山羊座効果によって最も打撃を受けたすべての兆候の中で、彼らのキャリアにおいて、最大の変化を見るのは牡羊座とレオです。 あなたがこれらの兆候の下で生まれた場合、またはそうである人々と一緒に働く場合、2020年に非常に厳しい2018年と2019年に続いて大成功を収めることを期待してください(それが獲得されている場合)。おうし座は彼/彼女の労働生活に影響を与える地域と外国の違いを見つけるでしょう2018年末までに大きな問題になり、2020年には、驚くべき変化を引き起こします。蠍座の焦点は、ワールドワイドウェブとその日々の執拗な仕事への影響にあります。 2020年までに、スコーピオのインターネットライフは手ごわいものになります。
個人的な関係では、山羊座効果は、がん、乙女座、てんびん座、そして経済的および人間関係の理由からジェミニに最大の影響を及ぼします。癌は、以前の、現在の、または可能性のあるパートナーとの関係の現実を見なければなりません。乙女座は、親であるかどうかに関係なく、赤ちゃんと子供の問題に目を向ける必要があります。てんびん座は家族に一生懸命集中しなければなりません。うお座は、なぜ友人が夫や妻と同じくらい重要であるのか、そしてなぜそれらの友人を含むグループが家族と同じくらい重要であるのかを発見しようとしています。 1回の旅が完了するまでに3年かかり、特に1人の友人とのカルマがあります。
山羊座はどうですか?アクエリアスと一緒に、年の終わりと初めに生まれたものは、カプリコーン効果から最も個人的な影響を与えます。山羊座が見た目や服装を変えるのを見てください。山羊座が、成功はおそらく何年も前に成功が意味したものではないことを理解するのを見てください。アクエリアスの場合、個人的な変化は内部的なものです。ひみつ。プライベート。実際、2018年、2019年、2020年は治療的 経験。
2020年1月に木星が山羊座の南ノードに接続しているので、核カルマについて話さなければなりません。 ノードは常に私たちを過去に戻します。まるで私たちが同じ映画から、同じ人々と同じ行を読んで、同じシーンを生きているかのように。この映画では、ノードが山羊座のような標識を通過するたびに、異なる乗組員、監督、キャストがいる可能性がありますが、基本的に同じスクリプトです。レニー・クラヴィッツを引用すると、何が起こっているのか、何が起こっているのか、私たちはそれをすべて前に見た、またはすべて前に行った、またはすべて前に聞いたことがあります。だから北朝鮮と一緒です。
北朝鮮の山羊座のパターンと彼の核への執着に焦点を当てていることを考えると、1945年8月6日と9日に広島と長崎が世界を震撼させたという事実を乗り越えることはできません。南ノードも8山羊座に立っていました。 その時点で新世界秩序が現れ、アメリカ合衆国がトップでした。彼女は戦争を終わらせるというカルマを引き受けましたが、命を奪っています。
2020年1月7日から11日までの8山羊座の木星は8山羊座の南ノードを結合します。1945年8月6日と9日、広島と長崎が破壊され、新世界秩序(日本は8月14日に降伏)の8山羊座の南ノードを正確に反映します。 )生まれました。
原子力に関するこの質問は、文字通り、1945年4月25日にサンフランシスコの正午12時に設立され、南ノードが3度離れた山羊座11番地にある国連をもたらします。 2018年12月29日から2019年1月6日まで、土星が山羊座11を横切るとき、国連の計算にかなりの時間がかかるでしょう。 この時期の全体的な感覚は、「世界の警官」が大きなストレスにさらされており、広島と長崎のカルマは、これから1、2年は対処されなければならないということです。米国は常にシステム全体の警察署長であり、その上の国連はその上にありますが、これらの通過中に古いシステムはどうなるのでしょうか。私が2017年12月にこれを書いているように、私たち全員が今から核問題を「取り上げる」ことが非常に重要です。2020年12月にこれに戻ると、その理由がわかります。
幸いなことに、2020年1月の古い「広島と長崎」の位置にある南ノード結合木星のカルマは私たちを助けるために運命づけられています。木星は占星術の偉大な保護者です。セーフティネット。ローマ人にとって、彼は彼らの神々の中で最も偉大で最高でした。ジュピターオプティマスマキシマス。 2020年1月に世界的な圧力が高まり、広島と長崎が爆撃されたときに見た古いパターンが復活したときに、サウスノードと一緒に彼を見つけることができて本当に幸運です。希望がある。実際、世界的な改革があるかもしれません。しかし、そこにたどり着くのは深刻です。
2020年1月に最初または2回目の土星回帰を行った人々は、その月の政治的およびビジネス上の変化の影響を非常に個人的な方法で実際に感じるでしょう。彼らは自分たちの人生の道が変わることに気付くかもしれません。 21、22、23、24山羊座で土星と一緒に生まれた場合は、土星回帰があります。あなたはグローバルが個人(あなたのキャリアまたは退職)に影響を与えることに気付くでしょう、そして人として、あなたはグローバルな絵に影響を与えることにあなたの役割を果たします。これは、ナチュラルハウスシステムがどのように機能するかを示す良い例です。占星術にはさまざまなハウスシステムがあり、これはそのうちの1つにすぎませんが、私たちが個人としてより大きな全体にどのように影響するかを示しているので、私はそれを使用するのが好きです(特にプレミアムメンバーの個人的なチャートで)私たちに影響を与えます。
世界の舞台では、2020年1月に30歳の誕生日、さらには60歳の誕生日に近づく数十億人を見る必要があります。これらは、伝統的に1人が昇進する年齢ですが、引退、つまり冗長性も示しています。したがって、2020年1月に企業と政府の生活が大きく変化したもう1つの論理的な理由があります。人々は圧力をかけます。 1月は企業と政府の圧力を意味します。大企業、特に年金と退職の義務に目を向けている人々の観点からすると、その月の土星回帰の人々すべてが、たまたま重要な年齢に達したためかもしれません。多くの国で同時に定年と年金のルールが劇的に変化しているのを簡単に見ることができました。
コスモスとプシュケ 著者、リチャード・タルナス:'何百もの個々の伝記を調べたところ、28歳から30歳までの間に、人生、仕事、長期的な目標、安全、両親、伝統、そして確立された社会構造が出現する傾向がありました。」
マリー・キュリーは土星回帰でラジウムとポロニウムを発見しました。アビゲイル・アダムスは、家族、家庭、ビジネス、そして執筆をすべて同時に引き受けました。ギンズバーグはハウルを書き、スコットフィッツジェラルドはグレートギャツビーを書いた。ガートルードスタインはパリに移り、27 ruedeFleurusにサロンを設立しました。
2020年1月の土星回帰の人々の違いは、彼らが世界を変える種類の他のトランジットで一掃されることです。そのため、セレス、サターン、プルート、マーキュリーのラインナップのおかげで、彼ら自身の雇用や退職の状況は、彼らの前の他の世代のそれとは大きく異なります。当時、あなた(土星回帰の場合)やあなたの上層部との間で、膨大な量の取引、妥協、強制的な株式協定、その他の企業や政府が見られるでしょう。セレスはカーブアップの女王であるため、ここでは非常に重要な要素です。セレスを使用してBrexitの結果を予測したので、占星術師が彼女を参照しているとは限らない場合でも、この惑星をチャートで真剣に受け止めてください。 この期間に土星回帰がある場合は、2019年11月から2020年1月まで、上司またはスタッフが直接関与するトレードオフに個人的に引き込まれます。
このすべての性質は非常に広範であるため、世界のより大きな変化、おそらく私たちの苦労して稼いだ年金と老齢年金基金についてしか推測できません。このサイクルは、おうし座の革命的な天王星サイクルと一緒に展開されており、 2018年5月から銀行システムを変更します。もちろん、2019年11月から2020年1月にかけて、課税はもう1つの明白な問題です。
ここにそれらはすべて(下に)山羊座の海王星、またはそのサインの天王星で生まれた世代の山羊座です。彼らは待つ、待つ、昇進を待つ、昇給を待つ、またはその力のカップルの結婚–しかし、この世代は、2017年12月にこれを書いているように、辛抱強く成功を望んでいるので、2020年までに彼らの心を吹き飛ばします。若い。なんで? 2018年と2019年の厳しい試練の時期から、2020年の大規模な改革へと移行するにつれ、定年、希望退職、仕事の分担などが世界経済を席巻します。
山羊座の海王星で生まれ、地位と成功を追求することで現実世界から脱出しようとする世代は、2人のケイトのおとぎ話に魅了されます。有名人を監視している場合は、2018年、2019年、2020年のミドルトンとモスを注意深く見たいと思うでしょう。この期間の彼らの生活は、成功とそれが実際に何を意味するのかを教えてくれるでしょう。あなたがこれを読んでいて、私のコスモポリタンの一人であるなら 山羊座の海王星(1984-1998)で生まれた雑誌の読者は、2人のケイトに登場する人生の教訓を通して、あなたの世代の人生の教訓を期待しています。
残念ながら、失業は山羊座将軍にとって本当のリスクです。これが、2020年に、年齢、年功序列、インターンシップ、昇進、年金、退職などについて再考する必要がある理由の1つである可能性があります。山羊座は実際には占星術で土星によって支配されていますが、それはおそらくあなたが知っているでしょう、そしてそれで彼自身のサインでこの惑星の到着は二重の苦痛です。あなたがサインと惑星の意味を取り戻すならば、両方とも恐れと関連しています。注意は恐れであり、常識に扮した。保守的な人々は、山での自分の立場を危険にさらすようなことを言ったり、したりすることは決してありません。ピラミッド型の機関、組織、または「システム」をこの星座に関連付けます。ピラミッドは山のようなものです。野心的なヤギが登るためにそこにいます。繰り返しになりますが、山羊座に海王星がある場合(1984-1998)、特に仕事が現実からの休日ではないことに気付いたのは初めてかもしれません。 2020年までに、あなたの仕事の世界は現実になりすぎます。
リチャード・タルナスは、これらの2つの惑星、土星と冥王星を、一見、国際的な危機と紛争と関連付けています。 2001年9月11日、土星が14ジェミニに、プルートが12射手座に立っていたとき、それらはほぼ反対でした(2001年8月のテロリストの計画段階では、12ジェミニと12射手座で正反対でした。2つは射手座が0ガン、プルートが1ガンであったとき、1914年8月に惑星はわずか1度の差で結合しました。これは、1914年6月28日のように、第一次世界大戦の開始から数週間後のフランツフェルディナンドが撃たれました。
土星と冥王星は、1939年9月に第二次世界大戦が始まったとき、わずか2度の差で正方形でした。冥王星は2レオに立っていました、土星は0トーラスにありました。 2020年1月が広島と長崎のパターンとどのように一致するか、そして北朝鮮の金日成大統領の1994年の死と彼の息子である金正日による交代が2019年4月にどのように応答するかを見てきました。 2020年1月。
冥王星と土星が完全に結合している2020年1月のこの戦争リスクを考えると、おそらく木星についてより深く話す時が来たのでしょう。職業としての占星術師は悲観的な予測に興奮しすぎる傾向がありますが、木星はローマのすべての神々の中で最も強力であり、山羊座のカルマの南ノードと正確に結合しています 2020年1月、土星の肥料が世界のファンを襲ったとき、彼のタイミングは完璧です。希望がある。解決策があります。これからいくつかの良いことが起こります。なぜなら–木星は常に良いです。
私のお気に入りの占星術の本の1つは、 Stargazer’sNotebookの秘密です。 デビーケンプトンスミスによる。彼女は私が大好きな木星慈悲深いファッソと呼んでいます。彼女は次のように書いています。「木星はガスでできており、彼は ガス。彼はサンタクロースであり、黄金のガチョウと神聖な牛はすべて大きなものになりました。彼のモットーは「それについて大きくなる」であり、彼の原則は慈悲です。 ジュペは太っ子で、触れるものすべてを広げる傾向があります。 Fatsoは、最悪の場合でも、癒し、助け、そして幸運な保護をもたらします。」これは、土星が近くにあり、キース・リチャーズがかつて言ったように、「たわごとが起こる」場合でも当てはまります。
現代の天文学者のハンドブックに書く 、スー・トンプキンスは、「ジュピターは、どこにいても自信と楽観主義を与え、せいぜい喜びと陽気さのアイデアと関連付けることもできます」と述べています。山羊座での土星と冥王星の2年間の非常に厳しい後、2020年1月頃には間違いなく明けましておめでとうございます。したがって、これはトップの多くの人々にとって危機ですが、より良い何かの始まりのように感じるでしょう。
将来への希望の一部は、天王星と海王星が90年代にこの星座にいたときに生まれた2020年1月の世代山羊座から来るでしょう。彼らは、企業、ビジネス、王室、政府の生活の中で、トップに立つか、そこに登る明日のリーダーになります。山羊座の硬い土星と執拗な冥王星の組み合わせのおかげで、厳しい2018年と2019年の後、彼らはより良い世界を望んでいます。山羊座将軍が私たちを長い政治的および企業的危機から脱却させるのに役立つのはなぜですか?彼らが望んでいて、できるからです–実際、彼らはそれをするために生まれました。 2020年に木星は彼らの出生の天王星と海王星の位置を結合し、ドアが開きます。これは、憲法、法律、およびすべてのシステムの大規模な再構築であり、ビジネス、王室、または政府の生活の1つの側面に触れることはありません。
1988年から1995/1996年の間に天王星は山羊座にいました したがって、この世代は、政治と大企業に革命を引き起こすように配線されています。彼らは、ネルソンマンデラが解放されて大統領になり、アパルトヘイトが終了したときに、南アフリカの設立が大きな変化を見たときに生まれました。古いソ連はこの期間中に1991年に崩壊しました。昭和天皇は1989年に亡くなり、日本の旧秩序も終わりました。
2008年1月26日から山羊座でプルートと一緒に生まれた山羊座の人々の3番目の重要なグループがあります。彼らは2020年1月に約12歳になり、その月の大規模なイベントが彼らの記憶に残るのだろうかと疑問に思います彼らは確かに彼らが年をとったときに企業や政府を支配するために地球上に置かれたので、彼らは大人です。 2018年から2020年の期間の明らかな結果の1つは、有給教育と私立/公立学校システムの激変であり、変化が起こったときに、これらはこの年齢層に完全に適合します。プルートで土星を通過し、続いてセレスを通過すると、高校または同様の(10代の教育)への移行が非常に重要になると推測することもできます。この一例は、友人が会社の一部として有給の教育を受けており、思春期に入るときに別の学校に通う子供です。おそらく、2019年の終わりと2020年の初めは、新しい学期が世界中で始まるので、巨額の費用がかかる「古い学校のネクタイ」学校のプレッシャーの時期と一致するでしょう。見る価値があります。
では、2018年、2019年、2020年にかけて、待機中のゲーム、難易度、人生の試験の惑星である土星はどうでしょうか。 神話の新しいラルース百科事典 ロバート・グレイブスによって紹介された、土星はラテン/ローマ起源の古代の農業の神であったと私たちに語っています。彼はいつも鎌や鎌を持って見せられます。実際、あなたの星占いの土星のシンボルは、その側面にある鎌です。 「sator」という言葉は「sower」と訳され、彼の名前に関連付けられています。これから、土星のトランジットの下で、あなたはあなたがまくものを刈り取るという考えが生まれます。あなたはあなたが値するものを手に入れます。
グスターヴホルストは彼の傑作、惑星を作成しました 、1914年から1916年の間に、土星と冥王星がガンで結ばれ、戦争が繰り広げられていたとき。
It is typical of the strangeness of astrology that Pluto had not even been discovered and named at the time (that would come in 1930) but Holst certainly understood Saturn and without realizing it, was creating a soundtrack for The Great War at a time when this planet was in a historic line-up with Pluto. You only have to listen to the music today to hear stuck, slow, serious, sombre, scared old Saturn in the notes.
Holst cast horoscopes, according to Dava Sobel in The Planets 。 He was true to astrology, making ‘Saturn, The Bringer of Old Age’, the longest of the suite’s seven movements, at nine minutes forty seconds. In this, he was echoing Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) whose composition for Saturn centuries before, had Saturn at slow speed.
This is one of many examples of Saturn’s long association with waiting games, passing years, old men, old age, retirement, the pension and so on. As Pluto (transformation, a change in the balance of power) conjuncts Saturn in Capricorn (business, corporations) in January 2020 it would be a miracle if this specific part of our professional lives was not severely affected. Retirement age may be one issue. Pensions, certainly another.
2020 seems likely to be the year that there is a welcome worldwide shift in retirement age and pension conditions, across a number of countries, following a crisis, as Saturn, Pluto, Ceres and Mercury all stand at 22 Capricorn in January. You would be mad not to join the dots as an astrologer and see that Uranus (the revolution) in Taurus (currency, banks) is going to play a massive part in what comes. Astrology is about being proactive, so if you know for a fact that you have Capricorn and/or Taurus factors in your chart, then make it your business to become an expert on business, from December 2017 onwards.
Watch the trends. Read the news. Focus on cryptocurrency in particular and keep tracking the waves of change as they roll towards you, from May 2018, because they’re going to do that rapidly and you need to be right on top of every current. Know exactly what is happening politically and at the corporate level, because more than any other time in history, it is going to have a personal impact on your life. Mine too!
Management Versus the Fiftysomething Workforce in 2020
Everyone born 1961/2 to 1968/9 has Uranus (revolution) in Virgo (work) and those born 1956/8 to 1971/2 have Pluto (power and control transformation) in Virgo, as well. Thus, the majority of people born in the Sixties, who are steadily approaching usual retirement age in 2020, have Pluto and Uranus in Virgo, the sign associated with the working class, trade unions and the supportive work force. I’ve talked a lot about Capricorn ruling the people at the top. Well, they all need the people further down – middle management – and then the workers, massed at the base of the mountain or pyramid, holding it all up.
The massive change in the balance of power which is coming in 2020, affecting every C.E.O. in the world, will have a great deal to do with these people, and I am one of them – the workers of the world. As I write this I have just finished filing horoscopes for Cosmopolitan , owned by the Bauer corporation, and Vogue , owned by the Conde Naste corporation. I may be an astrologer, but like so many of you reading this, I’m also a worker bee. We bees need to hear the buzz, and read the business and financial pages of the press, almost as routine, once we are well into the Capricorn/Taurus cycles of 2018 and beyond.
What is your workplace hive? Where is it? Who is the Queen Bee? You are going to see that hive changed and possibly even replaced in 2018, 2019, 2020.
The reason for this is the trine from Saturn in Capricorn to the Virgo placements of this generation, born in the Sixties – the worker bees. When Saturn (tough realities) tends to ‘lean in’ like this, you usually find that the chart signatures of people come alive. All those fifty-somethings are really going to discover their inner Virgo (the work ethic) but in a powerful (Pluto) new way, or even a profoundly revolutionary (Uranus) one. It won’t just come from nowhere; it’s going to come from the tremendous reshaping of the larger business world.
Worker Bees Born in the 1960’s
2020 feels like a massive shift in the old working world, away from the hive shape (lots of bees down the bottom, one bee at the top) towards a very different kind of hive. I would also suspect that the Hive Mind, the collective thinking of billions of people born with Uranus and Pluto in Virgo, is behind the reshape.
Virgo is very much about doing your duty, performing a service, being the cog in the machine. It’s really about, as The Beatles sang in A Hard Day’s Night, ‘working like a dog’ but as Uranus (freedom) and Pluto (empowerment) are in this sign for so many people whose lives have been changed by the computer and the internet, these billions of people born in the Sixties are also working for themselves, these days. Increasingly, 2020 is beginning to look like the crisis point in a major detox of the pension system, the corporate pyramid structure, the banks – and it’s going to revive trade unions. Gen Virgo will wake up.
Natally, Uranus describes that part of you which is the catalyst for a revolution. You play your part in a radical wave of change among your age group. You tend to be quite rejecting, here, but also rejected. Either way you are never still here. Never at peace. Uranus in Virgo is really about self-employment and unemployment, both of which are white-hot issues for everyone born in the Sixties. Virgo has always ruled workload.
Pluto in the chart shows where you are obsessive, passionate, controlling, powerful – but always forced to compromise. Again, in Virgo, this is about self-employment and unemployment. In a time of great difficulty and changes in the balance of power, across multinationals, in 2018, 2019, 2020 – you have to wonder what solutions all those fifty-somethings are going to come up with. Either way, the astonishing trines of Ceres, Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter in Capricorn to the natal Uranus and Pluto in Virgo positions of these people, along with the slow trine from Uranus in Taurus, has the power to empower them – and also set them free. If you are in this age group or are close to people who are, then get ready. The game, as Sherlock so often says, is on. There is a specific age group, too (below) most affected and it looks as if they will lead the changes.
The 1966, 1967, 1968 Children and January 2020
People born with Uranus and/or Pluto at 22 Virgo will experience a substantial career change as they all go through a trine in January 2020, as transiting Mercury, Ceres, Pluto (himself) and Saturn all pass by at 22 Capricorn. These are the adults who were born in 1966, 1967, 1968 and thus, approaching their sixties and that crucial age of pension collection and retirement. They grew up listening to songs like Friday on my Mind by The Easybeats on the radio – a working-class anthem – as small children. They grew up with John, Paul, George and Ringo who sold the idea of a powerful, free working class to the world. Multinationals and moguls are going to be put through their paces by this generation born 1966, 1967, 1968 in January 2020.
January 2020 could easily see class-action lawsuits peak if multinational corporations have betrayed the pension plans of the generation approaching retirement age or if other work contracts are scrapped. January 2020 is very much about the contract between worker and business. Using astrology it would be possible to narrow this period of pressure and intensity down to January 12, 2020 – even though I am writing this on 17 December 2017 it really is possible to see that far into the future with astrology. We’re going to see corporations called to account. They will have to pay their way, one way or another.
I am sure you know Virgo is also associated with the body. Our physical condition and physical state. January 2020 will also be a time of reckoning for any corporation at risk of class-action lawsuits by people whose health has been endangered by (for example) big pharmaceutical companies. This is Gen Virgo again, born 1966, 1967, 1968.
Of course, with Virgo and its great emphasis on the workers, we are also looking at the astrological impact on Communism and countries like China and Russia in January 2020, because it is the Uranus/Pluto in Virgo worker bees who are most affected as the hive is restructured. During the years that Uranus and Pluto were in Virgo, The Beatles came up with Revolution on The White Album. If it is ever going to genuinely happen for the working classes and the middle classes, it will be 2020.
Now, who else is going to play their part in 2020?
The Reagan, Bush and Thatcher Babies of the Eighties
Oh, those Eighties Ronald Reagan babies. When their mothers fed them, he was on the television throughout – the very model of conservative Republican America. He was an older man aged 69 when he became American President, and past usual retirement age. This truly unusual combination of people born in 1984-1998 with either Neptune or Uranus in Capricorn suggests a massive shift in thinking about retirement, pensions, politics and business in January 2020. Also, the whole issue of ‘success’ and status. The idea of making it to the top and staying there. Perhaps Reagan on the T.V. did it to them.
Between 1984 and 1998 , we had people being born with major, outer planets in Capricorn at the same time that ‘Capricorn’ themes ruled the planet – it was all about suits and ties – old men – and the system. Women with padded shoulders, looking like men in the boardroom. Uranus in Capricorn brings tremendous resistance to this idea of conservative success – and rebellion against it. Neptune in Capricorn makes it all seem like an escape from the real world; a fantasy land. Either way, Gen Capricorn is hung up on suits. It’s easy to see why, because the parents of these babies either voted passionately for or against Reagan, Bush, Thatcher when they were growing up.
Ronald Reagan ruled America from 1984, then in 1988 George Bush took over, followed by Bill Clinton in 1992 and again in 1996. To give you a picture of this time, when Generation Capricorn was growing up, Margaret Thatcher and the Conservatives won a third term in Britain in 1987, so the Eighties in both America and Great Britain was in the hands of traditionalists. Even when Thatcher was toppled by her own party, the Conservatives under John Major still went on to win a fourth term for the Tories at the 1992 election.
Only when the twin Uranus and Neptune in Capricorn cycle was fading in 1998 did we see any real change, and that came with the election of Labour’s Tony Blair in 1997, who was in power at the same time as Democrat Bill Clinton. The old men and old women in suits were disappearing then; the mood was changing.
It was against this background that Gen Capricorn grew up. They were small children in 1989 when pro-democracy demonstrations in Tiananmen Square saw the army crush an uprising like no other. They saw people try to crush the system in China on the television – and saw the system tragically crush the people, right back. If the Eighties was the era of suits – and resistance to suits, as well as glorification of them – then it has to be said, the classic Chairman Mao buttoned-up top collar was just as much as symbol of the Capricorn years as Mrs Thatcher’s blue jackets.
Watch fashion when we see the Capricorn line-up across 2018, 2019, 2020. Particularly work wear and corporate wear. The shop windows will tell a story about the deeper social change taking place underneath. Fashion is often a signal for more important transformation and as the number one Capricorn symbol, the suit seems very likely to be at the core of some worldwide, sweeping trend.
Ceres! Why January 2020 is The Big Compromise
Beyond fashion trends, we can expect a big compromise and a new world order in January 2020, partly because of Ceres alongside Pluto, Saturn and Mercury in Capricorn. In fact, because Mercury rules all big announcements, declarations and paperwork, it increasingly looks as if we’re going to see a global agreement that month that attempts to resolve so much of the difficulty and intensity of 2018, 2019 with the nuclear issue and North Korea, but also individual corporations and governments. January 2020 is the month of The Big Announcement.
Ceres is a dwarf planet, equal to Pluto, and should always be considered when we’re talking about the latter. Ceres was reclassified in 2006, along with Pluto, and they are both equally important ‘players’ in the world of astrological timing and prediction.
Ceres is Pluto’s mother-in-law and is associated with power, productivity, creativity – but also the difficulties of loss, compromise and power-sharing. If you really want to know what Ceres is about, find out her zodiac sign and house in your birth chart because you will soon see a lifelong pattern of having it all – losing it – and regaining it, albeit in a way that changes everything. It’s a fierce, intense, impressive, often very difficult part of who you are. Your Ceres sign and house (which you can see at a glance if you are a Premium Member and have your chart) is really one of the biggest books of your life.
When she passes through Capricorn, the suits sign, alongside Saturn, Pluto and Mercury in January 2020 we are looking at an emotional time of forced compromise in boardrooms and political party rooms.
Ceres in Capricorn From November 2019 to December 2020
We find Ceres in Capricorn – the sign ruling ambition, success, status and social climbing – from November 16 2019 through January 31 2020 , so we are now seeing confirmation of an emerging crisis at the top of government, probably at least one royal family in the world – and big business, which evolves from November 2019, past Christmas 2019 and into January of that new year. It is also a crisis for world government – the United Nations and so on.
It is in the way of these things that famous people act out the story for us in astrology. So, some very famous names at the top of their game will be forced to play a different one. There will be a game of musical chairs at the top of society, the establishment, business and politics across the world which begins on November 16 2019, peaks on January 12 2020 and is then over on January 31, 2020.
What these famous people go through will be a symbolic enactment of what we’re all going through. They’ll play it out for us.
In his book, How I Killed Pluto and Why It Had It Coming , astronomer Mike Brown writes a great deal about Ceres. ‘Everybody had known there were only six planets until the moment the seventh (Uranus) was found, but once the prejudice against the idea of new planets was overcome, the idea that there could be other unseen planets was infectious, and as the techniques to build telescopes became more and more available, people began to systematically search the skies for new wanderers. Success came more quickly than expected. On the first day of 1801, Italian astronomer Giuseppe Piazzi – who, like Herschel (the discoverer of Uranus), had been busy studying stars, not wanderers (planets) – discovered the new planet Ceres, the eighth planet, orbiting between Mars and Jupiter.” He continues, “The eighth planet? Ceres? Most people today have never heard of ‘planet Ceres’ but there was little question at the time that Ceres was indeed a planet. Within a few years it could be found in all astronomy textbooks, alongside Uranus and the others.”
Ceres and Pluto – Demotion and Promotion – White House Wipe-Out?
Let’s zero in on the USA and Ceres which hits her chart November 2019 to January 2020. Ceres was demoted after initially being called a planet, and then Pluto came along in 1930, and immediately won planet status – only to be demoted in 2006 by astronomers who relegated him to ‘dwarf’ and removed him from the Solar System. At the same time, Ceres was moved on up – back to being a planet again, though a dwarf, along with Pluto.
Pluto and Ceres are always about being moved up, promoted and elevated – or being demoted, cast out and removed. It happened to them both in the Roman myth when Jupiter organized their fate. It happened in astronomy when Mike Brown and friends changed the old Solar System classifications. When we see Pluto and Ceres together like this in Capricorn near January 12 2020 we are going to see the mother of all upheavals at the top. I use the word ‘mother’ advisedly because Ceres tends to put women front and centre. This is the White House, in the future. Which woman and which man? We don’t know.
At this point my fingers are itching for the Hillary Clinton horoscope, not to mention the Donald Trump horoscope, but as you may know, their birth data is far from being solid. (The latest and greatest example of this as I write in December 2017, is Trump’s birthday being out by an entire month, in a voting form he sent in to New York authorities – he authorised a July birthdate, which makes him a Cancerian!).
Let’s go without those charts, then, but look at what Ceres does to the American horoscope, which we do have solid data for. The United States is strongly Capricorn, with Mercury, Proserpina, the Sun, Ceres, Fortuna and Pluto himself in that sign. November 2019 through January 2020 is an historic period of negotiation between the U.S.A. and the rest of the world, cutting a new deal for her within the world order. It will necessarily involve the White House. It strikes at the heart of her 1776 constitution. It’s unforgettable. Just look at this chart, below.

Of course, the United States affects everything and everybody on the planet. Starting in November 2019, but reaching a crisis in January 2020, we are going to see a promotion/demotion chain-reaction in corporations and governments, as Ceres moves through Capricorn alongside the other main players – her brother-in-law Pluto and her other relatives Saturn and Jupiter. You’ll see Presidents, Prime Ministers and C.E.O’s step down or be rather heavily taken down by destiny. We’ll see The System change. Just as Ceres and Pluto were at the heart of Solar System change in 2006, so 2020 will bring a transformation of what we might call the political establishment, and the big business ‘system’. Royal families are also a system, with a hierarchy which has the Queen or King at the top and the civil or public servants down the bottom. The aristocracy is part of that.
Trophy Wives and Trophy Husbands
Unfortunately, if you are a trophy wife or trophy husband, or the spouse of one, you are likely to go through extreme pressure across 2018-2020 as Capricorn rules people who do not marry for love, or even move in with someone for love – but do it for status, or money. This is a phenomenon of the Tenth House and the sign of Capricorn. I am sure you know the cliché. The much older, unattractive man in a suit and tie, with an impressive career and wealth, who chooses a younger, more attractive woman as his bride.
With equal marriage we are now seeing a related phenomenon. The older, wealthier, more successful, less attractive male who marries the handsome, younger, less successful lover. The song , Move On Up , says it all. One way to vault up the social ladder and get the right address and the right car, is to seduce (or be seduced by) someone who can get you up where you think you belong. (Love Lifts Us Up Where We Belong ? Well, maybe).
Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn, together with the karma of the South Node, will knock the stuffing out of any marriage not based on true love. If you did it to get ahead; if you did it for the divorce pay-out you assume you’ll get one day; if you did it because he’ll die before you and leave you the mansion – well. You’ll shortly see what it’s like to have a cycle that can only ever happen once in your lifetime, change your life forever.
It is in the way of things that famous people will play out the Capricorn drama for us, because to watch it is cathartic for the rest of us. Maybe that’s why some people are fated to become famous. They reincarnate voluntarily to act out the script and take the world through something it needs to learn. We are going to see trophy wives and trophy husbands starring in real-life operas and soap operas, 2017-2020. One of the darker elements of Pluto in Capricorn is most certainly the issue of the last will and testament – the financial legacy – and the squabbling that tends to ensure.
There is a price to be paid for hiring a younger, more attractive, often cosmetically enhanced (with your money) bride and it involves her or your resignation, either from the marriage, or from life itself. There is a price to be paid for essentially prostituting yourself to an older, less attractive husband who you do not love, and who probably does not love you (even though you love his credit card). This is all very old, creaking, 20 century stuff and one of the functions of The Capricorn Effect is to move the world on – to progress things. By 2020 Jupiter in Capricorn will surely be at work, doing just that.
Goodbye Bullies, Dictators and Control Freaks
I have a lot of messages from readers every week about various bullies, dictators and control freaks in their career. Sometimes in their private life too – the tyrannical husband, or former husband – is one example. These people are not going to last the distance. They are here because of the Pluto (power) in Capricorn (work) cycle which does tend to produce megalomaniacs. You may already have had one unforgettable and pretty dire episode in your professional, business or university life since the cycle began, particularly if you have anything in Capricorn at 0 through 17 degrees. Some of us had the bully, dictator or control freak problem way back when Pluto first moved into Capricorn in 2008.
As a general trend, the weather or climate in your career may have started shifting in 2008 and it has not stopped – if you have anything in Capricorn at all. Pluto entering the Tenth House of your chart, which rules your success and ambition, your mission and position, is like a difficult house guest.
He moves into your study or office and you realise you are dealing with someone who wants to take over – and take. Yet, the good news about Pluto types is that they always meet their downfall. There is a very good reason for my telling you this; the Second World War.
Everything We Know About Pluto Since 1930 – Little Hitlers
Everything we know about Pluto since 1930, when he was discovered and named, tells us what this planet is all about. The main thing non-astrologers know, as well as you – very likely – is that he was demoted by astronomers in 2006. They ‘killed’ him. Pluto is no longer in the Solar System wall charts or in the mobiles that hang on children’s classroom ceilings.
He had a downfall. Just like Hitler, portrayed for all time in the film Downfall , who became famous in the year they found and named Pluto, the ruler of the Underworld.
There was a power shift in astronomy in 2006 which explains exactly what Pluto is all about and also what he is going to do in Capricorn, the sign of big business and government. We are going to see jail terms here. Total financial wipeout.
In the same year that Pluto was relegated; humiliated; taken down – Ceres was promoted – she became his equal in astronomical terms. Today both are dwarf planets. Pluto was shrunken; cut down to size; pole-axed; diminished.
Whenever you have a Pluto event or Pluto transit, you will see this happen. Out go the little Hitlers. There is always a massive shift in status, power and control across the board, and whomever/whatever is reduced in size and importance, empowers someone or something else. It’s a fascinating thing to watch, as you look at both history and astrology.
If you are being plagued by little Hitlers, or have ‘been there, done that’ but still wonder what is going to happen to them – well, Pluto will sort that out for you. From January 2018 as you read this, Pluto is about two-thirds of the way through the Capricorn (career) cycle, but he still has work to do.
Pluto tends to put people up – or organisations – so that they utterly dominate in every way, proving that ‘absolute power, corrupts absolutely.’ Pluto then knocks them sideways, down or out of the story altogether. How do we know this?
Well, astrology is equal parts history and sociology to mythology. And it runs on synchronicity. So here goes.
It is in the way of astrology that the original Latin myth about Pluto tells us. He was the god of the underworld (Hades or Hell) who became obsessed with a young woman, Proserpina and so he abducted her, rising up from the earth to seize her, when her mother Ceres was absent. He then married her and she became his queen. Ceres, enraged and grieving, appealed to the greatest god in Rome, Jupiter, to help her. She also went on strike. As goddess of agriculture (wheat, corn) she refused to move the seasons in their normal manner. Earth became dark, cold and perpetually barren – no spring or summer ever saw the light of day.
Jupiter, being the greatest and best of all gods, had the solution. He asked Proserpina if she had eaten pomegranates (Pluto’s fruit) while married to him. Pomegranates of course look like vaginas and the Romans knew exactly what they meant by this metaphor. Proserpina replied that she had eaten half the seeds in one pomegranate. Jupiter then replied that she should spend half the year with her mother and half the year with her husband. Thus, when she is back on earth with Ceres we have spring and summer. When she is down below with Pluto, we have winter and autumn.
The other thing to take away from this myth, is that Pluto events always create a new world, no matter how difficult the experience that takes us there – and that world is always more interesting, enriched, fulfilling and in a way, fairer, than the one we had before. Proserpina became empowered in the power struggle between her husband and her mother. Before that she was just a mummy’s girl.
In astronomy, when Ceres was promoted, having being ignored and neglected by astronomers for decades, Pluto was banished. I find it very interesting that so many astrologers still pretend Ceres does not exist. She’s real, she’s here and she’s actually part of the Pluto story. That’s why the Ceres-Pluto conjunction between November 2019 and January 2020 in the corporate and government sign of Capricorn is going to be so intense.
Corporate and Government Fascists 2018, 2019, 2020
Fascism, or the idea of strong, powerful leadership over a society bound by race, was a hit in Italy, where in 1926 Benito Mussolini assumed absolute power. This was four years before Pluto’s discovery and naming. In the 1930s
the popularity of Fascism rose in Britain with Oswald Mosley, in Austria – and most famously and fatally, in Germany, where Adolf Hitler became dictator. In Japan, Emperor Hirohito played Pluto.
1930, the year Venetia Burney, a British schoolgirl, gave the new planet Pluto its name, was also the year that Hitler and his Nazi Party, the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, came second in the elections – and became a political force to be reckoned with.
This is both astrology and history. Astrologers started working with Pluto right after his discovery.
Pluto is about taking over, and taking. It is then about losing – badly.
In 1939 Hitler took Poland and tipped Europe into war on 3 September. He went on to crush Scandinavia and the Netherlands, until in 1940 he had France as well and Great Britain was in his sights.
It is intriguing now to look at how wartime astrologers were ‘reading’ the new planet Pluto at the time.
In 1945 he and his girlfriend Eva Braun committed suicide in their bunker on 29 April 1945 – he married her the previous day, before taking her life. He shot her, then himself. It was the final crash in his long downfall, immortalized in the film Downfall. This is a key word for Pluto. In the myth he comes up from Hades, takes Proserpina from her mother and goes back down. When he loses the contest to have her for himself, he is stuck down in the Underworld, forever.
I am afraid that is quite true Pluto can sometimes turn up with suicide or critical illness, or fatal accident. It is not a rule, but I am sure you can see the connection. Pluto minded the souls of the dead in Ancient Rome.
Pluto in Capricorn 2018, 2019, 2020 alongside Saturn will result in high-profile deaths at the top of government and big business.
Writing in his book Astrology , P. G. Maxwell-Stuart observes, “Pluto had been predicted by the American astronomer Percival Lowell, but it was first seen by one of his younger colleagues on 18 February and named (at the suggestion of an English schoolgirl) after the brother of Jupiter and Neptune, a god who was hidden in darkness and therefore invisible unless encountered face to face. In astrology, Pluto’s influence brings hidden truth to light and is regarded as transformative, creative and regenerative. But soon after its discovery, the German astrologer, Fritz Brunhubner, was of the immediate opinion that Pluto could be called ‘the cosmic aspect originating the Third Reich’ …”
How 20th Century Astrologers Saw Pluto
British astrologers like Margaret E. Hone, Principal of the Faculty of Astrological Studies 1954-1969 had lived through the war, and the discovery of Pluto, but were less sure about its connection with fascists than Brunhubner. Picking up her 1951 classic, The Modern Text-Book of Astrology , we find Pluto described as follows –
‘Keywords – elimination, renewal, regeneration. This planet was discovered in 1930 by the Lowell Observatory and was first called Pluto-Lowell. From the time of its discovery, much has gone on which is eruptive. That which was in the dark or bound or enclosed is violently ejected or vice versa. One instance is the development of the atom bomb. At about the same time, that of the beginning of the 1939 war, homes were plunged into the darkness of the blackout.”
To really get to the core of Pluto, go to the Romans. I have a lovely old copy of The Myths of Greece and Rome by H.A. Guerber which was published in 1907 and reprinted solidly (in my edition) right through the war and into 1960, so if ever there was a standard text on Pluto’s mythological meaning, during the years of Fascism in Europe, this is it.
Guerber wrote “This god inspired all men with a great fear. They never spoke of him without trembling, and they were wont to sacrifice black sheep to him, averting their faces and beating the ground with their hands. Whenever the stern god set out on an expedition he donned a helmet of invisibility given to him by the Cyclopes, and climbed into his chariot drawn by four coal-black steeds; and if any obstacle presented itself to impede his progress he struck it with his two-pronged fork, the emblem of his power, and the obstacle was immediately removed.”
Until Ceres, Jupiter and even his own wife, Proserpina, altered his destiny – of course. Pluto is the power-tripper who lost his power. Looking at the transits of Pluto and the fate of Adolf Hitler (suicide) and Emperor Hirohito (Japanese surrender) and Benito Mussolini (shot) is an education. The year 1945 was the end of times for these Pluto people.
You can trust astrology and history. We are going to see the little Hitlers, Hirohitos, Mussolinis and other ‘great dictators’ come crashing down within three years. And if you are dealing with your own version of this, trust the process.
How 1945 Tells Us About Pluto
On 30 April 1945 when Hitler shot his new wife, then himself – shortly after the BBC had uncovered the horrors of the Belsen concentration camp for the world to hear – Pluto stood at 7 Leo, the sign of Kings and leaders. Saturn was very close at 6 Cancer, the sign of patriotism. That is what is called a semi-sextile in astrology. Using the asteroids in our modern family astrology tree (which astrologers in 1945 did not have access to) we can also see the story of Hitler’s Pluto-like downfall told by Panacea at 7 Cancer, exactly semi-sextile Pluto at 7 Leo, and one degree away from a conjunction with Saturn at 6 Cancer. Panacea timed the suicides.
Panacea is, as you might know, an asteroid in Jupiter’s family tree, who represents remedies, solutions, cures and fixes – but always with a strong moral or philosophical dilemma attached. The death of Hitler and his new wife was a textbook example of Panacea. The final solution he had wanted never happened, but the final solution for him also carried an ethical issue for the whole world to explore.
If you are curious about Panacea please look her up by zodiac sign and house in your birth chart. This is where you always have an answer, but there is always a grey area – it is never morally black or white.
Panacea at 7 Cancer timed the end of Hitler, but the bigger story was undoubtedly Saturn at 6 Cancer and Pluto at 7 Leo. Like all Saturn-Pluto combinations in astrology it was about deep conflict, just ahead of the crushing of Japan – and I don’t need to remind you that in January 2020 we will see Pluto at 22 Capricorn conjunct Saturn at 22 Capricorn, so the great threat of war is returning to our planet.
Throughout 1945 as a whole, the year that the Pluto types lost, died, took their own lives or surrendered we find the slow-moving Pluto crossing 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 degrees of Leo, forming a sextile with Jupiter at 11 Libra along the way – and aspecting the Nodes at 9 Cancer and Capricorn, as well as the aforementioned Saturn at 8 Cancer. 1945 was the year that Pluto dominated the world horoscope and it shows. It also teaches us why this planet symbolizes great dictators who never last.
Bringing this all back to your life in 2018, 2019, 2020 – if you are being plagued by Little Hitlers, probably because you have Capricorn factors at 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 or 24 degrees – take heart, because Little Hitlers have big finishes. On the world stage, of course, we all know that various Humpty Dumptys will have a great fall by the time January 2020 swings around and Ceres, Pluto, Saturn, Mercury, Jupiter and the South Node do their momentous and historic work.
The 1 January Anniversary Phenomenon
January 2020 and the preceding months is also momentous for the world – for the very good reason that so many big nations, institutions or administrations were founded or ‘born’ on 1 January of any year, for convenience, with the Sun at approximately 10 degrees Capricorn (say – 9, 10 or 11 Capricorn, depending on the location and time that a country, corporation or organization was founded). As we go into January 2020, we will have seen the South Node pass 9, 10, 11 Capricorn in October, November 2019 so the stage is set for some karma. The return of familiar themes and the settling of old scores. Debts and credits need to be repaid in life, and the South Node will give us the chance to see that happen. The South Node pinpoints repetition, reincarnation and that feeling of ‘Been there, done that, written the script and seen the film.’ In the context of government or business life, which Capricorn rules, we will see tremendous examples of old lessons repeated! All those places or institutions ‘born’ on 1 January will feel it – and there are a lot of them.
Jupiter moves to 9, 10, 11 Capricorn between January 12 and 24 2020 and will conjunct the Sun in so many major global charts. Having worked their way through the difficulties of Saturn at 9, 10, 11 Capricorn in April, May, December 2018 these major players will (if they are still standing) fix their issues in January 2020 and be part of the new world, new future by 2021. In the list below you will see what/who has the Sun at the crucial degrees of 9, 10, 11 Capricorn and will thus be severely tested, then reborn – in 2020.
- The European Union (EU) built on the foundations of the European Economic Community
- The Euro
- China
- Greece
- The Commonwealth
- The United Nations
- Traveller’s Cheques
- The Times newspaper
Computer Issues on New Year’s Eve 2020
I am sure you remember the Millennium Bug, when the New Year ticked over into 2000. I spent the whole night at a party on Sydney harbor with my friend Mark, who had to carry his laptop under his arm, in case the communications company he worked for, and a crisis! As I look at the long list of institutions or entities which began on 1 January with the Sun at 9, 10 or 11 Capricorn – and will have both Jupiter and the South Node cross over them in January 2020 – I can’t help but see the Julian calendar.
The Julian calendar, or civil calendar of the Roman Empire, which we still use today, was literally ‘born’ on 1 January. It became the new date of the new year. You have to wonder if we’re not going to see issues about that date in the digital world on 1 January 2020. I would be extremely wary of viruses and bugs which are tied to that date, and affect the calendar systems inside computers. I am no expert on this but the astrology does raise a few questions. The actual date, written out, will be 1, 1, 2, 0, 2, 0 and I also think those digits/numbers will become a meme or theme as we draw closer to the end of 2019. I do a lot of travelling with my trusty MacBook Air (below) and I’m going to pack a spare, then!
Your Career in 2020 – Your Tenth House, the World’s Tenth House
If you have even one Capricorn factor, your career is set to change quite dramatically as first Saturn, then the South Node, Ceres and Jupiter conjunct, or sit on, that placement. As we go through these years of change do follow me on Twitter for updates on specific patterns and dates as they come around.
I use the Natural House system for many reasons (its accuracy is just one). Another reason is the micro-macro nature of the astrology. We all go through the same things together, on a global level, at the same time – using this system. The individual also affects the larger trends, just as much as the larger trends affect the individual. If you have Capricorn factors in your Tenth House, or know someone who is Capricorn, then this January 2020 moment is personal and global all at the same time. Basically, what we are seeing with The Capricorn Effect is a large pattern in everybody’s Tenth House of career, including your own, in January 2020.
Capricorn, Saturn and the Tenth House are all linked in astrology, so it’s worth looking at what an astrologer like Ronald Harvey has to say about this, in his book, The Spindle of Meaning 。 He links it to aims and goals, achievement, success, public life, authority and control. “It is, so to speak, the magnet, the lodestone drawing us upwards and forwards from our origins to the peak of our capabilities.” He continues to link Capricorn and its natural rulership of the Tenth House with “Public standing, reputation, recognition and career” and “authorities of all kinds, to ‘father figures’, parental role models, to Freud’s ‘super-ego’, to controllers, regulators, lawyers, law enforcement officers, police, governors, directors, managers, superiors, indeed all invested with some sort of authority. Government buildings, ministries, law courts, edifices and monuments of prestige and honour…”
White Men in Suits and Ties
Harvey published his book in 1996, so it will be intriguing to see how true his description of the Capricorn ‘weather’ of January 2020 becomes, some quarter-century later. This is where we are going to see a big, global game of musical chairs, as some people leave the game and some people enter. It will happen right through the system. It is also where we are going to see the writing on the wall – a heavy time of reckoning – for large organisations and institutions, ranging from the European Union to the United Nations. There will be a carve-up of power, right across the planet. And all of this will have a domino effect on your career. This is about white men in suits and ties – world leaders.
If you have Capricorn factors at any degree at all, then Jupiter will conjunct or hit them in 2020, to your total advantage. This will make up for the Saturn conjunction you also have to deal with! In other words, your career, role or calling will affect your whole profession or field – and vice versa. From January 2020 it really is time to take all the lessons of 2018 and 2019 and apply them, with the most tremendous rebirth and reform possible in your chosen field, as Jupiter goes through Capricorn until December 19 2020. As we go through that year, if you know you have Capricorn factors, please do check on your weekly horoscope as a Premium Member, where I will look at specific dates when your own personal birth chart will be affected by the rebirth. Life is never going to be the same but it will also be a great deal better.
Mercury’s Role on 12 January 2020 and Why Exact Timing is Possible
Writing in Words from the Myths , Isaac Asimov notes that in ancient times, messages from one ruler to another were carried by ‘heralds’. They carried a special staff as a sign of their office and this was the cadeuceus. Thus, the classic image of Mercury. Even today, long-established newspapers are still called the Herald or Mercury. I am writing this in Tasmania, where the local Hobart newspaper is in fact called The Mercury , and in Sydney, across Australia, we have The Sydney Morning Herald 。 Thus, the line-up between Mercury, Ceres, Saturn and Pluto at 22 Capricorn on 12 January 2020 seems to be very much about the messenger of the gods – the herald, or the Heralds – bringing the news.
This is typical of what Robert Hand, writing in Planets in Transit , observed about slow-moving outer planets and their aspects, being timed by the faster-moving inner planets – particularly Mercury, which tends to make an event ‘news’. So, there is every chance we really will see these world-changing headlines actually on 12 January, when the aspect becomes exact.
Mundane Astrology by Michael Baigent, Nicholas Campion and Charles Harvey quotes Harvey as follows:“With the slower-moving cycles, planets may be within a narrow orb for many weeks at a time. Admitting that the whole period is likely to be strongly coloured by the idea of that cycle and phase, nonetheless there are times when these ideas will come to a head. What is the mechanism which clicks the final ‘ward of the combination lock’ into place, to use Addey’s imagery, so that the door can be opened to the precipitation of these long-term energies? The answer must obviously lie in the shorter cycles of the inner planets Mars, Venus, Mercury, Sun and even the Moon.”
The January 2020 Eclipse
We have an eclipse on 10 January 2020 which finds the Sun at 20 Capricorn opposite the Moon at 20 Cancer. This is very close to the 22 degree position of the Mercury, Ceres, Saturn and Pluto line-up. It’s important because an eclipse is always a cover-up of some kind. In July 1981 when Lady Diana Spencer married Prince Charles we had two of them, either side of the wedding day. Classically it takes years for the public to find out the deception.
Lee Harvey Oswald, accused of the assassination of John F. Kennedy, left his job, to head for Texas, on the day of an eclipse. It was the most famous American eclipse of the 20 century, because it was total and it was on television. Everybody saw it and nobody saw what was about to happen.
Logic says that if we are to see politicians, business leaders and/or royals dramatically change their position in January 2020 with a demotion, promotion and so on – there will be a cover-up of some kind, as there always is when power and money are involved. This would tie in with Charles Harvey’s thinking on timing. So we can now extend the moment of truth to January 10, 11, 12 and perhaps the 13, to allow Los Angeles to catch up with Auckland. The eclipse seems entwined with this deep January 2020 crisis. We, the people, will be kept in the dark about what is occurring in corporate and government life, for some reason.
This time frame – January 10 to 13, 2020 – is thus across all the unusual astrological patterns that month. It catches the Jupiter and South Node conjunction in Capricorn. It catches the eclipse. It catches the Saturn, Pluto, Ceres and Mercury conjunction. I am sure you know that astrology is alternative timekeeping and it measures circular time, not linear time. Because of this it is possible for me to sit at my desk, staring out to sea, on 17 December 2017 and peer into the future two or three years ahead.
Patriotism, America and John F. Kennedy and January 2020
As I have my copy of Mundane Astrology open in front of me, I have just noticed a good piece of synchronicity. I mentioned Kennedy and the cover-up over the total eclipse when Lee Harvey Oswald left his job to find his future fate in Dallas, Texas as the alleged killer of John F. Kennedy.
Well, here on page 195 and 196 of this little book, I have just ‘randomly’ turned to John F. Kennedy’s birth chart and the chart for his inauguration.
As astrologers we take this kind of synchronicity seriously – these deeply meaningful connections in time are what our work is based on. So it’s worth looking for factors at 20, 21, 22, 23 Capricorn in these charts to see if there is a January 2020 connection with Kennedy.
Former President John F. Kennedy was born at 3.00pm on 29 May 1917 in Brookline, Massachusetts. He was thus born with the IC or Immum Coeli at 23 Capricorn. The IC describes your family, roots, heritage, home, home town and homeland. It’s quite remarkable that in January 2020 we should see Mercury, Ceres, Saturn and Pluto so close by at 22 Capricorn.
There is more synchronicity when we look at the chart set for John F. Kennedy’s inauguration as President on 20 January 1961, because Saturn was at 21 Capricorn, so again – just one degree away from the pattern we are seeing in January 2020.
January 2020 is about the Kennedy dynasty and legacy in American politics, likely because a member of the family rises to power again, or because new factors about either his Presidency or his assassination come to light.
Trump in 2017, the year I am writing this, began opening up the Kennedy documents to the public gaze again.なんで? Perhaps January 2020 has something to do with it, but we will have to wait and see.
Richard Nixon was a Sun Capricorn. He is at the heart of this. In 2018, 2019, 2020 we will find out more about Nixon and Kennedy than has ever been possible. If you are an astrologer, look at the charts for Pepsi Cola and Coca Cola.
January 2020 Patterns – Uranus in Taurus – Share Market Shocks and the Future
Common sense says you need to look at issues like Wall Street and other share markets to get some of the ‘Why?’ questions answered about the big changes (especially involving the Euro and the European Union) in January 2020. World economies are ruled by Taurus and Scorpio and of course 2020 brings the continuing transit of Uranus (the revolution) through Taurus (currency, taxation) across our skies.
On January 12 2020 we find Uranus at 2 Taurus, exactly semi-sextile Salacia at 2 Aries. She is Neptune’s wife and usually ignored by most astrologers, but she is extremely important. Like Neptune she is about alternatives to the real world. Chiron is really close by at 1 Aries and so a picture is beginning to build about a share market or economic revolution (Uranus in Taurus) alongside a big trend of self-interest, and ‘Me-ism’ as Aries is really about me-first thinking. Aesculapia is at 0 Cancer, Diana is at 0 Libra and this cluster around 0-1-2 degrees is prominent.
The bottom line about all Capricorn-styled hierarchies like big business, big government or royal dynasties is either a) political donation or b) inherited wealth. This brings us back to taxation. You would have to say that part of this crisis and detox in January is about taxes, one way or another. I would also suspect, political donations and of course, political bribery. Banks are at the core of this.
If you are curious about the asteroids I have mentioned here and the Trans-Neptunian, Salacia, then hit Search on this website. You can also see at a glance just how they play out, by looking at your personal birth chart, if you are a Premium Member and seeing how these powerful players work in your horoscope.
Uranus in Taurus, travelling through your horoscope, helps The Capricorn Effect.なんで? Because the planet of revolution, rebellion, independence and freedom is in the money sign, and it will trine, or make stunning patterns, with the birth position of Uranus for billions. All those people, and you may be one of them, born with Uranus in Virgo or Uranus in Capricorn, will experience what is known as Uranus trine Uranus, and that is a call to action, where finance is concerned.
The new rules of your money? Keep it flexible, stay on top of financial news on a daily basis, keep surfing, be ready to catch a different wave. Uranus is unpredictable, erratic, and you’ll need to learn to ride out storms, starting May 2018.
The New Banking, The New Marketplace
As I write this in December 2017 most of the the financial experts are up in arms about Bitcoin. They are telling anyone who will listen that Bitcoin and all its competitors in the cryptocurrency world are dangerous; that if you invest in them you will lose your money. Despite this, astrology tells us that we are going to see new banking, with global digital currency, become a mainstream reality on the worldwide web, with new marketplaces to buy and sell, trade, shop – and do business.
The ‘why’ of the extreme pressure on big business and corporations, and governments, is best answered by this. The new ‘people’s banks’ online using newly invented virtual currency, will take their place alongside ‘people’s markets’ also online. Imagine a world without tax – an alternative bubble world, where you earn and pay as you have never done before. That may be one of the reasons why the old institutions are threatened. Uranus in Taurus (the money revolution) will make it easy for Uranus in Virgo people (the work revolution) and Uranus in Capricorn people (the career revolution) to radically change their job/salary.
The Eclipses Across Cancer 2018, 2019, 2020
Along with the bare fact that 2018-2020 is about Saturn, Pluto – and then Ceres and Jupiter – in the business/government sign of Capricorn – there is also Cancer to consider. The fact is, billions of people with horoscope factors in Cancer will be affected by a series of oppositions, as these slow-moving outer planets pass through Capricorn, which stands opposite Cancer in the horoscope, and have to reach deeply into their ideas about home, home town, homeland, property and family to find out what matters most. This is really what oppositions do. They force you to become more of what you are, because you are challenged there.
This is bound to be about patriotic feeling versus the changes in so many world governments and royal families which are coming. It is also bound to be about property prices, property values, mortgages and the rest.
If you do have Cancer placements then issues like council tax, house prices, interest rates, residency and other classic Fourth House matters are right in the frame for you, starting December 2017 through December 2020 so make it your business to be on top of all that’s occurring, especially at local or national government level.
Saturn, possibly Pluto (if you have Cancer factors at 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23) and both Ceres and the South Node will oppose, or clash with, your Cancer horoscope placements for a good chunk of 2018, 2019 or 2020.
Get informed and factor that into your astrology!
Your Cancer Personal Birth Chart Factors
We have the North Node going through Cancer from November 7 2018 until May 5 2020 so if you are one of the billions with a Cancer placement in your chart (or more than one) then you will experience a real moment of truth about home, home town, homeland, house, apartment, family, household across this period – most likely in 2019. The Node is about karma. There will be repetition, karmic repayment and perhaps a reincarnation settlement. In modern astrology the Nodes are very much about your past life and the debts or credits you need to address.
We are also going to see eclipses across Cancer as follows – and if you have anything in your chart at Cancer 10, 20, 24 then near the dates in question there will be a cover-up, blind spot or partial jigsaw, giving you an incomplete picture. Be sharply aware of that with family or property. I will remind you as we come closer to the time, in your usual Premium Member extended reading, if you have membership.
Because of these oppositions coming in from Capricorn across 2018, 2019, 2020 it does feel as if you’ll have an episode involving your people or your place, where the ‘manure’ impact of Saturn has an effect. A typical example would be the Mayor being accused of sexual assault, which has an impact on the high-rise developments in your street. The shit hits the fan for you, and so it has a direct effect on your apartment and your roadworks, property prices and the rest.
Another example might be a government raising mortgage interest rates with the bank, which affects your plans to buy a house. A classic example of a Capricorn opposition from Saturn or Ceres to your Cancer factors, would be a transformation in a corporation leading to a family member’s promotion, or even departure. This in turn changes the family circle and maybe the rent you all pay in a property. A flatmate can lose her job and move out. All that!
I am only focusing on the eclipses here, because they are blind-spot times when you may want to proceed as if you can’t see everything and don’t know everything! I do think it’s important that you know the dates of the eclipses and allow a day either side for missing information or even real cover-ups.
In general, to figure out what is going on with your Cancer and Fourth House patterns, you need to look no further than the Ceres transit of November 2019 through January 2020. Why? Because Ceres in Capricorn will oppose one/all of your Cancer placements then and so the end of 2019 and start of 2020 is time to share, compromise, negotiate and accept – where your house, apartment, home town, homeland, household or family is concerned. If you are curious about Ceres please do hit Search or pick up my ebook, 2020 Astrology – Your Five-Year Horoscope Guide , on Amazon. If you are in Britain or Australia then you can read it free, on their well-known 30-day Kindle trial offer.
13 July 2018 – Partial Eclipse – Moon 20 Cancer
2 July 2019 – Total Eclipse – Sun and Moon at 10 Cancer
16 July 2019 – Partial Eclipse – Sun 24 Cancer, Moon 24 Capricorn
10 January 2020 – Penumbral Eclipse – Sun 20 Capricorn, Moon 20 Cancer
Diana, Camilla and the 2 July 2019 Eclipse
Astrology and history tell us the same thing. Eclipses are always a cover-up. There is a black-out. It powerfully and strangely affects the natural course of things. What should be seen, is not seen. In their book, Eclipses , Derek Appleby and Maurice McCann looked at this phenomenon. “At a total eclipse, as the light of the Sun is obscured by the Moon and darkness falls, flowers which normally close up by night and open by day react by closing their petals; birds go to roost and animals begin to bed-down. As totality ends, the cock stretches his neck and begins to crow, to welcome the ‘new day.’
There is always something dark and shadowy that alters the course of history on a total eclipse, but we never know at the time – it emerges months later.
The Total Eclipse of 2 July 2019 will be like this, and it does indeed fall right on the 10 Cancer South Node of the House of Windsor (17 July 1917, 12.00pm, London) so as usual, the British royal family are up to their usual subterfuge. I have no idea if an astrologer is still on call at the House of Windsor or not, but they have a habit of either covering things up on eclipses, or even using favourable publicity announcements (births, weddings) to mask more serious matters. Given their constant media spotlight and tremendous responsibility, you can see why the blackouts occur. They need their secrets. However, as so many of us pay for them, we need to know about their secrets, too.
Camilla, the love of Prince Charles’s life, was born on 17 July 1947 at 7.00am in London (Solar Fire) and she has Venus at 10 Cancer. The eclipse of 2 July falls right on her Venus position – the planet of complicated relationships, marriage and also adultery.
This story about the Duchess in 2019 is far more likely to impact the millions of people with Cancer factors at 10 degrees in the Commonwealth countries and Britain in terms of their roots, heritage, history, culture, patriotism and the rest – Camilla is, at time of writing, the future consort of the King of the Commonwealth.
As always with eclipses, we will have to wait until there is a major transit at 10 Cancer to see what was likely concealed. That will happen from October 27 to 8 November 2019, when the North Node is at 10 Cancer. All eyes on Camilla, then, because whatever is taking place, would have an impact on people’s feelings about Queen and Country/King and nationhood in the Commonwealth. Camilla was born with the Moon at 9 Cancer, so very close by to that 10 Cancer Venus position. That’s a direct hit.
Princess Diana and the 2 July 2019 Cover-Up
Horoscopes continue to work, even after we leave the planet. This is probably because we continue as souls in the spirit world. Diana, Princess of Wales, was born on 1 July 1961 at 7.45pm in Sandringham, though a question about her birth time remains. A changed time would not affect the position of her Sun at 8 and Apollo at 9 Cancer, very much though, and they are right on Camilla’s Venus and Moon.
This blind spot, black spot, grey area or missing information with that 2 July eclipse is also about Diana. Again, we will have to wait for the Node to cross 8 and 9 Cancer, in November 2019, to see what we missed about July. Diana’s life was ruled by eclipses – she married near two, and passed away near one. Thus, perhaps, the ongoing mysteries about her.
I am sure you can see the obvious flashing neon sign here in mid-2019. The 2 July eclipse moment is just one day after Diana’s birthday. Prince Harry’s Ascendant (his physical appearance, public image, name, title and profile) is at 11 Capricorn and his Descendant (Meghan Markle) is at 11 Cancer.
I’m afraid astrologers have always been poking their noses into royal life, ever since Dr. John Dee drew up a coronation horoscope for Queen Elizabeth I and not much has changed in our profession! Yet – while there are still unanswered questions about Diana’s death, and her legacy, I always feel compelled to point out relevant transits, especially if they involve eclipses and cover-ups, too.
Other Dates to Watch – The United Nations and United States Cover-Up, July 2 2019
The United Nations was founded on 25 April, 1945 at 12.00pm in San Francisco with the South Node at 11 Capricorn and North Node at 11 Cancer. This 11 Cancer position is very close to the eclipse at 10 Cancer on July 2 2019. Expect a cover-up at this time, probably about matters of nationhood, patriotism, or more likely – territory. (Cancer rules the ownership of land). Quite possibly, in the U.N. at this time, there may be classically Cancerian cover-ups around nationality, visa or passport issues too – like residency. When will we likely find out what we weren’t told or shown? October 27 to 8 November 2019 when the North Node is at 10 Cancer and triggers the whole thing, karmically and publicly.
The United States in her horoscope, set for 2 January 1776 (when she was first named) has the Sun at 11 Cancer, so this is just one degree away. You can see why historically the U.S.A. and U.N. have always been connected. This date, 2 July 2019, is very close to the 4 July Independence Day celebrations for the United States. Remember that period, because that eclipse will black out what we need to see. Diana’s birthday and the 4 July, and a darkened sky. It’s always good to be aware of these things!
Jupiter Conjunct Pluto in 2020 and What to Expect From the Government Detox
2008 is a good test year for Capricorn patterns because we had both Jupiter and Pluto in that sign. In fact, Pluto had not been in Capricorn for around 240 years. Jupiter the growth, improvement and hope planet went 3 through 28 degrees of Capricorn right over America’s Tenth House (the White House). Pluto the power-change planet went 0 through 1 degree so he was ‘on’ the Mercury position for the USA all year.
Barack Obama became President and Joe Biden, Vice-President. They defeated John McCain and Sarah Palin. Obama became the first African-American President in history and Joe Biden the first Roman Catholic V.P. Apart from Sarah Palin, women also rose that year as Hillary Clinton ran a sharp contest against Obama for nomination.
Jupiter expands! It opens things up so more becomes possible and we can all explore further – go higher – go wider. We are going to see more women and people of colour, coming into high level politics and business, in 2020. It may also be time for others who have never been allowed at the top, to emerge.
Merry Christmas, December 2020 – The Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction in Capricorn
This momentous year ends with Jupiter at 29 Capricorn and Saturn at 29 Capricorn on December 15, 16, 17. Venus is close by at 29 Scorpio, so circle Tuesday 15 December in your diary, as this may not be a merry Christmas, but it is going to be a fulfilling one, with the usual relief and release that we feel, when Saturn leaves a zodiac sign. What comes to pass just before Christmas Day is closure. What lies ahead is the Age of Aquarius. Really. Truly.
The Age of Aquarius – Welcome to the New World Order
Jupiter and Saturn in their new zodiac sign of Aquarius (groups, friendships, communities, networks) will replace the old, dead, corporate and government systems of the 20 and early 21 centuries with the most idealistic, hopeful, vision of the future we have ever seen. These two planets working together in 2021 will pave the way for the arrival of Pluto in Aquarius in 2023 and that will in turn, take us to 2026, almost ten years into the future as I write this in December 2017. In 2026, not only Pluto will be in Aquarius, but the North Node too, and this has never happened in your lifetime, nor mine. I look forward to discussing it with you, about a decade from now. Set your astrological alarm clock!
Summing Up Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn – The Capricorn Effect
- From the time that Saturn enters Capricorn on December 21 2017 and the last day he is there, December 17 2020 the world will see a serious, historic, test of its leadership, corporations, monarchies and governments. Because Pluto and Saturn will meet on 12th January 2020, alongside Ceres and Mercury, very close to that date we will see a crisis that leads to long overdue improvements, as Jupiter dominates the year. The improvements will be hard-won. We will see people at the top – Presidents, Prime Ministers, leaders, executives – demoted and promoted in a major global switch. Power changes hands. There may also be losses and departures at the top, and the elevation of others. It’s a system change.
- If you have anything in Capricorn in your personal birth chart – asteroid, planet, point, angle – then you will be personally affected by national and global trends which are bigger than you. These deep changes at the top, and in the structure of multinationals and governments, will have a direct or ripple effect on your career. If you don’t work, then this will be about your unpaid work or university degree – your calling and role. To know when/why/how please read the extra Premium Membership information every week as I always highlight when the patterns appear and explain if your chart is affected.
- The House of Windsor, in Great Britain, will be profoundly affected by the change in the balance of power to come (Pluto) and the difficult realities of Saturn. The typical carve-up and compromise over power and control which comes with Ceres is also part of the story. The spotlight is well and truly on Diana and Camilla as eclipses and the Node dance across their birth charts.
- Pensions, superannuation and retirement age will become critical questions for people born in the 1960’s and long overdue reform will come in 2020 after a difficult period of 1-2 years.
- The old Mexican, American and Canadian trade agreements will be transformed or replaced. The United States will also have Saturn and Ceres, the South Node and then Jupiter across her Sun at 11 Capricorn, using the chart set for 2 January 1776 at 12.00pm noon in Cambridge, Massachusetts. This is an identity crisis, transformation and resurrection for one of the most ambitious nations on earth.
- North Korea and the United Nations, and the nuclear hierarchy across the planet, will be under intense focus and reformed in 2020 after a point of no return in January 2020, which owes much karmically to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. There will be an element of luck or protection in January but the risk of conflict is very real. Watch Japan. She is a Tiger Economy along with South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore. Low pay for workers in the Tiger nations is a classic example of a Pluto in Capricorn problem waiting to happen. There is also the very real nuclear threat of North Korea to watch in 2019-2020.
- The John F. Kennedy legacy for his family, the Democrats and the Nation will also be under intense scrutiny in 2018, 2019, 2020.
- If you have anything in Cancer in your personal birth chart then at some point either Saturn or Ceres in Capricorn will oppose that in the December 2017-January 2020 cycle. It is also possible that Pluto may oppose your Cancer factors. Remembering that Capricorn is about government and big business, and Cancer is about your home, home town, homeland, family, household – you are going to see the former challenge your ideas about the latter. To know when, how and why – do read the extra information in the weekly horoscopes for Premium Members because I always list the numbers and dates.
- The European Union, the EU and the Euro will simply not survive this period as we know them today, because so many of their member countries were written into history on 1 January and thus the horoscopes are all triggered by January 2020 changes. This, along with the fact that Uranus (the revolution) is in Taurus (money) means we are going to see the rise and rise of cryptocurrency, and alternative ‘people’s banks’ and ‘people’s marketplaces’ online, severely challenging the banking system – and in fact, our whole world of work and taxes.
- We all hope for a happy ending in astrology and in life – and we are going to get one. Jupiter will meet Pluto repeatedly in 2020 and help to detox, clean up, repair and renew corporate, royal and government life. The year ends with an historic conjunction or meeting between Jupiter at 29 Capricorn and Saturn at 29 Capricorn on December 15, 16, 17. Merry Christmas 2020? Well, maybe not merry, but certainly deeply satisfying, highly fulfilling and also the beginning of something very new indeed – The Age of Aquarius.That’s another story, though, for another time!