爆弾の夢 – 意味と解釈
爆弾を見る夢 .夢の中で爆弾を見て、爆発するのではないかと恐れていた場合、そのような夢はおそらくあなたの現在の感情状態を示しています。あなたはおそらく、人生のいくつかの状況について不安やストレスを感じているでしょう.
爆弾による惨状を夢見る。 爆弾の爆発によって引き起こされた苦しみと破壊について夢を見た場合、そのような夢は良い兆候ではなく、すぐに悪いニュースを受け取ることを示している可能性があります.
自分の周りにたくさんの爆弾を夢見る .夢の中で爆発する準備ができている多くの爆弾に囲まれている場合、そのような夢はいくつかの困難を示している可能性があり、予期しない損害を与える状況のために、近い将来に経験するでしょう.
爆発寸前の爆弾の夢を見る .爆弾が爆発する夢を見た場合、そのような夢は、すぐに誰かと恋に落ち、自分の行動を制御できなくなることを意味している可能性があります。
爆弾を作る夢 .誰かに対してそれを使用するために爆弾を夢の中で作っていた場合、そのような夢は、現在取り組んでいるプロジェクトを放棄することについての考えを示している可能性があります。
爆弾の解体を夢見ています。 夢の中で爆弾を解体していた場合、そのような夢は、それについて何かをする前に、何らかの状況が落ち着く必要があることを示している可能性があります。現時点で何をしても、事態を悪化させるだけかもしれません.
爆弾に触れる夢を見る . If you touched a bomb in a dream, such a dream signifies a turning point in your life soon.
If you expected the bomb to explode when you touch it, such a dream might indicate some serious and sudden change in your life, being caused by your decision to leave the past behind you and cutting all ties with it.
Dreaming about hearing a bomb explosion . If you heard a bomb explosion in a dream, such a dream might reflect your fears about successfully finishing some important goal.
Dreaming about bombs falling from the sky. If you dreamed about bombs falling from the sky, such a dream might forewarn an unpleasant meeting with a person you are trying to avoid, or a negative event with a lasting impact on your life.
Dreaming about a bomb threat. If you dreamed about being threatened by a bomb, such a dream might signify trying to repress or control your emotions and anger.
If you were threatening someone with a bomb, such a dream might indicate your solitary nature and inability to socialize and have friends. Sometimes it indicates conflicts and disagreements with friends and even separations with them.
Dreaming about a bomb shelter . Dreaming about a bomb shelter, might signify your need to protect yourself from someone, who has an angry and explosive temper and reactions.
It might also indicate repressing your emotions, fearing you might lose control. Sometimes it might indicate not revealing a secret, because you don’t want to hurt yourself or someone else.
Dreaming about a nuclear bomb. If you dreamed about seeing or being near a nuclear bomb, such a dream might indicate feeling threatened by something or someone.
It might also indicate not having control over some aspect of your life.
In some cases, it might indicate going through some big life changes or transformations, fearing your life will be completely changed afterwards.
This dream might also represent your worries about your future, which are not justified.
Dreaming about a bomb exploding . If a bomb exploded in your dream, such a dream might forewarn some events in the near future, you won’t be able to control easily.
A bomb exploding in a dream might also reveal your fear of death.
Dreaming about a bomb on an airplane . If you dreamed about witnessing a bomb being brought on an airplane, such a dream might be forewarning some unexpected event happening soon in your life.
Dreaming about a bomb turning itself off. If you dreamed about a bomb, turning off before exploding, such a dream might indicate some things are not as bad as you think.
Dreaming about searching for a bomb . If you tried to find a bomb in a dream, such a dream might indicate your attempts to prevent something from happening in your life.
Dreaming about being taken aback by a bomb . If you were taken aback by a bomb explosion, such a dream is not a good sign, indicating some unexpected and serious changes in your life soon.
Dreaming about a bomb ticking and exploding . If you dreamed about listening to a bomb ticking and afterwards exploding, such a dream might not be a good sign, indicating difficult times ahead.
Dreaming about war and bombs . If you dreamed about bombs during a war time, such a dream might indicate quarrels with some of your family members.