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夢の内容によって、さまざまな意味に結びつきます。それは、人生と心配のコントロールの欠如を意味する可能性があります。夢の中で複数の車を見ることは、多くの場合、人間関係や不安に関連しています。あなたが自分の人生をコントロールしていると感じているなら、車の夢は通常楽しいものです。ただし、車の夢が何らかの形で否定的である場合、これはあなた自身の自尊心の良い反映である可能性があります. 車が高速で運転している、または制御不能になっているとき これはあなた自身の人生を反映することができます。このような夢を見るのはよくあることであり、これはあなたが目覚めている間にストレスを感じていることを明確に示している可能性があります.


目を覚ましている生活の中で、自分がコントロールしたいことがあるのか​​、それとも心配していることがあるのか​​を自問してみてください。一般的に、これらのタイプの夢は、不安を感じているときに見られます。 自動車事故 夢の中では、自信の欠如を示している可能性があります。仕事、人間関係、家、その他の人生の側面など、大切なものを失っているのかもしれません。古代の夢の本の車は、人生における自分の評判に関連付けられています。自分や他の人が 無謀運転 をしているのを見たら これは「警告」夢です。悪い習慣に注意し、長期的な問題にならないようにする必要があることを示しています。この記事では、さまざまな夢の意味を見つけることができます。申し訳ありませんが、少し長くなります...わかっています!特定の意味を読む時間がない場合は、次のいくつかの段落で要約を示します.ただし、下にスクロールして、夢の最も適切な意味を見つけることをお勧めします.夢の中で、あなたは次のいずれかを持っているかもしれません:

  • 車を運転した =コントロールの欠如。
  • 車を見た =人生に集中する。
  • 車の乗客だった =あなたは人に運ばれています。
  • 車にはねられた =人生における警告。
  • 動かない車に乗っていた =人々はアドバイスを求めます。
  • 自動車事故にあった =人生の困難
  • 車のコントロールを失った =他の人がイライラする原因となる問題
  • 車で訪問した =答えを見つけるために過去を追体験する必要があることを示唆しています。
  • 車をぶつけた =人生におけるバランスの喪失。
  • 夢の中で車が燃える =誰かがあなたを怒らせる.
  • 夢の中のつぶれた車 =状況によって、人生で最善の道を見つけることになります。
  • 2 つに分かれている車 =選択する必要がある 2 つのパスがあります。
  • もう所有していない古い車を夢見ること =物質的な成功
  • 夢を運転するが、実際には運転できない =幸運を祈ります。あなたは正しい方向に進んでいます。
  • 夢の中で見た電気自動車 =人々はあなたにアドバイスを求めます。
  • 夢の中で急な坂道を駆け上がったり、崖から転落したりすること =今後の課題があります。
  • 夢の中で車が水に激突 =感情が試されます。
  • 夢の中で車が崖から転落 =変化が訪れます。










古い車で走り回る場合 それは、私たちが社会の物質的な期待に応えるのに苦労してきたことを意味します。あなた自身が乗客ではなく車のハンドルを握っている場合、それはあなたが実際に車を制御していることを示している可能性があります.これはポジティブな夢です!しかし、あなたが不規則に運転していて、あなたが車を制御していないことを夢見るために、この夢は、起こりうる危険または目覚めている生活の調整の警告です.夢の中の車は、多くの場合、心理的な観点から、車が私たち自身の心の状態に関連付けることができる、非常に異なる象徴性を持っています。夢の中で車がどのように見え、どのように感じられるかは、私たち自身の人生に対する個人的な認識によって表されます。スピリチュアルな観点から見ると、車のボディワーク 私たちが他人からどのように認識されているかに関連しています。 ハンドル 私たちが自分の人生をコントロールする方法に関係しています。 車のブレーキ 困難を克服する方法に関連付けられており、最後に、エンジン自体が私たちの隠れた欲求とニーズに関連しています。


車がクラッシュする夢を見る あるいは、車を何か (壁など) にぶつけるということは、一般的に、人生で失敗することを非常に恐れていることを意味します。車で反対方向に運転することは、自分の人生を再評価する必要があることを示している可能性があります。 子供や赤ちゃんが車を運転している夢を見た場合 これは、家族に対する感情をコントロールするのが難しいことを示している可能性があります。


言いたいことがあります。車は、目覚めている世界での行動に対する責任の欠如を象徴する場合もあります。将来に関しては、取り残されていると感じないことが重要です。さて、車に何かが壊れた場合 タイヤ、窓のスクリーン、部品、エンジン、ガラス窓など、これはあなたの人生で壊れたものの象徴です。実際、車の中で何かが「壊れている」のを見ると、自分がやっている仕事を本当に愛していることを示唆しているかもしれませんが、物事が壊れていると感じています.将来、どのタスクに集中する必要があるかを知りたいと思うかもしれません。


ちょっと怖いかもしれませんが、車に子供が乗っている事故を見ると、安全運転をしなければなりません。あなたが決して知らないように、自動車事故の夢を見た後、私はいつもより慎重に運転します! レーシングカーを見ると、人生で素晴らしい時間になります。 夢の中で。 女性の夢を見る 車の中 誰かが人生に支援の機会をもたらすことを示しています。夢の中で複数の車を見た場合、これもポジティブです。または、遊園地の乗用車 (バンパーカーなど) が、仕事の世界であなたの運命が明確になることを示唆しているのを見ます。あなたはより大きな豊かさと永続的な成功を引き寄せるでしょう。わかりました、これはあなたの夢の中で起こった可能性のあるさまざまなことの簡単な要約ですが、ここからはさらに詳しく見ていきますので、下にスクロールしてあなたの夢を見つけてください!






助手席に座っていますか?もしそうなら、これはあなたがコントロールできないと感じていることを意味します。車の後部座席に座ることは、人々に人生の主導権を握らせることを示しています。運転席にいるということは、あなたがうまくコントロールしていることを意味します。さて、夢の中で「あなた」が車に座っている実際の位置が重要です。すでに定義したように、車自体は私たちの「人生における個人的なコントロール」を示しています。また、私たちが特定の方向に向かっていることを示唆している可能性もあり、Carl Jung によると、この夢は私たち自身の社会的地位と自己イメージに関連しています。


夢の中の車の聖書的な意味は、私たちがどのように人生を歩むかに焦点を当てています。車は聖書的に定義に関連付けることができ、ライトは精神的なライトと見なすことができます.車は私たちが精神的に場所を旅することを可能にし、聖書の言葉では、あなたが人生のある段階から別の段階へと急速に移動しているという点で、夢は生命の木と関連付けることができることに注意する価値があります.精神的には、場所を動かし、創造性を開くことを意味する場合があります。車は神の自己の延長となるため、車の色も重要です。聖霊は自分自身をあなたに運ぶことができます。新約聖書の使徒行伝第8章39節には、主の霊がフィリポを捕らえたときに聖霊が運ばれたという出来事が記録されています。詩篇 126 篇には、「涙のうちに種をまく者は、喜びの歌とともに刈り取る」とあります。したがって、あなたが葛藤している場合、車の夢は喜びがあなたのものになることを聖書的に示している可能性があります.




箴言 29:15 に目を向けると、むちと戒めは知恵を与えます。しかし、子供を放っておけば、母親は恥をかくことになります。」これはしつけに関するものであり、人生にはしつけが必要です。車に乗っていることは、彼らが人生で取っている道を示すことができます. 詩篇 127:3 に目を向けると、すべての子供は「神の遺産」であり、彼らは両親の世話を信頼しています. 聖書は、子供を乗せて車を運転することを指しています.子供たちが社会でうまく機能できるようにするために、子供たちをどのように世話するかという直接的な関連性.



自己認識: 自分が前進しているのを見る夢の聖書的な意味は、感情に集中し、自分を強く動かしすぎる能力についてです。この夢は、あなたの強みが前進し、感情があなた自身や他の人に与える影響を制限することについてのものです。それは、あなたが目覚めている状況で素早く動きたいと思っていることを示している可能性がありますが、あなたは何らかの形で制限されています.夢はまた、嫌悪感に直面しても落ち着いて前進することに集中する必要があることを示している可能性があります。私たちは皆、私たちに挑戦する困難な状況に直面しています。そのような挑戦がなければ、前進するために何をする必要があるかを理解することは困難です.聖書に基づいて車を運転することを夢見ることは、前述の課題に注意する必要があることを示している可能性があります。エペソ人への手紙 6:12 ESV / 91 を見直すと、「私たちは肉と血に対して戦うのではなく、支配者に対して、当局に対して、この現在の暗闇に対する宇宙の力に対して、天の悪の霊的な力に対して戦うからです」と述べています。場所。

コントロール: 夢の中で前進することの聖書的な意味は、急いで決定を下すことを制限する必要があることを示している可能性があります。誰かがあなたを悩ませたとき、あなたが自分の行動に責任を持っていることを暗示している可能性があります。人生のすべての可能性を見ることができるコンポーネントもあります。この夢は、自分の可能な目標、内なる動機、そして好奇心と前進するエネルギーをどのようにコントロールするかについてのものです。



列王記下 20 章 9 節には、「これは、主が言われたことを行われるという主からのあなたへのしるしである。影は 10 歩進むか、10 歩戻るか」と書かれています。車で後退する夢を見たときの自分の影を理解することです。この夢は、私たちが人生の困難を経験しているときは正常です。このような困難に直面しても、あなたは強くあり続ける必要があります。













夢の中で車の鍵をなくした場合、これは人生で何かを失うことの比喩に過ぎないと正直に信じています。車の鍵をなくす夢は、おそらく最も一般的な夢の 1 つです。人生には「心の勇気」が必要だということだと思います。自分自身に正直で正直である必要があるということ - それがあなたへの私のアドバイスです.







この夢をさらに解読するには、有名な夢心理学者ジークムント・フロイトに目を向ける必要があります。彼は夢の中で自動車事故についてどう思いましたか?最初に言っておきたいのは、この夢の心理学者は 1930 年代に開業していたということです。彼の信念はやや時代遅れかもしれません。なぜなら、現代の世界では、私たちは自分の車にもっと集中しているからです。そうです...あなたは自分の車を愛しているだけではありませんか!フロイトは、夢に登場する車が私たちの無意識の動きを示している可能性があると信じていました。彼はまた、私たちの夢は通常、私たちの日常生活で起こる出来事に関連していると信じていました.

カール・ユング (1930 年代の別の夢心理学者) によると、夢の中で自動車事故を見ることは、目覚めている人生におけるトラウマ体験と不安に関連しています。夢の中で見た不安や悪夢は、あなたが抱えている心配の結果です。さて、これは必ずしも夢の中の実際の車に関連しているとは限らないので、目を覚まして、今日突然事故に遭うと実際に考えないでください!この夢は、一般的に、事故が鬱積した不安感を意味するという事実に関連しています。これについては上記で説明しましたが、通りを歩いているときや夢の中で逃げるときに車にひかれる夢を見た場合は、精神的な文脈からその意味を分析する必要があります。この夢は、潜在的な危険やコントロールの喪失に関連しています。なぜあなたはコントロールの喪失を感じているのですか?答えを黙想してみてください。事故の伝統的な夢の意味は、人生への警告です。これは精神的な文脈からです。夢は、人生における隠された攻撃性に関連しています。自動車事故の心理的な見方を変えると、あなたの隠れた行動が人生の問題の可能性を示唆している可能性があります。夢の心理学者は、事故に遭った車は私たちの人生観と関連があると書いています.






速い車を見ると、物事が狂っていることを示唆している可能性があります!素晴らしい夢なので、決して心配したくないので、ここで私の言葉を許してください。私が通常、「車輪」のタロットカードと関連付ける、または関連付ける速い車の夢。それは基本的に運命が働いていることを意味します!いくつかの迅速な決定があり、あなたの焦点は明るい明日にあります. Additionally, this dream can also symbolize that things are going to move in waking life at an accelerated rate. Decisions reached quicker than lightning! If the car was going fast and you are unable to slow down the car it can suggest a lack of control.

What does it mean to dream of a car crash?

If a car crash is featured in a dream this can be rather worrying, especially if while sleeping you are in a lucid dream state and the crash seems real. I have mentioned before that driving a car is all about moving in the right direction in life. Therefore, if you crash the car in a dream this can indicate that there are going to be some changes or worries in the near future. Try not to focus on achieving too much at the moment. There is a very small chance that you need to be more careful when driving your car. It is very highly unlikely you are going to go outside and have a car crash after having this dream. However, I will say that you need to be somewhat vigilant on the roads if you did dream of a car crash and it appeared vivid.

What do car headlights mean in a dream?

Car headlights in a dream are associated with disillusionment in life. The headlights can represent that you need to be more honest with yourself. If the car lights are on high beam during your dream then this indicates you’re letting your heart totally overrule your head. You are trying to see the right way forward but things seem to be rather uncertain. If the car headlights will not work during your dream this can indicate that you will form an objective view - but there will be limitations. To not be able to see where you are going in a car during the dream can indicate that you shall focus on moving forward in life. You have a problem that is possibly quite awkward or difficult to resolve. If the bulb goes in the headlights during the dream then this can suggest that you are trying to move towards success. If you find yourself in darkness during the dream then this can imply that you are feeling a defensive opposition, most notably connected to work.

What does it mean to dream of car wrecks?

Firstly the good news! A car wreck seen in a dream indicates that you’re going to clear the air - there may have been lots of doubt and confusion around you. Now, for the process of this dream meaning “a car wreck” is defined as multiple cars piled high in a dream. You could have seen a traffic collision, crash, or cars in a salvage yard. So, to see cars piled high indicates that something is not going to go to plan.

What does it mean to see a black car in a dream?

So, what does a black car dream mean? Dreams of a black car are focused on our own subconscious mind. Basically, your mind is trying to focus on a particularly difficult situation in waking life. The color black has been associated with hiding thoughts in spiritual terms, therefore this indicates you could encounter a situation will end up being rather difficult. Try to review any external factors that will affect how you succeed in life. This dream can also be connected to a “personal choice” you will soon make.

The actual color black in spiritual terms is connected to as I have mentioned hiding thoughts but also transformation, grounding, excess energies, and difficult patterns in life. Black also indicates that there may be some sort of illusion around you at the moment. Therefore, the black car and indicate you need to look at the different energy that is surrounding you. The fact that you are dreaming of a black car can also indicate that there is people or situations that could be hindering a successful spiritual journey. Black indicates that you need to try to move away from difficult people and find a balance of communication. Interestingly, black is associated with the body area of the feet in reflexology. Obviously, we drive with our feet and it can indicate that there is a time at the moment whereby require balance and perseverance. The best advice I can give for having a dream of a black car is that you need to seek balance. The fact that you are driving or seeing a black car indicates that you need to focus on your life and your own direction.

What does it mean to see a red car in a dream?

To see a red car in your dream can suggest there is a burning passionate objective that you wish to meet. If we look at the color red its simplest form it has the most wavelength of any color on the spectrum. It can also indicate passion in life. To drive a red car in a dream is associated with our passion and sexual nature in life. After all, everything in life is balanced and the red car in a dream indicates that you will have confidence, power, action, and honesty in all areas of your life. If however, the red car was out of control in your dream it can suggest that things will eventually become visible that you have not been able to see the wood through the trees for some time.

If you see a red car stolen in the dream this can suggest that there are many different positive attributes in your life. It can mean that you are focusing more on the negative side of life - rather than the positive. If you see an unknown red car in a dream this is basically the fear of losing something. Red is very much focused on the color of action, therefore spiritually this dream means a lot of things can happen in the near future. In terms of luxury cars, especially the 1980s red Ferraris or other branded sports cars were quite popular. To see a luxury red car in your dream indicates that you will do the very best things for others. It can also mean that you are feeling challenged and possibly lack control in material affairs. A luxury car (no matter what color) represents that you have many options to make money. This is just my personal opinion after reading many different dream dictionary books.

What does selling a car mean in a dream?

Selling a car in a dream can indicate that there is going to be a time in the future where you going to contemplate on changing jobs. A car, after all, is all about how we are in control. Selling a car means that we are selling our sense of control. Sometimes it is difficult to face change and if you see yourself in a car dealership with many different cars to choose from and this can indicate there will be many choices open to you. If you are selling a car to an individual in your dream this can imply that you are trying to persuade others in the future.

Your opinion will be valued. If you sell your own car in a dream this means that you don’t want the extra responsibilities at work. To see your car advertised in the newspaper or to sell your car on the internet in the dream state indicates that you do not wish to take control of a work situation. Additionally, it can mean that you want to step back. My advice is to take time out - recuperate and think about what you actually want from your life. If you notice or encounter a car salesman in the dream this can suggest that someone is going to try to sell you an idea! Try to take some time for yourself to find out if you really want what you will be offered in life. In ancient dream dictionaries selling a car in a dream indicates that you could owe someone money in life.;

What does it mean to see a white car in a dream?

A white car in your dream is connected to our innocence in life. White is also a sign of success from a spiritual sense. As we have already outlined in the opening of this dream meaning, the car itself is associated with the control that we have in life. White cars have become somewhat popular in life, this is due to the fact that they have been mass-produced and that it's more expensive to color the car in an alternative shade. In fact, I’ve just looked along my street most of the cars happen to be white.

White cars are definitely popular where I live. In fact, it has become the most popular color for cars. Now, it's important for us to reflect on the actual dream meaning of the white car, it symbolizing how we move forward in life and our control. The white car therefore in dreams, can indicate your innocence, peace and vision are being challenged at the moment. There is not much detail on the dream interpretation of white cars in most dream dictionary books.

For me to identify the significant dream meaning we have to look at the color white from a spiritual perspective. So what does white mean? White in spiritual terms indicates that we will learn the truth in life. If we look at the biblical meaning of white, this color is connected to the truth of faith. Putting on white garments is also popular in religion. It indicates a sense of innocence and also a connection to heaven.

There has been much research in the fact that cars also indicate our own bodies, therefore as white is a very spiritual color it can signify our own self-control. If you have reoccurring dreams of a white car, perhaps you see a white car in an accident there is a niggling doubt in my mind that it might be best not to buy a white car! I know that dreams are not connected to events that happen in reality but when a dream appears multiple times you have to really take notice!

What does it mean to see a blue car in your dream?

Blue cars seen in a dream are connected to our own emotions in life. Blue signifies (from a spiritual perspective) calmness and tranquility. This shade of blue is also important when analyzing your dream. If you could see a dark blue car this indicates that there are shadows and hidden problems around you. If you see a pale blue car in your dream this can suggest that you are going to succeed in life.

The actual details of driving the blue car are also equally important you may wish to take a more passive approach to life. If you are a passenger in a blue car this is a positive dream. If you are sitting in the backseat of the blue car this can indicate that despite everything you need to let others take control. I believe the blue car is actually rather popular, many users have emailed me asking me to interpret the blue car's meaning. All I can say is that the dream of a blue car is connected to your overall calmness and assertiveness in life. You must remain calm in the face of adversity. This is the key message that I’m going to convey. In time, if you see the blue car in a dream it can suggest that things are going to be somewhat successful.

What does it mean to see a new car in your dream?

Don’t we all love the smell of a brand-new car! If you are buying yourself a new car in a dream this is positive. To pick up a new car in your dream suggests new possibilities in life. If you are riding a new car in your dream or alternatively you see a new car in a garage in your dream indicates that there is going be a new challenge and great possibilities in the future. Most dream dictionaries denote that seeing a new car indicates change, control, and also power over others.

If we look at the famous dream psychologist Carl Jung he believed that our dreams are connected to symbolism in the waking world. It could also represent that you are thinking about buying a new car and this is the reason for your dream. I personally believe that seeing a new car in a dream is a positive experience and you should take on any new challenges that will come your way.

What does it mean if you cannot find your car in the dream?

I must share something with you before you move on. I had the really embarrassing experience of going to a car park and not being able to find my car (this is in real life) and I actually thought it had been stolen and the police were called. After about an hour I was able to find the car in a certain car park position that was very similar to where I thought I’d parked. Yes, totally embarrassing! So has this happened to you? Maybe you lost your car and this was the trigger for your dream? This is a Jungian perspective. So what does it mean if you cannot find your car in the dream state? To not be able to find your car in a dream indicates that you are feeling a complete and utter lack of control. It can suggest that other people have probably let you down and spiritually this is a “wake-up call” that it is time to find yourself.

What does it mean to dream that your car is stolen?

Having your car stolen in dreams is connected to possible deception in life. Perhaps you are concerned about your sense of belonging or security in your job. The car itself, according to Carl Jung is your personal ego. It is representative of your own personality and control in life. Oh, dear! I have had many of these dreams, as mentioned earlier in this article. Having your car stolen in a dream also suggests that you have multiple insecurities in life. Perhaps you are focusing on the truth and are trying to find yourself again. I always believe that when your car is stolen in a dream there is somebody in your life that are being dishonest this could be a friend or partner. Having your car stolen also indicates that you feel wrapped up in your own internal emotions. Do you have a clear and rational view of life? I have gone into more detail about this dream if you visit this page by clicking here.

What is the dream interpretation of a passenger?

So what do I think? To be a passenger in a car during a dream can suggest that you are feeling confused or unsure what to do next. You don’t actually feel in control of your life. If the car crashes and you are a passenger this can indicate that you are feeling vulnerable and at the moment. If you are in the back seat as a passenger in the car during a dream it can suggest the darker side of your own nature, the unknown parts. If you are driving and you have passengers in the car this can suggest that you are feeling that other people are supporting you in waking life.

What does it mean to see a standard transmission can in a dream?

A standard transmission car seen in the dream has a slightly different meaning than an automatic. To see yourself in “control” of a gear stick illustrates that even though you feel that things are out of control you are in fact “in control.” This dream often occurs when we are looking at our own personal goals. The dream can also represent how you feel about the possibility of disappointment in life. The gear stick in your dream indicates that you are in control of the car, it is not automatic which can suggest that there is going to be alternative plans and actions going forward! To get the gear stick stuck in the dream indicates that you will come up with a number of workable plans.

What does it mean to dive a car off the road in a dream?

This is never an easy dream to have. Driving the car off the road can indicate that you are taking the wrong turning in life. The dream itself might be a representation of a particular need. You are vigilant and prepared for the next stage of any situation no matter how it turns out. This dream is a warning that you need to have foresight and logic in life. Perhaps you’re finding it difficult to communicate your ideas and work out the best way forward. If you drive your car into a ditch during the dream it can show that the people around you are being honest that you are not sure about how truthful they really are. If you drive your car off a cliff in a dream then this is a warning to stop deceiving yourself you don’t always know all the answers.

What does it mean to avoid an accident in a car?

To avoid a car accident a dream is generally a positive omen. It can often be a metaphor that you are going to avoid a difficult situation in the future. To dodge an accident in a car indicates that you are coming to terms with yourself and other people around you. Spiritually, to avoid an accident in a dream means that you’re going to move forward and perhaps choose a pathway and follow the right signposts in life. It can mean that sometimes you don’t listen to anyone’s advice. Beware of being too careless, this is the reason why the accident actually occurred in your dream! The positive news is that you avoided the car crash in the dream - which is a positive sign and omen.

What does a parked car in a dream mean?

Parked car dreams can take many different forms. Maybe you were driving and trying to avoid a parked car, you could be in a multi-story car park and dodged parked cars. You could have even found yourself among hundreds of parked cars. What does it mean? To dream of parked cars indicates problems. Think each car is an obstacle in life. You need to overcome your problems and you can do so quite successfully.

What does it mean to drive into a wall in your dream?

Crashing into a wall in a dream can often indicate a problem in life. In my view, this dream denotes that there is a clear sign that emotionally you need to connect with other people. The wall can suggest that you are facing some “roadblocks” in life and it is a clear sign that you need to overcome your own fears. Deep down it indicates that you have been feeling out of control.

What does a broken-down car mean?

A broken-down car in a dream is connected to stepping back and rethinking in life. Perhaps you need to create a new strategy or direction, that is totally different. If you cannot start your car in the dream this means that you are perhaps at a crossroads. You feel that the control has slipped away from you in recent years and you’ve got to start again. You will begin to grow and move forward in life.

What does it mean to dream of a luxury car?

The luxury car featured in a dream can indicate that you have done well so far. The luxury car is connected to material wealth, everything you have done has paid off, and will feel a little more confident about your abilities in life. You have everything now but what is next? I believe that the luxury car dream indicates it is time to take a look at your progress so far, think about how you performed at work and how you can move forward. If you are driving a luxury sports car it suggests you need to be honest with yourself there is a challenge that is coming soon and the opportunity to pave the way for more riches. To see an Audi, Lexus, Mercedes, Bentley, BMW, or Acura in your dream can suggest that you are looking for flawless quality in life.

What does it mean to dream of an out-of-control car?

Oh, my goodness the “out of control car!” So what does the out-of-control car mean in your dream? This dream often alarms people, it is never nice to actually be completely out of control. If you are driving extremely fast then this indicates you’re projecting your own greatest fears in the dream state. But surprisingly an out-of-control car is a positive omen. Remember that after any difficulties there is always a new beginning. This dream simply implies that something has reached the end of its cycle. If the brakes don’t work in a dream it can indicate the lack of results no matter what you do.

What does it mean to dream of being in a car with a friend, partner, family members, such as a brother, sister, mother, dad, or grandparents?

Many people have dreams of seeing a car full of friends, a family member or a partner. This dream is about luck and chance, it can indicate the strength and courage in your relationship. Perhaps the people seen in your dream give you an indication of how to move your life forward. If you know the people that you are driving with your dream it indicates you are feeling in control of the situation. It can also often represent your self-awareness and tolerance of others. There are different areas of your life that will bring you success and also inner strength and stamina. Dreaming of being in a car with an ex-partner indicates that you will eventually get through any difficult times in life. The person represented in the car can also indicate that they can perhaps give you gentle guidance if you so need it.

What does it mean to dream of seeing fog and mud in connection with a car in a dream?

If you dreamed that your car was submerged in either fog or mud it can indicate that you are now in a position to stand your ground but you are feeling a conflict between you and others. It can also suggest the need to encounter a sense of resistance in life. To see fog on the road in your dream can suggest that you’re having a battle with your conscious mind, finding it difficult to make a stand or see-through any difficulties. Let’s get back to basics, fog obstructs our view in life, it is connected to not only air which is the spiritual representation of how we communicate but also our emotional feelings which is water. If you are unable to see the road due to thick fog then this can suggest that you have reached the end of a cycle in life.

You need to undertake some transformation in order to see your way going forward. Let’s now turn to the meaning of mud in relation to your car in a dream! The mud in dreams is connected to our own thoughts about a situation in waking life, mud from a spiritual context is representative of our own grounded facts. As mud is found in the earth it is spiritual in nature. Ok, this dream in its simple form is connected to the lessons we learn in life. If the mud appears to be thick and traps your car wheels then this dream can suggest that you are going to have some confusion about how to move forward in life. If you dream that cars are passing you by and your windshield is splattered with mud, this dream indicates that there may be some internal conflict in life. What do I mean by that? Maybe a friend will demand a lot of attention from you. Especially if the mud itself sticks to your vehicle in a dream. The mud represents that you are not thinking clearly.

What does it mean to have sex in a car during the dream state?

I must admit when I was a teenager we did have sex in cars, this was partially due to the fact that we couldn’t have sex in the house, so the car seemed the better option. That was over 20 years ago now! Yikes! Having sex in a car in real life can be somewhat fun no matter what age you are. This led me some time ago to understand what is the meaning when you have this type of sex dream? The details are equally important, so try to think about the position that you were in during the dream state - were you happy? What I mean is that was having sex in the car essentially a happy and loving dream?

If so, this is a positive dream. So, if you could see backseat action during the dream it indicates that you are in a happy and content in a relationship. If you are single and you dream of having sex in a car this can often be connected to your sexual frustration in life! Freud always believed that our dreams are related to sexual frustration. When I think about this dream, I often relive the moment in the Titanic film, where we could see the “steamy windows” and the buzz of sex in the car. Many different dream psychologists actually associate driving a car in a dream with our own need for sex in real life. Sex dreams, like most other dreams, are often connected to our own hidden desires and waking life. If the dream was worrying or unsettled you in any way then it could be associated with that you want to have more control in life, the car itself could be the symbolism of power.

What does it mean to see an automatic car in a dream?

Generally, most cars are automatic. So what does it mean to see an automatic car in the dream? Cars are often quite a common dream to have. We can assume that the automatic car is connected to our spiritual journey throughout life. The car itself is a representation of our social status and identity in life. If you are driving an automatic car then this indicates that you like to focus on your own goals in life. If however, the car is being driven recklessly or causes danger in any way then this dream is connected to how you subconsciously connect with other people.

In dream dictionaries, automatic transmission cars indicate that things are going to be focused on happiness and contentment in life. This is a positive dream. It can indicate any problems that are out of control and are often solved in the most appropriate manner. I believe that if you dreamed of an automatic car being driven on its own then this dream can suggest that you feel that events are not on the right path. Perhaps your life is somewhat bubbling along and you are unable to grasp or control situations.

What does it mean to see a traffic light in a dream?

Traffic lights seen in dreams are rather interesting. In my dream analysis, I found the traffic lights symbolize that you are holding back. The three colors of the traffic light consist of:red, amber, and green. In the USA a traffic light is generally yellow in color, in England they are black. We all know that the green light allows us to proceed in life. It is no different in the dream state. Thus, to see a green traffic light indicates that you are going to have a number of wonderful opportunities opening up for you. If you stop at the red light in a dream, then spiritually this can suggest that there will be some minor delays that you will encounter in life. To see a flashing amber light indicates that you need to get ready for new changes on the horizon.

To see a sign that says walk or don’t walk in the dream is connected to a delay in life. To encounter a pedestrian crossing in a dream can suggest the need to have more control in life. To run a red light or if you speed past a traffic light in a dream this indicates you may have low energy at the moment. If the traffic lights are LED (commonly seen in Australia) this dream can imply that you will encounter some risk in life.

What does it mean to dream of visiting a car wash in your dream?

If you dream of visiting a car wash in a dream, this is in connection to a part of you that you wish to clean that is currently suppressed. Of course, the dream can feature either an electronic or manual car wash. The actual details of the car were are not that important they both have the same meaning. Your feelings at the moment indicate that you need your own life in order to grow. It could just be that the car wash is a reminder that in life we need to start again. Many people experience the dream of the car wash and normally from this can learn the obstacles in their current life. It may be a complete nightmare and the car wash results in negative consequences. It is completely natural to be scared if the car wash was negatively featured in your dream.

What car dreams have I encountered?

Now, I can remember not long ago I dreamed that my car kept been stolen I could see my car in the distance in the dream and someone driving away in my car. Interestingly, about a month ago I had another dream where I encountered a car crash only a few weeks ago I dreamed that I took my car to be cleaned and washed at my local car wash and when I returned the car was no longer there! The plates were changed and alternatively, the car was stolen. Yes, very strange that I have had many dreams about my car and this led me on the path to discovering not only the spiritual but also the psychological meaning.

In conclusion, I hope that you enjoyed this article and the decoded your car dream.お越し頂きありがとうございます! There are many sources I have used for this dream interpretation as follows:

What is the conclusion of the car dream?

Sources on writing the dream about cars

A-Z dream dictionary (1995) What do dreams mean, unpublished (1932), London press dreams of cars paper volume 456 (1921), dreaming and meanings in Biblical dreams (1934)


You drove the car to an ideal location You were in charge of directions or driving the car. You visited someone close to you with your car. You had someone you love with you in the car.


Your future hopes and goals. Family members, friends, and loved ones, especially those you feel distanced from. Work meetings or a very busy lifestyle. Fear of failing or not achieving a goal. Controlling your own destination.

Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of cars

Controlled. In control. Uncontrollable. Afraid.幸せ。冒険的。 Responsible. Active. 1人。 Spiritual.興味がある。 Imaginative. Watched. Being scared. Desirous. Restricted. Public.不安。心配。 Strange impulses. Force. Ambition. Secretive. Spied. Examination. Competitive. Searching.. Fearful. Mundane.

  1. 車の夢の意味は何ですか?

  2. 車が壊れる夢

  3. きれいな車を夢見る

  4. 結婚式の車の夢

  5. 車の強盗の夢

  6. カーストーカーの夢を見る

  7. 車が沈む夢

  8. 車を走らせる夢

  9. 車を逆走させる夢