Dream That You Receive A Task From Your Boss
Dreaming that you get a job from your boss is not about work, but about some responsibility that you will receive from your family or friends. The boss, in this case, represents nothing more than a superior, as if he were a father, who would give you a responsibility.
It can be something very simple, like taking care of a friend’s pet while she travels, as it can be something more complicated, like having to spend the night in hospital with a sick relative.
The good side of the dream is that it shows that people see you as a responsible person, because they will entrust a responsibility to you. Try to accomplish this task with all your heart and all your strength and determination and everything will be fine. You are capable of receiving responsibilities, whether from friends or relatives, otherwise the dream would not appear to you.
Dream That You Argue With The Boss
This dream is quite literal. To dream that you argue with your boss is simply to represent the relationship between you. The dream can be only a manifestation of your dissatisfaction and sadness because of this troubled relationship you have. In fact, it’s just a warning from your unconscious that you don’t like your boss. Nothing you didn’t already know, isn’t it?
The main question the dream must have is whether it’s really worth you to continue in this job or in this sector. Isn’t there a possibility that you are transferred to have a better working environment? Wouldn’t it be better for you to look for another place to work? Even because not having a good relationship with the boss can be highly negative for your growth in the company.
Take a conscience exam and see what you can do to improve your relationship. Is it your performance at work that is not pleasing the boss? Is it just the two of you that don’t get along, or are there other people that also complain about him? Analyze your professional life and see if you see yourself working in this company in five years. If the answer is no, you already know what to do.
Dream That You Make Peace With The Boss
This dream doesn’t have much to do with the boss himself either. Dreaming that you make peace with the boss means that something that you have recently lost little by little is re-establishing itself in your life. This in relation to feelings. In other words, emotionally you are reaching balance again.
If your confused emotions are connected to your professional life, it means that good times will come. Maybe you will get the promotion you were looking for, or you will be hired for a new job. Take advantage of the moment to give a gas in your career.
Dream That You Are Praised By The Boss
Dreaming that you are praised by your boss means that your unconscious is asking for professional recognition. In other words, you know that you are doing a correct, useful and very good job, but for some reason you are not being recognized by your superior.
So, to fulfill this desire, the unconscious projects in dream the praise you so much expect in real life.
The question here is, if you know that you are doing a good job and you are not recognized, is it worth continuing in this company? Wouldn’t you get a better career in a place that values you?考えてみてください。
Dream That You Are Fired By Your Boss
警告! This dream with the boss in fact does not have a very good meaning. In a more comprehensive way, dreaming that you are fired by the boss is an archetype of old feelings and thoughts that made you suffer and that for some reason are coming back to your mind.
It may be something from early childhood that you had already forgotten, it may have been a rejection of a love in adolescence, it may even be the dismissal of a job that you liked a lot.
The central issue of this dream is self-knowledge and the identification of the triggers that lead you to these memories and thoughts. Try to analyze yourself and you will come up with an answer.
Dream That You Are The Boss
This dream is nothing more than the manifestation of his real desire to assume a superior position in his work. All right, it’s not something that was in the unconscious. You have it very well conscious in your thoughts.
The point is:what have you been doing to gain positions in your career? Have you been preparing yourself? Have you studied? Have you been committed? This promotion only depends on you, whether in the company you are in now or in another.
Dreaming About A New Boss
A sign of news in your life, but not necessarily in your professional environment. Dreaming of a new boss means that there will be a great novelty in your life, more likely in your personal life than in your professional life, and it will be a good thing. Wait and see!