迫害されたことがありますか。もしそうなら、誰かがあなたをフォローしているという感覚は非常に悪いことを知っておくべきです.あなたは恐怖を感じ始め、息苦しさを感じ、逃げることができなくなります… 迫害は、あなたの悪を望む悪い誰かのために、またはあなたから何かを得たいと思っている誰かのために起こっているのかもしれません。しかし、迫害の夢はどうですか?
現時点では、悪い振動があなたの人生を台無しにしているかもしれませんが、それらを取り除くことができると信じる必要があります. Nothing is bigger than you, and it is only you who will be able to solve the most hairy problems.
Dreaming That You Are Chasing Someone
Dreaming that you are chasing someone means that you are not fulfilling all your duties. This dream has warned you that you need to rethink your attitudes and actually make the commitments.
This is an ideal time to think about things like “am I doing what I’m willing to do?” or “am I being fair to myself and to others as to the responsibilities that have been placed upon me? If the answer is no, you need to change your attitude.
Being responsible is not only about you, but about all the people who depend on you for that reason. Take your responsibilities and fulfill what you promised them, many people may be depending on you.
Dream That You Witness A Persecution
If you see another person being chased in a dream, know that your life will be very long! Besides living many years, your life will be full of health and comfort, and during the many years that you will inhabit this world you will not go through great difficulties.
Of course, no one lives fully happy for a whole lifetime, but what it means is that you will be able to lead a life without major problems or you will not let yourself be put down by them. But do not forget that, although dream means longevity, you should not be relaxed with health today:the future depends completely on your present. Take care of yourself today and always.
Dream That Escapes From A Chase
If in your dream you are persecuted, but you manage to escape, it is a sign that even when big problems appear in your life you will be able to solve them. Even when you believe that the problem of the moment is too big for your ability, the answer will be found easily.
Successfully solving the problems will have to make, little by little, a more confident person and capable to solve his own life and to be the right arm of many people.