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こんにちは、私の名前は Flo です。イギリス出身の超能力者で、私の個人的な夢への旅は 20 年以上前に始まりました。それ以来、スピリチュアルな観点と心理的な観点の両方から、子猫の夢について多くの素晴らしく興味深い事実を発見してきました。これらすべてをあなたと共有できることをとても楽しみにしています!そして、はい、私はこれらの小さな毛羽立ちに寄り添うことほど好きではありません.

夢は奇妙で、さまざまな紆余曲折や出会いが含まれている可能性があります。子猫はシンボル 無邪気で純粋であることを意味します。子猫は人生における自立の必要性を示すこともできるという精神的な考えがあります。あなたの夢の中でかわいそうな子猫を救うことは、あなたに近い問題で力とコントロールが必要になることを示しています。おそらく、子猫はにぎやかな通りにいたか、車に押しつぶされようとしていたのでしょう。そのような夢は、目覚めている人生で心に近いものを保存しようとしていることを示唆している可能性があります。実生活で子猫を飼ったばかりの場合、この夢、特に子猫を失う夢はよく見られます。





  • 子猫の夢を見る =幸せ
  • あなたは子猫を買います =人生における友情
  • 子猫をなでます =これは、衝動的な行動や急いで決断することを示唆している可能性があります。
  • たくさんの子猫 =人生の旅の可能性
  • 攻撃的な子猫 =人生の新しい可能性
  • ふわふわの子猫 =この夢は友好的な人を示している可能性があります。
  • 子猫に引っかかれたり噛まれたりした =これは、自分自身についてどのように感じているかに関係しています。
  • 白い子猫 =平和とリラクゼーションを示します。
  • 黒い子猫 =未知への恐怖
  • 子猫に襲われる =将来、誰かがあなたを攻撃するでしょう。
  • あなたは子猫を追いかけます =子猫はあなたとの関わり方に注目しています。あなたは何かから逃げていますか?
  • 子猫の喧嘩を目撃 =人生の問題が表面化する
  • 子猫の鳴き声 =幸福を示します。



小さな子猫の夢は、立ち止まって自分の声に耳を傾ける時であることを示しています。子猫の戦いを目撃することは、あなたの評判を落とし、物質的な所有物を失うことになる極端な敵がいるという前兆です.子猫の鳴き声を聞くということは、あなたの周りに偽りの友達がいるということです。あなたの夢の中で子猫が叫んでいるのを聞くことは、目覚めている世界の誰かがあなたについて何か傷ついたことを言ったことを示唆しています. Sometimes people say things in life which they simply regret or do not mean. It is up to you to forgive the person.

In general, to dream of a kitten indicates that you are likely to be misled by others. It is very important that you want to avoid being influenced by other people at this time. If you dream of a black and white kitten it suggests that you may have some source of sadness or regret in the near future. If you are involved in business, this dream indicates that you need to put all efforts into making your particular business a success.

Now, some dream books have gone as far as saying that dreaming of a kitten can suggest you are immature and childlike. These are characteristics that you have, it indicates that you are feeling somewhat vulnerable right now. To see a long-haired kitten denotes a blissful time in life. Domesticated kittens seen in your dream indicates that you are going to embark on a new project at work. If the kitten is wild then this indicates that you are unable to show feelings easily may find partnership difficult. To see a pedigree kitten in your dream indicates that you need to stick to tasks at work.

Every single detail of the dream needs to be reviewed. Generally, the dream of kittens can mean that you are feeling childlike in your approach to problems. If the kitten was meowing in the dream then this suggests that you could be somewhat under attack from people in waking life. It is not uncommon for pregnant women to dream of kittens. They are cuddly and attractive in the dream state. The kitten can also symbolize great judgment and ultimately you will be facing a new phase of life.


Ok, my cat melting heart believes this dream is positive unless of course, the dream was actually a NIGHTMARE. Yes, they can be portrayed as monsters, clawing, hissing fits and let’s not forget they might tip over something like your hot cuppa. I’m sure that your dream is for a reason so let’s explore it further. In order to give you a step-by-step breakdown of this dream interpretation we have segmented the kitten dream into further specific areas:

What does it mean to dream of a litter of kittens?

How cute is my first thought! Now, To see a litter of kittens in a dream indicates that you would like to have more fun in life. Perhaps you have been working too hard and you feel that is now time to rest and enjoy and recuperate? As we have already concluded the kitten can also signify independence. The kitten itself can also be associated with our own children in life, if you don’t have children then your parental and childcare traits.

What does it mean dreaming of saving kittens?

Are you the saver of the day! To see kittens in danger or if your dream contained somebody trying to drown kittens then this illustrates that you may feel you going to lose something important in life, as kitten dreams connected to independence it may result in you losing something important in life such as your job or material possessions. The good news is that to save a kitten successfully in your dream indicates that you will be able to retrieve your own financial independence.

What does dreaming of kittens and cats mean?

To dream of kittens and cats in a dream signifies your own caring nature.  Seeing both cats and kittens can imply happiness through your own independence. The cat itself is a good luck sign. To see the cat as a mother of the kittens and the dream indicates that you are trying to find your own weak spots in life. It is important for you to nurture what you already have achieved.

What does it mean to dream about kittens dying?

Ok, this dream can be rather worrying, especially if you were sad about the kittens dying in your dream. Well, to see kittens dying in a dream can be symbolic in nature. It suggests, in many ancient dream dictionaries that an exciting and unusual social event is likely to happen in the future. If you sense fear in the dream then this illustrates that you need to handle matters better in life. By the same token, if you see many dead kittens in a dream it indicates that you do fear the future. To see kittens drowned in a dream indicates that you need growth in order to progress in life.

What do fluffy kittens in a dream mean?

We all love kittens! Cuddly and fluffy kittens are generally associated with hard work but also play.

What about if the kitty was aggressive in a dream?

Kittens can sometimes hiss and hide when you approach them,  it is not unusual to find this in waking life. If the kitten was aggressive with you in a dream then this indicates that there is going to be a time where you will become much stronger. The aggressive kitten featured in a dream indicate aspects of yourself. Perhaps you need to be more aggressive at work in order to get what you want. Now, you prefer to work at an objective for a long time in order for it to succeed which I believe is a positive trait. The aggressive kitten featured in the dream indicates that sometimes your temperament needs to change in order to get what you want!

What does dreaming of kittens and puppies mean?

Dreaming of both kittens and puppies illustrates you're immature characteristics. On a subconscious level it can determine your own personality, as a symbolism, this dream indicates that it is a time where you should be acting immature. Maybe you need to think about what you want in life and be somewhat selfish? It can foretell in the distant past that you have been thinking about other people rather than yourself.

What is the dream meaning of an injured kitten?

Poor kitty! In my research, to see an injured kitten in a dream is connected to our own personality. It suggests that sometimes in life you do need to show motivation. Healthy well-adjusted kittens are a healthy omen in dreams. As we all know kittens just love to play with one another but if they are injured or have a behavioral problem during the dream then this can suggest that life has become somewhat serious.

What does the color of the kitten mean in a dream?

Well, here is a quick summary before I go into this color deeper. Ok, a white kitten signifies that you are currently experiencing difficult times. To see a black kitten means that you have some hesitation in determining what you actually want out of life. To see a brown tabby kitten in your dream signifies that you are going to receive some important news in the near future. Dreaming of a multi-colored kitten symbolizes many people working together to achieve a goal. Now, let's run through the colors in more detail!

A white kitten in a dream:

In many ancient dictionaries dreaming of white kittens indicates bad luck. The white kitten denotes that it is important for you to become dominant in a situation in order to win. The white kitten from a spiritual perspective also indicates peace and tranquillity. On the plus side, this dream might foretell bad luck but you have the power to change anything in life.

Dreaming of black kittens

Superstitions denote that a black cat is associated with great luck. It is true to say that dreaming of black kittens carries the same interpretation. If we look at the kitten itself,  they learn at different modes of appropriate behavior by interacting with their siblings and also their mother. They are taught how to scratch and also bite when they are with others. From a symbolic perspective, dreaming of black kittens means that you may learn something from a group venture.

Multi-coloured kittens in dreams

To dream of a multi-colored kitten illustrates that you are going to have many opportunities in the future. Each color illustrates that opportunity. Emotional freedom is required and you may not feel that you want to be tied to any situation. This is a positive dream and can also signify teamwork and the ability to ensure that you get what you want life.

Dreaming of ginger kittens

To see ginger kittens in a dream indicates the best choice will be presented to you. Seeing ginger kittens playing with one another indicates that in a situation that has been worrying you will work out for the best.

Seeing tabby cat kittens in a dream

We all love tabby cat kittens! This is not actually a breed but the color of the cat. The tabby cat can often represent swirls or dots and be brown in color. But what does this mean for your dream? The tabby kitten represents change and the fact that you need to approach a task very gently. It is most likely that you are going to be sensitive, especially connected to work.

Dirty looking kittens:

If in your dream the kitten has fleas, parasites or evidence of not being kept then this indicates that there will be issues and problems in the foreseeable future.

Dreaming of being scratched or bitten by kittens 

A kitten scratching you in the dream then this suggests that somebody in your waking life is going to cause you complex problems. This is generally associated with work.  If a kitten bites you in a dream then need to try to take good care of yourself in the future.

What does being attacked by a kitten in your dream mean?

To dream that you are being attacked by a kitten suggests that you may have difficulties in your relationship going forward. It can suggest that you are not satisfied with someone in life - or with your family at the current moment in time. If the kitten hurts you in any way then this suggests that somebody close to you is going to in waking life. To dream of attacks by a kitten indicates that is time to move on in a relationship. This relationship has become volatile, and you may end up arguing. If you are unable to move on in this relationship, it is time to sit down and try and sort out your differences. If kitty is shy in the dream then it this indicates you are likely to be sensitive in life. As we all know each kitten has their own personality and their own traits which make them unique. The kitten surprisingly has a mental age of a two-year-old when they are just eight weeks old. We have already concluded a dream of kittens is associated with our the actual “independence”

What does it mean to dream of a kitten fighting?

To see in the dream kittens fighting illustrates that you need to be very grateful for what you have in life. The fight itself is symbolic in that you have inner conflicts. You have a liking for freedom and also travel. The challenge is to try and balance everything in life so that you can achieve your own goals. If the kittens are fighting with one another and you are unable to stop the fight and this can foretell a very difficult situation. You may feel that your life is not moving in the direction that you want.

What does it mean to dream of a kitten meowing?

If the kitten is meowing in your dream then this indicates you need to stick with traditional and conventional relationships. It is a good omen in connection to work and it can also signify that you are ambitious and you do like to focus on power. The kitten meowing at a door in your dream indicates an opportunity will present itself. If the kittens are meowing for food then this suggests that work is going to go well in the future.

What if the kittens are screaming in a dream?

To listen to a kitten screaming your dream can be quite distressing! Symbolically it indicates that you need to be more sympathetic and understanding to others. If the kittens are screaming for food then indicates that your hopes will front is somewhat unrealistic. Right, we are nearly at the end. I have given you a quick spiritual overview of the kitten below from some old books I had knocking about my library. Don’t forget to check out my tarot section. In your dream you may have:

Positive changes are afoot if 

You were not attacked or scared by the kitten. Your dream was positive.

Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of kitten

まろやか。柔らかい。リラックス。愛する。親切。驚いた。コンテンツ。驚いた。奇妙。 Enjoying.

Sources : Dream Meanings, Occult magazine (1910), Interpret your dream, London Times (1880), The Jungian Dreamwork Manual (1980) Strephon Kaplan- Williams, Dream Alchemy (1991), Dream learnings (1923) author unknown, Dreams and the occult (date unknown paper and magazine)

  1. 子猫を抱く夢

  2. 子猫を食べる夢

  3. 生姜の子猫の夢を見る

  4. 子猫を買う夢を見る

  5. 空腹の子猫の夢

  6. 怪我をした子猫の夢

  7. 子猫のうんちの夢を見る

  8. 灰色の子猫の夢を見る

  9. 子猫を追いかける夢を見る