キスとハグは、あなたの心に特別な場所を持っている人々への愛、敬意、気遣いを示す普遍的な行為です。キスは現実の世界で非常に一般的で人気があり、人々がキスを夢見ることは不可能ではありません. キスする夢の意味とは? ? キスの夢の意味について調べてみましょう 記事上で。
上記は、キスの夢を解釈する具体的な方法です。ただし、一般的に、夢の中でキスをすることは、愛、愛情、調和、満足感を意味します。キスは、現在の関係または近い将来に望んでいるロマンスの象徴です。 キスの夢 通常、あなたが他の人をどのように尊敬しているかに関係しており、その逆も同様です。
元パートナーにキスをする夢を見るのは普通のことですが、元カレがあなたにキスする夢を見たときの意味 ?元カレや元カノがあなたにキスをする夢は、あなたのことを本当に気遣い、あなたを特別な人だと思っている人に愛されているという気持ちが恋しいことを示しています。これらの夢はまた、この時期にあなたが感謝されていないと感じていることを示しています。
夢の中でキスについて不快な経験をすることは、人や状況に対するあなた自身の感情や感情の反映です. You may feel rejected and unloved in your waking life. Also, you may be dealing mostly with the people you don’t like.
8.Dreaming About Kissing A Celebrity
Dreams about kissing a celebrity mean two things. One is that you deeply admire this celebrity to the point that you dream of kissing 彼彼女。 Two, you admire this celebrity in a way that you desire to be like him/her. You also want to achieve everything that this celebrity has in your waking life as well as to be successful someday.
9.Dreaming About Kissing Someone’s Lips
A dream of kissing someone‘s lips is a sign of entering into an agreement or consensus in your waking life. You may have to carefully deal with some people you encounter in life. Also, kissing someone’s lips in dreams signifies your need of improvement in terms of communication to avoid problems in the near future.
10.Dreaming About Kissing Someone’s Feet
Kissing someone‘s feet in dreams symbolizes your highest form of respect towards that person. You value this person’s moral and principles in your waking life. If you are the one being kissed, then it is possible that the person who kissed your feet looks up to you and approves your way of life. On the other side, you may encounter someone who will treat you unfairly and possibly humiliate you in real life.
11.Dreaming About Kissing Someone’s Cheek
Dreams about kissing someone‘s cheek involve sincerity and friendship. You may feel admiration towards the person present in your dreams in a way that you want some kind of commitment towards him/her. This dream also shows your sympathetic side, especially to deserving people in your waking life.
12.Dreaming About Kissing Someone’s Hand
Kissing someone‘s hand in your dreams is a sign of respect that you have towards the involved person in your dreams. This dream also shows that you are treating that person with utmost care and loyalty. On the other note, a kiss on the hand signifies a person trying to take advantage of you.
To dream of kissing brings different symbolism related to love, happiness, friendship, contentment, and encouragement. Kiss dreams are usually interpreted by different aspects included in your dreams such as the people, body parts, and your feelings. Being familiar with yourself and the people around you will help you in interpreting your kiss dream meaning .
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