ケルト神話によると、鹿の夢を見た場合は、すぐに良い知らせが届くことを意味します。スコットランドの文化は、18 世紀に彼らをメッセンジャーと関連付けました。これらのかわいい動物は、神や天の言葉を解読して人間に伝える能力を持っていると考えられていました。あなたが受け取るニュースの性質は、あなたの個人的な成長のためのものです。辛い時期を迎えているなら、心を落ち着かせるメッセージのようなものです。
死んだ鹿を夢見るときは、その色にも注意を払う必要があります。それらはすべてアーストーンの間を移動しますが、明るいものもあれば暗いものもあります。 For example, deep brown deer may symbolize some sort of unexpected exponential growth. Light brown deer invite us to a spiritual, mental, emotional or physical review.
Dreams of deer with antlers
To determine the meaning of dreaming of deer, we must carefully study the characteristics of the animal. According to the Kabbalah, the deer is a symbol of resurrection and this is due to its antlers. Just like cows, elk, goats, sheep and the like, deer develop their horns from the time they are young until adulthood. It is an intrinsic part of them and they never fall off because they are made of bone. However, you may be wondering, what does all that have to do with deer dreams? The answer is simple.
That birth, growth and detachment (on the day of their death) of the horns in deer, makes them an archetype associated with resurrection. For that reason, the interpretation of dreams with deer with antlers has to do with the closing of cycles in life. Surely we have been going through a bad time, and it is time to be reborn to recover the lost balance. When we overcome a test, we feel victorious and open ourselves to new opportunities to receive something better.
Dreaming of white deer
When dreaming of a white deer, we are having a direct contact with these esoteric messengers. The message of dreams with white deer has to do with leaving aside the earthly world and cultivating a humanitarian cause. Let us remember that the color white is light and is recognized in the world as a universal symbol of purity.
Also, the meaning of dreaming of white deer has to do with our capacity for sacrifice and detachment. The deer in ancient times by providing food through its meat, was considered an animal of noble soul. And because of its extreme sacrifice and unconditional love, it was revered as a Christian figure for many years.
Dreams with baby deer
When interpreting a dream in which baby deer appear, we must first study what it means to return to that stage of life. We must then ask ourselves these questions:
- Have you been putting off something you have wanted to do for a long time?
- Do you recognize that you have a talent and you don’t know why you don’t exploit it?
- Are you afraid to take a risk because it has dire consequences?
Having a dream with baby deer can be a message related to getting out of our comfort zone. You must leave your doubts behind and take on that dream you’ve always had. Sometimes we forget what really matters, and dreams with baby deer remind us of who we really are.
Dreaming of deer attacking
When we dream that we are being attacked by deer or that they attack each other, it means that we are going through a bad time with a partner. The fight between animals or against humans is a symbol of bad relationships. You may have to face your fear of talking about a problem that affects both of you. Or simply, you feel that a breakup would be the best thing but you feel insecure.
The main idea in dreams with deer attacking is that sometimes we give up individual space for love. But the truth, is that we step over ourselves and forget who we are. Therefore, fighting deer invite us to rebuild the relationship of self-esteem necessary for the soul.
Dreams with running deer
If you dreamed of deer running, you must first remember whether they were running alone or you were also running with them. Running in the dream sense, means escaping from something that bothers or intimidates us. Running deer indicate that we will receive very good news in matters of health, money and love. If you go running with them, it means that you will be the bearer of this news and you will make other people immensely happy.
Dreaming of large deer
Deer are said to symbolize spiritual desires, and dreaming of large deer heralds that we should leave shyness behind and open our hearts. Being associated with good luck and unexpected news, deer in large size are interpreted as big positive changes. However, luck has two sides and can sometimes be misleading because it can take a sudden turn. So, attention to the details of the context of the dream in general is required.
Dreams with fighting deer
Dreams with deer fighting predict an internal struggle in the one seeking the interpretation. Being symbols of feelings, deer fighting reflect mixed emotions and indecision. We have then an inner dilemma, regarding what we feel towards a special person. Freud thought that deer were a representation of the superego. For that reason, seeing them fighting in dreams can also symbolize feeling trapped in any adversity in life.