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深い水は、夢の中で見たときの暗闇と心配 (私たちの深くて暗い感情) を表しています。これはかなり恐ろしい夢かもしれません。深い水を見ることは、自分の感情につながります。これは、あなたの気分を表すこともあります。しかし、全体として、悪い時期だけではなく、ポジティブな解釈も含まれています。それはすべて、それらが見られるシナリオに依存します。透き通った深い水を夢見るなら、あなたの人生はスムーズに進み、物事は人生のように簡単になります.


水泳に勝るスポーツはなく、世界中の人々がフィットネス、楽しみ、または競技のために水泳を楽しんでいます。確かに、事実を理解する必要があるとき、水泳はしばしば私たちの夢に入ります。この夢の意味に関する私の説明は、深海に関する多くの研究と、夢心理学の観点からの事実に基づいています。私はフローです。あなたがこの夢を理解する手助けをするためにここにいます。まず、海は地球表面の 71% を占めており、海の最も深い部分は約 36,000 フィートです。長さと幅が約 680 マイルある浴槽を満たすのに十分な水なので、これが実際にどれほど深いか想像できます。夢の心理学や、深い水の夢を見ることの意味については、さまざまな科学書が出版されています。海は深海であるため、人類は海の 5% しか発見していません。では、深い水の夢を見たとき、それはどういう意味ですか?


深い水の夢は、自分の感情や感情を反映しています。女性が深い水の夢を見るのは、彼女の奥深くにある感情と秘密を表しています。水は自然の一部であり、体の大部分を表しているため、強力な夢になる可能性があります。深い水の夢を見ることは、人生の重要な時期を表しています。しかし一方で、深海が濁っている場合は それは悪い時と不運を示唆している可能性があります。これとは正反対の夢の中で澄んだ深い水 - それは心の平和と心の落ち着きを示し、自分の魂を満足させます。 深い湖の夢を見る 、これは地平線上に最初の変化があることを示唆している可能性があります.湖は一般的に陸地に囲まれているため、感情的であるだけでなく、地に足が着いていることを示している可能性があります。 If you dream of a deep hole of water , this can illustrate that at times other people may criticize you. Sometimes our dreams can be quite difficult to understand, if you dream of a city submerged in deep water this can be a reflection of how you’re feeling at work. It may indicate that you are in too deep! To dream of deep sea water . Can be a metaphor for how you’re feeling in life. You are dreaming of a deep swimming pool this can signify that you have strong thoughts and feelings about others. If the swimming pool is deep and crystal clear then this indicates you going to evaluate where you see yourself in life. The swimming pool as well is an indication of the fact that you just seem to be drifting through life if you are watching it as an outsider.

What is the dream psychology of deep water?

Sigmund Freud is associated with a number of interesting dream theories when it comes to water. He came up with a number of dream theories:segmenting our dreams into the superego, the id and the ego. So our dreams each categorize into a symbol that reflects each of these aspects and to be honest his work can be somewhat confusing and hard to get your head around. Water is connected to our ego, which is therefore associated with our mental state and mind from a psychologist's point of view. Freud spent most of his time analyzing people’s dreams. There was one account of a female patient who dreamed of wading in water, this resulted in some really interesting analyzes by Freud.

Freud believed that to dream of being rescued from deep water, if by a woman represents giving birth, and a new beginning if a man. Sometimes in dreams we see large, deep bodies of water. This could be represented in the sea, rivers lakes, swimming pools or even dams. I always find deep water rather scary and worrying and it can indicate our fears in life. Carl Jung another famous dream psychologist believed that our dreams are connected to our consciousness in everyday life. This Jungian theory suggests that the water is a symbol. Think of the deep water as if it is a dimension of our daily life, rather much like a newspaper. Jung believed that our unconscious mind shows what our conscious mind has missed in the day. So, as water is connected to our emotion it suggests that you are not paying attention to your own deep emotions in life.

What does it mean to swim in deep water in a dream?

This dream shows that you are in deep trouble, in fact, a series of troubles, difficulties and misfortune may hit you at any time. Don’t lose hope, as in time things will get better. Swimming in deep water can also indicate a possible turbulent time ahead. I have detailed this dream meaning quite intensively if you have swam in the sea just click here for the meaning. Swimming in a deep river during your dream is connected to our emotions. Near my home is a quarry, which over time has filled with water. The quarry water is exceptionally deep and there have been accounts of strange things that lurk at the bottom, for example, a crane is supposed to hide in the bottom of the quarry. There have been many accidents in this quarry where people have swam and ended up getting into trouble or drowning. If you have swum in a quarry during your dream it can indicate from a dream psychology point of view that you are focused on deep emotions in life.

What does it mean to see a vortex or turbulent or murky water in a dream?

This shows that you are dealing with anxiety, depression, insecurity, bad qualities, rejection, and possibly someone with a bad temper. If you dream of swirling water, possibly in an ocean, lake or river then this can suggest there are different events which are affecting your life right now. A whirlpool or vortex seen in the dream indicates that you may be facing some difficult and challenging decisions in the future. If the whirlpool is large and deep it can suggest that you may feel the other people are not supporting you. If we turn to the famous dream psychologist Freud he believed for women that swirling waters is a connection between fertility and pregnancy. For men, it denotes that there may be a possible separation or depression is on the cards. Obviously, we can all assume that a whirlpool is deep. To see a murky rotating body of watering your dream can suggest stormy emotions.

What does it signify if you dream of a river during your dream?

To swim in a deep river during the dream this indicates that you need to have more directions in life. If we turn to Carl Jung he believed that swimming in a river it’s focused on our psyche, in that we are feeling quite directionless during our waking hours. If river swells in a dream this indicates possible is flows of emotion. If you notice in the river that it is dark and deep or flooding in the dream it can often symbolize streamlining our life. It will be very wise to understand why you have this dream and what your conscious mind is trying to tell you. As it is connected to emotions, this dream is a wake-up call to think deeply in life.

What does it mean to swim in deep dirty water in a dream?

This shows illegal ways that you are most likely prefer in your business. To see dirty water in the dream indicates that there are going to be difficulties in life. If you are swimming in deep muddy water it can suggest that or challenges in the future. You may need to have a time predicts problems and if you see muddy water. Muddy water often appears in dreams when we need to recuperate and understand what we need from life.

What does it mean to see deep water and everything was calm?

This shows inner peace and satisfaction of mind and soul. If the deep water itself was not frightening in any way then this just signifies that you have some deep emotions that you need to deal with in life. If the deep water is crystal blue then this is a positive dream. I have had many dreams about deep bodies of water, especially dams. If you see the water moving in any way it can suggest that there will be a period of calm and relaxation in the future.

What does it mean to see your reflection in deep water in a dream?

It can be interpreted as you trying to show others the real you, rather than the possible illusion. The reflection in a dream often indicates the need to look within in order to understand your emotions. If you see yourself on a boat looking down at the water this can predict that there is an issue or problem that is likely to occur in the near future.

What does it mean to be in a vessel / submarine or ship in your dream?

This indicates you will be protected from being hurt in love. To dream of a vessel or submarine illustrates the need to protect yourself. Submarines generally travel at around 2000 feet below sea level. This means that you are able to access your deep emotions even though it may take time for you to understand what you really want from life. Seeing yourself in a submarine can also foretell that hard work is likely to pay off.

What does it mean to dive into the deep water in a dream?

Diving into deep water is connected to achieving goals in life, the actual water itself can be symbolism of your life depending upon how turbulent water is. If you are entering the deep water in the dream it can indicate that you may be thinking about having a child. This is due to the fact that Freud believed that being emerged in water is connected to fertility - rather like being in the womb. Deep water is a hidden unconscious part of your mind. If the deep water was rushing it can represent your own uncertainty in life.


  • You dream that you see clear deep water: abundance, happiness, and joys of life ahead for you. These are some feelings that are rare to experience.
  • You dream of non-moving deep water: shows internal peace and harmony of mind.
  • Deep b lack water: shows that your heart is clear and your mind is serene.
  • You are in deep sea water: you like to explore new things and ways to do things, just like the captain of a ship.


Deep water by Felix Perry (1993), Deep-water Coral reefs by Martin Hovland, Rank and H. Sachs, Die Bedeutung der Psychoanalyse für die Geisteswissenschaft, 1913, chap. i; also E. Jones, Die Theorie der Symbolik Intern. Zeitschr. für Psychoanalyse, v. 1919., Hans Sperber (Über den Einfluss sexueller momente auf Entstehung und Entwicklung der Sprache, in Imago, i, 1912) Collected Papers, vol. iii, trans. by Alix and James Strachey, Hogarth Press, London. Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of abundance:Happiness, satisfaction, progress, inner-peace, and serenity of mind.


water that is deep represents our uncertainty and emotions in life. There are some strong emotions if you dream of being in deep water. If the water is calm this is a positive dream, if stormy deep water appears then this can suggest emotional problems in life and that you may have difficulty achieving what you need to in life.

  1. 深海で泳ぐ夢を見る

  2. 深海での運転の夢

  3. 深海にいる夢を見る

  4. 深海に潜る夢を見る

  5. 水の夢を見る

  6. 深海を泳ぐ夢を見る

  7. 深海に飛び込む夢を見る

  8. 深く暗い水の夢を見る

  9. 深海で溺れる夢を見る