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いぼは体のさまざまな部分にときどき現れる病変ですが、夢に現れるときの文脈を知ることは非常に興味深いことです。さまざまな専門家によると、それらは私たちの生活の安定性の欠如を表しています。そのため、疣贅の夢は、感情的または理性的に不安定であることを象徴しています。 1 つの場所や人間関係に長く留まりすぎない。













顔の疣贅の夢の解釈は、パートナーをもっと大切にし、彼にすべてのサポートを与えるべきであることを示しています。彼は家族を亡くして大変な時期を過ごしているので、あなたは彼のそばにいなければならない最も重要な人物です。 You must show him that in love you must be together in good times and bad.

To dream of warts on your feet

This type of dream reveals to us that it is time to embark on new paths in the work environment, and that perhaps the time has come to think about becoming independent. When you dream of warts on your feet, some experts indicate that it is directly related to the confidence you feel towards others. But sometimes, you should pay close attention because not everything always goes as you expected…

Dreaming of warts on your legs

This dream indicates that problems are coming to obtain everything you propose in life. So it is very important to give priority to what really matters and act positively. If in your dream warts appear on your legs, it is recommended that you take some time to reflect. Perhaps, it would not be the best time to make decisions in your work and this may merit a change of course to what you had initially thought.

Dreaming of warts on your neck

For those who have dreamed of having warts on the neck, it indicates that they should take distance from certain people around them. They only want to harm them and for a long time these dreamers have certain suspicions of who they are. So for that reason, they need to take some time for reflection. They need to be as calm as possible so that they can be aware of their actions.

Dreaming about warts on your arm

If you have visualized yourself in dreams with warts on your arm it indicates that there are people around you who want to help you. You will not only be able to count on them in a bad moment, but always. You should not always distrust others. However, you should be very cautious especially with those who usually show you their sincerity and are waiting for the moment when you are most vulnerable to attack you.

Dreaming of warts on the body

This dream with warts on your body is a bad omen. Problems may arise with your partner, which may result in a separation that could end in failure. This dream also indicates humiliations to which you may be subjected, because you are immersed in a misunderstanding. But because you are a peaceful person, you try as much as possible to seek a solution.

Dreaming of warts on your back

If you have dreamed of warts on your back, it means that you are full of anger with a person. This is because several times he has betrayed you, and still expects you to trust. It is not enough with all the damage he has generated to you, but to many people around you. According to the various experts in the world of dreams, we must be very selective when it comes to seeing who are the real people who actually care about the somewhat complicated situation you are going through.

To dream that I have warts

To dream that you have warts is indicative that moments of great anguish and worry are coming, because a close relative has serious health problems. For these dreamers the best alternative is to be close to your family to provide all the emotional support you feel they need. And also, know that every time you need them you will be there, because that is what family togetherness is all about.

Dreaming of warts falling off

Those who have this dream vision with warts falling off will face great obstacles. You will enter a stage of distrust, and you will feel that everyone is attacking you because you have obtained important achievements in the workplace and that is why they seek to harm you. Experts in the field emphasize that we must be at peace with ourselves, so that things flow in a positive way.

To dream of warts on the head

When warts appear on the head in our dream means that we must put everything in order in our lives. Starting with the sentimental plane, since we started a new relationship and we do not want to incur in the same mistakes that led us to be alone for a long time. We are increasingly vulnerable, so we must be very attentive to everything that happens around us. And be prepared, to be able to defend ourselves when the right moment arises.

Dreaming of warts on the genitalia

Love affairs are usually very pleasant, but we must be very careful. If you have experienced a dream with warts on the genitals, you should be very careful because this indicates that things are being done incorrectly. According to experts, many negative aspects in our lives can be reflected in this dream such as the loss of a job or the physical disappearance of a family member.

Dreaming of warts in the eye

This type of dream indicates that we are unable to defend ourselves in order to face a big problem we are going through. To dream of warts in the eye indicates that you will receive good news about a great investment that you were looking for. And that due to your effort and work, you manage to materialize. This generates much joy in your family because they know all the time you have invested to achieve this dream.

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