象の夢 – 意味と解釈
一頭のゾウの夢を見る .夢の中で一頭の象を見た場合、それは良い兆候であり、希望を象徴しています。たぶん、あなたは新しいビジネスやプロジェクトを始めることを計画しています。この夢は、あなたのプロジェクトが成功し、経済的に報われることを示しています。
ゾウの群れの夢を見る .夢の中で象の群れを見た場合、そのような夢は、あなたが何らかの問題や状況に圧倒されていることを明らかにしている可能性があります.
数頭のゾウの夢を見る 夢の中で複数の象を見た場合、それは非常に良い兆候です。この夢は、あなたの人生に良い時期が来ることを予告しているかもしれません。繁栄、富、豊かさを期待してください。また、あなたの欲望と目標が満たされることを期待してください。
象に乗るのが夢。 象に乗る夢はとても良い兆候です。もしかしたら、この夢は、あなたの過去の恐怖心を克服する暗示かもしれません。過去の記憶と向き合っているサインなのかもしれません。この夢は、あなたの現実の大きな問題を克服し、解決する兆候かもしれません。また、経済的安定のしるしでもあります。
ゾウを怖がる夢を見る 夢の中で象を恐れていた場合、そのような夢は、記憶や、対処することへの恐怖のために、まだ対処できない大きな問題の兆候である可能性があります.
負傷したゾウの夢を見る。 あなたの夢の中の負傷して激怒した象は、あなたが危険にさらされる可能性があるという警告です.あなたが遭遇する可能性のある状況を引き起こす可能性があるため、あなたの行動に注意を払う必要があります.
ゾウを殺す夢 .夢の中で象を殺した場合、そのような夢は悪い兆候です。おそらく、あなたの安全と生活のバランスが損なわれるでしょう。この夢は、あなたの人生全体に影響を与える、危険で不幸な時期がやってくることを予告している可能性があります.
ゾウの赤ちゃんの夢を見る .夢の中の象の赤ちゃんは、あなたが現在抱えている小さな問題の象徴かもしれませんが、対処しなければ成長する可能性があります。この夢は、問題が解決できなくなるのを待つのではなく、問題が発生したら解決するようにというメッセージです。
ゾウに餌をやる夢。 夢の中で象に餌をあげていた場合、そのような夢は良い兆候であり、おそらく昇進を予告し、職業的および個人的な成功の規模を拡大しています。それはあなたの人生をより良く変える重要な出来事を意味しているかもしれません.
ゾウが草を食べている夢を見る。 If you saw an elephant grazing in your dream, such a dream is a good sign. This dream might be representing the way you treat other people, with kindness and respect. It is probably a sign that you are a person always ready to help everyone.
Dreaming about unexpectedly seeing an elephant . If you unexpectedly saw an elephant in your dream, this can signify some support from a group of people you might meet in the near future, with whom you share common interests.
Dreaming about a white elephant. If you saw a white elephant in your dream, this might foretell buying some insignificant asset in the near future.
This dream might also be a sign of a spiritual revelation you might experience soon about some issue that has been on your mind for some time.
Dreaming about running away from an elephant . If you were running away from an elephant in your dream, especially an aggressive one, this dream might signify your resilience towards something or someone.
Maybe there are some people in your life which are trying to control and limit you in some way. Maybe they are bossing you around and criticizing you. This dream is a sign of success in getting rid of such restraints.
Dreaming about being attacked by an aggressive elephant. If an aggressive elephant attacked you in a dream, such a dream might be a warning. Maybe some powerful people will try to harm you in some way and cause you problems. Maybe they will try to put some obstacles on your way to stop your plans and success.
This dream is a message to be careful and try to avoid these obstacles.
Dreaming about an elephant with a baby elephant. If you saw an elephant with its offspring, such a dream might be a reminder not to forget about your friends and relatives and invest some more of your time in the relationships with them.
Dreaming about an elephant in your room. A dream in which you saw an elephant in your room is a bad sign and might foretell some unpleasant situations coming soon. Maybe you’ll encounter some obstacles on the way to achieving your goals, but they will only be of a temporary nature.
Dreaming about being lifted in the air by an elephant’s trunk. If an elephant lifted you off the ground with its trunk, such a dream is a good sign foretelling success using your natural talents and gifts.
Dreaming about an elephant’s trunk . If you saw an elephant trunk in your dream, whether if it was a part of the animal or separated, such a dream is not a good sign and might be signifying some instability and fear. Maybe you are currently out of balance in some area of your life and that makes you nervous and anxious.
Dreaming about an elephant’s trunk (for women) . For women looking at an elephant’s trunk in a dream, that dream might have a sexual connotation. Maybe you are currently experiencing a strong sexual desire towards someone and want to have a sexual intercourse with that person.
This dream might also be a sign of your desire to have more power and influence as well as recognition.
Dreaming about an elephant in the water . If you saw an elephant swimming or standing in the water in your dream, such a dream is probably a bad sign and might represent some problems and difficulties which might make you anxious and nervous. Luckily, that period won’t last long.
Dreaming about an elephant with a strange color. If you saw an elephant with an unusual color, that dream might actually be a good sign and might foretell meeting some nice and friendly people in the near future, which may become very good friends of yours.
Dreaming about a friendly elephant. If you saw a friendly looking elephant in your dream, that’s a good sign and might signify suddenly meeting someone who might become an important part of your life and a loyal friend.