水の夢 – 意味と解釈
水の音を聞くことを夢見ています。 水の音を聞くことを夢見た場合、そのような夢は内省と反省の期間を示し、自分自身、自分の考え、感情と平和であることを示しています。
水中で泳ぐことを夢見ています。 水で泳ぐことを夢見た場合、そのような夢は、あなたが目指す目標があることを示している可能性があります.
暗い水の中を泳ぐことを夢見ています。 濁った暗い水の中で泳ぐことを夢見た場合、そのような夢は通常悪い兆候です。この夢は、今後数日間、ストレスの多いニュースを受け取ることを示している可能性があります。
冷たい水で泳ぐことを夢見ています。 冷たい水で泳ぐことを夢見た場合、そのような夢は、あなたの人生で重要なイベントが間もなく発生し、危険や誰かとの衝突を回避するのに役立つことを示している可能性があります.
水中で泳ぐことを夢見ています。 水中で泳ぐことを夢見た場合、そのような夢は、非常に重要なことについて経験する可能性のある不確実性、疑い、ためらい、懸念を示している可能性があります.
非常に速い水で泳ぐことを夢見ています。 あなたが夢の中で非常に速い水で泳ごうとした場合、そのような夢は良い兆候ではなく、差し迫った危険を示している可能性があります.すぐに危険な状況に陥ったり、健康上の問題に遭遇したりするかもしれません.
水遊びを夢見る。 水遊びの夢を見た場合、その夢は新しい愛や情熱を意味している可能性があります。
水中でエクササイズをすることを夢見ています。 水中で運動する夢を見た場合、そのような夢は良い兆候であり、あなたの恋愛における興味深い出来事を暗示している可能性があります。古いロマンスの復活や、現在の関係における情熱の復活を期待するかもしれません.
水中にいることを夢見ています。 あなたが水中にいることを夢見ていたら、そのような夢はあなたの潜在意識を探求することを示しているかもしれません。この夢は、あなたの隠れた側面を探ることを示している可能性があります。
ダイビングを夢見ています。 ダイビングを夢見た場合、そのような夢は、自分の感情や自分の性格の未知の側面を探求する能力を示している可能性があります。この夢は、問題を解決したり、誰かの意図や目標を理解しようとする試みを示している場合があります。
飲料水を夢見る。 水を飲む夢を見た場合、そのような夢は通常、脱水症状を示しています。
温かい水を飲むことを夢見ています。 温かい水を飲む夢を見た場合、そのような夢は良い兆候ではなく、あなたに嫉妬している誰かからの意地悪な攻撃を示している可能性があります。この夢は、周囲の人々の行動に注意を払うよう警告しています。
水しぶきを浴びる夢を見る 水しぶきを浴びる夢を見た場合、そのような夢は潜在意識からの目覚めを示している可能性があります。
冷たくて穏やかな水を夢見る。 冷たくて穏やかな水の夢を見た場合、そのような夢は非常に良い兆候であり、最終的に自分自身と自分の精神性を受け入れたことを示しており、それはあなたに多くの平和をもたらします.
冷たい水の夢。 冷たい水の夢を見た場合、その夢は孤独と機嫌の悪さを示している可能性があります。
汚れた水の夢を見る。 If you dreamed about dirty water, such dream might indicate finding yourself in a difficult situation soon. You will probably find it hard to deal with the situation so you will need to ask for help.
Dreaming about muddy water. If you dreamed about seeing or being in muddy water, such dream is usually a bad sign, possibly indicating negative emotions and thoughts you need to address.
This dream might also indicate your thinking being unclear, so it’s advisable not to make any important decisions at this moment.
Dreaming about boiling water. If you dreamed about observing boiling and steaming water, such dream usually indicates lack of control over your emotions.
It might indicate a sudden surface of some repressed emotions.
Sometimes this dream indicates reaching a boiling point in some situation.
Boiling water might also indicate some unexpected expenses. Maybe you will experience huge financial losses, due to financial mismanagement. This dream might be a warning to pay attention to your spending.
Dreaming about being burned by boiling water. If you dreamed about being burned by boiling water, such dream might indicate suffering because of your strong emotions.
Maybe this dream suggests you need to relax a bit.
Dreaming about walking on the water surface. If you dreamed about walking on the surface of the water, such dream signifies having inner control over your emotions. Maybe you are a person who needs to be in control of every situation and rarely shows emotions.
It might also indicate believing in your abilities and being confident.
This dream can also indicate having some hidden qualities.
Dreaming about crossing big water surfaces. If you dreamed about crossing big water surfaces, such dream usually indicates you are a free and independent spirit. This dream might reveal your need for change, freedom and independence.
Maybe it indicates moving into the unknown from a safe and known territory.
Dreaming about falling into the water. If you dreamed of falling into water, your dream might indicate temporary feeling helpless or out of control.
It might also indicate regretting some mistakes and their consequences.
If you dreamed about falling into water from a height, such dream is not a good sign, possibly indicating encountering some problems in the near future, usually financial issues.
Dreaming about drowning or being swallowed up by water. If you dreamed about being submerged under water, such dream might represent your anxiety or feeling overwhelmed by something. Maybe you have a stressful job, or have problems in your relationship, or with family members, etc.
This dream usually indicates not having control over your emotions.
Dreaming about drowning in deep and clear water. If you were drowning in deep and clear water in your dream, such dream might indicate encountering some obstacles, you will successfully resolve, without anyone’s help.
Dreaming about sailing on a boat through dark waters. If you dreamed about sailing on a boat through dark waters, such dream is a bad sign, indicating serious problems and difficulties ahead, which will require a lot of your effort and persistence to solve.
Dreaming about a boat filled with water. If you dreamed about a boat full of water, such dream is usually a good sign.
This dream can indicate the increase of your finances, becoming wealthier or making some profitable decisions in the near future.
Sometimes this dream indicates becoming more influential or powerful.
Dreaming about spilling water on someone. If you dreamed about spilling water on someone, such dream might signify an embarrassing situation you might get yourself involved soon. You might do something, which may put you in a compromising situation.
Dreaming about spilled water. If you spilled water in your dream, such dream is a good sign, indicating you are on the right path in life. It is probably a sign that you have made the right choices regarding your life.
Dreaming about carrying water. If you dreamed about carrying water, such dream is usually a good sign, indicating success in overcoming some current obstacles and problems. It might also be a sign of getting over some negativity in your life.
Dreaming about washing with water. If you dreamed about washing yourself with water, such dream might indicate being on the right path in life. It indicates your ability to achieve your life goals.
Dreaming about bathing in water. If you dreamed about bathing in water, such dream is a very good sign, indicating you will successfully defend yourself against your enemies. Maybe someone will attempt to deceive, or use you in some way, but you will successfully, avoid those attempts.
Dreaming about water falling from the ceiling. If you dreamed about water falling down from the ceiling, such dream might indicate someone unexpectedly interfering with your life. This person might disturb your peace, and you won’t know what to do, because it will probably catch you, off guard.
Dreaming about putting fire off with water. If you dreamed about putting off fire with water, such dream might indicate some difficulties and challenges in the near future. Sometimes those obstacles might be in a form of financial problems and losses.
Dreaming about a snake in the water. If you saw a snake in the water in your dream, such dream might not be a good sign, possibly indicating worry and stress, because of some situation you are currently in.
Dreaming about an alligator in the water. If you saw an alligator in the water in your dream, such dream might represent your flexible nature, capable to deal with whatever comes your way.
Dreaming about an elephant in water. If you dreamed about seeing an elephant in the water, such dream is not a good sign.
This dream might announce difficulties and problems in the near future, which might disappoint you, and make you stressed. Fortunately, your difficulties won’t last long, and there’s no reason for you to be worried about this dream.
Dreaming about dead fish in the water. If you dreamed about dead fish, floating on the water surface, such dream is a bad sign, indicating disappointments and disability to manage your life.
Dreaming about some family member giving you water. If you were given water by some family member in a dream, such dream is usually a good sign, indicating joy and happiness in your life.
Dreaming about being scared of water. If you dreamed you were scared of water, such dream might indicate being regretful about something. Maybe you will soon realize that some of your acts from the past may have serious consequences for your future.
Dreaming about flying over water. If you dreamed about flying over water, such dream might indicate the need to make more effort regarding your business and ventures. If you don’t pay serious attention to this message, you might regret such decision in the future.
Dreaming about water dripping from a tap. If you dreamed about water dripping from a tap, such dream usually indicates the waste of your time and energy on insignificant things, which in turn causes you disappointment and stress.
Dreaming about filling a water cistern. If you dreamed about filling a water cistern with water, such dream might indicate your desire to discover the possible outcomes of some ventures, but unfortunately, you won’t be able to find out the results.
Dreaming about clear water in a container. If you dreamed about clear water in a container, such dream is a sign of pleasure in the near future. It is a sign of prosperity and abundance in life.
Dreaming about murky water. If you saw murky water somewhere in your dream, such dream warns you about a possible danger in the near future, so you should be more careful.
Dreaming about falling in murky water. If you fell in murky water in your dream, such dream might indicate making mistakes in the near future. You might decide or do something, you will regret later.
Dreaming about waves on the water. If you dreamed about a water surface with waves, such dream usually indicates big challenges you might be forced to face in the near future. Fortunately, you will be able to manage them.
Dreaming about standing water. If you observed standing water in your dream, like water in a pitch or a well, such dream might indicate some unfortunate events in the near future.
It might also indicate facing some scandals soon or having conflicts with someone.
Dreaming about a giant body of water. If you dreamed about observing an enormous body of water, such dream usually indicates great opportunities in the near future, and you will be able to choose the best one for you.
Dreaming about water drops. If you dreamed about seeing water drops, such dream might indicate having to deal with a big financial transaction in the near future.
Dreaming about a tree floating on a water surface. If you observed a tree floating on the water surface, such dream indicates some worries and obstacles you might be facing in the near future.