出産の夢 – 意味と解釈
赤ちゃんを持つことを夢見ています。 出産や新生児の夢を見た場合、そのような夢は非常に良い兆候であり、通常、予期せぬ、しかし楽しいニュースや驚きを示しています。
美しい赤ちゃんを産むことを夢見ています。 見た目が美しい赤ちゃんを出産する夢を見た場合、そのような夢は良い兆候ではなく、通常、将来に何らかの困難が生じることを示しています。
生まれたばかりの赤ちゃんを持つことを夢見ています。 夢の中に生まれたばかりの赤ちゃんがいた場合、そのような夢は通常、良い兆候であり、新しいアイデア、機会、始まりを示しています。
次の赤ちゃんを持つことを夢見ています。 別の赤ちゃんを産むことを夢見ていて、すでに赤ちゃんを産んでいる場合、そのような夢は良い兆候であり、あなたの可能性が実現していることを示しています.
巨大な赤ちゃんを持つことを夢見ています。 巨大な赤ちゃんを持つことを夢見た場合、そのような夢は、人生を大きく変える大きな出来事を経験していることを示している可能性があり、それによって人生が大幅に改善される可能性があります。これらの出来事は、特に前の期間に困難な時期を過ごした場合に、安堵と満足をもたらす可能性があります.
とても小さな赤ちゃんを持つことを夢見ています。 非常に小さな赤ちゃんを産むことを夢見た場合、そのような夢は、自分の本当の感情や気持ちを他人に見せたくないことを示している可能性があります.
おそらく、あなたは現在困難な状況にあり、助けが必要であることを他の人に知られたくないので、1 人で問題を解決しようとしているのでしょう。
死んだ赤ちゃんを持つことを夢見ています。 あなたが死んだ赤ちゃんを産むことを夢見た場合、そのような夢は良い兆候ではなく、経済的な問題に関連した大きな失望を示している可能性があります. This dream might indicate the failure of some investments you have made in hope to improve your finances.
Dreaming about having a baby who died after birth. If you dreamed of giving birth to a baby, who died after birth, such dream is not a good sign, possibly indicating an illness or a disease of a close relative.
Dreaming about having twin babies which died. If you dreamed of having twin babies, which died in your dream, such dream usually isn’t a good sign. This dream can indicate some fortunate events in the near future turning sour, due to some unfortunate circumstances.
Dreaming about having a baby and moving in with your friend. If you dreamed about having a baby and moving in with your friend, such dream is a good sign, and indicates strengthening the bond between the two of you.
Maybe this dream indicates you will be forced to rely upon each other in the near future.
Dreaming about having a baby which is burned. If you dreamed about having a baby, which looked like it was caught by fire, such dream is not a good sign.
This dream indicates changes coming into your life, which might turn your life upside down. It suggests you avoid any risky business in the near future and play safe.
Dreaming about your husband having a baby with some other woman. If your husband had a baby with another woman in your dream, such dream might be revealing your real life fears. Maybe you have doubts about your husband’s faithfulness, and you subconsciously worry he might have an affair with someone else.
If your husband isn’t giving you a reason for such doubts, this dream warns you to get rid of those thoughts, because they might ruin your marriage.
If you have full right to suspect your husband’s fidelity, such dream is suggesting you talk openly with your husband about those issues.
Dreaming about having a premature baby. If you dreamed about having a premature baby, such dream might indicate new problems and situations in your life, happening faster than you expect and desire.
Maybe it indicates being forced to do something earlier than expected or planned. This dream can also indicate not being ready for something new, and the need to be better prepared so you could embark on it.
Having a premature baby might also indicate starting some venture too early, and the need to think and evaluate things first.
Dreaming about having an overdue baby. If you dreamed about having a baby, which was overdue, such dream might indicate expecting something and worrying about its delay.
Dreaming about having a baby without legs. If you dreamed about having a baby without legs, such dream is usually not a good sign, indicating the stagnation of some situation. Maybe you have started something, and you can’t seem to move forward.
Dreaming about having a deformed baby. If you dreamed about having a deformed baby, such dream might indicate some new responsibilities or something not turning out as expected.
If you dreamed this dream while actually expecting a baby, it is usually a reflection of your fears for the baby’s health.
Dreaming about having a sick baby. If you dreamed about having a sick baby, such dream is not a good sign, usually indicating some difficulties ahead.
Dreaming about having a baby which was different race than yours. If you dreamed about having a different race baby, such dream might indicate some new situations or responsibilities in your life, somehow related to the characteristics of that race.
Dreaming about having a baby, but forgetting it somewhere. If you dreamed about having a baby, but forgetting it somewhere, such dream might indicate feelings of guilt and sadness because of something.
Maybe this dream indicates losing something important in your life. Maybe you have lost something valuable, like a job or a relationship.
It might also indicate giving up on something to gain something else, and feeling sorry and sad about it.
Sometimes this dream might indicate grieving for something from the past, like an old memory about an unresolved situation, or a situation when someone might have hurt you, or somehow let you down.
This dream might also indicate starting and abandoning something, before it’s finished.
Sometimes it indicates being able to finish something you have abandoned.
Dreaming about forgetting you have a baby. If you forgot you have a baby in a dream, such dream might reveal your desire to hide some facts from your life you think other people will consider inadequate or judge for some reason.
Dreaming about having a baby and feeling frustrated about that fact. If you dreamed you had a baby and being frustrated and stressed because of that, such dream might indicate your frustration and stress regarding some problems or difficulties you are facing.
Dreaming about having a baby delivered in a hospital. If you dreamed about having a baby delivered in a hospital, such dream might indicate the need to be more energetic and proactive.
This dream might indicate being stuck in everyday routine, and not having enough adventure in life. Maybe you should consider organizing some fun activities or gatherings with friends and family.
Dreaming about having a baby but cannot find it. If you dreamed about having a baby, but not being able to find it, such dream might indicate being vulnerable about something, but avoiding to reveal that to others. You might not be aware of the vulnerabilities you have. The state of the baby might give you some clues about them.
Dreaming about having a baby but hiding it. If you dreamed about having a baby, but hiding it from others, such dream might indicate having some secrets you don’t want to share with others.
Dreaming about having a baby you weren’t expecting. If you dreamed about having a baby you weren’t expecting, such dream might indicate something you are not prepared for. That might be some event, or a change, a project, a goal you desire and you are working on, etc.
Maybe this dream indicates you will soon have an opportunity to start doing something about this new endeavor, and you should be willing to put all your efforts in it, regardless of the insecurities you might be feeling.
Dreaming about having a baby and nursing it. If you dreamed about having a baby and nursing it, such dream might indicate someone close possibly betraying your trust in the near future.
Dreaming about being on your way to the hospital to have a baby delivered. If you dreamed about rushing to the hospital to have a baby delivered, such dream might reveal your need to be nurtured.
Maybe you are depending on others to help you in achieving your goals.
Sometimes this dream indicates avoiding responsibilities.
Dreaming about having a baby boy. If you dreamed of having a baby boy, such dream might indicate not having developed the masculine side of your personality, regardless of the fact if you are male or female.
Sometimes this dream indicates you will soon have an opportunity to express your masculinity to others.
This dream can also indicate your desire to hide your masculinity. It might also indicate being restrained.
This dream often reveals your desire to have a baby boy.
Dreaming about having a baby girl. If you dreamed of having a baby girl, such dream might indicate feeling fragile and vulnerable in some situation.
This dream suggests you should try to overcome your vulnerability. If you can’t do that, just accept it and move on with your life.
Maybe you feel as if you cannot defend yourself against others, or as if you cannot control some situation.
Sometimes this dream indicates feeling innocent in some situation. Maybe someone has blamed you for something you didn’t do.
This dream can also indicate your desire to be more emotional and express your emotions more often.
Sometimes this dream indicates accumulating or repressing your emotions. You might need to confront them so you could free yourself of that burden.
Dreaming about having a baby, which didn’t like you. If you dreamed about having a baby, which didn’t like you, such dream might indicate pursuing a relationship with a person who only considers you a friend.