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人形は本当に何を表しているのか?さまざまな文化的背景を持つさまざまな種類の人形についての夢 人形についての最も一般的な夢 あなたと同じように見える人形の夢 人形があなたに話しかける特定の方法で行動していることの夢 人形の艦隊全体を担当する夢人形の夢の見方 人形でドレスアップする夢 人形についての夢を解釈する方法


アメリカン ガール ドール マガジンが毎年メールボックスに届くようになると、多くの小さな女の子が自分にそっくりな人形を作ってもらうことを夢見ていました。



子供たちは人形やアクション フィギュアで遊ぶのが大好きです。想像力の側面を探求するときに、まったく異なる人生を創造する機会があるからです。





車のミニチュア モデルで遊んでいると、車を所有し、その特定のオブジェクトが生活の中にある生活を想像することで得られる幸せな気持ちが呼び起こされます。

具現化に関しては、それが作業の半分です — 視覚化し、それがすでにあなたのものであるかのように感じます!

同じ概念を人形に適用して、自分が想像する人生 (または人のタイプ) を作成することができます。


たとえば、Hoodoo や Voodoo の練習では、特定の呪文を発動させたい人の人形を作成する練習があります。








If you’ve recently had a dream about a doll that didn’t look like a typical doll from Wal-Mart, you may have been connecting with an ancestor in your dreams.

This could be a message from the divine, showing you where your roots actually come from.

On your spiritual path, you’ll discover that you have a whole team of entities that are rooting for you to step into your highest self and most authentic path.

These entities may include angels, spirit guides, spirit animals, and even your ancestors that were here before you.

Getting to know your whole spiritual network can be very empowering to know where you came from, your innate gifts, and give you clarity as to why you’re attracted to certain things in your lifetime.

Having this type of dream can also bring in a wave of positive energy as you begin to realize that you are never truly alone on this journey.

It may be helpful to find a similar doll to have in your waking life as a reminder that your ancestors are with you and supporting you throughout your entire lifetime.

The Most Common Dreams About Dolls 

If you’ve recently had a dream about dolls, this could mean a variety of different things!

Many people have had similar dreams, but found different meanings to them.

Exploring these common doll dream meanings may help you discover what your special dream means to you and how to integrate those lessons into your waking life.

Dreaming of a Doll That Looks Just Like You 

If you found yourself dreaming of a doll that looks exactly like you, this may be a sign that you’re ready to take a different perspective on life.

You may be looking at the doll from a more observant place with a higher perspective, aligning you with what it may feel like to step into your higher self.

This dream may be a sign that you’re about to undergo an initiation period in your waking life.

The next few steps on your journey will be bringing you into direct contact with your soul tribe, new connections that will propel you in the right direction, and you’ll soon understand a deeper meaning to your existence.

Dreaming That a Doll Is Acting a Specific Way That Speaks To You

This type of dream can show up differently for everyone, but if you dreamt of a doll playing out certain actions that speak to you, this is definitely a message to take action.

For example, if you’ve always desired to be a fashion designer and you dream of a little girl playing with her dolls as a fashion designer, this is a reminder that you can begin taking steps to make that dream a reality.

Seeing a doll being used in that way can be a message from your inner self that you’re ready to take more control over your life.

If you have big aspirations, this is the time to explore them!

Let your imagination run wild and explore new territories.

Dreaming Of Being in Charge of a Whole Fleet of Dolls 

Overtime, you’ll discover that there are only so many things in your life that you can control.

Yes, you are a very powerful manifestor and co-creator in this Universe, but that’s controlled by your day to day actions.

There are still many things that are outside of your control that you must adapt and adjust to.

If you’ve recently had a dream about being in control of many more dolls than one, this could be a sign that you’re desiring more control in your waking life.

Again, there are only so many things that you can control. It may be time to get back grounded in your reality by taking control of your daily tasks.

If you’re looking to make big changes in your life, start small with little tasks that will have a ripple effect on the rest of your day.

Dreaming Of Yourself in the Point of View of a Doll 

If you study the characteristics of most traditional dolls, they don’t have the ability to speak.

If you’ve recently had a dream where you’re aware that you’re in the perspective of the doll, you may feel like you can’t express what’s on your mind.

This type of dream may be highlighting a throat chakra blockage, or your ability to speak your truth is being stunted in your waking life.

If you find yourself suppressing your true thoughts and opinions for the sake of others, this dream invites you to start speaking your mind.

Dreaming of Playing Dress Up With a Doll 

One of the best parts of having a doll is choosing what it’s going to wear.

It’s one of the many ways that you begin to define the character that the doll is going to play.

This same concept can be applied to your waking life and how you choose to show up.

The way that you express yourself fashionably gives people an idea of what you’re about, what you’re about to do, and the energy that you are giving off.

If you’ve been contemplating on developing a new look, this dream could be the confirmation that you’ve been looking for.

How to Interpret Your Dreams About Dolls 

There are literally so many different ways that dolls can show up in your life and your dreams — and not in a creepy way!

Most times, they are revealing something deeper to you if you’re willing to go the extra mile to figure out their hidden messages.

It’s helpful to pay attention to the details of your dreams and the feelings that arise.

This is where the message usually lies for you to pick apart when you wake up.

It can be helpful to keep a dream journal where you dive into the deeper meanings of your dreams as soon as you rise from your visit in the dream realm!

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