マタイ 14:6
裁判官 7:13
「そしてギデオンが来たとき、見よ、見よ、彼の仲間に夢を語った男がいた、見よ、私は夢を見た、そして見よ、大麦パンのケーキがミディアンのホストに転がり落ちた」 、そしてテントに来て、それを打って倒れ、それをひっくり返し、テントが横たわっていた。」
夢解釈ケーキ – スピリチュアル – 悪い面
出エジプト記 29:2
夢の中であなたが用意したケーキを与えることは、魔法の操作に関連する急性疾患です。 When you eats cakes in the dream, there is no guarantee that you will find happiness and peace. You might be uncertain and confused about a situation and do not know how to take appropriate action. This dream can also mean that you are drowning in total trust for people that have done you bad in most recent times.
There is nothing wrong when you dream of cakes made for special occasion such as birthday, wedding, anniversary. But the moment you find yourself eating cakes are usually a bad sign of loss and satanic captivity. If this dream appears when you are planning for your birthday or one big occasion, it represent a bad event for you.
To eat cakes in dreams indicates that someone will try to step on your toe. In addition, devil may try to use this dream to scatter your plans. This can also mean that certain arrows have been shot against you. With prayers, God can show you what satanic arrows in particular. Please know that this life is a spiritual battle. You might be disorganized in your waking life when you experienced your best friends asking you to eat cakes in the dream. In that case, you have to pray hard to cancel any plans of the enemies. Perhaps, your friend has chose you to be his or her bridal train to grace her next wedding ceremony. Please, try as much as possible to nullify disappointments.
Other dream activities about cakes…
- Dream about wedding cakes, it represent marital connection and maintaining good relationship with people. This can also mean on the side of the woman as hope, peace and joy in marriage.
- Baking cakes in the dream, it means strong bewitchment on your career, marriage. It also stands as a tool in the kingdom of darkness to chain you and arrest your star.
- Unable to eat cakes in occasion , This brings disappointments and misfortunes in your waking life. Are you expecting something from someone and the person turned you down?
- Served or been served cakes in dreams, It means people will frustrate you and hinder your progress.
Dream about Cakes:Baking
Dream about baking cakes can be devastating. If you are baking cakes in the dream, is associated with slavery and bewitchment of stars. Its a dream that brings lots of energy and focus to your goals in life. When you come across baking cakes, there is a need for you to dismiss yourself from choosing the wrong career or being too long in satanic bondage. Sometimes, baking can mean extreme work in the spirit realm. This can also happen in dreams in various ways. Baking at home, baking for someone special, baking for a birthday, or wedding ceremony. Dream about baking cakes too many times is a serious warning. This dream tells you that what you are doing will not produce results. Perhaps, you felt the dream is positive, then you follow it up with some prayers.
While baking in the dream, the enemy is trying to initiate you into the witchcraft world. You may also be feeling of baking for someone in your waking life. It doesn’t matter what kind of cakes you often bake, these types of dreams are not good omens. Otherwise, you might succumb to an accident due to stagnation and emotional problems.The experience of women that baked in dreams are usually tragic; from failed relationship to depression. Most women often tells me that, Evangelist Joshua, baking cakes is my core profession, and dreaming it should signifies goodness in my life. That’s right. But the moment the dream is getting too much in your memory, then it calls for serious spiritual check up. If you are asked to bake cake for someone, that’s a big spiritual slavery and it can negatively affect your spiritual life and social relationship with people. Cakes is sugary, but when caking it become a problem.