DreamsAstrology >> 占星術と夢 >  >>  >> 人生 >> 喧嘩


テレビやインターネットでたくさんの試合を見たり、かなり攻撃的な人であることは、試合の夢を見る要因にはなりません。これは、老いも若きも関係なく、人生のいつでも生きることができる不思議な体験です。これは間違いなく非常に奇妙に感じる夢の 1 つですが、隠そうとしたり無視したりしようとしている自分の性格の詳細を実際に見ていることを知っておく必要があります。あなたの潜在意識。





一般的に、喧嘩の夢を見る意味は、抑圧された感情と密接に関係しています。あなたができる最悪のことの 1 つは、誰かを怒らせたり迷惑をかけたりすることを恐れて、自分が感じていることをすべて隠すことです。人間は、推論する能力があるため、動物とは異なることを理解する必要があります。だからこそ、あなたはいつでも私たちの考えや感情を表現する力を持っています.頭に浮かんだ最初の考えを常に言うことができるとは限りませんが、ほとんどの場合、これらの考えを隠すことは、最終的に傷つくという事実です.この意味とは対照的に、他のオニロロジーの専門家は、ペリースについての夢は、あなたが経験している可能性のある欲求不満の季節に関連していることを示しています.問題や夢に直面して何もできないことに、あなたは大きな負担を感じています。





Dreaming about a couple’s fight has a similar meaning than dreaming about a family fight.Right now you are facing serious problems with your partner and it is necessary that solutions be quickly. Leaving a problem without immediate solution causes much more serious problems, culminating in the relationship or even infidelity. Living this dream experience repeatedly is a sign that you should sit down and talk to your partner about it.

Dream of a street fight

Dreaming of street fighting is the way your subconscious tells you that there is a danger very close to you that you are not seeing.Street fights are extremely dangerous because you have no idea how the opponent will react. You don’t know if it’s gonna be a punch fight or there’s gonna be guns. This is why your subconscious leads you to live in the dream world this very dangerous experience for you to open your eyes and be aware of the dangers that surround you.

Dream of a cock’s fight

Dreaming of fighting cocks reveals an unfriendly, distrustful, intransigent, insecure and obsessive attitude towards your partner and the people close to you.If you see that in your dream there were more than two roosters, you should know that this is a reflection of your personal situation with whom we have already mentioned you. Your behavior has caused you to have conflicts for any reason whatsoever with those you love.

Dream of seeing a fight

Dreaming of seeing a fight is a clear revelation from your subconscious that tells you that you are wasting your time on matters that have no value to you. It’s very easy for you to fall for this kind of mistake, which is why your subconscious decides to alert you to stop and change your rhythm, opting to use your time in matters that really matter and get you close to your goals.

Dream of a women fight

Dreaming of women’s fights can seem very strange, especially if it’s a man who dreams. However, what this dream experience is trying to show you is that in your life you have a number of major concerns that you need to address promptly.

Dream of fighting and blood

Dreaming about fighting and Blood reveals that because of the conflicts you have with your family, in the near future you will face problems with your family. You must act quickly to prevent these from becoming aggravated, creating deep wounds.

Dream of a men fight

Dreaming of a man’s fight, contrary to what you can imagine, is an oneiric experience that alerts you to possible people around you who wish to tarnish your pride with lies and slander. If one of the men fighting is your relative, then the message gets a lot more important.

  1. カブトムシの夢

  2. ダニの夢を見る

  3. リスの夢を見る

  4. 子犬の夢を見る

  5. カエルの夢を見る

  6. コウモリの夢を見る

  7. 豚の夢を見る

  8. ライオンの夢を見る

  9. 恐竜の夢を見る