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あなたのスピリット アニマル (誕生日までに 3 つの世界の干支で)



3 つの異なるシステムからのスピリット ガイドの関連付けと意味、およびそれらがあなたとあなたの性格にどのように影響するかを見ていきます。

誕生日までに自分のスピリット アニマルが何であるかを知りたい場合は、読み進めてください。

誕生日であなたのスピリット アニマルを見つける方法

あなたのスピリット アニマル (誕生日までに 3 つの世界の干支で)


たとえば、星占いを読んだことがあるなら、生年月日までにスピリット アニマルを見つけられるところまで来ています。


あなたの星座は、スピリット アニマルまたはスピリット ガイドと密接に関連しています。

スピリチュアルな伝統が異なれば、生まれた日からあなたを導くスピリット 動物の解釈も異なります。


スピリット アニマルとは

あなたのスピリット アニマル (誕生日までに 3 つの世界の干支で)

スピリット アニマルまたはスピリット ガイドの概念は、世界の多くの場所に存在します。 それはあなたに似た動物の精神を表しており、あなたの性格についての洞察を与えることができます.

スピリット ガイドはあなたを守り、助言し、あなたの人生にプラスの影響を与えます。


あなたのスピリット アニマルの西暦での誕生日まで






あなたのスピリット アニマル (誕生日までに 3 つの世界の干支で)

大胆不敵な雄羊は、牡羊座のサインに対応する精霊の動物です。 雄羊の角は何にでも逆らうことができます。これが、牡羊座が直接的で頑固な兆候である理由です。

牡羊座は自信に満ちたリーダーであり、躊躇せずに自分自身を主張したり、欲しいものを求めたりします。 牡羊座に続いて間違いはありません。



おうし座は、愛されていると感じさせてくれます。 彼らは、自分自身と愛する人たちを甘やかして楽しむのが好きです。

雄牛は品質を重視し、二流のものを買うよりも何かを買いたくない. 彼らは美食家で官能的です。


あなたのスピリット アニマル (誕生日までに 3 つの世界の干支で)


どんな状況にも適応でき、誰とでも調和できるため、回復力と機知に富んでいます。 彼らの知性は伝説的です。

ジェミニのカメレオンの性質は、必要に応じて感情を表示または非表示にできることも意味します。 これは、ジェミニがあなたを受け入れることにした場合、彼らはあなたを高く評価し、評価することを意味します.


蟹座の星座に関連付けられている精神動物は、もちろんカニです。 これらの人々は愛に満ちており、それを分かち合う必要があります。

カニは直感的で、敏感で、家族向けです。 愛する人の世話をすることは、彼らに大きな喜びをもたらします。

がんは自分の感情に触れており、自由に表現します。 少し不機嫌になることもありますが、愛する人のためなら何でもします。


あなたのスピリット アニマル (誕生日までに 3 つの世界の干支で)


ライオンは動物の王様であり、獅子座は太陽によって支配されています。 この星座の下に生まれた人々が輝き、注目の的になることを好むのも不思議ではありません.

大胆で明るい。ライオンに導かれた人々は、あなたを助けるために何でもします。 彼らの思いやりは、多くの人に賞賛されています。


おとめ座のサインの下に生まれた人々は、誕生日までにファルコンをスピリット アニマルとして持っています。

知的で効率的です。 おとめ座は完璧主義者で、やろうとすることは何でも楽々とこなします。

何かに力を注ぐと、簡単に専門家になります。 ファルコンのように、彼らは世界に対して独自の視点を持っています.


あなたのスピリット アニマル (誕生日までに 3 つの世界の干支で)

Gentle and strong, people born under the Libra zodiac sign can find their spirit animal in the Panda

Librans are always looking for balance in everything. Like the Panda, they love harmony and peace. They’ll go out of their way to bring people closer together.

Very caring and attentive, Libras look for what everyone around them needs and provide it to them. In a Libra, you’ll find the best friend you can have.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

As expected, those born under Scorpio have the Scorpion as their spirit animal. The words “intense” and “mysterious” are often used to describe them.

Scorpios are lovers and fighters . Their passion makes everything in their lives intense and memorable.

When provoked, the Scorpion will sting without mercy. But when they love, they love with all their souls.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

あなたのスピリット アニマル (誕生日までに 3 つの世界の干支で)

Sagittarius, the explorer of the zodiac, naturally has the Cat as their spirit animal.

They’re open-minded, spontaneous, and need their freedom. Like their animal guide, they’re always ready for adventure.

Sagittarius exudes optimism. They make you feel like things will turn out fine in even the most difficult situation.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

The Goat is the spirit guide of people born under the sign of Capricorn. Both the Goat and Capricorn will climb the mountain at any cost.

Capricorn’s mountain doesn’t have to be a successful business or a renowned career. Capricorn’s ambition can be something completely different, but whatever it is, they will get there.

They like to do things on their own, and their sense of humor is understated and subtle.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

あなたのスピリット アニマル (誕生日までに 3 つの世界の干支で)

The Peacock represents the quirky Aquarius. They’re always doing their own thing, and everyone else is invited to watch.

The Peacock likes to be known for its uniqueness, and Aquarians do too. They take pride in being their unconventional selves.

Aquarius loves being a part of the community, but sometimes, they can lose touch with their emotions.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

The dreamers of the zodiac, Pisces are guided by the Fish. To them, life is like water, something we all share and that connects us.

Pisces are intuitive, sensitive, and in touch with their emotions. Their imagination is deep and rich.

Creativity and empathy define this zodiac sign. If you cry, they cry. Sometimes they give too much of themselves to others.

Your Spirit Animal By Birthday In The Native American Zodiac

Native American beliefs are strongly influenced by nature and the human connection to it.

Therefore, Native American astrology is interpreted from the idea of animal totems – symbols and guides – which are connected to a person and can share their attributes.

We’ll look at spirit animal birthdays to learn about them.

Otter (January 20 – February 20)

あなたのスピリット アニマル (誕生日までに 3 つの世界の干支で)

People born under the guidance of the Otter are unpredictable.

Their way of thinking is unique, so other signs sometimes can’t understand their process, but their results are always flawless.

Creativity and curiosity define the Otter. They can get lost in their pursuits.

Otters are fun to be around, chatty and playful. People may not always get them, but they like them.

Wolf (February 19 – March 20)

Independence is incredibly important to people whose spirit animal by birthday is the Wolf.

They need freedom, but when they’re surrounded by people they love, they’re loyal and protective.

The Wolf’s emotions run deep. They’re passionate and giving, and they’re always seeking understanding. They’re not afraid to love.

On the flip side, when a Wolf has been wronged, they seek revenge and don’t forgive easily.

Falcon (March 21 – April 19)

あなたのスピリット アニマル (誕生日までに 3 つの世界の干支で)

The Falcon has an endless passion for knowledge. Their senses are sharp, and they seek truth everywhere they go.

This pursuit gives them wisdom and remarkable judgment. They are prepared for any challenge.

The confidence and accomplishments of people whose spirit animal is the Falcon make them influential. People are attracted to them.

Beaver (April 20 – May 20)

People born with the Beaver as their spirit animal are determined. They always finish what they start.

They’re adaptable and can deal with any situation. They’re intellectual and come up with ideas most people would never consider.

Others are drawn to their energy and have confidence in them. This makes them leaders and pioneers.

Deer (May 21 – June 20)

あなたのスピリット アニマル (誕生日までに 3 つの世界の干支で)

A Deer-born individual is to be found where people are. They like to entertain and make others laugh, and it’s easy for them to communicate.

People are drawn to them thanks to their cheerful and passionate nature.

They love harmony and can find solutions to any problem if that’s what it takes to keep the peace.

Woodpecker (June 21 – July 21)

People who have the Woodpecker as their spirit animal share their sense of empathy.

They’re nurturing and great listeners. They make great partners, but they can become devoted to the point that they lose themselves in their loved ones.

The Woodpecker guides people whose emotions run strong. This includes anger and other negative emotions in addition to their soft and caring side.

Salmon (July 22 – August 22)

あなたのスピリット アニマル (誕生日までに 3 つの世界の干支で)

Enthusiasm and energy describe the Salmon most accurately, but this doesn’t take away from their ability to focus.

They live their lives in their own way. People who have the Salmon as their spirit animal by birthday are creative and charming.

They’re quick-witted, intuitive, and artistic.

Bear (August 22 – September 21)

People born under the sign of the Bear are generous, stable, and always dependable.

The Bear is a sensualist and loves to experience the world as fully as possible.

They are insightful and have the ability to see any situation from different perspectives. This makes them great leaders.

Raven (September 22 – October 22)

あなたのスピリット アニマル (誕生日までに 3 つの世界の干支で)

The Raven is intelligent, charismatic, and innovative. People born under this sign share the same traits.

They can be very intense when they care about something and give all of their energy to it, but it can’t tie them down. The Raven needs to be on the move.

They have a sixth sense and understand certain things others don’t.

Snake (October 22 – November 22)

The Snake represents change and healing.

In the same way this animal can shed its skin, people born guided by its spirit are able to transform themselves and start afresh.

Sensitive and spiritually aware, they are connected to the world in a way that makes them natural healers.

Owl (November 22 – December 21)

あなたのスピリット アニマル (誕生日までに 3 つの世界の干支で)

Those who are guided by the Owl have a wandering spirit and are always looking to experience everything they can.

They can adapt to anything life throws at them, and they possess many talents.

Like the Owl, they look for knowledge in everything, but they also love to share it with others.

Goose (December 22 – January 19)

People born under the sign of the Goose are somewhat similar to Capricorns in Western astrology.

They are ambitious, determined, and focused. They like beauty, and they’re full of positive energy.

Emotionally, they’re turned inwards, and they’re interested in understanding themselves spiritually. In their dark moments, they can become lost in their inner world.

Your Spirit Animal By Birthday In The Chinese Zodiac

When talking about Chinese zodiac signs, you usually hear about the importance of the birth year. However, months and even days are ruled by different animal spirits.

Chinese astrology is based on the lunar calendar. For this reason, the exact dates don’t always correspond to the Western calendar, but they’re possible to determine.

If you’ve ever wondered, “What is my spirit animal by birthday in the Chinese zodiac?” you should consider your sign by year as well.

Knowing both will lead to a deeper understanding of your personality.

Tiger (February 4 – March 5)

あなたのスピリット アニマル (誕生日までに 3 つの世界の干支で)

(1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022)

Tigers are brave and thrill-seeking. They love to experience the world fully, and they are idealistic, impulsive, and playful. People are drawn to their magnetic natures.

When their lives get hard, their confidence can turn into arrogance and selfishness.

Rabbit (March 6 – April 5)

(1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023)

Rabbits are artistic souls. They’re kind, sensitive, and feel their emotions deeply while being unafraid to share them . They have refined taste and are hopeless romantics.

On the other side of the coin, they can be timid and prone to being judgmental.

Dragon (April 6 – May 5)

あなたのスピリット アニマル (誕生日までに 3 つの世界の干支で)

(1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024)

In Chinese tradition, Dragons are magnificent beings. People born under this sign are the same:intelligent, generous, and bursting with energy. They’re outspoken and competent.

When things get difficult, they can be egocentric and demanding.

Snake (May 6 – June 5)

(1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025)

Like the animal, people born under this sign are grounded. Being curious and clever, the Snake gains wisdom as it moves through life. They’re alluring and interesting.

Their negative side can manifest as being anxious, calculating, and jealous.

Horse (June 6 – July 5)

あなたのスピリット アニマル (誕生日までに 3 つの世界の干支で)

(1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026)

People born under the sign of the Horse are bright and full of energy. They’re independent but still fun to be around, and their enthusiasm is contagious.

On the other hand, their cheerful nature can go to the other extreme, and they become irresponsible and sometimes moody.

Goat (July 6 – August 6)

(1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027)

Goats are easygoing and move at their own pace. They seek balance and love to express themselves creatively. With other people, they’re gentle, and their empathy makes them well-liked.

Their weak point is that they can be lazy and disorganized.

Monkey (August 7 – September 7)

あなたのスピリット アニマル (誕生日までに 3 つの世界の干支で)

(1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028)

People born under the sign of the Monkey are charming and fun-loving. They’re sociable, and people like being around them.

They use their intelligence in creative ways.

When things go wrong, Monkeys can be unreliable and disloyal.

Rooster (September 8 – October 7)

(1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029)

The communicative Rooster always has something to say. They’re proud and loyal, and they give their all to helping others.

Roosters can become egotistical and prone to arguments in difficult situations.

Dog (October 8 – November 6)

あなたのスピリット アニマル (誕生日までに 3 つの世界の干支で)

(1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030)

The Dog’s loyalty is well known, as well as how beloved they are. They’re honest and friendly, and it’s easy to trust them and rely on them.

Negative aspects of the sign of the Dog are pessimism and anxiety.

Pig (November 7 – December 8)

(1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031)

Very intelligent and honest, people born under the sign of the Pig are well-respected. They’re generous and diplomatic, always showing care for others.

Impatience and the tendency to be materialistic are their weak points.

Rat (December 7 – January 5)

あなたのスピリット アニマル (誕生日までに 3 つの世界の干支で)

(1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020, 2032)

The Rat is communicative and charming. People born under this sign can adapt to any situation. They’re ambitious and resourceful, so they can do anything they set their minds to.

The Rat’s bad sides are that they can be overly critical and harsh.

Ox (January 6 – February 3)

(1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021, 2033)

You can always rely on the Ox. They work hard and have the patience to see things through. They’re gentle and patient with the people they love.

When the Ox is in a bad way, they can be materialistic and stubborn.


あなたのスピリット アニマル (誕生日までに 3 つの世界の干支で)

Depending on the astrological system you consult, you can find your spirit animal by birthday among some very different animals.

Sometimes, the same animal shows up in more than one astrological system for the same dates, and sometimes they show up under different dates. What does this mean?

Depending on the area of the world and its influence, animals are viewed from different perspectives, so they’re not interpreted in the same way.

Either way, all of these animals share some of your traits, and looking over each of them gives you a more comprehensive picture.

What’s your spirit animal?

  1. スピリットアニマルズとあなたのアセンダント

  2. 動物界の教訓

  3. ファルコン–スピリットアニマル、象徴主義と意味

  4. 犬:スピリットアニマル、トーテム、象徴性と意味

  5. スピリットアニマル、トーテム、象徴性と意味

  6. スピリット、トーテム、パワーアニマルの意味

  7. 霊獣の夢を見る

  8. 霊界の夢を見る

  9. アニマル スピリットの夢を見る