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いくつかの夢は奇妙で無意味にさえ見えるかもしれませんが、それらはすべてあなたが知りたいと思う解釈を持っています.これは、豊かさと人生のすべての肯定的な側面を表す幸運の夢である卵について夢を見る場合です。卵の夢を見ることは、最初は奇妙で無意味な夢のように思えても、最高の夢体験の 1 つです。しかし、この夢の意味を理解したい場合は、少し立ち止まって、卵の真の象徴性について考えなければなりません.











白い卵を夢見ることは、恋愛や仕事でうまくいくことを意味します。 一方、白い卵を夢見ることは、善と純粋さに関連しています。または、あなたを傷つけようとする人がいても、それはあなたに影響を与えません。あなたが善の道にとどまり、あなたの決定が誰かを傷つけない限り、あなたはこれまで行ってきたように前進します.私たちが白い卵を夢見るのは、それは私たちが本物の人間であり、良い価値観を持ち、人生において終わりが手段を正当化しないことを理解しているからです.








多くの卵を夢見ることは繰り返される可能性があります。これは警告サインであり、あなたの人生はあなたが期待した方向に向かっていません。 If in your dreams you see eggs of a dark hue in a gloomy environment and that is repeated night after night, you are experiencing too many confusions, something that is not usual for you and that terrifies you. Staying in that prolonged state generates doubts and you must change that as soon as possible.

Dreaming of fried eggs

Dreams with fried eggs reveal that, having willpower, constancy and discipline, we will be able to achieve any goal we have in mind. To dream of fried eggs is synonymous of strength, courage and understanding, very soon you will reap the fruits you are waiting for, you will have money and a good business, but do not trust, if in the dream someone else eats the fried eggs and you feel distressed, then it means that there will be betrayal and fights.

To dream of fried eggs also speaks of when you have to face responsibilities, because, just as a good time in your life is coming, you will have to manage the money obtained so that it yields you and does not disappear so quickly. If when dreaming of eggs they disappear out of nowhere, the atmosphere becomes tense and you feel like getting out of there or making more eggs, it means that you have a pretty tough competition in the labor field, but do not worry, with perseverance and energy you will be victorious.

Dreams with eggs that break

To dream of eggs that break is a warning that not everything lasts forever, you have had the feeling of loneliness for some time and now you will realize that the people around you do not benefit you in any way, they do not provide security and only cause you discomfort. To dream of eggs that break alludes to disloyalty and if they break right at your feet, in your hands or if you see them broken in your bed, it means sentimental breakups.

To dream of boiled eggs

To dream of boiled eggs refers to the tension between members of your family. If when dreaming of boiled eggs, you remove the shell and eat them, it means that you will get everything you have desired, from money to get out of a difficult problem. On the other hand, to dream of boiled eggs that break while cooking indicates work problems, infertility and even monetary losses.

Dreams with cracked eggs

To dream of cracked eggs or very dirty shells is because in your life you feel inferior to the rest or you are subjected to the will of someone else. You will have to strengthen your self-esteem and value yourself as you deserve. Don’t let anyone control you and start to bring out that personality that you sometimes hide for fear of rejection. Everyone is different and some people find it difficult to show their true character.

Dreaming of collecting eggs

To dream collecting eggs, whether from a nest or some other enclosure, feel encouraged, it is an indication of unexpected financial windfalls. On the other hand, if you are collecting rotten eggs in the dream, beware of love disappointments that could come your way.

Dreams with raw eggs

To dream of raw or fresh eggs is a sign of change to something better. If you are going through a difficult situation you can relax as changes are coming in all situations for something better. You just need to be patient and keep fighting to get what you want, both in the economic and sentimental ambit.

Dreaming of chickens and eggs

To dream of chickens and eggs has a very positive interpretation which reflects a season of economic abundance. You are doing very well at work, you receive a very good salary or perhaps you are thinking of increasing the family with a new member. This interpretation has the same meaning if there are many chickens next to a hen.

Dreams with spider eggs

To dream of spider eggs reveals a side of you that has not yet been able to express itself; it also reveals a potential talent or ability that needs to be developed. Don’t be afraid to show who you really are and what you know, as this will bring you better opportunities in the economic ambit.

To dream of scrambled eggs

To dream of scrambled eggs means that you will have to make an effort to get the things you want for yourself, but that at the same time the effort will make the things achieved taste much better. Be careful because you are soon to go through a bad situation, but that you will have to work to solve it, because inside you will find everything you need to get ahead and succeed.

Dreams with blue eggs

To dream of blue eggs indicates that you are a person who lets things happen and you don’t do much to handle it. This can cause you regrets later when it is too late to act. You must put your feet on the ground and learn to say no as many times as necessary, always thinking of your well-being.

Dreaming of lice eggs

To dream of lice eggs is directed to the problems you are going to have or are having in your social relationships. You are not keeping good company and we are not talking precisely from an ethical or behavioral habits point of view. When we talk about bad company we are talking about people who don’t like you well. Maybe you are surrounding yourself with toxic people who do not accept you as you are and try to change you or maybe you are considering friends to people who only want to be with you for some specific interest.

Dreams with black eggs

To dream of black eggs is an omen of a future full of dangers and dark events. You must remain calm and analyze every decision you need to make. For peace of mind it is advisable to maintain cleanliness and order in the home, this helps your mind to be calm so you can think better when making decisions.

To dream of a nest of eggs

To dream of a nest with eggs, in a clear and direct way, means a gain of money. And if the eggs, instead of being still and closed, we dream that they break and hatch, it represents that we will make many trips and fortune through them, and that what is now practically insignificant, in time will be something very important in our lives.

Dreams with Easter eggs

To dream of Easter eggs warns us that we must take advantage of all the opportunities that are presented to us, since they will generate a radical change in our lives. Not only we make reference to the sentimental subject but also to the economic and interpersonal relationships.

  1. 恐竜の夢を見る

  2. カニの夢を見る

  3. オウムの夢を見る

  4. トカゲの夢を見る

  5. 雄牛の夢を見る

  6. ゴキブリの夢を見る

  7. ネズミの夢を見る

  8. ノミの夢を見る

  9. サソリの夢を見る