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鍵を見つけることを夢見ることは、将来私たちを待っているブレークスルーを象徴している可能性があります.ドアのロックを解除し、コードをクラッキングすることは、個人レベルでも専門家レベルでも、私たちが毎日行っていることです。私たちは皆、新しい領域、アイデア、可能性を解き放つ能力を切望しています。 We are showing ourselves that we are one step closer to getting what we want — our next destination is within reach.

Receiving Car Keys in a Dream

When you’re dreaming about receiving a car key, it means that there is some sort of conflict in your life. In a positive light, it may reflect your desire to achieve independence from those around you. The key symbolizes a new level of responsibility and commitment, which can be both good and bad depending on your current situation.


あなたが銀の鍵を夢見ているなら、それは究極のアクセスを象徴しています - それは秘密の部屋への鍵、すべてのアクセスパス、またはすべてのプライベートカメラへのパスワードです.シンボルとして、銀の鍵はセキュリティを表しており、あなたが人生で探していた、または欲しかったものを示しています.

Dream Someone Took My Car Keys

Dreaming about someone taking your car keys is often a dream your subconscious uses to foreshadow the possibility of you losing something important to you. When you dream this, it is often alongside a sense of fear or danger. This sense of fear is usually a warning to be more cautious, such as by locking your doors when leaving the house.

Seeing Lock and Key in Dream

Dreaming of a lock and key means that you need more security which can be done by locking your thoughts, emotions, and fears away from the world. When you find yourself dreaming about these you should treat them as an opportunity to close off something important to you.

Dreaming About Car Keys

Dreaming of car keys represents the importance of being able to unlock the potential of your life. This may refer to either a literal car key or a figurative one representing an opportunity. It can also refer to a situation in which you are restricted by something or someone you cannot take off. You need to be let loose and free yourself from any barriers that prevent you from moving forward.

Seeing a Key in a Dream

Dreaming about seeing a key can represent success, particularly in matters of the heart.  As time goes by, your life goals may broaden and you’ll start to look at love and romance as they are not so distant. It is also an indicator that you’re beginning to unlock new avenues of possibility in your life.

Dream of Broken Car Key

If you’re dreaming of a broken car key indicates a change in how you approach life. Your current routine may be so ingrained that it becomes second nature to you. You may feel as if there are no other options, but this dream is telling you to question your current lifestyle and to consider making changes.

Gold Key Dream Meaning

When you’re dreaming about a gold key means you are ready to unlock the secrets to your future. Gold typically represents wealth and prosperity. A gold key may symbolize your ability to unlock the secret to a new source of prosperity, or perhaps it’s an omen of good fortune coming closer.

Dream House Key

Dreaming about house keys signifies your feelings of security and a sense of having arrived. The dream serves as a reminder that you’re content with your life and needn’t worry about working toward any major goals. It could also be a sign that your life has gone in the right direction and that you’re doing exactly what you should be doing.

Dream of Hiding a Key

If you’re dreaming of hiding a key, it means that you are anxious about keeping important knowledge or relationships secret. You may feel like there is something that you are doing wrong or that if others knew you, they would stop loving you. Also, the dream might be telling you to hide your emotions more, because people can tell when you’re lying.

Broken Key in Lock Dream Meaning

Dreaming about a broken key in a lock represents a feeling of being trapped and wanting to escape but being unable to. It may also indicate that you or someone else is experiencing difficulty in unlocking something that has been solved in the past, perhaps with assistance from someone who is no longer there.

Dream of Opening a Door With a Key

Dreaming about opening a door with a key symbolizes changing or moving ahead in life. It indicates that you are desiring a new chapter or beginning, and are eager to enter this new stage of your life. You may be anxious about the future, but this dream also shows your preparedness for what is to come.

Looking for Keys in a Dream

When you’re dreaming about looking for a key, this dream signifies your desire to find your true self. You’re ready to embrace your independence and embrace all the changes that come with it. You’re ready to decide on your path and make sure you live the life you chose — one completely ruled by your principles.

Throwing Keys in Dream Meaning

Dreaming about throwing away a key represents an aspiration for a fresh start, renewal, and freedom from what has been holding you back. This may be in the form of a specific person, situation, or aspect of your life that you need to let go of to move forward.

Dream I Lost My Car Keys

Dreaming about losing your car keys can indicate that you have misplaced your “keys to success” along the way. Your subconscious is telling you that it is time to refocus on the most important things in your life and make sure that you are not only moving forward but also avoiding distractions along the way.

Spiritual Meaning of Keys in a Dream

Spiritually, keys are symbols of trust and access. In dreams, a key is a symbol of authority and unrestricted freedom. The dream represents your feelings of liberty or lack thereof. The key also represents instinctive knowledge that allows you to unlock the mysteries of the subconscious. In other words, dreams about keys could mean you have access to your secret self — or that you’re not aware of your deepest emotions.


Dreaming about keys symbolize your potential, and the life-changing events you are about to face. They may also represent someone who can help you make a positive change in your life.

  1. ライオンの夢の意味と解釈

  2. 鳥の夢の意味と解釈

  3. コウモリの夢の意味と解釈

  4. 虫の夢の意味と解釈

  5. 雌ライオンの夢の意味と解釈

  6. ライムの夢の意味と解釈

  7. エビの夢の意味と解釈

  8. 野菜の夢の意味と解釈

  9. スープの夢の意味と解釈