DreamsAstrology >> 占星術と夢 >  >>  >> 人生 >> キス


キスの夢が何を意味するのかを理解するには、まず、私たちの文化においてキスがなぜそれほど重要なのかを理解する必要があります。キスは、人間が行うことができる最も親密で原始的な活動の 1 つと考えられています。キスは 2 人をつなぐ行為であり、多くの意味を持つつながりの瞬間です。






















































My boyfriend kissed another girl in my dream

In your dream, if you see your boyfriend kissing another girl. This commonly indicates that you are feeling insecure in the relationship and out of control. You could be anxious about issues arising in your waking life, or you might simply be stressed. It is also possible that you are upset by the fact that her boyfriend has it so easy, while you are struggling with personal issues.

Dreaming of your ex kissing someone else

If you see your ex kissing someone else in a dream. This means that you are worried about the ex and his/her new relationships. Try to think about your situation again and understand what went wrong between you two in order to make a decision about whether or not you should get back with your ex again.

Dreaming of kissing someone else while in a relationship

In dreams, if you kissing someone else while in a relationship represents a betrayal of trust.  Dreaming of kissing someone while you’re in a relationship can mean that you’re concerned about the future of your relationship. You might be feeling insecure or worried that your significant other has met someone else that they’d rather be with. Sometimes, we dream of kissing someone as a way to express our love for them.

Dreams about kissing another man

Dreams about kissing another man could mean you’re connected on a deeper level with someone and haven’t made it official yet. It might also mean that you’re involved or interested in an extra-marital affair. Whatever the interpretation, this dream is telling you to pay attention to your feelings and find out where they lead, because they could affect the rest of your life.

Dream of dead father kissing me

When you dream about your dead father kissing you, it suggests that you are struggling with issues of belonging and affection, or that you’re feeling unfulfilled in some way. The dream is telling you that something has to change — whether that means more love or more independence.

Dreaming of kissing a married man

In dreams, a kissing a married man may symbolize that your current relationship is unstable and that your partner is not faithful. It might be time to check into your relationship with him and make sure that you are happy and satisfied. You could also be concerned about the love life you are currently in.

Kissing a dead relative in a dream

When you dream about kissing a dead relative, it means that you’re looking for a fresh start in life. You’re eager to set aside older habits and past regrets as you move forward into a new phase in your life.

Dream about kissing your boyfriend

Dreaming about kissing your boyfriend indicates that you want more romantic attention from him. Since his face is close to yours and you’re in a private space, this dream portrays that you feel lonely. To increase your happiness, you can ask him to spend more time with you. If he doesn’t make an effort, then it’s time to move on and find someone who will pamper you.

Dreaming of your partner kissing someone else

dreaming about someone else kissing your partner can be an omen of a coming loss. This means that the dreamer should act carefully to ensure that their relationship remains in a stable condition. If such an event were to happen, this is only a short-term issue and would not necessarily mean an end to the relationship.

Wife kissing someone in my dream

When you see your wife kissing someone else in a dream, this is symbolic of your deep-rooted subconscious feelings about her. In particular, it could suggest a guilty conscience on your part for something you’ve said or done that has hurt her. Alternatively, the kiss might symbolize an intimate moment between you and your spouse — perhaps an experience from real life that you’d like to re-create in a dream.

Kissing someone feet dream meaning

To dream that your own or someone else’s feet are kissed by others, is significant of the fulfilment of a wish. You will be favored and petted. If you kiss the feet of another in your dream, you will be subjected to humiliation and scorn. You will be made fun of, and will be compelled to acknowledge your subservience or powerlessness to another in some matter.

Dreaming about almost kissing someone

When you dream about almost kissing someone, it might be a sign that you want to move on from the relationship that you are in. Perhaps, it is time for you to start seeing other people. If you dream about kissing the same person over and over again, it suggests that you don’t feel completely comfortable being in a romantic relationship and you feel the need to keep your distance.

Dream of kissing a prince

When you dream of kissing a prince, it’s a sign that you’re in search of someone who will take your breath away. This person likely isn’t necessarily romantic or even a lover — they’re likely an adventurer and risk-taker, someone who will show you the world and make you feel like you can do anything.

Dream of kissing dead mother

Dreams about kissing your mother can be about love and closeness, or it could be a reflection on your relationship with her if you’re still alive. However, if you dream of kissing someone who has died or someone who is no longer a part of your life, it may represent the loss you feel in waking life. This loss could also be emotional.

Why did i dream about kissing my best friend

In your dream, you kissed someone you knew well. Your subconscious is telling you that you care deeply for this person and that a new level of intimacy is in order. This new level of intimacy should be pursued, though it may be difficult. If your best friend featured in the dream, the passion between you will become more intense.

Dream of cat kissing me

Dreams of cats symbolize independence, self-reliance and a free spirit. Usually they appear in your dreams when you are feeling stuck, frustrated or overly emotional. When you dream that a cat is kissing you, it’s a sign that your desires and goals will be realized if you stay patient and keep working towards your goal. It also means that you should be nurturing yourself better.

Dream of kissing someone who has passed away

Dreaming of kissing someone who has passed away is a common dream symbol and can mean many different things. For instance, it could represent your deep desire to be close to that person again or to say goodbye. It might also represent the fact that you need to say something that you have been holding in for a very long time. It could also be a reflection of your feelings of regret, guilt, or sadness about the way you parted from that person.

Dream husband kissing another woman

Dreaming of your husband kissing another woman can be a source of concern for you. There might be various interpretations to this, but one that is worth considering is that it may suggest that your husband might be having an extramarital affair. The dream might be prompted by some occurrences in your relationship.

Dream of hugging and kissing someone

When you dream of hugging and kissing someone, it can represent the feelings of security and comfort that someone gives you when they hold you close. It usually represents the emotions and feelings you have developed for that person in waking life. For example, if you’re dating someone who feels the same way about you, it usually means they feel comfortable with you and are open with their affection.

Dream of someone kissing my stomach

In most cases, a dream about someone kissing your stomach is an omen that you need to make positive changes within yourself. If you experience this dream frequently, it could mean that you are letting bad habits slip into a routine — such as over-drinking or eating unhealthy foods.

Kissing cousin dream meaning

If dream of kissing your cousin, you may be experiencing a loss of control over an intimate relationship in waking life, or there’s an unresolved conflict over closeness in your family history that you need to explore. Remember that sexuality is one of the most powerful forces in the subconscious—it can have a positive as well as negative impact on your emotions and thoughts.

Kissing pregnant woman in a dream

People that dream about kissing a pregnant woman usually are so caught up in their own lives, they forget to pay attention to the life around them. If you’re in this situation, it’s time to take a step back and look for opportunities to grow as a person. In Chinese culture, it’s said that dreaming of kissing a pregnant woman predicts wealth.

Dream of being kissed on the cheek by a woman

Dreaming of being kissed on the cheek by a woman may be a sign of affection, or it may mean that you are feeling unappreciated. In any case, it’s important to consider what was going through your mind as you were dreaming. The woman may represent someone in your waking life, such as a friend or family member. It might be interesting to think about how she is being portrayed and how she looks in your dream.

Dream of kissing someone with bad breath

When you dream of kissing someone with bad breath, this is your subconscious telling you to pay attention to their mouth. In waking life, the person kissing you may be making a play for your affection, but in a superficial way. If the person also has teeth that are too large or your breath smells really bad, this suggests that there will be some issues with communication between you two.

Dream of kissing twin flame

When you dream of kissing your twin flame, this may be a message from your subconscious to examine relationships in your life. Although the kiss symbolizes romantic love and partnership, it can also represent friendship, family ties, and any kind of union that binds two people together. Your dream may be offering you a glimpse into how you feel about those people in your life and how they impact you.

Spiritual Meaning of Kissing in a Dream

Kissing is considered a symbol of love and affection. It’s often seen as a sign of respect and appreciation. In many cultures, kissing is seen as a form of communication that can help connect two people. It can also be seen as a way to show how much you care about someone.

Kissing is often seen as an auspicious event, meaning it’s considered to be good luck. This is because when two people kiss, they are thought to be in a strong relationship and will be able to get along better.


Dreams can be interpreted in a number of ways, but often they are about some kind of emotional connection or sexual release. Whether it’s kissing someone in a dream, touching them in a dream, or simply being close to them, the  meaning of these dreams is often significant and should be investigated.

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