DreamsAstrology >> 占星術と夢 >  >> 占星術 >> おうし座


同じ要素の 2 つの兆候が出会い、恋に落ちるとどうなりますか?彼らはすぐにクリックして深く結びつきますか、それとも似たような性格のために会った直後に飽きて別れますか?

今日はそのような関係についてお話します。ショーのスターは、かなりダイナミックで実用的なデュオを形成する 2 つの地球の兆候、おうし座と山羊座です。



一般的におうし座と山羊座の星占いの互換性に関して言えば、これは間違いなく干支全体で最高ランクの組み合わせの 1 つです。

おうし座 やぎ座 素晴らしいものがたくさんあります 性格特性 しかし、野心、決意、そして 一生懸命 これら 2 つを構成するもの 星座 輝きます。



とは異なり 航空標識 ( ふたご座 水瓶座 天秤座 )、「生きて生きましょう」という考え方を持っている 地球の兆候 コントロールの必要性があり、彼らの決意と野心は、彼らが人生を楽に過ごすことを許しません.





おうし座と山羊座の関係 美しいもの、誠実なもの、そして最も重要なことに成長する可能性を秘めている 永遠に続く .

やぎ座が大好き 彼らを育て、保護し、世話をする 愛する人たち そして、そのような犠牲と信頼がすべてです おうし座 深く切望する。



しかし、運命は彼らの味方です。スターたちはこのラブ マッチを応援しており、それぞれの違いや問題を乗り越えることができます。




両者がお互いに心を開くのは難しいでしょう。これは、関係の信頼を築く上で大きな障害となるでしょう.また、健全なコミュニケーションの欠如にもつながります。実際、この 2 つがなければ関係は維持できません。

彼らが信頼の問題を克服し、より深い感情的なつながりを形成することができれば、これ ラブマッチ 愛を育む絶好のチャンス 安定した献身的な関係 .




これ ホロスコープ pairing is said to be one of the most compatible love matches in the entire zodiac. They complement each other in a way no other couple does, and they let each other grow individually and in their own needed directions.

A Taurus woman is loving, reliable, and loyal, but she’s also very gentle and in need of emotional security. That’s why she’ll fall for a Capricorn man ‘s protective nature and his patience.

On the other hand, a Capricorn guy is mature, ambitious, and trustworthy. Most astrologers describe him as the assertive daddy of the zodiac. However, he can be a bit shy and closed off, which may make him appear cold and distant to others.

Luckily, his Taurean partner is good with reading people, and she’ll know that it’s not his real face. She’ll see the real him under that mask and fall in love with that man.

Once she proves that he can trust her, he’ll take off the mask and tear down all the walls he built around his heart. This couple will build a relationship on the solid ground of pragmatism , loyalty, and respect.

9 Pieces Of Advice For Building A Stronger Emotional Connection


The bottom line is that when it comes to Capricorn Taurus compatibility in love, this couple gets a very good rating. It’s not that they are true soulmates , but they definitely have great potential for building a long-lasting relationship.

However, like all other couples, this astrological couple will need to invest a lot of effort and hard work in maintaining and nurturing their relationship. Of course, if they want it to last forever.

The good news is that hard work is one of the main personality traits of all three earth signs. So, I’m sure they’ll be able to form a stable long-term relationship.

Below is a list of tips that will help Taurus and Capricorn triumph in their relationship.

1. Stay connected – Communicate openly and regularly.

2. Keep your outside relationships and interests alive.

3. Embrace fighting in your relationship.

4. Set some clear and healthy boundaries.

5. Give each other proper personal space.

6. If your tempers flare, know when to take a break.

7. Be flexible and open to change.

8. Tip for Taurus :Pay more attention to your partner’s nonverbal cues.

9. Tip for Capricorn :Don’t even think about playing mind games with your Taurus partner.

Taurus And Capricorn Sexual Compatibility


The fact is that, nowadays, most couples just have sex. That’s not the deal with the Taurus -Capricorn couple because they make love.

For example, they won’t take this step in their relationship before fully gaining each other’s trust and forming a deep emotional connection. You see, for these two zodiac signs, sex doesn’t purely represent physical pleasure but an act of love.

They have intensive sexual energy, and they’re always in the mood for some action. I bet that this couple won’t be keen to get out of bed once they finally decide to engage in physical intimacy.

Taurus is, without a doubt, the best lover of the entire zodiac. They always knew how to fulfill all of their partner’s needs in bed. Their erogenous points are around their shoulders and neck.

Capricorn also likes to take things slowly, and they’re known as one of the most sensual and erotic zodiac signs. Tickling or gently touching the back of their knee is enough to get this earth sign fired up.

The Venus-ruled Taurus likes to experiment in bed, and doing it in unusual places is a huge turn on for this zodiac sign.

On the other hand, Capricorn feels more comfortable when they do it in a classy environment. This is the only time they might clash, but I’m sure this couple will manage to compromise.

Taurus And Capricorn Friendship


Now that we have talked about their love compatibility, what do you think? Do Taurus and Capricorn get along well as friends? Is this horoscope pairing able to form a solid friendship that could last a lifetime?

People born under these zodiac signs are patient, practical, and sensual. They have excellent taste and are used to the finer things in life. It’s no wonder Taurus and Capricorn click as soon as they meet.

They’re on the same wavelength, and it’s very easy for them to understand each other. These two earth signs can really build that once-in-a-lifetime friendship.

Also, another thing they have in common is that besides the third earth sign, Virgo, Taurus, and Capricorn get along pretty well with water signs:Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.

They have the same enemies, too, because both of these sun signs can have issues dealing with an Aries and a Sagittarius. This also works in favor of their friendship compatibility, right?

In Short


It’s true that Taurus and Capricorn get along very well in friendship, work, and all other spheres of life. Making a romantic relationship work is just the right amount of challenge for these two earth signs.

Their potential for building a healthy relationship is huge, even considering all the issues they may encounter. Those obstacles are sent their way with only one aim:to strengthen their relationship and prove how powerful their connection truly is.

When it comes to friendship, Taurus and Capricorn are the true definition of BFFs and soulmate friendships. Their bond as friends is truly unbreakable.

As I already said, Taurus and Capricorn may not be soulmates, but with a bit of effort, understanding, and communication, they can make the stars align for them.

If you want to know more about the personality traits of your zodiac signs, check out these 12 Remarkable Taurus Traits That Make This Sign So Special and 8 Of The Coolest Capricorn Traits That Make This Sign The Zodiac Boss .



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