夢 かかとほとんどの場合、女性に起こりますが、男性もかかとを持っていることは前代未聞ではありません .かかとに関する最も一般的な解釈には、セクシュアリティと性的魅力が含まれます。ハイヒールの夢は、女性らしさ、自信、愛、虚栄心の象徴となる可能性があります。ネガティブな面としては、女性であることによって制限を感じていることや、自分自身を適切に表現できていないことを意味している可能性があります。
13 かかとの夢の解釈
A dream like this could be a message from your subconscious that it’s time to reevaluate some decisions you’ve made in your past. You feel like your life is going nowhere fast and you think it’s because you missed or refused some opportunities when you were younger. It would be wise to think and analyze where exactly things started going wrong and try to correct your previous mistakes.
Dream about wearing wide heel shoes
Having such a dream might be a representation of your current life. Wide heel shoes are usually the most stable ones, and in your dream, they could be a reflection of your stable and peaceful life. Your relationship with your friends and family is as good as it can be, and you’re feeling accomplished and successful.
Dream about wearing elegant heels
This dream should be interpreted as a foretell of your dreams about success and wealth are finally coming true. All your hard work and sacrifice will finally pay off, and you will have a very comfortable and luxurious life.
Dream about uncomfortable heel shoes
A dream where you were wearing uncomfortable heels and it was very painful to walk in them might point to you being a person who refuses to dress and behave the way other people want you to. You are most likely a stubborn person who wants to do things you like, with little regard for other people’s opinions.
Dream about buying high heel shoes
Buying high heel shoes, in your dream, might indicate you’re ready to take on some new challenges and meet new people. This dream might also mean you’re ready to start your own private business.
Dream about a woman in high heels (for men)
This dream might be a representation of some of your unfulfilled erotic fantasies.
Your date wearing shoes with a broken heel
This dream might be a sign of your dominance when it comes to your sexual relationships.
Dream about your boyfriend in high heels
Dreams about men wearing shoes with high heels usually represent some sort of discomfort. A dream where your boyfriend was wearing them might indicate that something in your relationship is bothering him, but there is no reason for concern because he’s better off dealing with it alone.