私たちのスピリチュアル ライフの段階では、私たちの価値観を取り巻くジレンマに直面することが多く、夢はメタファーとして現れることがよくあります。ワニやクロコダイルがあなたを攻撃しているということは、あなたが自分の判断に不信感を抱いていると感じていることを示している可能性があります。夢はスピリチュアルな豊かさと、スピリチュアルな旅を前進させるために何をする必要があるかについてのものです。ワニやクロコダイルは変化する勇気についてのものですが、それには恐怖、驚き、熱意、喜びの感覚が伴います。クロコダイル (ワニとワニを含む爬虫類グループ) は、爬虫類を支配する中生代の一部でした。どうやら、1億年前に一連の出来事がどのようにして恐竜を終わらせたかについて謎があった.クロコダイルとワニは、この時期に生きている唯一の爬虫類であると考えられています。したがって、あなたの夢には多くの精神的、象徴的な意味が込められています。
どちらも爬虫類です。つまり、着陸する時間と同じくらい長い時間を水の中で過ごします。それらは、私たちの感情 (水) と精神的発達 (土地) の両方に関連しています。夢の中で野生のワニやワニを見ることは、あなたの目覚めている人生の新たな始まりや変化を予告しています。この夢は、何らかの形で危険を示している可能性もあります。夢に出てくるワニやクロコダイルは、あなたの直観、精神的な洞察、そしてあなたが今後取るべき精神的なステップを浮き彫りにすることができます.
- ワニやクロコダイルに襲われるということは、目覚めている人生の欺瞞に気づくことです。
- 誰かが攻撃されているのを見ると、目覚めている人は見た目とは違うことがわかります
- 夢の中でワニを殺す 幸運です、それはあなたの心配が終わったことを意味します。ワニとクロコダイルは、夢のシンボルです。
- ワニを殺さない場合 、では、この夢は好ましくないかもしれませんが、むしろ注意です。
- 彼らは恐ろしく見えます。特に恐ろしく鋭い顎です。
- ワニは、夢にどのように登場しても、やや恐ろしいものになる可能性があります。夢に現れる力強く優美なシンボルです。私
- ワニやワニに追われた場合 夢の中で、あなたの人生の恐怖を暗示している可能性があります。
- クロコダイルが口のあごを開いた場合 夢の中で、それは目覚めている生活の中で何かが詰まっているか立ち往生していることを示しています。
ワニは悪、危険、欺瞞を表し、「ワニの涙」ということわざも忘れないでください。無防備な獲物をおびき寄せるために使用されます。明らかに、ワニには多くのイメージと伝承があります。ワニは豊饒のしるしであるというネイティブ アメリカン インディアンの文化で使用された民間伝承の参照があります。ワニ皮がスーツケース、靴、ハンドバッグ、財布などに使われているのをよく見かけます。これは夢の中で象徴的であり、アリゲーターやクロコダイルが生命から何を生み出すことができるかを示すことができることを意味します.
この夢は、あなたが経済的安定を改善または促進する必要があることを示しています。どんなに裕福でも、お金を手に入れるのは難しいようです。 1930年代の夢辞典によると、ワニやクロコダイルを見る夢は、あなたが他人に対してどのように感じているかを反映しています。ワニまたはクロコダイルは、一貫して精神的な魂に関連しています。精神的には、夢は力と知性の融合を表しています。困難な人、状況、さらにはストーカーによって引き起こされる負のエネルギーに影響を受けると、通常、夢が現れます。夢の解釈 (1920 年代以降) には次のものがあります。 夢の中でワニを殺したり傷つけたりしようとしている場合 この夢はあなたの知性に関連しています。 ワニを撃つ夢を見る は、知的なテストを受ける必要があることを示しています - あなたは驚くかもしれません!
ワニと一緒に泳ぐ夢を見る 基本的な感情的、身体的、物質的なニーズの必要性と私たちを結びつけます。 複数のワニやクロコダイルと一緒に泳ぐ 希望と信仰に打ちのめされる可能性があることを意味します。爬虫類の他の多くの解釈と同様に、この夢は究極の女性の知恵、不明瞭な感情、そして豊饒を表しています。ワニは偉大な母の象徴になり得る.
ワニを殺す 夢の中では、あなたが自分の中に怒りの感情を抱いていることを意味します。 ワニが変形した場合 、これはあなたのパフォーマンスがいくつかの男性的な特徴を開発する必要があることを示しています.仕事の状況で前進する方法については、適切な判断が必要です。思考と計画は人生において重要であり、意識を高めて生活を楽にするために、難しい質問への答えを探すことにすぐに夢中になるかもしれません.
動物園でワニを見る夢 または監禁中 あなたをユニークにする特定の特性にアクセスできることを意味します。次の 2 か月で解放されたエネルギーを利用して、それを有利に利用することが重要です。男性的な属性と女性的な属性の間には多少の矛盾があるかもしれませんが、両者の間である種のバランスを保つことが重要です.この夢は、あなたの気持ちに関係していることが多いです。時間が経つにつれて、この夢が意味することのよく知られた側面を認識し、家族の価値観の強い感覚と相まって、自分の性格を発展させることが重要です.
独立はあなたにとって重要であり、この夢はそれを取り戻す時が来たことを示しています。 ジャングルに行ってワニを見たら 、この夢は地平線に新しい始まりがあることを意味します。ワニが飼いならされたことを夢見ている場合、それはあなたが影響力と多くの力を獲得したことを意味します。聖書は、ワニはプライドの高い子供たちの王であると言っています.動物を攻撃しないことに決めた場合、この生き物を見ることは、困難な状況で生き残る能力に関連しています.悪い意味で、ワニは無駄な可能性を示しています。これは、制御の問題を引き起こすことに関連する人間と考えてください。クロコダイルやワニはその性質に忠実であり、目標に向かって努力しようとする要素があります。ワニが湖にいて、夢が美しく見えたら、それはあなたの人生に愛があることを意味します。欲求を確実に満たすためには、社会的本能を理解する必要があるかもしれません。主な負の可能性は、あらゆる種類の攻撃に関連しています。
この動物に噛まれる denotes that you need to make sure you stop worrying, as things will sort themselves out. Someone that is in your circle of friends or family is not acting in a correct manner. You will recognize that the person is an enemy, and he or she seeks to trick you into thinking that you are a friend. Many of our dream visions are symbolical, which causes us to consider them as absurd and unintelligible. The universality of those symbols, however, makes them very transparent to the trained observer. It is important to also look up the other parts of your dream.どうしたの? Do not worry too much about the meaning of this dream; you just need to be aware of hidden dangers.
To be attacked by a crocodile or alligator is a signal of spiritual attack.
Dream of a crocodile attacking someone can indicate that you are worried about being attacked by someone in waking life. There is nothing more shocking than witnessing someone being killed or attacked by this reptile. This dream is about negative energy, the darkness we sometimes feel in life. Most likely, the dream will be connected to a person you know in waking life.
First off, it is impossible to know what people really think about us. We all are triggered by elements in life and you might feel some people just come at you, or suddenly upset you. This can shatter relationships. The crocodile or alligator attacking someone (if you know them or not in the dream) can often represent a time where you are feeling that relationships are not going too well. The dream is a message that you need to understand the truth of what is real. Most of us sometimes live in denial about relationships and the dream message is to prepare yourself for an attack. It could indicate that your spiritual energy could be leaked. Depending on how spiritual you are, some of us are sensitive to negative energy. If someone is sending you negative energy (in waking life) then it is not uncommon to dream of an alligator attack.
What is the meaning of a crocodile chasing you in a dream?
The crocodile chasing you or hunting you in a dream illustrates that you are going to discover many attributes about yourself on a psychic level. The end result of the dream is equally important. If the crocodile kills or bites you after chasing you then this indicates that you’re going to try to move beyond your comfort zone, it can also signify somebody’s going to be rather deceitful.
What do dream psychologists say about a crocodile or alligator dream?
To have this dream also means the release of the power in us called Jungian, an archetype known as the 'Shadow.' This is a dark power associated with enemies and conspiracies. This shadow casts itself as the heroic victim (martyr) of dark and stupendous forces. The shadow inside us is dangerous. Have you been having bad thoughts? Are you struggling to come to terms with a situation? Finally, it is important to consider the work of Freud in regards to this dream interpretation, as this dream signifies a warning.
Freud wrote a book called "Truth is What Works", which looked at the views on the psychology of dreams. The facts are obvious to the world by his interpretation of dreams. First of all, Freud pointed out a constant connection between some part of every dream and some detail of the dreamer's life during the previous waking state. This positively establishes a relation between sleeping states and waking states and disposes of the widely prevalent view that dreams are purely nonsensical phenomena coming from nowhere and leading nowhere. In regards to this dream, it signifies that you have been having some worrying times recently.
What is the spiritual meaning of seeing a crocodile in the dream?
The crocodile indicates the mysterious parts of life itself, in fact the symbol is rather esoteric in nature. The hidden features of seeing this in your dream is that you are looking to solve a problem in life, you yearn the freedom of expression, you have the strength to challenge anything and the power for success. It can also suggest that you have the ability to work towards something that will become a success - materially. Crocodiles are associated with a work situation, they are spiritually about gaining satisfaction in life. Compassion and talent are often important in daily life when a crocodile appears in one’s dream. You need to be somewhat passionate in life. The crocodile tends to be decisive in eating its prey and is connected to the way we gain promotion at work. Remember that you need to fight in order to win. If you hunted a crocodile this denotes spiritual acceptance.
What is the spiritual meaning of a crocodile eating someone in the dream?
This dream can symbolise an untrustworthy person will create problems for you, it is not a great sign to see in a dream. It denotes possible worries and the failure of a project if you are eaten by a crocodile in the dream. A large (massive) crocodile appearing in a dream indicates that you cannot win no matter what happens - unless you kill it.
In the dream state, we can be influenced by TV and film and if we look back at cave man times we are programmed to fear crocodiles though our DNA. For the crocodile to be swimming in a dream is connected to water indicates that you have the emotions and energy to succeed in life. To see the crocodile’s teeth in a dream indicates somebody is going to be consulting in the future. Is also connected to our physical attributes of life. The crocodile influences us to think and challenge about how we grow in life. Try to connect with other people in order to think outside the box.
What does it mean to kill a crocodile in a dream?
これはポジティブな夢です。 It indicates that you will encounter great luck - beyond your dreams. Killing crocodile can also represent persistent actions in the future. It may be that you’re trying to work towards gaining wealth all you’re looking at clinging to projects that you know will be a success. Rallying for success is also associated with such a dream. If you kill the crocodile in the dream then this can indicate that you are going to be committed to the causes which you believe in life. To kill the crocodile by shooting the animal illustrates that you have the strength and the strong interest in uncovering successful business opportunities.
What does a baby crocodile in a dream mean?
To see baby crocodiles in the dream is associated with our strong interest in protecting our young. If you are a parent it is not uncommon to see baby crocodiles in your dream. It indicates that there is somewhat an immature person who surrounds you in daily life - It could be a child alternatively a partner or family member that needs support. You are very committed to your family you believe in giving and also receiving. Baby crocodiles can also crop up when you feel that you are not necessarily supported by immediate family.
What do prophetic dreams of a crocodile mean?
Every dream can be connected to our own reality. In a dream where we find ourselves seeing a crocodile, there are many different lessons that we can learn. There are two key dream states that we can encounter, lucid dreaming and prophetic. If you had a dream of a crocodile and you feel that you’ve taken an active involvement in the dream, even influenced a dream in some way it indicates that you have the opportunity to manage a deceitful person in the waking life. The omen of the crocodile does suggest dishonesty and deceit, but as well as these meanings - the inner ability to overcome any obstacles. It is important to try to use your unconsciousness mind to understand the real problems in waking life.
To see a crocodile in a dream and yourself as the third person, or to view the event as if it is on television indicates that you have the hidden intuition to look beyond people’s personality. The omen of the crocodile is associated with storing your own power and energy, in the case where you see a crocodile chasing you during a prophetic dream, this denotes that your goals will be achieved, moreover this dream is more than just an illusion it is a specific call to action in waking life. If you are successfully able to perform actions in the dream to change the event of the dream then seen a crocodile can be an emotionally powerful experience.
What does it mean to dream about a crocodile biting you in the dream?
If you see the crocodile open its jaws in a dream need to hold yourself responsible. We generally have such a dream when we are reaching higher levels of consciousness, in some dreams the crocodile could bite you and you wake up startled or even in deep fear.夢の実際の詳細も同様に重要です。 Where did the crocodile bite you? If the crocodile bit you on the leg then this indicates that you are going to find blockages in regards to moving forward in a business matter.
If the crocodile bit you on the hand then this is related to work and can indicate some delay or co-workers who are going to be dishonest in the future. The size of the crocodile biting you is also equally important. The bigger the crocodile the more important the dream is on a subconscious level. You may capture moments where the crocodile is opening its mouth and snapping at you during the dream. This can indicate snappy attitudes, being annoyed or possibly ostracisation.
What does it mean to run from a crocodile in the dream?
For a crocodile to runaway from you during the dream state indicates you’re going to overcome any sudden change or phases in life. You will need to study but in the end you will succeed. If however, the crocodile itself is chasing you during the dream then you are trying to move away from somebody who is dishonest. Obviously, all the dream details are also equally important to interpret. In any case, to see a crocodile chasing you hunting you down illustrates an incredibly difficult task with somebody who is deceitful.
What does it mean if a crocodile is trying to bite you in the dream?
If a crocodile is trying to bite you in the dream then this indicates that you have a desire to meet somebody that is going to treat you right. The crocodile biting you indicates that somebody is going to use you or alternatively give you displeasure. On the long road to happiness we often encounter displeasure. We are deceived by people who are close to us in life. This could indicate a disappointment or alternatively and an attraction towards somebody of the opposite sex.
What does a small crocodile in a dream mean?
Perhaps you are feeling guilty about something in waking life, a small crocodile normally appears when you have not forgiven somebody. Forgiveness is always an option in life, if not there when going to be shadowed by bitterness doubt and distressed. A small crocodile indicates a minor problem in life which you can overcome. You can also symbolise betray, not only of ourselves but also the people that we care greatly. The key to success is to try and remove any doubts in life.
What does it mean to see multiple crocodiles in a dream?
To see a number of crocodiles in a dream illustrates that there are multiple threats in the future. You might be desperate in order to break free from job that does not give you satisfaction. If the crocodiles were circulating you in a dream, especially if you are in water in this indicates a feeling of congeniality. To be attacked by multiple crocodiles indicates that you should never give up.
Please note:please also read our meaning of crocodile dream by clicking here
In your dream you may have:
Seen an alligator. Been attacked by an alligator. Seen an alligator in a zoo. Tamed an alligator.
The dream improved your perception about life. It was not scary.
Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of alligator or crocodile: