空を飛ぶ夢 – 意味と解釈
飛んでいる気分を夢見る .あなたが飛んでいると感じる夢は、あなたの性格が良いことを意味するかもしれません。現在の状況がどうであれ、あなたはおそらく常に人生を美しい面から見ています。あなたは独立心が強く、自由奔放です。
離陸して空を飛ぶことを夢見ています。 地面から離陸して空を飛ぶ夢を見た場合、そのような夢は非常に良い兆候です。多分それはあなたの人生とその状態を改善するためのあなたの努力を明らかにします.
自分が飛んでいるのを見る夢を見る .夢の中で自分が飛んでいるのを見た場合、そのような夢は自由の必要性を示している可能性があります。たぶん、あなたは独立したいと思っていて、すぐにその願いを叶えるでしょう.
飛んだ後に落ちる夢。 このような夢を見た場合は、通常、現在の人生で経験している問題の解決策が見つかることを示す良い兆候です。この夢は、成功への道の障害を克服する兆候でもあります.
必死に空を飛ぼうとする夢 .夢の中で空を飛ぼうとした場合、そのような夢は、社会のはしごを上ろうとする努力がうまくいかないことを示している可能性があります。
飛行機に乗る夢 .夢の中で飛行機を飛ばした場合、そのような夢は、重要な目標を達成するための第一歩を踏み出すことを示している可能性があります。
雪景色の上空を飛ぶ夢 .雪に覆われた土地の上空を飛ぶ夢を見た場合、そのような夢は配偶者とのパートナーシップが成功し、楽しい関係にあることを示しており、2 人に多くの幸せをもたらします。
高く飛ぶのが怖い夢を見る .夢の中で非常に高く飛ぶのが怖かった場合、そのような夢は、人生における自分の地位について優柔不断で無関心であることを示している可能性があります。
長距離を飛ぶことを夢見ています。 If you dreamed about flying over long distance, maybe such a dream indicates some turbulence in your romantic relationship. These problems might refer to something you are waiting for.
Dreaming about long flight . If you dreamed about a flight, which lasted long, such a dream might indicate your hidden feelings of insecurity or doubt about making changes to improve your life.
Dreaming about flying with the help of some devices. If you flied using some mechanical devices in your dream, such a dream might be an indication of acquiring some possession in the near future.
Dreaming about flying in the sky. If you dreamed about flying in the sky, such a dream might be a sign of good or bad events in your life, but it all depends on your current state. If everything is good in your life, things will only get better after this dream. On the contrary, if all is bad they might only get worse.
Dreaming about flying over some ruins. If you flew over some ruins in a dream, such a dream might be a sign you are bored and want to do some more exciting things in life. You should try something new, like a new sport or a hobby. You might even consider a job change or going on a trip you always wanted to go.
Dreaming about flying over water . If you flew over water in a dream, such a dream might indicate the need to focus more on your business. If you don’t do that your opponents might use your inactivity and try to ruin your business.
Dreaming about watching the ground while flying . If you looked down and observed the scenery while flying in a dream, such a dream might be an indication of the obstacles you are encountering currently. However, they are only temporary and you’ll be able to overcome them easily.
Dreaming about flying being interrupted by a fall . If you dreamed about falling after flying, such a dream is a good sign, indicating good fortune and success in solving problems in your career or personal life.
Dreaming about flying in outer space. If you dreamed about flying in outer space without a spaceship, such a dream might be an indication of some life changing events in the near future. These events are more likely to be bad.
This dream might also indicate your preoccupation with some fantasies and living in your dreams. Maybe you are not in touch with reality and with the things going on in real life.
Dreaming about flying together with someone. If you dreamed about flying with someone and holding hands with that person while flying, such a dream might be an indication of meeting someone soon, with whom you’ll have a passionate romantic affair, but unfortunately it won’t last long.
Dreaming about flying on an animal. If you dreamed about flying on some animal, such a dream might indicate becoming consumed by your emotions towards someone to the point of becoming self – destructive or losing your peace.
Dreaming about flying while in bed. If you dreamed about flying while you were in your bed, such a dream might be an indication of something unexpected, but pleasant happening soon in your life.
Dreaming about flying while on a chair . If you dreamed you are flying while sitting on a chair, such a dream might not be a good sign. You might suddenly lose your job because you’ve been made redundant. Sometimes this dream might indicate receiving a fantastic job or career advancement offer.
Dreaming about flying in a car . If you dreamed about flying in a car, such a dream might indicate success of your current plans or projects. This will bring you immense joy and satisfaction.
Dreaming about flying in an air balloon. If you flew in an air balloon in a dream, such a dream might be warning you to cherish and appreciate the attention someone is giving you.
Dreaming about flying with angels. If you dreamed about flying with angles, such a dream is a very good sign. This dream is a sign of honor and respect you will probably receive soon. It is an indication of people talking very good about you and your achievements in the near future.
Dreaming about a fantastic flying experience . If you dreamed about flying and enjoying immensely that experience, such a dream might indicate some changes in your physical appearance soon.
Dreaming about a short flight. If you dreamed about a flight, which lasted only a short while, such a dream might be a sign of quickly overcoming some obstacles in your life. These obstacles may refer to your personal relationships, career or some life situation you are currently in. The good news is, you will finish with them in no time.
Dreaming about flying with ease. If you dreamed about flying with virtually no effort, such a dream might indicate your plans for going on a vacation in the near future.
This dream might also signify your feelings about a possible danger around you, which you will be able to avoid or eliminate easily.
Dreaming about flying in a boat. If you dreamed about flying in a boat, such a dream is a sign of some unexpected good fortune in your life. This dream might indicate your fast, professional or financial success and improvement, allowing you to lead a carefree and luxurious life.
Dreaming about some difficulties during a flight . If you couldn’t fly easily in your dream, such a dream might be an indication you don’t have the power to control some situations in your life. Maybe you don’t have enough confidence to accomplish something.
This dream might also indicate lack of motivation. It may also indicate unrealistic goals you are not able to reach.
Dreaming about encountering obstacles during flight. If you encountered obstacles during your flight in a dream, such as trees, power lines or mountains on your way, they can represent someone or something standing in your way in real life.
Dreaming about flying close to the ground. If you dreamed about flying just above the ground, such a dream might indicate some obstacles you are encountering or something holding you down or preventing you to reach some goal.
Sometimes this dream might indicate your fear of expressing yourself openly.
This dream might also suggest you should avoid advices from friends or family members and always listen to your heart and intuition when making important life decisions.
Dreaming about losing control while flying. If you lost control while flying in a dream, such a dream is maybe an indication of your worries about finishing some important project or a goal.