DreamsAstrology >> 占星術と夢 >  >>  >>  >> 女性


人生のある時点で女性を夢見ることができる人や人がいくつかいます。また、通常よりも頻繁に発生する可能性があります。実際、私たちは皆、女性に会うだけでも、1 日に 1 回でも女性と接触します。それは私たちの母親、姉妹、友人、または感傷的なパートナーである可能性があります。同様に、あなたにとって、この夢は自発的で独特な状況を表している可能性があります。この夢は、あなたの人生における特定の状況を教えていることは注目に値します。それは通常、あなたの精神的および感情的な現実に大きく関係しています.







ほとんどの人は定期的に女性の夢を見ますが、それはすべての人にとって同じではありません。この場合、関係する 2 つの主な要因を考慮する必要があります。つまり、それが男性か女性かということです。紳士が女の子のビジョンを持つことと、女性が別の女性を夢見ることは同じではありません。同様に、この人が他の誰かと一緒にいるか、誰と話し、何をしているのかを観察することも重要です。このすべての目的は、キメラの謎を解明することです.









実を言うと、これは人々の間で最も一般的な夢の 1 つです。私たちのほとんどは、知らない女性を見たことがありますが、最も重要なことは、彼女がどのように見えるか、どのように私たちに自分自身を提示するかを詳しく説明することです.伝統的に、見知らぬ女性の夢は、何か新しいことが起こることを示しています。もっと探求したい、もっと知りたい、変化したいという欲求に関係している可能性があります。感傷的、仕事的、または個人的なものかもしれません。





しかし、金髪で茶色い人に囲まれている夢は、あなたが正しい道を進んでいることを意味しています。自分のためにしていることは何でも結構です。しかし、あなたの周りの人々は間違っています。キメラが展開する場所を見てください。それが仕事中または仕事に関するものである場合、あなたは自分の役割をうまく果たしている可能性があります。 It could also mean that you want to stand out from the rest of your classmates.

Likewise, it is indicative of fortune and near riches. In addition to economic well-being. The next step you take could be the best thing that ever happened to you.

Dream of kissing a woman

If you dream that you kiss an unknown woman, it indicates that there are obstacles to conquer. You’re gonna run into trouble, be smart and figure it out. If in the dream that woman is your sister it is that they will get along much better than now and create pleasant memories together. In case she’s your mother, it means there’ll be happiness soon.

If you’re a woman and you dream that you kiss another, it can mean a couple of things. For example, if a girl kisses you on the forehead, it’s because you’ve felt fragile and helpless. You feel like you need a female presence to support yourself. This may come from the desire to have more contact with your mother, a friend, you simply want someone who understands you if you kiss on the cheek, represents your desire to settle a dispute between you and a friend. You miss her company and you feel weird without her.

On the other hand, if you are kissed on the mouth, this may indicate that you have time without taking a break for yourself. Your mind is screaming for you to come close to your feminine side. But not exactly new clothes or a whole day at the beauty parlor. He wants you to start loving yourself more, loving your physique and valuing yourself.

Dream of a pretty woman

If your dream shows up a pretty attractive woman, you’re in luck. Usually, the beauty of a woman means, “work beauty”. Everything you care about your job will be fine. Financial success will come to you and you will receive congratulations from your peers and superiors. You will overcome obstacles easily and you will be a great bonus for it.

Also, if you’re thinking about closing an important deal, this dream will put you in doubt and you’ll know if it’s a good idea or not.

Dream of a black woman

In general, dreaming of a black woman indicates that there is a desire of independence. Perhaps you are looking for economic independence that will offer you a good job, because you think the current one is overwhelming. Maybe you’re looking to become independent of your parents, your family, who keep giving you orders. As usual, represents wishes of release.

Like the previous ones, you must pay attention to the context of sleep. It can also symbolize in the meaning of dreams joy and pride, which are not valuing you enough and you want to fix that situation. You may also be looking for a place where you can exercise your independent thought. Maybe where you are right now, it’s governed by a lot of rules, unfairly in passing, and you don’t like that.

Dream of a woman wearing white

Dreaming of a woman wearing white doesn’t necessarily mean she’s a girlfriend. In some cultures, seeing a girl in white in her sleep points to health problems looming. You’d better take a forecast and get a medical check-up, just in case. It may also be showing you that you’re in a good time to grow up.  Something inside you is telling you it’s time to grow up.

Dream woman wearing black

As the color black suggests, seeing a woman in black clothes in dreams points to sadness in your life. You may have been through the loss of a loved one recently. You feel mourning and desolation in your soul.

Now, if you’re a woman and in the dream you’re dressed in black, he’s telling you he’s got big sentimental problems. But don’t worry, this vision shows you that you’re going through your mourning and you’ll heal in no time.

Dream of a woman dressed as a bride

If in the dream you see a woman in a wedding dress, she may be showing your desire to formalize your relationship. Maybe you dream of getting married already. For unmarried young women, this promises love and a stable future full of much love. You may also be overwhelmed with many responsibilities.

Dream of a well-known woman

This can only indicate that you have thought lately about this person, reflects your day to day. But if you know the dream girl because she was introduced to you recently, the interpretation of dreams reveals that you fear what she thinks. You’re expressing your concern that this person has made a good first impression.

Dream with another woman

These kind of dreams, if you have a partner, can be the product of our own insecurity. It means that we distrust and we are externalizing our fears. Analyze well what happens in the dream.

Dream with a fat woman

The voluptuous figure of a woman in dreams usually indicates riches and fortunes. Abundance in finance for a long time. This is a good time to settle your debts.

Dream of a beautiful woman

Dreaming of a beautiful woman points to work progress. You will be a success at work and everyone will support you in your ideas. This is a good time to stop the fear and present that project you’ve worked so hard on.

Dream about the woman I like

It indicates that you’re considering the kind of relationship you have with this woman, maybe you want to move on or end it. Pay attention to the area where everything happens. I could tell you more than you think.

Dream of a brunette woman

For men, it can be a kind of sexual attraction. As for women, this may mean you need to release your most sensual self. It may also indicate that you have to regain your strength and independence.

Dream making love with a woman

Sigmund Freud, clear father of psychoanalysis, presents the meaning of dreams of this type as a repressed desire species. But you don’t have to worry, it also indicates that you have some kind of rivalry with some woman in your life. If you’re a man, it’s just a sexual desire.

Dream of a woman crying

There are two popular symbols regarding this. One, that you’re a person who can endure a lot of things and you haven’t been able to express yourself. So you release your anguish through the woman of sleep. The other, you’ve done an injustice against someone you know and it eats away at your guilt.

Dream of a sick woman

This vision is interesting. Doesn’t really mean you’re gonna get sick. But rather that you have a lot of worries inside you that you don’t know how to handle. It’s also related to fears, if you’re afraid of losing your partner or job, you can dream this.

Dream with an older woman

Seeing an older woman in a dream indicates that there are latent diseases in your person. If you see her coming to you, it may indicate that it will be a loved one who gets sick. Other times he may be warning of a near death.

  1. 子犬の夢を見る

  2. カエルの夢を見る

  3. コウモリの夢を見る

  4. 豚の夢を見る

  5. ライオンの夢を見る

  6. 恐竜の夢を見る

  7. カニの夢を見る

  8. オウムの夢を見る