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泣く夢 |泣く夢の意味



泣く夢 |泣く夢の意味


1. 泣く夢の一般的な意味
2. 夢の中で大声で、または黙って泣く
3. 誰かが泣いている夢
4. 泣いている赤ちゃんの夢
5. 夢の中でお父さんが泣いているのを見る夢
6. 夢の中で泣いている母
7. おばあちゃんが泣いている夢
8. 友達が泣いている夢
9. 妻または夫が泣いている夢
10. 泣く娘の夢
11. 夢の中で泣いているEXを見る
12. 死んだ人が夢の中で泣いている
13. 夢の中で動物が泣いているのを見る
14. 夢の中で誰かがあなたを置き去りにすることについて泣く
15. 夢で泣いて泣いて目覚める

* 夢の中で泣くことのイスラム教の意味
* 夢の中で泣くことの聖書的意味
* 夢のヒンドゥー解釈で泣く

++ 夢の中で泣くのは良いことですか、それとも悪いことですか?++


夢の中で泣くこともまた、最も一般的な夢の 1 つであり、私たち全員が人生で一度は経験したことがあるかもしれません.






良い面 泣く夢については、あなたの潜在意識が、問題を解決するのではなく、問題を詰め込むべきではないとあなたに伝えようとしているということです.


泣く夢には 2 つのタイプがあり、それに応じて泣く夢は異なる意味を持ちます。




夢の中で大声で泣くということは、あなたの人生に何か重大な感情的な問題が起こっていることを意味し、それがあなたを崩壊させています。それがあなたが夢の中でヒステリックに泣いている理由です .



















赤ちゃんが泣く夢は、妊娠の夢とは正反対です。妊娠の夢についてもっと知りたい場合は、私の別の投稿「妊娠の夢の意味」を読むことができます。 .

















また、祖母が泣く夢も悪い夢とされています。この夢は痛みと悲しみを暗示しています that is hovering over you in your waking life.

In your waking life you may have hurt her feelings or may do something wrong which has broken her trust and that’s why you may be having this dream.

Likewise, it means that you may encounter some discomfort in a family situation. This dream indicates family conflicts and possible disagreements. You may encounter some hidden feelings in the family which may or may not be desirable for you.

Another meaning it can also have that you or your grandmother is missing you and you need to pay her visit.

And even if you see your grandmother crying in your dream even after paying her visit in real life then you need to address the above-mentioned problem in your life.

8. Dream of a Friend Crying

If you have a dream of a friend crying then it indicates good luck and is considered as good omen.

It indicates that there will be an opportunity to improve your relationship with your close ones.

This also indicates that you are going to have a great time to relax and enjoy your life’s achievement.

If you see your friend crying in your dream then it also indicates that they might need your help. And if you know this person in your real life then it indicates that they may require your help and support in moving forward.

And it also means that you should count on them for your own achievement as they can play a crucial part in your success and well being.

This dream shows that you did good deeds or favor to that person and you become a person that is well respected and admired by them.

9. Dream of a Wife or Husband Crying

Seeing wife or husband crying in a dream is one of the most overwhelming dream and it literally means that you have somehow failed them in your real waking life.

This dream is also caused if there is some emotional problem with your partner that is causing distance in your relationship.

You should not hide your emotion from your partner and share them them about what’s bothering you or ask your partner the same.

As in case of men they choose not to cry or show their emotion to anybody but you need to share those emotion and feelings with your partner if you want to avoid any adverse aftereffect later in your life.

Dream of a Wife or Husband Crying indicates that there will be some challenges in your life which will become worse if they are not handled responsibly.

You need to solve any issues which you might be having in your personal life and try to maintain your calm even if the situation seemed harsh and critical.

10. Dream of a Daughter Crying

Seeing our kids crying in a dream is common and happens to most of the parents.

Seeing a dream of a daughter crying means that a lot of emotional things which are currently going in your real life may not be working.

In other words this dream also means that your daughter is hiding her emotion, especially her sorrow from you. She may not want to share her personal issues with you in the waking life but deep down she may need your support to overcome her sorrow in waking life.

The negative aspect of this dream is that for your daughter you might be a disappointment because you are not understanding her feelings and emotion and lacks your support in real waking life.

The same dream meaning is applicable if you dream about your son crying.

11. Seeing your EX Crying in a Dream

Crying in a dream means repressed emotions that are held back due to your mistakes or due to uncertain circumstances.

And seeing your EX crying in a dream means that he/she mentally drained you when you are in a relationship.

Whatever maybe the reason for breakup, you still responsible for not holding it for long and you ultimately blame yourself.

Seeing you Ex crying in your dream simply represents you crying from inside.

Now if you recently had the breakup from a long relationship then this is common to see your Ex crying in your dream.

So you have to understand that you have to let it go rather than regretting and feeling guilty about it. As we all have heard this proverb, “Guilt can beat anyone”.

12. Dead Person Crying in a Dream

If you see dead person crying in your dream then it means that you are feeling grief towards that person. Either you miss the deceased person very much or the deceased person played an important part in your life and that’s why you remember them in your dream.

The dream can be understood more deeply if you can make out your relationship with the person you are seeing in your dream crying.

The deceased person can be your friend, some family member, your parents, your partner, or someone who means something important in your life.

This dream also represents your caring part as this dream covers your inner emotion of care and love.

Some other meaning of this dream, rather spiritually, indicates that you are going to encounter some conflicts in your real life.

It also means that some of the old problems or disagreements may resurface and you have to face them.

To know more about death dreams you can read my post:Seeing dead person dream meaning.

13. Seeing an Animal Crying in a Dream

Many people mentioned that they had a dream of animal crying, especially cats and dogs.

So if you have dreamed of a dog crying then it means that you will either receive some bad news about someone close to you or you might be missing someone faithful in your life.

If you see cat or dog or any other pet animals then it could mean that you will succeed against all odds in your waking life.

And if you see some other wild animal crying in your dream then it means that your enemy are jealous of you and from your achievements.

Sometimes crying of animals in dream also means indicates your jealousy or insecurities for someone.

According to some dream interpreter it also means that you will encounter some strong tough competition in your waking life.

This means that you may be involved in some lengthy legal action in your near future.

14. Cry About Someone Leaving You in Your Dream

If you are sad or depressed in your waking life then it is common to cry about someone leaving you in your dream.

It maybe from the result of failed business or some emotional issue in your private life.

Its your subconscious mind reminding you about the loss of someone that can happen if you don’t resolve the matter shortly.

So if you had such a dream then you need to focus in your waking life by trying to resolve any issues which you might be having and try to stay calm in solving your problems.

15. Crying in Dreams and Waking Up Crying

Many people have asked me in the community section “What does it mean When I wake up crying?”

So this may be the answer.

When you wake up crying real tears then it means that you might have experienced some buried grief in your dream.

But don’t worry.

This is in turn is a good dream and it is good for healing from your grief.

You were crying in your dream means that you were experiencing some pain and going through emotional journey in your dream, and that emotional journey can be different for everyone like loss of person or things (business or money).

Now waking up crying shows that the loss is immense.

Now the good thing about this dream is that it let you express your grief which were deeply buried though tears in your real life and that’s why you experience crying even after waking up.

Islamic Meaning of Crying in a Dream

According to Islamic dream interpreter crying in a dream means stress, sorrow and distress.

It is consider a positive dream and it indicates that salvation and joy will follow you in your near future.

Now another interpretation is that if you are crying in your dream due to some nervousness then it means that there could be some threat. You might be facing threats in your real waking life and that’s why you cry in your dream.

Biblical Meaning of Crying in a Dream

According to Bible, most of the people takes crying in a dream as a medium of expressing themselves to God.

The dream about crying means sorrow, tragedy and mourning.

In some context it also means that the enemy is attacking you with the bread of sorrow.

If you are crying in a dream for dead people then it is considered as a bad sign and you may experience bad luck in your waking life.

If things are not going as per your expectation then having a crying dream is common.

Crying in Dream Hindu Interpretation

According to Hindu Shastra crying in a dream is considered a good omen.

If you see people, friends, or relative crying in your dream then it means that you will soon see happiness and your period of grief is over.

It simply means you will get good news in near future and all your worries will come to an end.

Is Crying in Dream Good or Bad?

The basic interpretation of crying in a dream is considered as a positive dream as it let you release your buried emotion.

Crying is an emotional feeling and it indicates your acceptance to the reality.

The other aspects of crying dream simply based on what exact dream you have and what are the things happening in your life and depending upon that you can understand about crying dreams more in detail.

Just as in real life, crying in your dream is considered as a healthy and positive way to process your grief as well as your acceptance to the transformation.

  1. 泣くことを夢見る

  2. さようなら泣く夢

  3. おばあちゃんが泣く夢を見る

  4. 仕事中に泣く夢

  5. 象が泣く夢を見る

  6. ベッドで泣く夢を見る

  7. 妻が泣く夢

  8. 親が泣く夢

  9. 泣く女の子の夢を見る