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夢の心理学に目を向けると、ジークムント・フロイト (1900 年代の有名な夢心理学者) は、夢の中で武器に攻撃されたときは、防御、恐怖、コントロールに関連していると信じています。 「銃」は、人生であなたを支配している可能性のある人々に焦点を当てています.もちろん、それはかなり当惑させる夢になる可能性があります.

この夢は警告ですか? - この夢は良い夢ですか、悪い夢ですか?

私のウェブサイトの何百万人もの読者が、この夢が将来の出来事の警告であるかどうかを尋ねるために私に連絡してきました. 「撃たれるの?」などの質問。 「これが私の人生の未来ですか?」「夢の中のこの人は現実の私を撃つでしょうか?」この夢は実現しそうになく、実際の予感は夢の 4% にすぎません。 , 警告として私たちに来る経験は、私たちを否定的な思考に閉じ込めます. これらの「危険」な夢が、あなたがあなたの人生をより良くナビゲートできるように積極的な措置を取るようにあなたに呼びかけているということはありません.現時点では自分ですべてを行う - これは、撃たれる夢のもう1つの反射的な原因です. 夢の詳細も同様に重要であり、以下でほとんどの種類の夢をカバーしています.あなたが今直面しているいくつかのライフステージは、コントロールに焦点を当てていますが、撃たれるという夢は、あなたが無力感を感じていることを意味する可能性がありますが、もっと重要なことは、あなたの人生で何かを無視している可能性があることです.


私はアナロジーを使うのが大好きです。あなたがロードトリップにいるとしましょう。長くて退屈な旅では、何時間も何日も移動することになります。あなたがまだ運転している間にあなたの車は燃料を使い果たします。すぐ目の前にガソリンスタンドがありますが、無視します。その結果、燃料を限界まで伸ばします。私たちは皆、次のガレージが近いと考えてこれを行いました。そのため、途中でガス欠になります。楽観的な考え方がこのような状況をもたらしました。オプションがあります。必要に応じて、通過した最寄りのガソリン スタンドまで徒歩で移動するか、車を押して奥まで移動できます (距離があるため、これはオプションではありません)。または、道端での支援に電話して助けを求めることもできます。もちろん、そのようなサービスは有料です。何をしても、ガスゲージを無視したという事実は、あなたがこの位置にいるという事実を変えません. 「兆候」を無視していなければ、この状況は起こらなかったでしょう.



  • 見知らぬ人に撃たれる夢を見る - これは最も一般的な夢です。夢の心理学における見知らぬ人は、多くの場合、自分自身を表しています。文字通り「自分の足を撃っている」のかもしれません。夢の素材があなたの直近の経験に由来するものであっても、夢の源はあなたの遠い過去にある可能性があります。フロイトの見解では、ほとんどすべての精神的葛藤とそれを表現する夢は子供時代に由来します。そのような夢は攻撃性を示している可能性があります。制御不能な攻撃の根本原因は何ですか?罪悪感を感じると、自分に腹を立てますか?それは他の人に波及しますか?内側から見たくないことがよくありますが、見知らぬ人に撃たれる夢は、これがあなたとあなたの人生についてであることを示唆している可能性があります。また、現時点で自分に厳しすぎることを示唆している可能性もあります。落ち込んでいても大丈夫ですが、前向きな考え方が重要です。私の経験では、人生の問題に圧倒されていると感じたときに、見知らぬ人があなたを撃つ夢を見るのは珍しいことではありません.特に、夢の中で怪我を見ることができれば.
  • パートナー(妻/夫/恋人/ボーイフレンド/ガールフレンド)があなたを撃つ夢 - この夢は、あなたの人間関係の問題に関連しています。それは、あなたが持っているつながりの中であなたが立っている場所を見直していることを意味する場合があります.夢に死が含まれていた場合、それは変容を表している可能性があります。夢の中のパートナーからの銃創は、通常、対立に関連しており、物事をスムーズにし、パートナーにもっと感謝する兆候です.最近、彼または彼女からの攻撃に遭遇したことがありますか?それはあなたの脳が情報を処理する方法です。私たちの多くは、関係のある段階でこの種の攻撃に対処する必要があり、「タイムアウト」を求めているためにこの夢が発生した可能性があります。関係に関して。対立はしばしば言語的コミュニケーションと非言語的コミュニケーションの両方に関連しています。別のメモとして、いくつかの夢の辞書では、愛する人が関与する銃撃は防御と自制に関するものです。感情的な引き金とあなたの反応があるかどうかを考えてください。これがあなたの共感を呼ぶことを願っています。
  • 友達に撃たれる夢 - この夢は、他人の感情を理解し、友達に腹を立てることの難しさを表しています。また、友達が将来困難な時期に遭遇する可能性があることを示している可能性もあります。夢の中で友人があなたを撃つということは、あなたの友人もあなたの助けを必要としている可能性があることを示唆している可能性があります。あなたがこの人と長い間友達だった場合、これが夢の中でさえ影響を与えることは驚くべきことです.友人が危険な武器を持っているのを見るのは、あなたの関係における怒りや反応です。
  • 家族に撃たれる夢 - あなたを撃っている家族は、実生活での対立を表すことができます。両親の期待に応えるために一生懸命働かなければならなかったとしても、子供の頃に達成したことは将来記憶されていない可能性があります。家族の対立の可能性を示すこともあります。
  • 夢の中で追いかけられて撃たれる - 周りの誰よりも優れていると感じ、より価値があり、有能で才能のある人に出会うかもしれません。この人は、この非現実的な自分自身の見方のために、周囲の人々の生活をコントロールしている可能性があります。
  • 奪われて撃たれる夢 - 誰かがあなたから価値のあるものを奪い、あなたの助けを求めるかもしれません。古い夢の本では、目標に向かって進むが、結果を心配することを意味します.
  • 警察が発砲する夢 - 身近な状況では正義が必要です。
  • ドライブバイシューティングの夢 - 他の人が助けを求めるかもしれません。あなたが好意を返すかどうかはあなた次第です。車も制御に関するものなので、制御状況を示唆する可能性があります。
  • 近距離射撃の夢 -至近距離で撃たれている場合、これはあなたの可能性と欲求を探求していることを示している可能性があり、他の人を喜ばせることに努力を集中する代わりに、それは複数のレベルの夢です.突然の出来事もあるかもしれません。あなたを至近距離で撃った人は、あなたの人生に前向きな変化が訪れ、成長し、古い夢の辞書を手に入れることができることを意味します。
  • 狩られて銃で撃たれる夢 - 誰かがあなたのポジティブなエネルギーをネガティブなエネルギーに置き換えるかもしれません。彼らはあなたを疲れさせ、やる気をなくさせます.
  • 戦争の夢と射撃の夢を見る -夢の中の戦争は、目覚めている人生での議論を表すことがよくあります。夢の中で銃を見たり、戦争中に撃たれたりすることは、自分自身を表現する能力を表している可能性があり、真に心のこもったことを行うことは、現在トラウマ的な時期を経験している人の人生に大きな違いをもたらす可能性があります.夢の中の戦争は、今後数週間の口論の合図となる可能性もあります
  • 狙撃兵が関与する射撃の夢 - 狙撃兵は長距離武器であり、感情が機能することを示しているため、感情を管理するのは非常に難しい場合があります.夢の中で軍の射手が狙撃兵を使うのを見ることは、あなたの人生の目標や野心につながる可能性があります。狙撃兵は「狙撃する」という動詞に由来することを覚えておいてください。それは達成を示し、人生で欲しいものを手に入れることができます。一部の言語では、狙撃兵は「ハンター」と呼ばれます。考えてみてください…何を狩ろうとしているのですか?
  • ライフルで撃たれる夢 - ライフルで攻撃されることは、受け入れ、承認、および検証を示します。私も5年ほど前にこの夢に出くわしたことがあります。機関銃で撃たれ、他人に自分を表現する方法についてでした。はい、撃たれるという夢は、感情が高ぶっている可能性があるという警告であり、今後は自分の価値観を回復し、リラックスして回復力を身につける必要があります。
  • 弾丸が発射される夢 -弾丸は他の人とのコミュニケーションの手段です。この夢は通常、何かが本質的に「あなたに向かって発砲している」ことを示しており、人々に関連するものについて考え、誰かが厳しい言葉を言った場合.夢の中の複数の弾丸は、人生における多くの言語的要素を示唆している可能性があります。
  • 子供が撃たれる夢 - アメリカでは、年間約 1,300 人の子供が銃による傷や怪我で亡くなっています。これは衝撃的で憂慮すべき夢です。夢の中の「子供」は、多くの場合、あなた自身のインナーチャイルドに関連しており、人間関係で問題が発生した可能性があることを示しています。夢の中で自分の子供が撃たれるのを見たとしても、心配しないでください。ジークムント・フロイトによれば、これは彼らのマイルストーンと、彼らがいずれかの段階に移行しているという事実に関するものです。出血を見ることは、子供を安全に保ちたいと思っていることを示唆している可能性があります.見知らぬ子供が撃たれる夢を見るのは、あなたのインナーチャイルドに関するものである可能性が高いです。
  • ヘッドショットの夢 - 夢の中の顔写真は、あなたの心の直接的な精神的連想です。心に弾丸が入ることを考えてみてください。これは、夢の中の銃よりもあなたのことです。一般的に、顔写真は人生の他の人々に関するものであり、多くの場合、何か新しいことを学ぶ兆候であるため、これは心を広げることについての前向きな夢です。


  • 実生活で撃たれる可能性はどれくらいですか?
  • この夢に対するジークムント・フロイトの見解
  • 誰かがあなたを夢の中で撃った
  • 胸、手、首、頭、背中、腕、脚、心臓、または胃を撃たれた
  • 撃たれても撃たれず、撃たれそうになる夢
  • 何度も銃撃、銃撃戦、撃たれても死なない夢を見る
  • 弾丸と銃のスピリチュアルな意味
  • 矢や戦車で撃たれた戦争地帯での銃声と発砲
  • 撃たれて死ぬ、または負傷する夢
  • 職場、学校、自宅での銃撃

ジークムント・フロイトと銃の夢 - 彼は何と言っていますか?

私は聖書の意味だけでなく、すべての夢の解釈に心理学を使用することを検討したいと考えています.これは、撃たれる夢の精神的な意味を拡張します。すでに述べたように、フロイトは夢を見ることに関連しています。なぜなら、戦争中、彼は自分の経験についてひどい悪夢を見た多くの兵士を助けたからです。フロイトは、私たちが見ている夢は、私たちが日常生活で経験していることと関連していると信じていました。フロイト (1900 年) は多くの本を書き、私たちの夢は「有機的刺激」に関連しており、睡眠中に精神的なイメージを提供すると信じていました.


スピリチュアリティとフロイトを結び付けて、夢のアイテムは夢想家の外から来ることができます フロイトの見解では、神経症として知られる私たちの夢の脳は子供時代に始まり、成人期まで休眠状態のままになる可能性があります.それは、発砲する前にかなりの時間装填できる銃に似ています。夢の中であなたを撃った銃のように。ある経験が不合理な涙、罪悪感、または怒りを引き起こすと、最終的にはほとんどすべての経験がそれらを引き起こすまで、他の経験がそれらを再び引き起こす可能性が高いことに言及することも重要です.このようにして、神経症が強化されます。



聖書は、夢を解釈するときに考慮したいものです。聖書は銃について言及していませんが、戦争の武器について言及しています。伝道者の書 9 章 18 節を読むと、「知恵は武器よりも優れている」と書かれている別の聖句があり、これらの聖句から、剣と戦争の手の訓練を指し示しています (詩篇 144.1)。あなた自身の人生の叡智をあなたにもたらします。マタイ 10:28 は、「体を殺しても、魂を殺すことができない者」と述べています。したがって、あなたの魂は決して死ぬことはなく、この地球上で経験することはありません。銃で撃たれることの聖書的な意味は、コントロール、知恵、そしてこの世界で自分の心の欲望に従うことを確実にすることだと私は信じています.



あなたが夢の中で撃たれた状況と、その状況を考慮することが重要です。同様に、「誰」が夢の中であなたを撃ったかも重要です。 "彼らを知っていますか?" 「それは見知らぬ人ですか?」夢の中で繰り広げられるシナリオはたくさんありますが、精神的な文脈で誰かがあなたを撃っているのを見るのは、コントロール、ターニングポイントへの移行、過去の経験、自己破壊的な行動などです。あなたを撃った人を知っている場合、これは目覚めている人生における彼らとの関係に関連しています。このような夢は、私たちが日常生活の速いペース、迅速なコミュニケーション、ルーチンに巻き込まれているため、私たちの精神的な性質と私たちの周りの世界の両方から切り離されていると感じていることを示している可能性があります.



アメリカの文化は銃と結びついています。2010 年だけでも、約 1 億 2,400 万人が 3 億丁の銃を所有していました。メディアでは、銃は銃撃と一緒によく取り上げられます。銃で撃たれる夢を見続ける場合、精神的にポジティブなエネルギーを持っている場合がほとんどですので、心配する必要はありません。この夢を見た翌日、自分の目標と人生について、そしてどのようにそれらを達成する計画を立てているかを考える必要があります。これは、何かが起こった理由を理解するためにしっかりと戦っていること、または何らかの対立に直面していることを示している可能性があります.


この夢に出会った後、実際に撃たれるのではないかと心配するかもしれませんが、これが実現するかもしれません.世界中で約10億丁の銃が流通しています。実際に撃たれる確率を統計的に見てみましょう。 2022 年に銃を所有している人の数は次のとおりです。

  • アメリカでは 2 億 5,600 万人が銃を所有しています (2022 年)
  • イギリスの 617,171 人が銃を所有しています (2021 年)
  • オーストラリアでは 350 万人が銃を所有しています (2022 年)
  • インドでは 100 万人が銃を所有しています (2022 年)
  • その他の国> 500,000 丁の銃を所有 (2022 年)

私があなたの国を見逃した場合は、お知らせください。しかし、この統計から何が得られるでしょうか。統計的に、アメリカでは、銃撃されるよりもガンになるリスクの方が高い。これは、死亡率が低いためです。たとえば、2016 年には銃による死亡者は 34,000 人に過ぎませんでした。統計によると、アメリカに住む人々は、他のどの国よりも銃撃される可能性が 25 倍高くなりますが、それはまれです。 2017 年の交通事故は約 38,000 件でした。また、もう 1 つの興味深い事実として、アメリカでの死亡者のほとんどは自殺でした (祝うべきものは何もありません) が、この夢を見たとしても、割合が低く、撃たれる可能性が低いため、実際に実現する可能性は低いことを保証したいと思います。アメリカ以外では、約 100 万対 1 です。アメリカでは、100 万人につき約 1,000 人が銃に関連して死亡していますが、そのほとんどは悲しいことに自殺です。何らかの形であなたを慰めてくれることを願っています。


銃声に遭遇した場所は重要です。ほとんどの銃創は頭にあるため、夢の調査を行っているときに統計に言及するのが好きです。これにより、より深い解釈への道が開かれる可能性があります. Molia による調査では、銃創による 387 人の死亡が確認されました。銃創の最も多い場所は頭部 (74%)、胸部 (20%)、腹部 (6%) の順でした。この後、人々は顔を撃たれる可能性が最も高く、次に額が (13%) でした。銃声を受けた実際の場所が分析に役立ちます。銃で頭を撃たれた場合、これは、仕事やキャリアに関して正しい道を進んでいないと感じていることを象徴している可能性があります。頭の中の銃声があなたを殺し、同意する場合、それはあなた自身の側面を変えるように促している可能性があります.体のさまざまな部分への複数の銃声を夢見ることは、精神的な解釈による知識の欠如を示しています.

弾丸自体が致命的な場合、弾丸が胸部に入った場合、将来的に異常な状況が発生する可能性があります.弾丸が顔や額に入る夢を見ることは、自然主義を象徴することができます。発砲が怒りで行われた場合、これは特定のことが今後手に負えなくなることを示している可能性があります. It could be that situations are going to collapse. If the bullet enters the chest cavity in your dream then it can indicate support is needed. Sigmund Freud believed guns were a phallic symbol and that you are feeling threatened in life. Dreams about being shot due to suicide can indicate that you will encounter verbal attacks in the future according to older dream lore.

What does a dream about being shot in the stomach mean?

A dream of being shot in the stomach indicates your own qualities and capabilities within. In spiritual terms, the stomach represents the chakra that is connected to the feminine side of life. Seeing yourself shot in the stomach indicates you ask yourself what you are wasting your life. What energies can you draw up in order to carry out your own goals? These are the questions you need to ask yourself.

What does it mean to dream about being shot in the neck?

A dream of seeing yourself being shot in the neck could imply that your heart and your mind are in conflict. Alternatively, it could mean that the person who is shooting you is the one who is, in real life, causing a lot of stress.

What does it imply to dream about getting shot in the back?

Dreaming of getting shot in your back could imply that, you feel that you have been betrayed. Think about this dream meaning deeper. Who is stabbing you in the back? It could be someone who is close to you and yet they are betraying your trust. Consequently, try to be more careful especially when you are around people you are “unsure” of - because you never know what is coming.

What does it mean to dream of being shot in the arm or hand?

Arms in dreams are connected to how responsible you are in life. Therefore, to dream that you are shot in the arm or your hand is shot during a dream can signal that you wish to be less responsible in life. Let’s face it - we use our arms every day, to help us in life. Dreaming of being shot in the arm or hand can indicate that you may encounter conflict physically, this could be in a place of work. And, going back to the analogy I mentioned in the opening paragraphs - the dream of being shot in the arm or hand is about predicting what is going to happen.

What does it mean to dream of being shot in the legs, feet or kneecapped?

We use our legs and feet to help us get from A to B. This dream is about following the right path in your life, without life’s hassle. Mental and physical health are equally important. There is a widespread belief that either one or both of these are important for your well-being. The legs, feet or knees featured in the dream are connected to ensuring that negativity does not enter your life. Negativity is bound to follow us all, and if you are shot in the legs or knee caps it is about ensuring that you can move forward on the journey of life. If you are unable to walk due to being shot in the leg during the dream (which I guess is obvious) is about making sure obstacles do not get in the way spiritually.

What does it imply to dream about being shot in the heart?

To be shot in the heart during your dream represents your emotions and feelings at the moment. Are you feeling sad and you are wondering how you are going to come out of the depression you are currently suffering? The feelings have been brought to the surface by what happened to you or by the acts of someone and now you are feeling helpless, and this has surfaced in your dream. Meditate and find the root cause of your worries - because that will be the beginning of healing. If nothing seems to work, then give yourself some time in order to heal and you will get back to your feet.

What does it mean to dream of being shot but not hit?

If you are not hit in the dream by the bullet but someone tries to shoot you this dream is about aggression. In my view, this dream occurs when someone, in particular, has been aggressive to you or conflict has arisen. Dreaming of being shot but not hit can indicate that there will be a near-miss of problems coming your way but you will be able to navigate these. Of course, this is only a guide to your life but Carl Jung believes if there was a “near-miss” in the dream it can indicate how you are feeling on the inside. That something needs addressing internally so you don’t become angry at how things are in life.

What does it mean to dream of almost getting shot?

To almost get shot in a dream is about missing something in life according to psychology, Sigmund Freud in his books recalls dreams of people who miss a disaster as reviewing their life goals and focusing on the outcomes. If it was a near-miss in your dream then this can indicate there are triggers in life you need to be aware of. To dream of seeing others nearly shot but able to dodge the bullet can suggest other people will be focused on your success and the goals that you have.

What does it mean to dream of being shot multiple times?

Dreaming of being shot multiple times can certainly be rather worrying. Dreams can often create scenarios that test our own internal reactions and above all our own sense of security and vulnerability. Hearing the gunshot “bang” multiple times is a sign that you must wake up to something important in life. To dream that you are being “shot” repeatedly triggers a feeling that you will need to be aware of problems or circumstances in your life that could concern you. In its simplest form “multiple shots” can indicate that you need to take charge of your life. If someone is loading the gun to keep shooting you during your dream, this can be connected to your own inner child. Are you subconsciously you are feeling threatened by others? To keep having dreams that you are shot indicates that you need to take note of feeling insecure. We often feel vulnerable in large groups of people, especially those that do not yet know. In summary, to dream of being shot multiple times could just be your own worries and anxieties in waking life.

What does it mean to dream of getting shot by a bullet?

The bullets in dreams (which I have already explained above) are normally about communication with others in life, this can be brought down to earth when we think of the interactions we have on a daily basis. Although we don't like to hear negative comments about our own lives, communication and good relationships can help us to be grounded and more aware of the truth. This is especially true when negative comments are made by someone you trust and know. The “bullets” here are normally a symbol (according to Carl Jung) about people who are trying to attack you. If you think about it the bullet is metal, hard and fired powerfully. To dream of the bullets (metal) inside your body can denote that you have been attacked by others.

People are often not open to criticism. They believe criticism from others is a sign of jealousy because they have an exaggerated self-image. Their self-esteem is protected and they do not shy away from taking a strong stance, sometimes at the expense of others. Let me know to look at the specific bullets in your dream. If we look at bullets there are three types. Loaded cartridges, rimfire, centrefire and finally shotshell. Normally in dreams, we don’t really know “which” bullets we are seeing but we may have a clue from the gun. If for example you are being shot in the dream with an AK47 then this is associated with a 7.62 diameter. It is not uncommon, to actually know the size of the bullet in the dream especially if it was lucid in nature. I will cover this below with the actual “gun” that was used to shoot you in the dream - if of course, you can remember.

Shotgun Bullets: If the shotgun ammunition was featured in your dream or you could see shotshells these are normally red. What it means spiritually is that the shotgun shells are about you making a stand, think about how a shotgun is fired compared to any other gun. It is quick, one shot and more powerful due to the barrel

Light Bullets (used in Pistols, Handguns, SMGs and Miniguns): if the bullets are of a lighter variety I am going to use an analogy. This dream of lighter bullets (lighter weapons used in the dream indicates It won't help to ignore the tin cans in life. It won't help to repeat a daily mantra that the tin cans will not get you down. It doesn't matter if you have all the tools and the desire to get food from them, it won’t stop them from throwing themselves at you. They would only attack your house out of revenge. It is neither a solution to a problem nor a means of improving oneself.

Is it possible to remove all problems from your life? Honestly, it's not. It will always exist. Do not let it affect you or change your life. To smash those tin cans into oblivion, you'll need a baseball bat or any other impact "gun" weapon of your choice. This will be a long, exhausting, messy, and continuous process. But, with practice, it will become second nature. I hope that resonates with you, the bullet is like removing all your negativity in life.

Medium or heavy bullets (used in Assault weapons, AK47, Rifles, Sniper rifles, Shotguns, Reveolvers, Semi-automatic, Machine Guns or Explosive weapons.) Being shot by any weapons that hold heavy bullets, means you're being somewhat feeling "weighed" down, just like the heavy weapon in the dream.  Think about this cake analogy, I will use a real cake. The ingredients can be purchased, measured by the spoonful, and mixed together with the best cooking talent. But if your oven isn't working, your cake will fail. It is no different with self-improvement. These types of guns in a dream can denote feeling a weight on your shoulders. This is the greatest problem. A mindset is a set of beliefs that informs your behaviour and beliefs. You should not attempt to change your circumstances or life. You are who you are, and a wonderful human being.

What does it mean to dream of being shot but not dying?

This dream can symbolize yourself and your own internal thoughts. It can represent a flow of psychic energy and you need to pay attention to the current elements of your life. As you have not died in the dream it could just represent a magnitude of different forces in waking life which is urging you to pay attention to the symbolism of pain. Symbolically, being shot but not dying stands for the union of your own true feelings.

What does it mean to dream of a mass shooting and you get shot?

Normally, there is a significant association between mental illness and gun violence. From psychiatric research, mental health and a massacre in real life are interconnected. But, what does this mean in your dream? To dream of being a victim of a mass shooting can imply that you consider a situation in waking life somewhat dangerous. Mass murder can often result in a desire to kill many people, being shot in such a crime can suggest that you wish to kill something in life. That a problem needs a resolution. I always remember that Norwegian man that killed a mass shooting in Utoya, killing multiple people (you may remember this). Much research has been conducted into why people commit mass murder, this can help in defining what your dream means. Even though catastrophic to dream of being shot in a mass killing, it often means that something unpredictable is looming. Try to think about your social circle. Being shot by police indicates feeling isolated in life.

What does it imply to dream about being shot with a gun?

I have already written at length about guns in dreams which you can find by clicking here. I will briefly go over the meaning of being shot by a gun. Sigmund Freud connected guns to remove part of elements in life. Plus, it is connected to attraction. I will say, though, that the meaning will change depending on how serious the gunshots are. Try to remember how the gun is used, and the number of attackers. If you are being shot by a gang of shooters, it is a sign of being overworked and overwhelmed in your life and thus, you are feeling weaker than the rest. Being shot by the police means that you are worried about being controlled. Seeing someone shoot you is connected to the fact you are trying to minimize problems. Being shot by a concealed weapon indicates there are factors you need to consider.

If you are also shooting a weapon or you are unable to see your target, then it is a sign that you are in control of situations in your life. Being shot by an animal in your dream could be a reflection of your need for survival. You are at a point where you are willing to work on anything in order to survive. Alternatively, the dream could imply that you are persecuted or abused by someone in your waking life. Being shot by a handgun can indicate that something will be concealed. An adolescent shooting you (for example at school) and you being shot can reveal the effects of exposure to problems in life. Shooting an assailant can indicate you are fighting back in life. There could be a risky situation in life. Being shot trying to protect your child, can indicate that you are going to follow the correct action. If there was no gun featured in the dream but you are shot indicates that you will defend yourself going forward.

What does it imply to dream of being shot in a war?

Dreaming that you are being shot in a war could be an indicator that, you are reflecting on your past experiences. It could be that you are encountering a conflict in your life. I had a dream I was in the jungle and could see the army shooting everyone, I then got shot. This dream can indicate that you are feeling traumatized. Terrorism shooting in a dream can imply feeling threatened in real life.

What does a bullet mean in a dream?

The bullet is a quick reaction and represents your focus, often this dream means that you feel the victim in a dream. The bullet itself is associated with being attacked. Seeing the bullet in your skin can indicate that you are feeling hurt in life. Specifically seeing a bullet harming you but not dying can indicate that you need to make a decision in life. Seeing a gunman shoot the bullet can in many cases indicates escaping from problems and possible hurt from others. Trying to dig out the bullet from your skin can suggest that the fight or conflict in life is serious.

What does it mean to dream about dying of being shot?

When you have a dream a shot wound, then it means a possible conflicting situation you might be going through. The good news is that this will come to an end. If you are the one who shoots back and someone else dies, then it is an omen that you are ending all conflict which you have been experiencing.

What does it mean to dream about getting shot in a shootout?

Getting shot during a shootout in your dream could imply a challenge ahead of you. In a broader sense, this dream can indicate the feeling of being attacked by others. In the coming days, you might encounter something important and feel pressure. This is often reflected in our dreams. To dream of being shot connected to gang warfare can indicate a tough time, but with hard work, things will pay off. If a challenge interferes with your work, there could be a negative time. Seeing bad guys shooting you in a dream can reveal being threatened by others in life.

What does it imply to dream about being shot by someone at work?

When you dream that you are being shot by someone at work, it indicates that you may encounter enemies in your workplace. This dream can reveal colleagues are envious and jealous. There could be someone who wishes to destroy your success and reputation thus, you will need to be careful when you are around people and avoid talking about your secrets. This is of course, older dream meanings from 1930s dream dictionaries. A mass shooting at work can signal a new phase in life.

What does it mean to dream about being shot from above?

A dream where you get shot from above, then it is an indicator that you are going to meet someone who will not treat you right. It could be a new partner or a friend, but whoever it is, they are going to influence you in a negative way, sorry if this sounds depressing. Equally, being shot from a high building can mean unproductive and meaningless tasks. Killed by a citizen can indicate shooting yourself in the foot.

What does it denote to dream about getting shot in your house?

When you have a dream of being shot while at home, it is an indication that you feel insecure in your own environment. It could be that, in the recent past, you have been a victim of a violent crime and thus, you keep on feeling unsafe. Or it could be that your fears are a random side effect of a bad movie. Being shot due to self-defence can indicate you are not feeling committed in life. A robbery or violent crime in a home can indicate that you need to defend yourself in life. The stringent use of guns in homes can also indicate feeling restricted in life.

What does it denote to dream about getting shot from a distance?

Getting shot from a distance in your dream could imply that you are anticipating something to happen. Simultaneously being shot from a distance reveals that you are working on completing a task successfully and on time. If everything is going as planned, then the dream is a representation of your fears. Are scared that things might not work out as you have planned? If you find out that your fears are irrational, and you are sure of your effort paying off, then there is no need to get anxious - as you will be successful in your plans.

What does it mean to dream about getting shot by your partner?

When you dream that you are being shot by your partner, then it denotes the feelings which you have towards them. It could be that they did something which disappointed you or you have a feeling that they no longer love you. It could also be a representation of a betrayal which you are experiencing from someone in waking life. They could have cheated on you and you caught them or you could be having a feeling that they are cheating on you with someone else. After the dream, you will need to talk to your partner to clear things out. You could be stressing over things which are not true at all. Being raped and shot can imply that you are feeling responsibility in life.

What does it imply to dream about getting shot and being wounded?

Dreaming that you are getting shot and being wounded could mean that, in real life, you are going to be a target of injustice. If the shooting ends in your own fatality this can imply dramatic news. Your feelings could be hurt and there is nothing you will be able to do about it. If you feel that you are unable to fight against something which is not fair, then you will regret something in life. A woman dreaming about a gunshot wound in older dream books implies that her partner is betraying her, but this is quite an old meaning. I am not sure of the true meaning of this dream but it can mean preventing an affair.

What does it mean to dream someone pulls a trigger on you?

This dream could feature someone threatening you with a gun, and they finally pull the trigger and shoot you. This dream is about positive new romantic relationships. It is a way of “triggering” events. If you don’t remember what happens after that trigger is pulled we can use the word “trigger” in life to mean just that. The dream is associated with you making the final decision about an aspect of life. What is triggering you right now? How are you triggered?

What does it mean to dream of guns and gangs?

Gang culture has swept every major country. Only recently I was watching Netflix Top boy (recommended if you have not seen it) which is about gangs and guns. Guns and gangs often come hand-in-hand and the dream about maybe a gang revenge killing or gang-related homicides is associated with conflict in your waking life. This dream is about surrounding yourself with people that are happy and good for you, it could represent that conflict has happened recently with a “group” of people. If the group is shooting at you in the dream it can represent difficulties. Positivity and happiness closely resemble one another. Since successful, positive people only look at the present and cannot see the future. Nonetheless, successful people cannot often overlook the benefits of their success.

What does it mean to dream that you were shot and you went to the hospital or an ambulance was called?

Sometimes we dream we go to the hospital after being shot, other times it just goes blank. Being in a hospital or getting medical help is a positive omen. Seeing this in the dream means that you will be able to focus on life, for the better. Just like the doctor or nurses that help in the dream after being shot at, it is likely people will help you going forward.

What does it mean to dream of being shot with an arrow?

This is quite an unusual dream. When you dream that you are being shot with an arrow, then it is time to start thinking about your own desires and emotions. An arrow in the dream is mostly related to matters of the heart. If a single arrow was used to shoot you, and you knew the attacker, it is a sign that there is rivalry and being jealous in life. Think about your real partner and what type of relationship you are having with them. There is a possibility you wish to fight to get the attention of someone. If you are the one who is shooting a bow and arrow back in the dream, then it implies that you are ready to compete with someone in your real life. If you saw several arrows being used to shoot you then it is an indicator that your emotions are overwhelming you. Alternatively, the dream could be referring to harsh words and that you are feeling jealous, which is likely to hurt you in the coming days.

What does it mean to dream about bombs and tanks shot you?

When you dream about bombs and tanks, it implies that you are encountering conflicts with political powers or policies. In your real life, you might be feeling that you are a victim of government organizations or “controlled” in some way. If you are shooting back, then it means that you are ready to fight with the government or policy in your real life.

What does it mean to dream about getting shot up close?

Dreaming of being shot point plank or getting shot up close denotes that you are experiencing negativity or problems which you may be experiencing. This dream can mean that things, in general, have been somewhat complex. Be mindful of others and with this you can expect problems to go away miraculously. It can be rather worrying seeing yourself “shot close” in a dream. Irrespective of this in older dream lore this dream can imply that someone will support you. To witness others being exposed to a shotgun up close can often mean conflict.

What does it imply to dream about getting shot by a friend?

I have mentioned this in the opening paragraph but just wanted to expand a little. A dream of getting shot by a friend could mean that you are digesting elements of your relationship in your sleep. Ask yourself this question:is there some negativity between you and your friend? This dream could imply a misunderstanding which you have had in the recent past. If you love and trust your friend, then put aside your pride and work things out with your friend. Seeing a group of friends shooting you can be a hurtful dream but indicates that sources close to you will have the answers you need.

What does it mean to dream about getting shot and dying?

A dream of suffering a gunshot and consequently dying is an indicator that, you are going to finish your projects as you had planned and they will bring success to you. I know that on the surface this dream could appear to be negative but death in dreams are associated with transformation. Another message of this dream is to continue working hard.

What does it mean to dream about starting a shooting?

A dream of starting shooting and that you end up getting shot, is a representation of your relationship with other people. The dream of starting a shooting could be referencing a business relationship or how you behave with your colleagues at work. If there is tension at work, then you should try to work things out.

Your unconscious mind records dreams like a camera. Because it is an older part of your brain, it uses a different language than your conscious mind. It is not wired for logic, reasoning, or everyday communication. It's easy to see it that way. We all sometimes just discount dreams. Your unconscious mind is asleep and you are dreaming. Your unconscious mind is busy processing the day's events, comparing them with past experiences, memories, beliefs, and updating information about your worldview and place within it. It must find a way to store all of this information in a simple way. Imagine gazing at a view of the sea for a long time.

Although some dream dictionaries are useful for providing ideas, they can also lead you to become less expert about your own dreams. They encourage you to see the meaning of the dream rather than exploring your individual dream and why this is important. You may also be led astray by the false impression that all meanings in the dictionary are true. It is much simpler and more accurate to look at each part of the dream of getting shot and what this means. Therefore I urge you to look up all the elements in my dream meanings.

What is a recurring dream of being shot?

If you keep running into the same dream night after night then I have a message for you. Being shot in dreams more than once in the same year can indicate there are problems faced in real life over and over again, your dreams will recur. Recurring is when your subconscious gets stuck and keeps repeating the same old dreams as you have the same old problems. The problems could be resurfacing over and over again in waking life. Most recurring dreams end in disappointment. Your dreams of being shot portray you as stuck, trapped, and stuck. Something needs to change in your life.

Summary of a dream of being shot

In conclusion, dreams about being shot can often be a rather concerning dream, as I’ve mentioned a number of times during this dream interpretation. In dream psychology terms the gun itself is a representation of passion as a symbolism. Additionally, being shot can also represent aggressiveness. The way our brain interprets information in daily life can also affect dreams of being shot. If you were killed due to the gunshot in a dream, this could symbolize repressed feelings that other people are causing you pain. I am sorry you had this dream. If there is something I have not covered then please leave me a comment below.

My advice from this dream is to take care of your body, and giving up on what's not important, this is not difficult to do. Although they may seem simple life changes, when you take a closer look, these are significant changes in your routine, behavior, and habits. I want to return to my original point of this dream which is about control and dodging something difficult in life. If you dream of being shot at and dying it can signal transformation, much like the death card in the tarot deck. Not everyone can decide to make a change in their lives. The most obvious example of this is how many of us are just too busy to take action. One of the important things about this dream is that your spirit guides are supporting you by sending you this dream.

Research Sources:

  • (WISQARS). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control; 2018.
  • Wintemute GJ. The epidemiology of firearm violence in the twenty-first century United States. Annu Rev Public Health 2015;36:5-19.
  • Nelson DE, Grant-Worley JA, Powell K, Mercy J, Holtzman D. Population estimates of household firearm storage practices and firearm carrying in Oregon. JAMA 1996;275:1744-8.
  • Nordstrom DL, Zwerling C, Stromquist AM, Burmeister LF, Merchant JA. Rural population survey of behavioral and demographic risk factors for loaded firearms. Inj Prev 2001;7:112-6.
  • https://health.ucdavis.edu/what-you-can-do/facts.html
  • Horton CL (2020) Key Concepts in Dream Research:Cognition and Consciousness Are Inherently Linked, but Do No Not Control Paper

Author - Flo Saul

I'm Flo, a medium and have been writing, researching and studying dreams for 25 years, I am here to help you decode your dream of being shot.

Updated May 22nd 2022

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