レオの兆候には人生を変えるサイクルがいくつかあります 、2017から2019 。チャートにレオファクターがある場合、それらはトリガーされます。レオは、特に大人の権威を受け継ぐ子供や若い大人のリーダーシップと関係があります。それはあなたの王位継承者を支配します–女神、姪、甥、息子、娘、若い義理の子供、継子。レオはまた、以前、現在、または潜在的な恋人やパートナーを統治しています。
ネイタルチャートがない場合は、今すぐプレミアムメンバーとして選択できます。 これらのチャートは、惑星だけでなく、現代の占星術における34の要素すべてを示しています。あなたがレオステリウム(レオに3つ以上の配置)を持っていることがわかった場合、今から2019年1月までのレオの「天気」はあなたの性的関係とあなたの世界への子供や若者の影響に強く影響します。しし座には皆既日食の連鎖があり、それがすべてを変えます。
しし座の星座の中にある星のレグルスは「小さな王」を意味します。これが、しし座が若い、つまり小さな王と女王と関係している理由の1つかもしれません。王子と王女。 バッキンガム宮殿からのこの写真 、私のツイッターのタイムラインに到着した、それはすべてを言います。レオがどのように見えるかを知りたい場合は、これが(以下)です。子供がいないレオタイプでも(ビアトリクスポターなど) )彼らの周りに若い宮廷や王朝を集める傾向があります。彼女の場合、それは彼女の膨大な読者層でした。

レオとセレスのノードに加えて、ライオンのサインから2018年までの2つの長いマーキュリーレトログラードサイクルがあります。これにより、ディスカッションや事務処理が行き来します。ですから、これは個人的なレオの懸念(あなたの人格の遺産、またはあなたの遺伝子を継承するあなたの世界の若い人々)と世界的な問題(リーダーとそれを引き継ぐ人々)にとって重要な2年間のフェーズのように見え始めています。おそらく、このサイクルはあなたにとって「若いライオン」または王子についてです。あなたが離婚した年上の父親と付き合っているなら、おそらく、潜在的な継子。多分それはあなたがいつか欲しいと思う小さな男の子についてです。 1つ確かなことは、2019年までにレオサイクルで2つのマーキュリーレトログラードが予定されているため、これは非常に長い会話になるでしょう。
別の例は、あなたを悩ませるために戻ってくる古い関係パターンです。元恋人の帰り。 18年または19年前に、あなたが追求しなかった妊娠についての運命の「道の分岐点」の選択。
スー・トンプキンス、 The Contemporary Astrologer’s Handbookに書いています (Flare Publications、The London School of Astrology 2006)は、次のように述べています。自分の特定の道をたどっている人。会議はあなたのために方向転換を告げるかもしれません。あなたがお互いに持っている会話はそれをすることができます。あなたの道が交差したという事実について運命の感覚があるかもしれません。」
LEO ECLIPSES 2017 THROUGH 2019 –注意ブラインドスポット
世界規模では、英国王室だけでなく、アメリカのホワイトハウス家族が関与する隠蔽工作が見られます。 。指導者とその子供たち、そして彼らの若い親戚。この話の後半でこれらの日食の世界的な影響を見ていきますが、今のところ、この珍しい2年間の皆既日食の日付を以下に示します。このドナルドトランプの写真 そして彼の王朝はそれをすべて言います。実は写真にはおもちゃのライオンが写っています。この画像は以前に見たことがあると思います。それはツイッターで私に届き、インターネット上で共有されました。ドナルドの「相続人」は、レオの日食の連鎖の前で、ライオンのレオに乗っています。
2017年8月7日Sun15Leo – Moon 15 Aquarius
2017年8月21日Sun28Leo – Moon 28 Leo
2018年7月27日Sun4Leo – Moon 4 Aquarius
2018年8月11日Sun18Leo – Moon 18 Leo
天文学者、フレッドホイル教授 これが最初に指摘されたのは、サークルがどのように使用されたのかということです。 ストーンヘンジで書く (Wooden Books、2000)ロビンヒース 多くの訪問者は、ストーンヘンジには中央の石造りの構造がすべてであり、コンクリートで満たされたオーブリーの穴をまたぐときにほとんど気付かないと考えていることに注意してください。彼は次のように書いています。「しかし、ホイルが示したように、これらは日食を予測するのに数値的に完璧であり、太陽と月の位置、月の満ち欠け、海の潮の状態を示すこともできます。」 56のオーブリーホールの円は紀元前3000年頃に掘られました。
私のウェブサイトで読者に何度も言ったように、日食は良くも悪くもありませんが、光を消し去ります 。彼らは決して明らかにしません、彼らは常に隠します。しし座のこの日食の連鎖は、パッチワークキルトのように見え、パッチの欠落と折り目が隠されています。 JFK の個人的なチャートのため、これらの特定の日食は本質的に暗かった。 およびダイアナ そのように角度が付けられました。トランプ王朝の明確な出生データがあれば(矛盾している、または欠落している)、2019年まで、レオの天気もそれらのグラフに当てはまることがわかります。おそらく、トランプの写真にあるおもちゃのライオンが私たちにメッセージを持っていることがわかります。 。これは、以下の本物です–ライオンのレオの古代の星座。
皇帝と王の歴史的な象徴であるレオは、勇気、貴族、そして強さについてです。それはまた、血統、人間の心、そして欲望についてです。王朝の目的での結婚の取り決めは、必ずしも寝室での喜びを意味するわけではありませんでした(ヘンリー8世はその証拠です)。したがって、愛人と遊女の両方がレオと彼の王室の寝室に関連付けられています。エリザベス女王私は彼女が結婚すると力を失うことを知っていたので、彼女は聖母女王のままで、水たまりの上にマントを投げるしかなかったファンを楽しませました。宮廷の愛と遠い夢中は、四柱式ベッドと同じくらいレオに関連付けられています。 ロイヤルバスターズもそうです 、本当にこのように呼ばれた人。今日、非嫡出子の汚名は消えましたが、何世紀も前に、事件、相続人および予備は致命的な深刻なビジネスでした。フィフスハウスとその支配者であるレオが協会を維持しています。
レオのマーガレット王女は、私たちが「非常にレオの愛の生活」と呼ぶかもしれないものの最高の20世紀の例の1つです。彼女は離婚した男に恋をしていた。彼女の妹への「予備」として、そのような結婚は単に許されませんでした。許可されたのは、姉のエリザベス王女がアンドレアス王子の息子であるフィリップマウントバッテン中尉に会ったことでした。 、彼女の両親の戴冠式で。それは適切な王朝の試合でした。王室の寝室の歴史を深く掘り下げると、血統の問題全体がわかり、継承の線が実際の問題になります。このレオの物語は、ウィンザー家を取り巻くものです。チャールズ皇太子は離婚した女性と結婚しています。彼は彼自身離婚している。王室の寝室の呪いは、レオと共に完全に消えることはありません。 2017-2019トランジットはそれを点火します。バック・トゥ・ザ・フューチャー!
レオとフィフスハウスは教育に関するものです–それが非公式であろうと公式であろうと。 イギリス空軍の10代の少年 前回の戦争では、砲手、オブザーバー、パイロットになるように訓練されました。すべての英国王室の子供たちはエチケットと乗り方を教えられています。レオの指導は予想外のことです。 ヒギンズ教授 庶民に教えるイライザ・ドウーリトル 話し方と振る舞い方、ジョージ・バーナード・ショーのピグマリオンはその一例です。
レオの教育はミスマリオンクロフォードについてです (クローフィー)、若いエリザベス王女とマーガレット王女の総督 30頭のおもちゃの馬の助けを借りて、王のスポーツについて彼らに教えました–そしてそうです、若い王女は彼女に馬具をつけることを許されました。歴史は、彼らの父、王自身が、彼の妹メアリーがデビュタントとして「彼女が出てくるまで」馬であったと言ったことを記録しています。 ハリーポッター 、Sun Leoによって作成された、何百万人もの子供たちのための別の種類の教育です。レオは最高の状態で模範を示します。
レオとフィフスハウスは、占星術のすべてのためのグラブバッグとして書かれることがあります。いくつかの本を手に入れるか、いくつかのWebサイトをクリックして、フォークダンスから寿司料理本まですべてに渡されるこのペアリングを見つけることができます。 「クリエイティブ」という言葉はレオによく使われますが、実際には、それ自体はクリエイティビティとは何の関係もありません。レオの気晴らし、気晴らし、娯楽、追求は、王朝の若者を老人に結びつけることです。週末の絆には重大な理由があります。これは、80年代の占星術の本を超えており、モリスダンスとマクラメのライオンとフィフスハウスへの言及がすべて含まれています。それは王朝の生存についてです。
これは本当に私たちを英国王室の歴史に戻します。アレンジされた結婚と育児の過負荷は、両親がほとんどお互いを知らず、子供が両親をほとんど見ないという結果になる可能性があります。この種の分離は、娘が父親を倒すことができるような王国の冷たい心をもたらす可能性があります(1688年のように)。当然のことながら、ビクトリア女王 老いも若きも彼女の王朝で共有できる娯楽や野外活動を見つけるために多大な努力をしました。一緒に遊んでいる家族は一緒にいます(または、少なくともリチャード3世のように、そのランク内で殺人未遂を試みません) やったはずだった)
家族全員で楽しめる– GIDDY UP!
競馬はレオとフィフスハウスに引き継がれますが、ギャンブルは子供に許可されていることではありません。ただし、お気に入りの馬がフィニッシュラインを通過するとジャンプしたりジャンプしたりできます。したがって、ライディングとポロはレオの追求であると言えますが、PaddyPowerのベッティングスリップ 、それほど多くはありません。世代をつなぐサッカーは、大人が子供として遊ぶ方法として、そして子供が大人として遊ぶ方法として、その文脈で読めばレオです。
長子相続は、王室の長子である状態です。封建的です。それはすべての土地が長男に行くことを意味します。 2013年王位継承法 英国では、この性差別的なルールを変更し、王冠が男性または女性のいずれかの性別の長子に行くことができるようにしました。
20世紀に戻ると、アン王女は、弟のアンドルー王子が9歳のときに生まれるまで、後継者であるチャールズ皇太子の「予備」の地位を占めていました。 それから彼は彼女を次々と飛び越えた。
40年代のレオの冥王星はイーヴリンウォーのによってマークされました 小説、ブライドヘッド再訪 、相続人に自分の子供がなく、男性の予備がアルコール依存症であり、おそらく同性愛者であった貴族の家族について。セバスチャン・フライトはまた、戦時中の小説ができる限り近く、友人のチャールズ・ライダーとの「あえてその名前を話さない愛」のアンチヒーローに近かった。
しし座の冥王星時代の1948年12月31日、キンゼイ報告 アメリカ合衆国と世界を驚かせた。それはアメリカ人男性の56%が不誠実であると主張しました。インタビューした5,300人のアメリカ人男性のうち、90%が自慰行為をし、なんと37%が他の男性とオルガスムを達成しました。あえてその名前を話さない愛は、このレオのパターンが転がるにつれてその名前を話しました。レオとフィフスハウスの要因を含むチャートに正確なパターンがある場合、あなたのセクシュアリティとあなたの愛の生活史は複雑である可能性が非常に高いです。多分それはそれ自体がキンゼイ報告です。
これは本当に、騎士が女性のために奉仕を行った貴族を楽しませるために作成された中世の文学から来ています。用語amourCourtois (宮廷愛)はガストンパリスによって普及しました 騎士ランスロットを使用した人 彼のモデルとして。愛人が彼女への献身を証明するために、彼女の公正な騎士が彼女の要求に応じて勇敢で高貴な行為をすることを要求したとき、宮廷の愛が生じました。それは欲望に基づいていましたが、必ずしもセックスで終わる必要はありませんでした。 1936年、C。 S.ルイス 愛の寓話を書いた 、謙遜、礼儀、姦淫の観点からこの種の事件を説明します。ルイスは別のレオの物語で最もよく知られています– ライオン、魔女、そしてワードローブ。
東部では、主要な家族とその法廷にはハーレムと妾が含まれていましたが、宦官も含まれていました。これにより、王室の寝室と愛人だけでなく、女王蜂のアイデアに戻ることができます。 宦官はもちろん演じることができませんでしたが、彼女のドローン。繰り返しになりますが、レオの継承順位の血統は保護されたままであり、この種のきしむような独身のファンダムがあります
マドンナのような強くレオの女性は男性の法廷を引き付けます。ドキュメンタリーマドンナと一緒にベッドで 雌ライオンがどのように走るかの教科書の例です。これにより、第1回十字軍に戻ることができます。 1099年、詩人が自分たちを領主と結婚した女性の「家臣」と宣言したとき。裕福で力強い城の女性の頭は、彼女の夫が十字軍や他の封建的事業に不在だったとき、お世辞になり、注意を払って忙しくしていました。貧しい騎士はこのように社会的に登ることができます。
レオとフィフスハウスは、セックス、死、お金(蠍座に属する)ではなく、ロマンスに関連付けられています )または等しいの性的結婚(それはてんびん座です)。レオは、必然的に遠くからの性的な憧れのようなものです(カミラのように) チャールズのために)。完結するかもしれませんが、危険です–禁止されています。それがさらに進むと、自然界ではてんびん座またはさそり座になる可能性があります。すると、お金と財産が変わります。宮廷愛には12世紀のルールがありました。 アンドレアス・カペラヌス De Amoreを書いた 、「嫉妬しない者は愛することができない」、「公表されたとき、愛はめったに耐えられない」などの格言があります。

宮廷愛は60年代と避妊薬の導入から遠く離れています。それでも、現代の避妊法があっても、レオの物語は私たちの歴史の中で語られ続けています。危険なほど魅力的で、素晴らしく現実世界で、燃えるような、強烈で、赤毛のハリー王子という噂 チャールズ皇太子の息子ではありません、断固とした否定にもかかわらず続けてください。ダイアナ妃、 彼女のファンとファンのチェーン(デュランデュランのような奇妙なトルバドールとミンストレルを含む) )確かにレオの実話を紡ぎましたが、彼女はレオのノードで生まれました。彼女は以前にそれをすべてやったことがあります。おそらく、彼女はそれをすべてやり直すために転生したのでしょう。彼女はレオチャートの署名も持っていました。
アンドリューモートンの 王女の有名な伝記(彼女の助けを借りて)には、 De amore libri tresのエコーがあります 、アンドレアス・カペラヌス 、1184年。カペラヌスは、キスと抱擁にまで及ぶ「純粋な愛」と、「最後の慰めを省いた、裸の恋人とのささやかな接触」について書いた。ダイアナの最も有名なトルバドゥールは同性愛者だったので、そこでのカペラヌスの「最後の慰め」については疑問の余地はありませんでした–エルトンジョン卿 彼女の葬式で彼の最も悲しいセレナーデを与えたCandlein the Wind 。彼女の最も有名な恋人は彼女の最後の恋人でした。激しい確執の後、ハロッズから御用達を取り除いた男の息子。
占星術には、私たちの生活がどれほど完全に現代的になっても、共鳴する方法があります。レオの原型はこの良い例です。 20世紀後半に、すべてのコンピューター、携帯電話、衛星放送受信アンテナが、ヘンリー8世の物語のように読まれたのはどうしてでしたか?
ローマの指導者にとって、重要なのは家系の名前ほど血統ではありませんでした。男性が子供を自分のものとして認識し、法律がこれを受け入れた場合、息子は相続人になる可能性があります。しかし、子供が認識されなかった場合、子供は死ぬ(暴露される)か、奴隷に育てられるために取り残される可能性があります。クラウディウス 最初に女の子を娘として受け入れ、次に考えを変えて彼女を露出させました。しかし、天皇はしばしば後継者を採用しました。
蠍座は通常、占星術の本に、性の容認できない側面に関連する兆候として書かれています。レオは免疫がありません。乱交は性感染症につながります。 V.D.については、特に高貴で、威厳があり、威厳のあるものはありません。しかし、冥王星がレオにいた第二次世界大戦中に急上昇しました そして1943年にカンタベリー大主教 それについて話すために動かされました。
ウラジーミルナボコフ ロリータを制作 1955年にレオサイクルの長い冥王星の間に。セックスの力。ティーンエイジャーの力。これは、宮廷の愛、騎士、乙女の魅力的な物語ではありませんでした。ニンフェットの継娘と中年の継父の話でした。同じ年にフランソワーズセーガン 、その後18、公開された Bonjour Tristesse 未亡人の父親の愛人を引き継ぐティーンエイジャーのセシルについて。
寝室についての不幸な真実を見たいのであれば、動きの遅い外惑星を含む他のレオトランジットも良いタイミング装置です。 1976年、土星はしし座にいました。レオは、若者のしるしの中で、悲しく、悲しく、深刻な状況の惑星でした。ジョディフォスターはタクシードライバーで児童買春をしました 。同じ年に、母親はまだ子宮の中にいる間に赤ちゃんに影響を与えた製薬会社からサリドマイドの補償金を受け取りました。 1977年、しし座の土星が転がりました。 Roman Polanski was jailed for sex with a thirteen-year-old girl. That was also the year of the ghastly Yorkshire Ripper. This goes beyond the romping of King Charles II and into darker territory. Perhaps it’s not surprising. Leo the lion is associated with empires and emperors, which takes us to Ancient Rome.
Modern astrology is based on Roman/Latin ideas, symbols, names, gods and goddesses. The archetypes were shipped to Britain and over a period of 400 years of Roman rule, the charts, the planets and the deities – like Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn – found their way into British hearts and minds. Astrologers there then gradually exported their horoscopes, and theories, to the United States, Australia and beyond.
The Roman Empire was based on a royal family of emperors whose sexual appetites could only be stopped by assassination. Julius Caesar seduced wives. He famously loved Cleopatra. However, he also loved Servilia, who was suspected of having prostituted her own daughter. There was a song about him, quoted in The Twelve Caesars (Suetonius/Robert Graves/Penguin). ‘Home we bring our bald whoremonger; Romans, lock your wives away! All the bags of gold you lent him, Went his Gallic tarts to pay.’ If you’re looking at Leo the lion, you can’t really ignore this very early tale of leaders and their love lives.
Emperor Tiberius gives us a horrific variation on the ‘royal prerogative’ of the ruler’s bedchamber. Often, he did not even bother with a bed. He had a private sporting-house at Capreae with girls and young men, known as spintriae, who would copulate before him in groups of three. Boys and girls were dressed as Pans and nymphs, prostituting themselves in the caverns. According to Suetonius, he called the little boys who swam with him ‘minnows’. Babies were not immune from his depravity. Today he would be in prison. Then, he was a symbol of royal power gone mad. Nero seduced boys and married women. He raped the Vestal Virgin Rubria. He tried to turn a boy, Sporus, into a girl – by castration. He married Sporus with a dowry and bridal veil, to complete. He desired his own mother, Agrippina but instead found a mistress who resembled her. It goes on. Absolute power, in Rome, corrupted absolutely. We are into Scorpio territory here too, with all the poisonous murders and the vast riches that surrounded the nobility in the ancient world, but Leo is certainly a symbol of empire and emperor, and the Romans took this power to its horrific logical extreme. The Roman Empire was an absolute monarchy gone absolutely mad. Which brings us to genetics.
The history of empires and royal families is also the history of intermarriage so that property and power remains in a tight circle. Emperor Hirohito of Japan (1901-1989) was the longest-reigning ruler in that country’s history – and he also married his distant cousin, a Princess. In Rome, Nero was thought to be born from his mother’s adultery with his own stepfather. History tells us, monarchy – the great Leo symbol – blurs lines.
Who are the most famous Royal Bastards? Edmund in Shakespeare’s King Lear 1であります。 Henry Fitzroy, son of King Henry VIII is another. The Duke of Monmouth, son of Charles II is yet another. In fact, the surname ‘Fitzroy’ means ‘son of a king’ and was used by many pretenders to the throne, who were born out of wedlock, to the wrong woman.
In medieval England, a bastard’s coat of arms was marked with a Baton Sinister – a bend. History also tells us that Cleopatra had a bastard son by Julius Caesar – Caesarion 。 Charles II fathered at least 20 illegitimate children. His most famous mistress was Nell Gwynn – another mother. Always lurking at the life stories of strongly Leo people is a lingering question about the Baton Sinister. Pregnancies, planned and unplanned.
Discovered in 1930, Pluto was in Leo during the Second World War. Pluto is a symbol of power, the loss of power, and shared power. During the war, it was channelled into questions about sex, pregnancy, adultery, parenthood and children. This cycle which could only have happened once in 240+ years was intense, transformative and unforgettable. It changed the planet.
This was the war when lovers were separated, sometimes by death. Women could be widows while they were teenagers. In 1947, British divorces had doubled within two years. In Nazi Germany, childless Hitler was exploring the idea of breeding a master race. In February 1939, British peers passed the Bastardry Bill making blood tests compulsory in paternity lawsuits. Again, with Pluto in Leo in 1944, genes, or hereditary units, were found to be made from DNA. Leo has always been about bloodlines. The Pluto in Leo children of the war years grew up to become Beatles fans and helped turn teenagers into a new world force.

If Pluto is power and Leo is children and young people, then Pluto in Leo during the last war gave the younger generation tremendous power and influence. In December 1938 as Pluto crossed 1 Leo, German Jewish child refugees began arriving in Britain. One year later, children from Paris were evacuated and British children were sent to the safety of the countryside. The image of a small child carrying a gas mask at a train station is one of the enduring memories we have of this Pluto in Leo war.
More power. On July 20 1939 a five-year-old boy became the new Dalai Lama. A month later, Judy Garland (seventeen years old) became the star of The Wizard of Oz starring Bert Lahr as the Cowardly Lion, of course. Suddenly, children and teenagers were front-page. Front and centre of the war effort and the reasons why people were fighting. From the Dalai Lama to the ‘fighter boys’ of the R.A.F. they were suddenly coming into their own.
Conscription – The Call-Up – put teenage boys front and centre too. Adolescents became powerful, and so did – appallingly – child soldiers. Numbers – young males – the sons and heirs –became the difference between winning and losing the war, on all sides. In June 1940, with Pluto continuing its transit through Leo, the young Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret became heroic symbols of nationhood as they stayed at Buckingham Palace with King George VI and the Queen Mother, despite being targets.
On October 13 1940 young Elizabeth was a classic Pluto in Leo teenager in power, fronting up to the microphone to give a radio broadcast to child evacuees. She was only fourteen years old. She was sixteen when she registered for war service.
The Pluto in Leo battle for power put innocent children at the heart of the war. Anne Frank was sent to a concentration camp and never returned. She remains the most famous young diarist of all time. A dreadful price was paid by all children at the core of the power struggle over children, timed by Pluto in Leo. In 1944 Hitler ordered the mobilization of all children over the age of ten.
It is a truth of astrology that both world wars in the 20 century were fought during long outer planet transits of Leo, the sign that rules children and particularly teenagers – young adults. That First World War classic, Testament of Youth, is a lasting statement about the Neptune in Leo years and the young people who were wiped out (a whole generation) by the First World War.
Neptune dashed in and out of Leo in 1914, 1915, 1916 while Kitchener called for volunteers. The Russian Army was notoriously made up partly of children. If Neptune is about unreality then the German chlorine gas on the Western Front was part of that. The young men who gave their lives did so in a mist of patriotism, but the Neptunian reality was gas. The young died for Lord Kitchener, Empire and the King. Teenage runaways who enlisted were a hallmark of the First World War. Australian James Martin was 15 when he joined the Anzacs and died at Gallipolli.
This was the young poet Rupert Brooke’s war. “If I should die, think only this of me:That there’s some corner of a foreign field That is for ever England.” This was also the war which saw a poster asking “Daddy, what did YOU do in the Great War?” It was a war about fathers and sons, and the loss of those sons. It was a war about leaders, and the people – and so would the second one be, when just nine years after Pluto’s discovery, he entered Leo and armies of young men, the heirs and spares in their families, would give their lives one more time for king, president, dictator, emperor.
Quite apart from the Dalai Lama, who became Tibet’s spiritual leader when very young, during the Pluto in Leo cycle – a schoolboy also became King of Jordan. On August 11 1952, Crown Prince Hussein was attending classes at Harrow, at the time, but succeeded King Talal, who had become ill with schizophrenia. The Second World war lionized young men, the heirs and spares, as much as it decimated a whole generation.

Japan also had a royal bloodline to consider and as emperors and empresses and empires are associated with Leo, the story of Japan in the 1940’s is also central to that Pluto cycle. The most extreme outcome of Pluto in Leo was the surrender of Emperor
Hirohito in Japan, to the allies, in August 1945 after the devastation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki 。 His empire was on its knees even though he had been worshipped as a living god until 1946. Emperor Hirohito ruled until 1989 when his son Akihito succeeded him. As an island monarchy, Japan remains symbolically Leo. The mushroom cloud at Hiroshima is a photograph of Pluto in Leo, doing its worst in a country where an Emperor was God.
On 30 August 1999 across the last North Node in Leo cycle and within a fortnight of the total eclipse in Leo, East Timor voted for independence from Indonesia. Leaders Ramos Horta and Xanana Gusmao, who will later become President, show the way. All eyes should be on Indonesia across this new Leo weather and the return of the Node. The old Aquarius-Leo issues of the people, and their leader, will return. When we look at Leo the issue is always leadership, dynasty and heirs, so beyond the striking story of Japan, Emperor Hirohito and the devastation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki for his empire – we can look across to East Timor and modern leadership issues, about to be triggered.
In 1999 during the last Leo Node cycle, a referendum rejected a proposal that Queen Elizabeth II be replaced as head of state by a president, elected by the parliament. As both Her Majesty and Prince Charles have horoscopes heavily weighted in Leo, it seems likely that we’ll see a far larger push for another referendum in 2017-2019. This may be connected to the Ceres Return in Leo set to be experienced by Her Majesty the Queen, Prince Charles and Prince George. If so, we could time a campaign for a new referendum for the passage of Ceres through Leo, as before. Again, this is how astrological predictions are made. The Australian government and/or its opposition will relaunch a campaign for a referendum on a republic, between 24 September 2017 and 28 June 2018. You can see the Australian chart here (click to enlarge) . It’s a Leo free zone.

There are a couple of charts for Australia. The one set for 7 February 1788 at 11.00am in Sydney shows an empty Fifth House – not so much as one asteroid appears in the royal sign of Leo. Monarchy does not define Australia’s identity. One look at this country and its architecture, art and fashion history and that’s clear.
Leo is associated with monograms, precious jewellery and regalia of all kinds – regal trappings – even in suburbia. Imperial, royal or sovereign status was always signalled by this kind of paraphernalia – notably the crown. Middle-class Leo types wear hats instead. Tiaras, sceptres, bracelets, gloves and rings are all Leonine. Gold is the Leo metal. It’s notably absent from Australian museums, with the notable exception of Dame Edna Everage (Average) who is a potent symbol of a Leo-bypass, Aquarius-heavy nation. It will be interesting to see what happens when Pluto finally moves into Aquarius.
You can learn about Leo as much from a country with a Leo bypass, as you can from a period of history which exaggerated Leo themes. Versailles (recently the subject of an acclaimed new television series) has given astrology the myths. All these ideas about Leos being courted, and conducting courtships, and holding court are nothing without the historic definition of a royal court – and that was Versailles. The Leo archetype revolves around the royal household. The nobility. The bodyguards. Foreign royals in exile who come for refuge. Minstrels and fools. Beyond the Leo court we find butlers, chaplains, ladies-in-waiting, pages, secretaries and the rest. Versailles also had its amusements and jesters. Like all zodiac archetypes, Leo echoes down the centuries. Royal fools in courts of old magically became The Goons, favourites of the young Prince Charles – Spike Milligan, Michael Bentine, Harry Secombe and Peter Sellers continued the tradition. At the Palace of Versailles. Madame de Pompadour, mistress of Louis XV , was also his advisor – she famously shared the court with the Queen. Madame de Pompadour was a patron of architecture and art. From all this we expand our astrological understanding of Leo. Loyalty and service from the lower orders is essential to the monarchy but Leo can also become a patron. From this, we develop the idea of the notorious ‘patronising’ Leo archetype. In the 21 century, royal family members work as charity patrons. The royal warrants on selected British brands reflect another kind of patronage. From this comes the idea of Leo generosity. We also associate favours, favourites and favouritism with this zodiac sign and the notion of ‘playing favourites.’ This is the way an astrological symbol is built up. Astrologers find synchronicity.
If Leo is associated with young people, then the transits of Uranus alongside Pluto in Leo should surely have brought a youthquake – and they did. On April 12 1954 Bill Haley released Rock Around the Clock and the teenager was born. The Moon was in Leo that day alongside Pluto. In the same year, fresh-faced Lester Piggott , who was just eighteen, became the youngest jockey to win the Epsom Derby. Author William Golding created Lord of the Flies in the same year and scared us with the power of teenage boys, in quite another way. Boom! Welcome to Uranus in Leo, the sign of the heir and spare. When Uranus (revolution, rebellion, freedom, radical change, independence) moved into Leo, the year 1956 became a kind of milk bar explosion of new youth excitement, energy and risk. Juvenile delinquents! Elvis Presley!

In 1957 The Beat Generation arrived and Jack Kerouac turned teenagers into beatniks, with the publication of On the Road. The heady combination of both Uranus and Pluto in Leo in 1955, 1956, 1957 resulted in a whole generation of babies who – by the time they reached the age of consent in the 1970’s – would lose their virginity on the contraceptive pill. Thus, the Leo royal bedchamber was not just refurnished. It was destroyed and rebuilt. In 1967, when Jupiter (optimism, hope, expansion, solutions) arrived in Leo, both abortion and homosexuality were decriminalised in the United Kingdom. Compare that to life thirty years earlier. Uranus and Pluto in Leo shifted the earth and then Jupiter arrived to finish the job.
The Summer of Love, when Jupiter was in Leo in 1967 gave us the hippie (the clue is in the name – child-bearing hips are Leo) for the rest of time. This cycle ran from the arrival of Jupiter in the sign of the lion on September 28 1966, until the last joss-stick burned on October 19, 1967. Chiron in Pisces supplied the drugs. (Chiron was the centaur who specialized in medicinal herbs on Mount Pelion, according to myth). When Uranus moves into Leo again in 2039, children and teenagers will again be reborn, to rebel, to radicalize and to revolutionise our world. In 2041, both Chiron and Uranus will be in Leo. Once again, a youthquake and a sexquake will be in store. I will be a very old (Leo) lady astrologer by then, but I will be fascinated to see how this cycle manifests.
Why is the Fifth House and Leo, its zodiac ruler, so powerfully associated with leaders, the line of succession, sons, daughters, heirs, affairs, divorce, fertility and so on? You only have to look at history since 1135. This is about the time we see the lion becoming the dominant symbol in British royal life.
1135 – King Stephen and his cousin Matilda are at war. The throne finally passes to Matilda’s son Henry.
1189 – Richard the Lionheart ascends the throne. His brother John succeeds him.
1399 – Richard II is deposed by his cousin, Henry of Lancaster.
1415 – Henry V marries the French king’s daughter, and becomes heir to the throne of France.
1483 – The boy king Edward V disappears in the Tower of London after his father dies. Prime suspect is his uncle, Richard III.
1534 – Henry VIII falls in love with Anne Boleyn, while still married to Catherine of Aragon, but is refused an annulment of his marriage to Catherine, by the Pope. He breaks with the Catholic Church and becomes Supreme Head of the Church of England. Poor Anne is beheaded in 1536 and Henry marries four more times.
1558 – Henry VIII’s daughter Mary takes the throne. She marries Philip II of Spain but has no children. On her death, her sister Elizabeth takes the throne. This raises a familiar Leo question – the line of succession. Heirs, spares and pretenders.
1688 – In the Glorious Revolution, James II is overthrown by his daughter Mary.
1701 – Mary’s sister Anne is made heir to the throne.
1714 – George I is on the throne but James Stuart, ‘the old Pretender’ and son of James II tries to take the crown – and fails.
1745 – Young Pretender Bonnie Prince Charlie and grandson of James II invades England, unsuccessfully.
1760-1820 – King George III goes mad in power, and is replaced by his son, the Prince Regent.
1837 – 1901 Queen Victoria takes the throne – ‘the grandmother of Europe.’ The marriages of her children to European royalty secure her dynasty. The old Leo associations – lions and lionesses, princes and princesses, climb at this time.
1936 – Edward VIII becomes king but abdicates over his marriage to Mrs Simpson, a twice-divorced American. His brother becomes king as George VI.
1952 – Elizabeth II becomes queen on the death of her father. Her heir, Prince Charles, will divorce Diana, Princess of Wales and go on to marry a divorced woman, Camilla Parker-Bowles. His son, Prince William, and his heir, Prince George, are currently heirs to the throne after him. The story continues.
Leo patterns in the chart can offer up a long and winding road to love, or children, or variations on the above. Madonna, a Sun Leo, is a good example of someone who has taken the long and winding road through that sign. Beatrix Potter, another Sun Leo, never had children at all, but children today have inherited the land she left the nation in The Lake District. Peter Rabbit books paid for it. She married late and her husband’s young family became the Potter heirs and spares. Had Potter been born decades later, she might have been interested in the story of another Leo, the first test-tube baby in history, Louise Brown.
The Queen Mother, a Sun Leo, was never meant to be Queen but her husband’s brother fell in love with a divorced woman and the throne was passed on. Her daughter Princess Margaret, a Sun Leo, fell in love with a divorced man she could not marry. Her grandchild Charles himself divorced and then married a divorced woman. Princess Anne , her Leo Sun granddaughter, also divorced.
Donald Trump and his dynasty of children and young in-laws and relatives is a good example of the Leo mythology at work. He has cast himself in the role of leader, and holds court over a tribe of young lions and lionesses. Here are two of them.
The President, elected in 2016, has been compared both to King George III and Henry VIII. I do not know if he has yet been compared to Tiberius. Does Leo turn up in his birth chart? It is hard to say, because the first ‘birth certificate’ the world was given, was not a birth certificate at all. There are still two conflicting birth times for Trump.
The Leo mythology at the White House suggests we can expect trouble at the court, though. Those eclipses, and the arrival of not only Ceres but two long Mercury Retrograde periods in Leo, points to all manner of complication by 2019.
The young heir apparent, Barron Trump (the clue is in the name) is ten years old and also known as Little Donald. The other members of the dynasty include wife Melania Trump, daughter Ivanka Trump, her husband Jared Kushner and – Tiffany Trump, Vanessa Trump, Donald Trump Junior and Eric Trump. Former wives Ivana and Marcia Maples are also in the family tree. Watching these charts, there is a sense of America’s deep past returning. Even that wig on Trump, below, looks strangely like a lion’s mane. There is strong symbolism here.
In the astrological chart of the United States set for 2 January 1776 (when the nation was first officially dubbed ‘The United States of America’) we find Leo factors. In fact, the U.S. has her North Node at 16 Leo so she will experience her Nodal Return when the transiting North Node moves to 16 Leo between December 6 and 17, 2017. As we’ve seen, this is big. It can only happen about every 20 years. There is karma here with the United Kingdom and the United States. It goes back centuries. It is due at Christmas. We can expect a major event then, affecting The Special Relationship.
This Leo Node point is the ‘Nixon’ point in the United States chart. When Nixon quit, America’s North Node at 16 Leo was transited exactly by Jupiter at 16 Pisces. That happened back on August 9, 1974. It’s also the ‘Obama’ point in the United States chart. When Barack Obama was made President on November 4, 2008 the country’s North Node at 16 Leo was under transit from Chiron at 16 Aquarius, which was of course also exactly conjunct her South Node at 16 Aquarius too.
I know a lot of astrologers use the July 4 (Born on the Fourth of July) horoscope for America, but the 2 January 1776 chart is reliable in every way. In fact, I have given it a whole chapter in my ebook, 2020 Astrology
Quite apart from that Node Return for America (her Nixon and Obama moment) we will see powerful Leo weather as early as Saturday 2 December when Ceres 17 Leo conjuncts the transiting North Node at 17 Leo, which in turn is just one degree away from America’s own North Node at 16 Leo. This is a White House White Christmas but it will follow on from a White House Whitewash, a few months earlier, in August. Let’s have a closer look at that, because this is a tremendous cover-up we need to be aware of.
If you are asking questions about American politics then, have a look at Carolina. In fact, I made a prediction about Russia, Trump and Carolina one year ago. Why this part of America? Because it bears the full brunt of the eclipse.
Months before this Nixon/Obama karmic moment in the American horoscope, the moment of truth for The Special Relationship with the United Kingdom – we have a cover-up relating to leadership questions. Both are connected.
The cover-up takes place as follows – Monday 7 August, 2017. Full Moon. Partial Lunar Eclipse. Sun 15 Leo opposite Moon 15 Aquarius. As you can see, that’s just one degree off an exact eclipse hit on America’s North Node at 16 Leo (and of course it pulls in her South Node at 16 Aquarius, the opposite sign).
This is concealed or missing information about a classic Leo-Aquarius question. The President and the people. It may also be about the President and the party, which Aquarius rules. Finally we associate Leo-Aquarius with ‘Camelot’ versus Communism. We saw similar patterns in 1962 during the Cuban Missile Crisis. What goes down in Christmas 2017 owes a lot to what was blotted out, back in August, a few months earlier.
It goes on, into 2018. You have to wonder how the White House will shape up on Thursday 9 August that year, with the Sun at 16 Leo conjunct Mercury Retrograde at 16 Leo, exactly conjunct America’s North Node at 16 Leo. Mercury Retrograde is about media muddle, misinformation, hacked computers and telephones, and negotiations that are based on deceit, or announcements/paperwork that is later rewritten or even scrapped.
This is a particularly important date, Thursday 9 August, because a couple of days later, this happens (below) and it’s very close to America’s North Node at 16 Leo again.
Saturday 11 August
New Moon. Partial Solar Eclipse. Sun 18 Leo conjunct Moon 18 Leo
I hope you can see from these patterns why it would be unwise to just swallow the news, at these times. In fact, anyone who is associated not only with Buckingham Palace but also the White House should be aware that an awful lot of events will be off radar then.
I am writing this on Sunday 9 July, 2017 so about one year into the future , but even peering this far ahead, it’s possible to see that the period around 9-11 August 2018 is about misinformation and missing information, relating to the President’s children, younger family members, and any youthful successors to the Presidency (the heirs to the throne). In this we also include the standard Leo associations with courtship, the royal bedchamber, pretenders to the throne and so on. The search, when it comes, should really go all the way back to that White House Whitewashed White Christmas of December 2017. Everything is connected in a chain, because the Leo weather is also connected, in a chain.
If Leo is about the line of succession, the heir and the spare, the royal bedchamber and courtship – then our world leaders should keep us fully occupied across the Leo weather of 2017-2019.
A couple of things to watch, in 2017, where world leaders are concerned. Mercury (news) goes retrograde shadow on Monday 24 July so the message will go backwards and forwards for some time, across the middle of that year. What you hear and read is not final. To make this muddled and muddy period even more complex – the eclipses on August 7 and on August 21follow on from some very new ‘news’ concerning Buckingham Palace and the White House, from Monday 24 July. After this, the headlines and details will be rewritten when this planet goes back over the same position from Thursday 31 August.
In fact, it may not be until Sunday 10 September (when Mercury in his bizarre pattern finally moves out of Leo) that we have our July story straight. That is just the start of this cycle which will see repeated ‘hits’ on Leo in the heavens until January 2019 on that last Leo eclipse which book-ends the two –year period of patterns in the sign of the lion. Across this period we are going to see a complete reshaping of the House of Windsor and the White House, with the public being kept in the dark at crucial points.

The historic Total Solar Eclipse in Leo on Monday 21 August is a deep concern. There is always concealed or missing information on an eclipse. It can take years for the truth to come out – if in fact it ever does. This particular eclipse is part of a series we associate with Diana, Princess of Wales 。 This goes beyond the simple association of Leo with royalty. It is part of a Saros Series. I wrote a long prediction about this in August 2016, if you are curious about the Diana cover-up and how it is set to return in August 2017.
Ceres is about division, compromise and new arrangements which carve up the territory. She was found on the same day, January 1 1801, that the United Kingdom was created. She is a dwarf planet and I used Ceres to predict Brexit , which will carve up Europe. Ceres in Leo will be with us for many months so we will see a new carve-up of rights, roles and responsibilities with monarchies, empires and presidencies. People you know with Leo stelliums may experience this with their own ‘dynasties’ or ‘kingdoms’ involving godchildren, children, youth, and so on. Of course, those royal bedchambers are also going to reflect this extreme astrological weather. The lion is of course incorporated into the coat of arms for the United Kingdom so this is quite literally the breaking up of the old coat of arms – a nation divided, as Ceres moves across the sign of the lion. Ceres enters Leo on Sunday 24 September 2017 and stays there until Thursday 28 June 2018. This is going to be a tremendous territorial divide of world leadership, particularly in respect of those leaders’ children, successors or dynasties. It will take around nine months to complete. It’s a pregnant pause for Buckingham Palace and the White House.
Ceres is about chopping and changing; dividing territory, status, position. In Leo we are going to see this playing out in people’s personal lives (heirs and spares, pretenders to the throne, courtship, the royal bedchamber) but also among world leaders. It will be personal, because Leo is always personal!
Fortuna is also passing through Leo for some of this cycle. Jupiter’s daughter. This asteroid is associated with the Wheel of Fortune in Tarot. She spins the wheel of fate and fortune, blindfolded, without knowing or seeing that she sends us high, then low. She is a familiar figure from Shakespeare and Fortuna tends to bring a random, spinning quality to life. She is an important part of the Leo pattern story, alongside Ceres. Ceres is the big carve-up and the new order. Fortuna means every high point is a low point in the making, and every low point is a high point in the making! Both of these key factors will ‘station direct’ or stand still, which is like running on the spot, across Monday 19, Tuesday 20 March 2018. This emphasizes, but also freezes, the story. It’s like pause on your DVD player. Watch what happens then. It’s a fact of life that Leo is opposite Aquarius (below) in astrology as well. So when we experience the leadership/dynasty stories we also have major issues about Aquarian themes – friendships, groups, equality – at the same time.
Aquarius and Leo are opposite each other in the zodiac and the former sign describes groups, teams, communities and circles of people, while the latter obviously describes leaders, kings, queens, emperors, presidents and so on. The North Node in Leo will be opposite the South Node in Aquarius throughout 2017 and 2018 so we will see some classic conflicts between the people and their leaders. The difference between Leo and Aquarius is rather like the difference between King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table. They can’t be separated, but the relationship is often fraught.
We’ll see a lot of this ‘King Arthur versus Knights’ in January, February 2018 as the new year begins. On Saturday 27 January, for example, Venus at 12 Aquarius is opposite Ceres at 12 Leo. A couple of days later, Venus at 14 Aquarius is opposite Fortuna at 13 Leo. This is about the Democrats, the Republicans and their leadership in America. It is about the Prime Minister, the Leader of the opposition and their respective parties in England, Australia and beyond
You may want to pay particular attention to the Total Lunar Eclipse on the Full Moon of Wednesday 31 January 2018 when the Sun at 11 Aquarius is opposite the Moon at 11 Leo. In your own life you may see conflicts between the mass, the majority and the ‘king’ or ‘queen’ in any situation. In extreme cases, this may be rather like the Czar abdicating, the monarchy falling and people power reigning supreme…but in your book club.
The Leo-Aquarius polarity is a challenge for both signs and both sides. Groups need leaders. Leaders need groups. This mutual dependency can work very well, unless Leo is overthrown by someone who wants his/her throne – or the people find Leo too tyrannical, too autocratic – and revolt. It is also true of these two signs, that Aquarius can only function up to a point as a commune/community/communist organisation before it becomes clear that someone, somewhere, is going to have to lead the way or mere anarchy will take hold.
A very Leo thing happened in 1999 on the last major Leo Node cycle. Sun Leo U.S. President Bill Clinton was acquitted in his impeachment trial for allegedly lying about his affair with Sun Leo intern Monica Lewinsky 。 Lacking a monarchy, or a royal bedchamber, America has the White House and the Oval Office. That year is a good example of Leo-Aquarius ‘weather.’ The Democrats were the people. Bill was King. The people rose up against him, but he kept his crown.
It would be unusual if there was not a direct or indirect replay of the Clinton/Lewinsky story of 1999 between now and 2019, on the final Leo eclipse. The North Node in Leo is about debts and credits from the last cycle, after all. The Node in transit can sometimes confront us. Just when you think someone/something was well and truly ancient history, it will come up again – prompting decisions.
You can watch another patch of Leo weather across Friday 27 July 2018, on the Total Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon with the Sun at 4 Leo opposite the Moon at 4 Aquarius, followed by the Sun at 5 Leo conjunct the North Node at 5 Leo on Sunday 29 July. Northern Ireland has a Leo-Aquarius story to tell in her history. Northern Ireland consists of six counties that remained part of the United Kingdom when the 26 Southern counties became independent. It is often called Ulster, the name of one of the four ancient kingdoms of Ireland.
Across that last North Node cycle in Leo, which was October 21 1998 through April 9, 2000, Northern Ireland saw the Good Friday agreement. Now that Ireland is playing a new, important role at 10 Downing Street, the Leo-Aquarius weather is back. The mythology of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table will return.
Leo is a symbol not only of ancient kingdoms, old empires and monarchies – it is also a symbol for some aspects of the Vatican Palace, and the Vatican itself which had its Jubilee Year in 2000. The Pope in this instance is the ‘King’. What will return from that Jubilee Year as the Node in Leo also returns?
Russia as a whole tells a strong Leo-Aquarius story. The leader and the people. The Winter Palace in St. Petersburg, completed in 1762 for Catherine the Great, was assaulted by Bolsheviks in 1917. It’s a symbol of the Russian Revolution but also about these two zodiac signs. The leader and the people. The palace and the peasants. On the last Node in Leo cycle 1999-2000, Vladimir Putin became acting President and then President. Russia will have her karma from those years now.
If you have Aquarius personal chart factors, and particularly if you have a stellium (three or more placements) then the big focus on Leo will automatically highlight the Eleventh House of your chart in the natural house system as the North Node in Leo and South Node in Aquarius will cross this axis of your chart. The Eleventh House of your chart, ruled by Aquarius, using this house system, is where we find your friends. Your clubs. Your associations, societies and teams. Your political parties, bands, charities, book groups and ensemble casts. Aquarius is about the community – your circle – and it describes people power. Watch the travelling or transiting planets and other heavenly bodies as they pass across that Leo-Aquarius axis. If they pass the same degree as one of your Aquarius placements a major story will unfold. It will involve questions about who leads, and who follows – and why. That Leo/lion symbolism will come knocking.

There is always a deep transformation in the balance of power when these two dwarf planets are aligned. In fact, their fates were tied together back in 2006 when astronomers decided Pluto should be demoted and Ceres should be promoted , both becoming dwarves at the same time. We’ll see major downsizing/upsizing/reclassification at the White House and Buckingham Palace, and also in the seats of other world leaderships, very close to June 4 2018. Again, it’s that classic question about leaders and their heirs, successors and pretenders to the throne.
The quincunx pattern occurs on June 4 2018 with Pluto at 20 Capricorn, a sign we associate with ambition, social climbing, and the business of getting to the top and staying at the top. Ceres is at 20 Leo. June looks like a significant month for all those issues about leaders and their successors. The very next day, Tuesday 5 June, we find Ceres at 21 Leo conjunct Fortuna at 21 Leo. When you see a couple of patterns being bumped across a two-day period, you usually see something major in astrology. Keep your eyes on the first week of June 2018. The lion will roar.

The United Kingdom chart set for 1 January 1801 shows, as you would expect, a stellium in Leo in the Fifth House. Jupiter 1 Leo, Minerva 8 Leo, Saturn 23 Leo. Thus, it’s really just a case of watching the triggers, or conjunctions, as the Leo weather passes through. In modern astrology, using software like Stephanie Johnson’s wonderful Solar Fire program, we can use orbs of one degree to judge close or exact events.
On Friday 21 July, 2017, Mercury at 24 Leo conjuncts the North Node at 24 Leo, just one degree away from the United Kingdom’s serious, sombre, stuck Saturn at 23 Leo in the Fifth House, which rules the heir to the throne, Prince Charles, his spares (the siblings), his sons Willian and Harry and his grandchildren George and Charlotte. That’s news. It’s also karma. Another baby for Kate? An announcement about the succession?
On Sunday 23 July, 2017, the New Moon falls at 0 Leo, just one degree away from the United Kingdom’s Jupiter at 1 Leo. Fresh start. New beginning. Optimism, growth, hope for the heirs and spares to the crown.
The story rolls on across the British summer. Then, next to Jupiter at 1 Leo, on Thursday 28 September 2017, we have Fortuna at 1 Leo and Ceres at 1 Leo too. That is a random, fortunate, fated carve-up of the Royal Family’s line of succession to the throne. It can also happen, at best, every 12 years. So it’s historic. Again, we have to ponder – another baby for Kate? A marriage for Harry? Another kind of shift? Monday 21 January 2019 is the cover-up, which surrounds the aftermath of that 28 September 2017 decision. On that day there is a total eclipse with the Moon at 0 Leo, just one degree away.
Eclipses bring cover-ups, patchy information or missing jigsaw pieces. Mercury rearranges the jigsaw again. We have a second Mercury Retrograde in Leo, coming from the start of the shadow on Saturday 7 July 2018. This is why you need to look at 2017-2018 as a complete story. As always, make allowances for the ‘news’ not to stick. The full dates are included in your 2018 Diary Dates, below. At this time we can expect more global leadership stories which are bound to change.
Thursday 20 July
Mars enters 0 Leo
Friday 21 July
Mercury 24 Leo conjunct North Node 24 Leo
Sunday 23 July
New Moon. Sun 0 Leo conjunct Moon 0 Leo
Monday 24 July
Mercury Retrograde Shadow begins at 28 Leo
Thursday 27 July
Sun 4 Leo conjunct Mars 4 Leo
Monday 7 August
Full Moon. Partial Lunar Eclipse. Sun 15 Leo opposite Moon 15 Aquarius
Wednesday 16 August
Sun 24 Leo conjunct North Node 24 Leo
Monday 21 August
Total Solar Eclipse. Sun 28 Leo conjunct Moon 28 Leo
Thursday 31 August
Mercury enters 29 Leo (Retrograde)
Sunday 3 September
Mercury 28 Leo conjunct Mars 28 Leo
Tuesday 5 September
Mercury Stations Direct 28 Leo
Friday 15 September
Venus 23 Leo conjunct North Node 23 Leo
Sunday 24 September
Ceres enters 0 Leo
Fortuna enters 0 Leo
Thursday 28 September
Fortuna 1 Leo conjunct Ceres 1 Leo
Saturday 2 December
Ceres 17 Leo conjunct North Node 17 Leo
Thursday 25 January
North Node 14 Leo conjunct Fortuna 14 Leo
Wednesday 31 January
Full Moon. Total Lunar Eclipse. Moon 11 Leo opposite Sun 11 Aquarius
Tuesday 6 February
Ceres 10 Leo opposite Mercury 10 Aquarius
Friday 9 February
North Node 14 Leo opposite Mercury 14 Aquarius
Monday 19 March
Ceres Stations Direct 4 Leo
Tuesday 20 March
Fortuna Stations Direct 5 Leo
Monday 4 June
Ceres 20 Leo quincunx Pluto 20 Capricorn
Tuesday 5 June
Ceres 21 Leo conjunct Fortuna 21 Leo
Friday 8 June
North Node 7 Leo opposite Mars 7 Aquarius
Wednesday 13 June
Venus enters 0 Leo
Tuesday 19 June
Venus 6 Leo conjunct North Node 6 Leo
Thursday 21 June
Venus 9 Leo opposite Mars 9 Aquarius
Friday 29 June
Mercury enters 0 Leo
Tuesday 3 July
Mercury 6 Leo conjunct North Node 6 Leo
Thursday 5 July
Mercury 8 Leo opposite Mars 8 Aquarius
Saturday 7 July
Mercury Retrograde Shadow 11 Leo
Friday 20 July
North Node 5 Leo opposite Mars 5 Aquarius
Sunday 22 July
Sun enters 0 Leo
Wednesday 25 July
Cupido enters 0 Leo
Thursday 26 July
Mercury Stations Retrograde 23 Leo
Friday 27 July
Full Moon. Total Lunar Eclipse. Sun 4 Leo opposite Moon 4 Aquarius
Sunday 29 July
Sun 5 Leo conjunct North Node 5 Leo
Thursday 9 August
Sun 16 Leo conjunct Mercury Retrograde 16 Leo
Saturday 11 August
New Moon. Partial Solar Eclipse. Sun 18 Leo conjunct Moon 18 Leo
Sunday 19 August
Mercury Stations Direct 11 Leo
Apollo enters 0 Leo
Sunday 2 September
Mercury Retrograde Shadow ends 23 Leo
You can see how a patchwork of patchy information is spread across 2017, 2018, thanks to not only eclipses but also Mercury Retrograde in Leo. We have to ask hard questions then, about our leaders and their dynasties. As you’ve seen, we have a total eclipse on Monday 21 January 2019, with the Moon at 0 Leo and Sun at 0 Aquarius. This returns us to the theme of the people versus their rulers – as you’ve seen, it hits the United Kingdom horoscope exactly. However, anybody or anything (country, organisation, institution) with Leo-Aquarius patterns around 0, 1 degree will see the blackout. I know that we don’t have a strong set of birth data for British Prime Minister Theresa May, but she ‘signals’ Leo with her choice of leopardskin shoes, the same way that Donald Trump signals Leo with his toy lions and dynasty. This graphic landed on my Twitter feed. You have to wonder what lies behind the door of 10 Downing Street in January 2019.

In 1962, between January 4 and March 25 we had a staggering line-up in the zodiac signs of Leo and Aquarius. Jupiter,
Saturn and the South Node were in Aquarius. Uranus and the North Node were in Leo. The patterns ran from 0 degrees to 29 degrees of the signs. All of which makes the cycle of the Nodes through Leo and Aquarius (and those eclipses) across 2017-2019 look like a karmic replay of early 1962. We also had a total eclipse on Monday 5 February that year, with the Sun at 15 Aquarius alongside the Moon at 15 Aquarius. The Aquarius-Leo patterns continued in July 1962, when on Tuesday 31 there was an eclipse with the Sun and Moon at 7 Leo. On August 15, a fortnight later, we saw another eclipse with the Sun at 22 Leo and Moon at 22 Aquarius. There is a tremendous sense of old debts and credits about 1962 arriving for 2017-2018.
John F. Kennedy was President in 1962. Soviet missile bases were in Cuba. The threat of nuclear war – the Cuban Missile Crisis – was averted when the USSR decided not to send the missiles. Leo and Aquarius. The leader and the people. The king of Camelot and the Democrats.
Specifically, on January 29 1962, America and Britain walked out of nuclear test ban talks with the Soviet Union. The Sun, Mercury Retrograde, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and the South Node were in Aquarius. Uranus and the North Node were in Leo. The old monarchy of the United Kingdom was up against Aquarian Communism.
The First Lady of the White House in 1962 was Jacqueline ‘Queen Jacqueline’ Kennedy, who was of course a Leo. The people paid the taxes and she took the televised tours. Marilyn Monroe, rumoured to be President John F. Kennedy’s mistress, was found dead on August 5, just ten days before the eclipse which saw the Sun at 22 Leo and Moon at 22 Aquarius. Like all eclipses, it was a cover-up. It will be very interesting to see how the karma of 1962 returns, now through 2019. We’re back to Leo’s royal court again – the bedchamber – Camelot – and the rest.
In the new Leo cycles of 2017-2019 a complete split is possible between the male heirs in the United Kingdom with one male Royal breaking away by himself, in search of post-Brexit new horizons. The Wars of the Roses originally ran from 1455 to 1485 and saw the the royal houses of Lancaster and York against each other. This looks like a Royal flying the flag for new British trade deals around the world, but without belonging to a Royal Family. You have to wonder who will play Edward V or Henry Tudor on this journey. Prediction (July 2017) House of Windsor =New Wars of the Roses by 2019.
Sun Leo Barack Obama could plant himself and his ideas back in the White House across this historic period of Leo weather for the United States. The former President may be going grey but his astrological chart shows he has not gone away – not if the people, agree. There is huge potential here for him across 2017-2019 to move his plans, if not himself, back into Washington.
Between 2017-2019 Australia could easily see another woman rise to become leader of one of the two main political parties and perhaps even the nation, making history a second time. Julie Bishop?
Astrology is just history repeating itself, and astrologers use an unusual form of timekeeping to record events. They also do something few others do and predict the future. This is useful because it can be comforting (there is nothing new under the sun) but also a warning about what not to do – next time. As George Santayana said “Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Astrologers always remember the past because they usually own an Ephemeris, which is like a a telephone directory of planets, and their zodiac signs, from 1900 to 2050. We flick backwards and forwards through the big book and can see, at a glance, why 2017-2019 is like 1962.
The Leo-Aquarius polarity of 1962 is a stark reminder of what can happen if leaders behave like Roman emperors. That was the year that Camelot fought a battle with Communism and we, the people, nearly went nuclear, thanks to our kings and leaders.
If you know people with Leo chart factors or have them yourself, then watch the transit of Ceres and the North Node in particular across Leo to see how your Fifth House will play out 2017-2019. There will be a lot to learn, but also a lot to learn from – if you also want to peer back at your own past and see how themes repeat. This is the last time we will see a slow-moving Leo transit until 2026, when Jupiter goes into Leo. Another Summer of Love? Much depends on what we do in the summers of 2017, 2018.
Jessica Adams will give a talk on Eclipses, Nodes and Stonehenge, discussing the Leo patterns of 2017-2019, at The Astrological Lodge of London on Monday 6 November, 2017. For more information visit astrolodge.co.uk.