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私たちが夢を見る理由は誰にもわかりません。私たちのほとんどは 90 分ごとに夢を見ており、最長の夢は約 30 ~ 45 分続きます。私たちが見る夢は、しばしば精神的な遺産に関連付けられており、象徴を通して私たちを結びつけています.

  • たいていの場合 (夢辞典によると) 片思いの夢を見るのは、願望成就の夢です。
  • 一部の夢は、現在の人間関係に関するものもあります。
  • 見知らぬ人は、私たちの性格の一面を表しているかもしれません。
  • 昔からの片思いに対する隠された感情


























先生に恋をする夢を見た後、心配で私に連絡してくれた人が何人かいます。これはすなわちティーンエイジャーです。 (過去または現在の) 教師の夢を持っている人への私のアドバイスは、教師は私たちの人生における成長と発展の象徴になり得るということです.

この夢が文字通りのものであることは非常にまれです。教師は、人生における学習と発展の代表です。 This could be through spiritual enlightenment or alternatively the need to understand ourselves better. To dream of having a crush on the teacher normally brings luck in old folklore. What you see from life appears to be moving away from what you should hold

What Does It Mean If You Dream About A Crush That Dies?

A few people who emailed me about dreaming of a crush that has died in the dream. And, rightly so, been quite worried. This is not a particularly positive omen. In most ancient dream books to dream of a lover that dies suggest that you need to end something important in life. Death in a dream is associated with transformation and new beginnings.

What Does It Mean If You Dream About An Old Crush All The Time?

Dreaming about your old crush obsessively (over and over again) can suggest that you have true/secret desire for this particular person. This is a positive dream and in my view, indicates that you have hidden emotions and desires for this particular person. The other aspect of this dream from psychological perspective is that you don’t get carried away with your emotions.

If you dream about your crush for months on end, perhaps there’s an unsolved issue in waking life that you’re not dealing with. Maybe it’s time you face problems in a relationship and instead of being afraid to speak with him/her, you should confess your emotions and how you feel for the person. The “crush” could represent someone else in real life. It could be a boyfriend or someone important. In most cases the people in the dream represents people that you have met in the past.

I always like to say that it is important to consider what aspects of your own personality “people” may represent. Some crush dreams are also about your relationships with real people. The overall mood and theme of the dream is also important to analyze - because this represents how you feel about your past crutch. Elements of the dream such as the season, the weather and even the setting can also represent your emotions. Turning to dream psychology (which I mentioned briefly above) denotes that a dream of a lover is often connected to your super ego. This is Freuds theory.

What Does It Mean When You Dream Of Kidding Your Crush?

If you were kissing your crush in your dream, it means that you need harmony, passion, love and affection in waking life. You desperately wish to have more affection in waking life. Alternatively, your dream represents your lack of adventure in your waking life.

What Does It Mean When You Dream Of Arguing With Your Crush?

If you were arguing with your crush in your dream, it can suggest that you will never be with the person in your waking life. It doesn’t mean that you two aren’t compatible with each other. Arguing represents the tension between the two of you in waking life. Or it symbolizes your internal conflicts. Perhaps your crush doesn’t notice you and it frustrates you. Or he/she is with someone else. You’re jealous of their relationship.

If you received a love letter, text or a communication from your crush in your dream, it means that you will meet someone new in your waking life. Alternatively, it reflects a lack of self-esteem.

What Does It Mean When You Keep Dreaming Of Someone Else's Crush?

If you’re dreaming of your partners crush, perhaps your biggest desire in waking life is to be with them. Also, if you’re constantly dreaming of your partners crush, it’s possible that you’re constantly thinking about your relationship. According to some older dream texts, you might feel jealous or frustration because of your partners crush in waking life and it reflects in your dream state too. Perhaps you’re spending too much time thinking about your future with your crush, your life together, their ex-partners and this is on your mind.

What Is The Spiritual Meaning Of Dreaming Of Your Crush?

If you’re dreaming of an old crush, in occult dream books it means that you will be experiencing new luck, new adventures, and new opportunities soon. If you felt uncomfortable, unhappy or unlucky in your dream, it’s possible that you will experience a failure due to old mistakes or old ways you use to solve your problems. Alternatively, dreaming of an old crush signifies problems that you haven’t solved yet. Or you’re still in love with your old crush and your old feelings came back. If you’re dreaming of an old crush, it’s possible that your current relationship is falling apart. Or you feel unhappy with your current partner.

Perhaps you’ve recognized some of the best qualities from your old crush in your new partner. And that’s why you’ve been having dreams about your old crush recently. It could also mean that you’re feeling bored with your relationship and you lack passion.

If you’ve been dreaming of your crush, perhaps your dream has a spiritual meaning. It’s possible that the Universe is trying to focus on your self-confidence and encourage you to make a move. Perhaps you’re destined to be with your crush and if you don’t do anything to make it happen, you will lose him/her forever. It’s best that you confess your love to him/her and see where it takes you. Alternatively, dreaming of your crush might have a different meaning that’s not related to your crush or love life at all.

What Does It Mean When You Kiss Your Crush?

I’ve mentioned at the beginning that if you kiss your crush in your dream, it’s possible that you lack intimacy, love, affection, passion, and trust in waking life. Or perhaps you want to kiss your crush in waking life too and you’re constantly thinking about it. Kissing means that you want to share intimacy with the person in waking life and start a relationship.

If your crush initiated the kiss in a dream, it means that you want your crush to make a move and initiate your first date. However, if you initiated the kiss in a dream, it means that you lack the confidence to do it in waking life. Maybe you’re afraid of rejection.

What Does It Mean When You Dream Of An Ex-Crush?

If you’re dreaming about your partner’s ex-crush, the meaning is clear. You’re probably jealous of him/her. Or you think low of yourself and you don’t believe that you’re good enough for your partner. Deep inside, you believe that the ex-crush of your partner is a better match for him/her than you are. Alternatively, seeing your partner’s ex-crush in waking life might be the only reason why you’re dreaming of him/her in the first place.

What Does It Mean When Your Crush Dreams About You?

If your crush told you that he or she was having love dreams about you, it’s probably because he or she is also in love with you. Those dreams reflect the person’s wish to be with you. However, instead of confessing how they feel about you, they decide to share with you that they’re having romantic dreams about you.

If you wonder what these dreams mean, they can foretell new relationships and future opportunities. It’s also possible that someone is constantly thinking about you and it results in dreaming about you. Negatively, it might predict the total opposite of what you want to experience in waking life. Perhaps it won’t work out with your crush.

Is Dreaming Of My Crush A Prediction Of The Future?

Since early times people have believed that sometimes dreams can foretell the future. The question here is whether the dream of the crush means that you are going to be seen this person again or alternatively if you are going to get back together with a past love. Many techniques can enhance the natural ability of the unconscious, sometimes we do predict the future in our dreams. The dream of a crush (as I have mentioned before) makes the unconscious feelings about the relationship come to the forefront. It can also suggest that you are feeling neglected emotionally. Many people have dreams of the crush after the end of a relationship with a loved one. Grief about relationship rings a strange mixture of feelings to the forefront. Of course, these feelings are part of the healing process. If you are quite happily in a relationship you are single in such a dream can mean great things and can reflect your current crush.

Of course, you can have a good dream about your crush. If you feel pleasant and lovely in your dream with your crush, it reflects your deep desire to be with this person. But, it also represents your optimism and self-confidence. You’re truly hoping that you will end up together. However, these dreams can’t predict if your crush likes you back or not. In order to find that out, you’ll have to express how you feel about them and find out how they really feel about you.

What Does It Mean When You Make Love To Your Crush In A Dream?

If you were making love in your dream with your crush, it means that you’re ready for a serious relationship, or if you are in one you need more love. Also, your deepest desire is to make your crush happy and pleased. Alternatively, there’s a void inside of you that you believe love can fill. However, if you think that someone else’s love can make you feel complete, you’re wrong. In order to be happy, you have to learn how to love yourself first. Once you learn how to do that, you will realize that no one can love you more than you can love yourself.

If you were kissing and having sex in your dream, it’s possible that your crush is your soul mate. However, this dream might also occur if you’re constantly imagining the same situation before you go to bed. Or if you’re constantly thinking about your crush. But if you’re dreaming of something serious like getting engaged or married and having kids with your crush, it’s possible that you lack goals in life.

What Does It Mean When You Dream Of Splitting Up With A Crush?

Splitting up is never a great experience. If you split up with your crush in your dream this can indicate a new start in life. If you were crying because of your crush in your dream, it’s possible that you’re afraid to express how you feel because you don’t want to be rejected in waking life. But, how will you know if you never try? Alternatively, dreams in which we cry predict happiness.

Meaning, if you cry in your dream, you will experience something nice and beautiful in waking life. You will find happiness in the places you least expect. Negatively, there is something that’s bothering you. It’s probably associated with your crush. Perhaps he or she is in love with someone else or doesn’t want to be with you? If so, don’t worry. No one is irreplaceable. And it’s always better to love and lose than to never love at all.


In summary, perhaps you miss a different person in your life. Or you want to establish a stronger relationship with the person you’re already with. Your dream is trying to tell you that instead of looking for a new adventure, you should improve old relationships. There are three other reasons why you might be dreaming of your crush. The first is physical desire. The second is emotional desire. The third reason can be a combination of both physical and emotional desires. So, in order to interpret your dream, ask yourself if you lack love in your life or just physical interaction with this person. Or it’s a combination of both? I do hope you enjoyed this dream meaning and if you have any specific questions then let me know.祝福、フロー

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