多くの場合、仕事の締め切り、金銭的問題、人間関係の問題などで忙殺されたりストレスを感じたりすると、溺れる夢が見られます。 あなたの夢に忍び寄り続けることができます。それらの夢は、あなたの気持ちや感情を表していることもあります。
溺れることを夢見ることは、あなたが減速して自分自身にやさしくしようとすることを思い出させるかもしれません.おそらく、あなたはすでに目覚めている生活の中で溺れているでしょう – 期日に溺れている、借金に溺れている、悲しみに溺れているなど。これらは誰もが時々遭遇する問題であり、あなたもその 1 つです。
スパに行ったり、マッサージを受けたりして、休憩することもできます。しばらく体をリラックスさせてください。そうすれば、リフレッシュして自信を持って 1 日を迎える準備が整います。
数か月間支払いを行っていないクレジット カードが限度額に達しているとします。あなたは転職して新しい住所に引っ越したかもしれませんが、それらの銀行はあなたに連絡して延滞料金の支払いを求める方法を見つけることができます.
溺れる夢の意味 – 一般的な溺れる夢の意味
一方、誰かが溺れる夢を見る その人について何かを伝えている可能性があります。その特定の夢の中で、あなたが溺れているのを目撃した人は困っている可能性があり、その人が回復するのを助ける必要があります。
泥に溺れる夢は、目覚めている人生の多くの側面をコントロールできていないことを意味する可能性があります。身近な人に自分の考えや決定に影響を与えます。すでに窒息している場合でも、その過程で相手を傷つけることを恐れているため、相手に反対することはありません。 汚れた水に溺れる夢も同じ意味です 、泥は土と水の混合物であるため.
溺れる夢を見るだけで十分に恐ろしいと思う場合は、それがさらに脅威になるまで待ってください。 Dreaming about your child drowning is even more daunting. Although, the meaning behind a dream about a drowning baby could vary depending on different factors.
To dream of a drowning child could mean that you are afraid for your child’s safety in the water. All the more so if your child is into water-related sports. If that’s the case, the dream could be telling you to watch after your child’s safety at all times.
However, if you don’t have a child yet but somehow you thought that the child in the dream was yours, it could pertain to your personal or work project, which is in the verge of collapse. It may be hard for you to rescue it, but know that there will always be something better stored for you in the future. At the moment, you just have to stay strong.
On the other hand, if in your dream you are just an observant of a stranger’s drowning baby, the baby could represent a concept or a business idea which is already being cut off, even before it blooms. If in the dream you saved the drowning baby, it could signify that you have accepted that you can’t do all things on your own and you are willing to receive help from others.
4.Dream about a Drowning Dog
Dogs are actually good swimmers, they can paddle their way through the water with ease. Hence, it could really be worrisome to see them drowning.
Indeed, to see a dog drowning might mean that it is not confident with its skill in swimming. You are being symbolized by the dog in the dream and its act of drowning represents your lack of confidence with the skill you used to be good at.
Maybe you are excellent at speaking and presenting your ideas in front of a crowd. However, maybe someone whom you used to look up too criticized your work in a bad way. This could be a driving factor of losing that confidence.
To dream of a drowning dog is a reminder that you should not lose your skill, it was there in the beginning and it will stay with you until the end. Just learn to brush off those people who don’t believe in you. The most important thing you have to remember is, you have to believe in yourself.
5.Dream about Drowning Kittens
Kittens, or cats in general, are afraid of the water. You will always find them squirming their way out of it all the time. Can you even imagine how a kitten will react when it’s drowning? It surely is pitiful.
Nonetheless, to see drowning kittens or puppies in your dream somehow have a similar meaning to dreaming about babies, which was mentioned above.
Since those tiny creatures are also considered as babies, to see them drowning in your dream also signify the plans you have will not push through in your waking life. You might feel helpless but keep in mind that there are people around you who are kind enough to help. Do not be afraid to ask for their assistance, anyway, you can always give back after that.
6.Dream about Drowning in a Car
Drowning while in a car is one of the worst situations you don’t want to happen in real life. Being trapped while seeing water getting inside the car, with you in it, can surely be traumatic.
To dream about drowning in a car brings about the same negative feeling. If you have that particular dream, it means that your plans will go as planned. Like being trapped in a drowning car, you will feel helpless as you see your plans go to waste.
Those plans can be personal, financial, or professional ones. Maybe you’ve saved your salary for years to buy a brand new car. Unfortunately, one of your family members fell ill and you have to use the money you saved to pay the hospital bills. That could be the worst, but remember, you can always earn the money back
7.Dream about Drowning in Ocean
Dreams about drowning in an ocean deserve a new set of interpretation because this particular dream encompasses a number of different scenarios. Since the ocean is a vast body of water, a lot can happen to you when you are dreaming about drowning in the ocean.
Generally speaking, to dream about the ocean pertains to your emotions. How you moved through the ocean upon realizing that you are drowning and your reaction to it, reflect how you handle those emotions.
Did you panic as you realize you are slowly sinking? The dream could be telling you that you are carrying such a heavy load and you are in the verge of breaking down. Did a huge wave cause you to drown? The dream might be telling you that there is going to be a situation in your waking life that you’ll have difficulty in handling.
Though those dreams vary, you can always learn to just go with the flow and avoid being taken away by the strong current. Try not to panic and just float instead, that way, you’ll be able to face your problems with a calm yet stronger mind.
What Should You Do When You Find the Meaning Behind Your Dream about Drowning?
Knowing the meaning behind your dream about drowning is not easy, since most of the meaning connote negativity. However, there’s one thing you can do to survive those frightening dreams, and that is to learn how to swim.
It will not be easy and it will definitely take a lot of your time but once you already know how, you’ll find yourself brushing off the fear and facing your feelings and emotions with courage. Besides, if you know how to swim, you decide whether you want to go with the flow or fight the current, hence, you get to have more control of your life.