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私たちの潜在意識で起こるすべてのことは、多くの疑いを理解し、意識状態では解読できないいくつかの質問を解決するのに役立ちます.これはおそらく、人間がこれらの意味を解読しようとして何百年もかかる理由の 1 つです



Generally dreaming of war has two interpretations that are related to this dream. The first interpretation that is related to when we have a rather important problem with someone close to us (family, friend, acquaintance) and we have some kind of inconvenience or discussion with this person.

The second interpretation that can take this dream and give it a meaning to dream of war is the following. This dream can occur in a situation where we find ourselves in an internal struggle or conflict with ourselves. These two previous interpretations are of the most frequent and with which our mind associates these kinds of Dreams the most.

If you have been identified with one of the two previous interpretations, surely there must be a reason for that. Something is making us feel uncomfortable or uncomfortable or maybe we find ourselves arguing with a close person. These dreams are also influenced by family or work problems. this provides our mind with more than enough momentum to create these kinds of dreams. These kinds of dreams are also often attributed to more personal and profound interpretations that are due to internal problems that we have not solved.

It is very likely that we do not identify with one of these two earlier interpretations. This is because, dreams are different for each person, personality, and type of thought. All this changes the meaning of sleep in each person. Next we will see some of the other meaning of dreaming of war.

Dream of medieval war

Among so many types of dreams, dreaming of being in a medieval war is one of the cases that can occur among the variations of dreaming of war. Dreaming of medieval Wars, this particular dream is about an affinity we have for video games of this kind of scenario and events or simply that we like this kind of medieval stories.

Dream of civil war

This dream often occurs by consuming too much information about these civil conflicts found in some nations. Moreover, this may raise concerns and insecurity and ask whether it will happen in our country. Dreaming of civil wars can mean that we will have some family dispute, possibly with some inheritance.

Dream of nuclear war

To dream of a nuclear war, this means to feel trapped and without a way out, inwardly we live everything in a dramatic way (because we do not see a way out, and we see everything wrong) we have not solved anything that we are living. It’s like we don’t find the meaning of life anymore and we take everything for granted.

  1. タコの夢を見る

  2. ねずみの夢

  3. フクロウの夢を見る

  4. ヒキガエルの夢を見る

  5. マムシの夢を見る

  6. アリの夢を見る

  7. パンサーの夢を見る

  8. 蚊の夢を見る

  9. 動物の夢を見る