夢のツールは非常に複雑であり、私たちの夢はすべてユニークで個人的なものであることは明らかです。たとえこの場合の侵入者のように、2 人が似たような夢を見たとしても、その夢はまったく異なる意味を持つ可能性があります。
現在、誰かまたは何かが私たちの家に侵入しようとしている夢は非常に頻繁に見られます (何らかの形でこの夢を見なかった人はほとんどいません)。 P>
それは依存しています – 既知または未知の誰かがあなたの家に侵入しようとしていますか? 誰かの家に侵入しようとしているのはおそらくあなたですか?
侵入を経験することは、日常生活では良くありません。夢を見たとしても、それは同じです。良い意味を持つことはめったにありません。たとえあなたが侵入者であったとしても、それは良い気持ちでも楽しい気持ちでもありません – 存在する感情にはさまざまなバリエーションがあり、それらのすべてが邪魔です.
ですから、実生活では、何かまたは誰かがあなたを危険にさらしていると感じます。 cause in dreams home is the symbol of the person who has a dream.
It is your personal space in which you can relax comfortably – and you feel violated when someone is in the house.
To dream of someone breaking into your car indicates that your plans do not go as you have imagined and that you feel unhappy because of it.
Others interfere with your life and hinder your experience – this can be the translation in real life.
If you dream of birds trying to break into your house, and that they are those intruders, then the dream suggests that you do not follow the desired life path.
If the birds are aggressive and scary, then you have missed out your path a lot.
This dream can be a symbol that your everyday life is changing and in some way, endangering your sense of security – but this may be the good sign, when we are growing, we are uncomfortable. Sometimes we need to do that step that makes us feel uncomfortable, and then we can move on.
But that change can be a positive opportunity, but it can also include elements that you consider an attack on a personality, and this is the thing that is making you uncomfortable.
If in the dream you realized that the intruder is really inside of your home and that you cannot in any way prevent this unacceptable decline in your space.
In the end, if in a dream you are the one that is intruding someone’s home, then your sub-conscience is telling you that you are playing with someone else values and things that are valuable and that you are jeopardizing yourself.
Do you have to be worried?
You should be worried because this dream means that you, as a human being, are always denying something, or that you are on the wrong track in life, and denying that.
The more you defend your value more firmly, you will be safer in yourself.
In any case, you feel that your life and everything that you cherish are in danger.
Also, a dream can be about the current relationship or situation that makes you uncomfortable. You can feel that you are losing your own identity or space. And this is not healthy in any scenario.
This is the dream that warns you that you are the person who is too afraid of letting someone go into private life. Though you are relatively open and enjoyable, now you are concerned that this person does not recognize your actual value and in some way understands you.
What should I do if I had this dream?
You should really observe your life, and try to find what is that or who is that person that makes you feel like you are losing yourself, is that a friend or lover? Maybe that thing is your job that does not make you feel complete?
You want to confront a person who in real life violates your boundaries, but imagine that you might be deprived of the opportunities that he offers you.
Instead of allowing others to exploit your valuable skills and hard-earned experience, you must set certain limits to show them their real value – this is how you should behave from now on.
Try to think about your attitudes in life, try to correct them, and then you will see what changes will happen – the dream is so potent, and it is usually well-remembered, and this is its purpose. You need to be wakened up to change something in your life.
In some way dream about intruders can mean that you can cause the damage to yourself, by doing something – maybe those things are not bad by it, and perhaps you do not want to make something terrible, but eventually, you do.
And as we have said, the house in the dream symbolism represents the person who is dreaming or you so it is the place where you feel the safest and the most comfortable.
The dream of intruders suggests that you are looking for answers. Such a dream is also a symbol for self-examination and the spread of the mind that needs to be done, in order to person to progress.
Besides, the dream also indicates that you are ashamed of something, and this is in the case when you are the intruder – this means that you are not ready to give up from some values that are proven to be wrong.
You are stubborn and stick to your ideas, even when the entire world can see that you are wrong.