より詳細な象徴的な見方をカバーすると、コインには2つの側面があるという事実を認識しなければなりません.この事実は、時には夢の中で捉えられた視点であり、人生の二重の側面を明らかにしています。頭と尾 - 内と外、存在の 2 つの側面 - 生と死。
関連: お金の解釈を夢見てください。

シルバー コインは、あなたの人生におけるスピリチュアルな拡大を象徴しています。あなたは精神的に繁栄し、現在の段階とは対照的に、精神的な領域で高い基準に達することができます.
また読む:割れたガラスの夢 - 象徴的な解釈を見つける

Losing coins that you sheltered or collected inside your home is often connected with minor achievements or blessings, particularly when it comes to business. This signifies that you are supposed to achieve some advancement that will yield useful but temporary compensation. While it may not make you a renowned celebrity, with hard work and perseverance, this modest compensation could be the stepping stone to something monumental.
Gold coins

Gold coins symbolize riches, or accumulated wealth, according to dream books interpretations. This is not just an ordinary vision. Presumably, you are chosen by fate, and you expect a lot of pleasant surprises. Gold coins reveal that you must be prepared for vibrant and positive transformations. This dream also symbolizes the commencement of an intriguing adventure.
Copper coins
Dreams concerning coins that appear to be made of copper are often viewed as a sign that you are about to encounter a period of comfort and pleasure. Moreover, this is not anticipated to denote a miracle shift in your situation. Instead, this shift can happen through the contribution of your abilities, which means that if you struggle hard and do good for others, it will allow you to improve and prosper.
Metal coins
Metal coins are generally a symbol of physical risk, such as a shipwreck, plane crash, or car breakdown while traveling
To dream of coins manufactured from materials other than silver and gold, such as copper, steel, etc., seems to denote a disaster-related omen when traveling or away from your home’s protection.
Shiny coins
Seeing, holding, or using notably shiny coins is often viewed as a propitious sign of excellent luck and achievement within the framework of a dream. This specifies that in the activities you are presently engaged in, you are likely to achieve steady advancement and beneficial results. This dream
may be linked to business as well as private issues.
New coins
When seen in a dream, newly, lately issued coins symbolize unexpected economic profits. This implies that you will probably gain some additional cash or other material resources from an uncommon or unexpected person or location.
This dream may be in anticipation of pledging allegiance to a particular cause or for no purpose whatsoever.
Old coins
Having a dream of ancient coins that can be collected, whether you own them or see them somewhere, predicts dealing with tedious and challenging work. These time-consuming activities, such as filling out documents, moving around to different locations, are all expected to be chasing some objective you are working towards at the moment.
Examining or finding old, ancient coins, such as in a museum or secret collection, is often perceived as a sign that you are in or about to reach a period associated with self-reflection and exploration, which means that you gather knowledge and convert it into wisdom.
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Biblical Meaning of Coins in Dreams
In Christianity, seen as a symbol, coins depict human greed, lust, and avarice.
In Christian art and symbolism, coins are often shown to be thirty, representing Judas Iscariot’s betrayal of Jesus.
In the Bible, silver is associated with knowledge, redemption, refining, idolatry, or even spiritual adultery. Besides, silver coins point to suggest revelation or knowledge.
A dream about coins, generally speaking, is an excellent indication of riches and prosperity. But perhaps the truth that not every dream can be considered on the positive aspect is worth mentioning. Otherwise, coins don’t always guarantee economic benefits, as you can create a lot of intrigues in the dream as well as in the actual life.
The dream takes on a unique significance and importance, which can be discovered in the dream books, depending on their variety of motives.