサーションを示す必要がありますか?そこにいる人々はあなたをひどく扱ったり、あなたの良さを利用したりしていますか?あなたの夢の中の雄牛は、多くの場合、あなたが何かについていつもより競争力を感じていることを示しています.いつでも爆発しそうな落ち着いた攻撃感を表現!それはまた、あなたの人生におけるある種の闘争の中で孤独を感じていることへの欲求不満を示しているかもしれません – 必要なときに人々があなたを見捨てた.雄牛との夢は、あなたの人生の頑固さも示しています。強引に見えるリスクに関係なく、より積極的であることを反映する必要があります。夢は抑圧された性的な感情、つまり何らかの性的快楽への欲求を示している可能性もあります。









雄牛の夢を見る 1930 年代の意味は何ですか?
















あなたが雄牛に直面している夢を見るとき、それはあなたの関係の状態に応じて異なることを意味する可能性があります.あなたが現在恋をしているなら、それはあなたがコントロールしようとしている強い性的欲求を持っているというサインです. If you are not in love, then it is an indicator that, your willpower has backfired and certain goals are not possible at the moment in your life.

What does it mean to dream about killing a bull?

Killing a bull after being attacked by one indicates success. When you encounter a dream where you kill a bull, it is normally connected to your own natural instincts. It is a dream connected to the natural urges which you feel and could come from your love, family, or someplace. It could be sexual feelings towards your loved ones or feeling protective of them.

What does it imply to dream about riding a bull?

We all know of the rodeo rides at fairgrounds. Riding a bull is an indicator that, you are feeling confident about the decisions you just made and it is next to impossible for someone to convince you otherwise. Your goals and the roadmap to achieving them is on course at the moment. If you are riding in the reverse gear, then it means that you are going to experience some obstacles before you eventually achieve your goals.

What does it imply to dream about being frightened by an aggressive bull?

Being frightened by an aggressive bull in your dream could mean that there will be a problem in the coming days and thus, you need to be extra careful. If the bull was attacking you (I will expand below) then this can imply that you are feeling lost at the moment, especially if you were frightened by the bull.

What does it imply to dream about a bull attacking someone?

A bull attacking someone in your dream could be an indicator that, you are very stubborn. If the bull was in an arena then this “attack” may happen in front of others. It is symbolic in it’s interpretation.

What does it mean to dream about bulls fighting?

A dream where bulls are fighting indicates that you are surrounded by stubborn people who are always fighting. The dream could also mean that some areas of your life are facing struggles like you could be unable to balance between your work and private life.

What does it denote to dream about a raging bull?

When you have a dream where you see a raging bull, it is a sign that, your desires and passions are no longer controllable.

What does it denote to dream about a white bull?

According to 1930s dream lore, a dream that you are seeing a white bull, then there is a possibility that, someone who is close to you is going to become pregnant or you are going to become pregnant, that is, if you are a woman. If you are a man, you may find that someone you know in real life will become pregnant.

What does it mean to dream about feeding a bull?

Feeding a bull in your dream could mean that, there is someone who is interested in you romantically. You might be unaware of the person or you could be ignoring them on purpose due to being busy or having your interest somewhere else.

What does it imply to dream about selling a bull?

When you dream of selling a bull, then it is a sign that you are romantically involved with someone but you are regretting your choice of partner. This is because you have realized that the person doesn’t love you and they are cruel and merciless.

What does it imply to dream about a bull without horns?

Dreaming of a bull without horns could mean that, you are going to have victory over those you perceive to be your rivals in actual life.

What does it imply to dream about an angry bull?

To experience a dream where you see an aggressive / angry bull can mean that you are currently frustrated in your life. Of course, we all get annoyed. This could mean that someone is behaving “negatively” towards yourself or a close relationship or family. Whatever is happening needs only for them to take leave and change something small and happiness could be theirs, but it is like they seem not to see and it is making you be annoyed.

What does it mean to dream about a bull being sacrificed?>

A dream where you see a bull being sacrificed could be an indicator of your lack of will. It is a sign that, you have given up on yourself and you no longer have the strong willpower that you used to have and thus, you lack motivation.

What does it imply to dream about a well-fed bull?

To have a dream where you see a well-fed bull, take it to be a positive sign. It denotes that, you are respected by people who are around you. If you are a man, the dream is an indication that, you very popular with women. It could also mean that you are sexually attractive. It is a dream which is a sign of prosperity and success.

What does it mean to dream about a bull grazing?

A bull grazing on a field in your dream is a sign that, your wealth is diminishing and in the coming days, you might not have enough money to take care of yourself. Alternatively, it could imply that you are going to be involved in small conflicts with your friends and relatives.

What does it denote to dream about being chased by a bull?

This is quite a common dream. A dream where you are being chased by a bull could mean that, in the coming days, through an inheritance, you are going to become rich. Alternatively, the dream could be a sign of compatibility in your relationships. On the negative, the dream could be an indicator that, you are refusing to acknowledge that you are stubborn.

What does it imply to dream about Spanish bullfighting?

I have touched on this before. Witnessing Spanish bullfighting in your dream could mean that, you are having a conflict between your spiritual and animal side of your personality.

What does it mean to dream about a black bull?

A black bull can appear and generally in dreams this is rather negative. A black bull, it means that you are encountering a difficult time and maybe someone in your life is overly stubborn. There could be great spite towards something or someone. Alternatively, it could mean that you are likely to become a victim of people who dislike you and are ready to make sure that you suffer.

What does it imply to dream about a dead bull?

The bull in your dream could be dead, or you kill the bull. Dreams about a dead bull, it is a sign that, you are going to encounter some fortunes in the coming days. It could also be a sign of rage, depression or sadness regarding someone else’s conduct. Alternatively, it is an indicator that, you are going to lose your “strong will” which could indicate that you are doubting yourself and the abilities that you possess. If you are a male, dreaming about a dead bull could be a sign that, you are losing your sex drive.

What does it imply to dream about eating a bull?

Somewhat rare in dreams but eating a bull, you are having a desire to accept your sexuality. Freud believed this type of dream indicates a new start.

What does it imply to dream about a bull with horns?

Dreaming about a bull’s horn could be a sign that, there is a need for you to confront some issues in your life. Your life is in a mess and there is a need for you to get hold of it and take it back to the right path.

In summary, a bull in a dream can imply aggression and also being bullied. In dreams every detail is important and the scene of your dream should also be reviewed. I do hope you enjoyed this dream meanings. Blessings. Flo

In your dreams you may have

  • Been involved in a bull fight, as either a matador or the bull itself.
  • Seen a bull whether caged or free.
  • Sculpture, statues, painting, or other representations of a bull.
  • Seen the word bull.
  • Ran away from a bull.
  • Had an interaction with bull horns.

Positive changes are afoot

  • Grabbing a bull’s horns means an opportunity to take or regain control of your life is just around the corner.
  • Winning a bull fight indicates you will overcome an aggressor.
  • Enjoyment while handling a bull means an adventure awaits you.
  • The overall dream was positive.

Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream with a bull

Aggression, Anxiety, Confidence, Dissatisfaction, Depression, Excitement, Fear, Helplessness, Loneliness, Peacefulness, Power.

  1. 雄牛について話す夢

  2. 穏やかな雄牛の夢

  3. 突進する雄牛の夢

  4. 雄牛の夢を見る

  5. 雄牛の夢

  6. 牛に噛まれる夢を見る

  7. 突進する雄牛の夢を見る

  8. 雄牛を殺す夢を見る

  9. 雄牛が追いかけてくる夢を見る