睡眠中に私たちの心によって生成されるいくつかのシンボルは、私たちが起きている間に私たちの思考が見ることができないものを表している可能性があります.夢の素晴らしい表現の 1 つは、遷移に関連しています。これらは変化であり、私たちの経験の古い段階を新しい段階につなぐリンクです。無意識が私たちに伝えようとしていることに注意を払う必要があります。
エレベーターが上がる夢は、あなたの人生にとって明るい兆しです。 The elevator going up demonstrates that you are about to achieve the much dreamed professional success, significantly improving your financial life.
The dream also indicates your spiritual maturity. You are evolving spiritually, taking the reins of your life, elevating your ability to control your emotions and solve problems in a more diplomatic and mature way.
Dreaming Of Elevator Descending
The meaning of dreaming of an elevator going down, especially if you control it on the way down, indicates that you have the full command of your ‘declines’ and maturity to solve any impasse that arises in your life, especially on your emotional side. The descending elevator also indicates fortune. You will be recognized in your work and this will bring you great success in your career.
Dream Of A Broken Elevator
This dream can be a negative sign for you. Just like when the dream is of a falling elevator, dreaming of a broken elevator indicates an omen of lack of emotional control, due to some obstacle caused by experiences not positive for you, both in professional and affective life.
But for any apparently unsolvable situation, the best thing to do is to stop to reflect on how to solve it.
Dreaming About Old Elevator
The meaning of dreaming of an old elevator indicates that you are trying to escape from some unpleasant situation. If there is some ghost from the past that still disturbs you, try to forget and live the present. Although the past is part of our history, he finished and took along with him everything he had to take. Live the present.
Dream With A Full Elevator
If you dream of a crowded elevator and you can’t reach the door to get out, this is a harbinger that you need to be more determined and harder at your job. You need to set your goals more concretely if you want to achieve your professional goals.
Dreaming Of An Empty Elevator
The meaning of dreaming of an empty elevator is an indication that if you are not careful with your professional life, you may have serious financial losses. If you are in some investment, or have a money saved and need to use it, do it carefully, since an omen of financial loss could mean bankruptcy due to misuse of it. Save it for when you have mature ideas and set goals.
Dream Of A Stationary Elevator
Dreaming of a stopped elevator is a negative sign. This dream indicates that you or a relative of yours may have some health problem. It’s time for you and people in your family who are more susceptible to illness to see a doctor.
Dreaming About A Hotel Elevator
Dreaming of a hotel elevator demonstrates your determination for a successful future. This dream indicates that you can achieve this goal and your life will be financially more tranquil. If you dreamed of a hotel elevator, be aware of the opportunities, especially at work.
Dream Of A Runaway Elevator
Dreaming of an elevator going down and up indicates exactly what happens in an individual’s life:the ups and downs. If you dreamed with elevator going up and down constantly, this dream indicates that your life is full of peace, with quiet thoughts, but with worries related to impasses and problems to solve.
But you don’t have to worry, because nowadays this is the standard of life of people, tranquility and worries are always oscillating and wanting to take a place in our emotional state. All you have to do is choose which of these feelings you should give priority to.
Dreaming Of A Horizontal Elevator
The meaning of dreaming of an elevator walking horizontally is a sign that you have conformed to your current situation in your life, be it good or bad, and that you don’t have great expectations for growth, but you also don’t have deep concerns. Maybe this is a comfort. Keep in mind that life is too dynamic to park. The search for growth and new experiences is what drives us to live.
Dream That You Are Stuck In The Elevator
Dreaming that you are stuck in an elevator (moving or not), is a sign that you are leading an extremely simple way of life and that you are moving from the impulses of others.
If you have understood the meaning of dreaming of an elevator, start to reflect on how you can adjust your inner self and seek great successes in your life.