夢の中でおもちゃを見たら 、それはあなたの家で赤ちゃんが生まれることを示しています。あなたまたはあなたの家族の親しいメンバーが、家族全員の生活を完全に変える子供を持つ可能性があります.空気の中で長い間感じられてきた緊張は、調和と新生児を喜ばせたいという願望に取って代わられます.相手のニーズに合わせて自分の義務を調整し、以前は楽しんでいた多くの活動を無視することは難しくありません。
眠っている間におもちゃで遊ぶということは、大人になりたくないということです。あなたは、成長したいという欲求や意志の欠如を含む、ピーターパン症候群を患っていると言えます。深刻なことに対処する準備ができていないと感じているため、最も安全だと感じるコンフォート ゾーンに走りたがります。
この夢は、友人、同僚、パートナー、または家族との関係が、やや奇妙な口論のために混乱したことを示しています。あなたはおそらく、あなたが普段感謝し、愛している誰かと最近衝突するようになったでしょう。 You realized that you could not convince him / her of the correctness of your views, but you did not give up until you had an argument. You were sorry for that, but you were also convinced that you were right. However, they will soon finally reconcile and realize that you both behaved childishly and that because of that you could have endangered your relationship.
To dream that you have found a toy
If you dream that you have found a toy, it means that you will hear good news. It is possible that one of your friends, family members or relatives will let you know that he / she has had a baby. You will be very happy for him / her and you will be looking for a suitable gift.
To dream that you have lost a toy
This kind of dream has the opposite meaning from the dreams in which you find a toy. A dream in which you lose a toy indicates bad news. You may find out that you did not pass the exam, get a job or that your plan to travel failed. In any case, you will be disappointed and sad, but you must not allow yourself to fall into depression because of that. The sooner you find a way to get out of the situation, the sooner you will recover from it.
To dream that you have stolen a toy
When you dream that you have stolen a toy, it implies that you will find yourself in an awkward situation due to your childish behaviour. You will probably say something or do something inappropriate in public. Although other people’s opinion has never been crucial to you, you must know that there is a time and place for everything. This does not mean that you should give up the child in yourself, but only learn to control it.
To dream that someone stole your toy
If you dream that someone stole your toy, it symbolizes damage. It is possible that your car or household appliance will break down, and you will not have enough money to repair or replace it, since you did not anticipate that cost in your monthly budget. The worst thing you can do is to borrow money under unfavourable conditions. It would be better to wait until the next salary or pension, than to take out a loan or credit because you will have a headache later.
To dream that you have broken a toy
If you dream that you have broken a toy, it means that you will lose sight of what is of great importance due to unimportant things. It is possible that you have neglected your family, friends or partners in the pursuit of money and success. Give them a little more attention before it’s too late.
Dreaming of fixing a toy
A dream in which you repair a toy indicates that you will mediate in an argument between two people who are dear to you. They will probably get into an argument and ask you to take sides. It will be difficult for you to “judge” because you are aware that your decision will hurt one of them. That’s why it would be best if you openly told them that you don’t want to “interfere” in their problems.
To dream that you have thrown away a toy
When you dream that you have thrown away a toy, it means that you will give up something you used to enjoy for the sake of your loved one. It is possible that you will change your life habits, get rid of the bad habits or stop doing something that bothers your partner. It will be difficult for you to get used to it, but you will be willing to make sacrifices for him / her.
The meaning of a dream can be simpler. If you have recently seen or bought toys, it has certainly left an impression on you.
Definition of toy according to Merriam-Webster
Pictures of different toys..