3 時に起きるという聖書の意味を理解するには、聖書に目を向ける必要があります。
サブナンバーコードがあるという点で、聖書には非常に特別なものがあります。聖書の数字によると、これは私たちのライフスタイルに関係していると思われます。もう1つの考慮事項は、Micheal、Gabriel、およびLuciferの3人の天使がいて、聖書にはこれら3人の天使が言及されているということですが、もちろん、複数の天使がいることはわかっています.なぜ3人だけなのでしょうか?それはエルサレムの城壁の外にあるとても寂しい丘でした。エルサレム郊外の丘はカーベリーと呼ばれ、人間と神との重要な出会いの場所でした。そのギリシャ名はクラニオンとして知られ、数値は 301 です。3:01 の時間を見ると、これは神が天を見て、それが終わったと言いました、そしてそれは月が食を始めた時です。神のタイミングに間違いはなく、旧約聖書の月という言葉はゲマトリアと呼ばれ、これも3:01です。聖書の中で、神が月を形成し、3:01 にカルバリー (301) と呼ばれる丘の近くで地球を囲む軌道に乗せたと読んでいます。これは、司祭が子羊を殺していた正確な時間であり、ヘブライ語の子羊という言葉の数値は301です.しかし、それはどういう意味ですか?
午前 3 時に起きることの聖書的意味
イエスが亡くなった時間も見ると、これは前に述べたように、月食 (301) の午後 3 時でした。一部の人々は、神が私たちとつながる時間であると信じています。特にこれは、私たちが眠っている時間です。魔術では、午前 3 時は生と死の間の移行が非常に薄い時間と見なされます。また、聖書全体で 3 という数字への幅広い言及があります。たとえば、イエスは復活の 3 日前にチームにいました。ペテロは、「今日、雄鶏が鳴く前に、あなたは私を 3 回勘当するでしょう」という箇所を 3 回言われました。 .実際、私はそれについてそれ以上何も考えていませんでした。その後、私の人生のストレス、他の人のニーズ、またはミディアムシップの要件に応じて、午前3時に目が覚める機会が徐々に増え、私は調査を開始し、あなたと私が目を覚ます理由を理解しようとしました.真夜中 - スピリチュアルな観点から。それから、私が人生の反対側で最初にスピリチュアルな旅を始めたとき、30 年前の 10 歳のときのことを思い出しました。毎朝 3 時頃に目が覚めました。実際、「精神的に気づいている」人は皆、早い時間に目覚める傾向があります。そうです、あなたがぐっすり眠っているとき、スピリットはあなたを目覚めさせます。聖書的には、これは神があなたとつながることになっているときです.
神は午前 3 時にあなたに話しかけようとしています
なぜ午前 3 時に起きているのですか?
午前 3 時または午前 0 時に目が覚める理由を理解するには、人生の「精神的な側面」だけでなく、私たちが体で生成するエネルギーと、これが日常生活で何を意味するかを確認する必要があります。私たちが眠っているとき、私たちは神からのメッセージを受け取ります。これは私たちのエネルギーの 1 つです。結局のところ、私たちの体はエネルギー場でいっぱいです。禅仏教に目を向けると、暗闇と人体の間に関係があるとすれば、これは目覚めていることと精神との関係です。目覚めの夜の出来事は、私たちに人生のより深い見通しをもたらします。 The inky blackness of the sky is normally a time when we think about all the elements that we need to - job, relationships, health, family, and wealth. Many people, like you, do will wake in the middle of the night and be unable to get back to sleep. Perhaps you are surfing Google or worrying about how to pay the bills.
Are you hot at 3 am?
Normally, I wake up around 3 but sometimes 4 and if I wake up at 5 am I normally stay up. Yes, this happens most nights. The thing that struck me was the immense amount of heat that I feel. I wake in a sweat, boiling hot, and have to walk around for a while or even go outside. Now, this has been going on for around twenty years. The most important element that we need to take away from this is the fact that between the hours of 3 am and 5 am in the morning the spiritual reality is at its thinnest. We often hear about this on Halloween night. this is when spirit connects to and provides you with certain clues, ideas and ultimately messages. Yes, it is important you got to listen to any messages that come through during this time. You may not think very much of this the fact that you are hot or sweating might just put down to an illness the heat is the fact you are "communicating" with the above, yes, spiritually you are connecting with a different dimension. In order to understand what these messages are it takes some work and time.
What does it mean to wake up at different times in the night?
Do you feel the world is sleeping, but you are awake? The world is dark and every so often you hear the odd car whizz by. You want to go back to sleep but you can’t. It is true to say that we all wake up a little bit in the night as we are focused on the different sleep cycles. Sometimes we wake when our temperature is too hot, but do we naturally wake up at this time? So you are wondering what on earth it actually means! Well look no further, we will review why you are waking up in these early hours spiritually. Yes, it is not a coincidence. When I was developing my medium skills, something would go wrong with this website I would without fail wake in the night. Immediately, at 3-4 am I would have to write about a certain topic, add more content, or sort out errors or whatever else was needed to keep the site. In fact, my best work was at 3 am in the morning. The spooky and somewhat creepy thing was that I would wake up at 3 am every morning, on the dot, without a doubt. In fact, it got so regular that I would plan it, I would go to sleep at 8-9 pm to wake up at 3 am then back to sleep between 5-6 am. What a hassle I thought. Why could I not just sleep through the night like everyone else?
What is the biblical advice about waking up at 3 am?
We have seen that biblically number 3 is quite an important number, it provides balance but also there is so many different references to 3:00 within the bible. Firstly, rather than just jump up. and try to use your imagination in order to create calmness. You need to work yourself into a phase of visualization, that you feel not only protected but also comfortable. The way that I often deal with these nightly wake-ups is to imagine a temple, a place in nature alternatively a castle. This is a place where both our physical and spiritual paths meet. You can use anything in your mind when the thinning of the veils between our waking world spiritual world unite. This is a place where the spirit can talk to you under their own terms. The only way to focus on this is to develop your mind and strength. Make sure that you are not disturbed and set the atmosphere in your mind in order to focus on what they want to communicate. Close your eyes and try to relax and focus on your breathing. As you relax try to draw all your energies and create a sense of peace internally. As it is very dark it will be easy to do this. As you breathe deeply you will see a soft and gentle light that will shine with brilliance. Once a spirit has connected with you try to write down any messages or thoughts that you encountered. Once you have received the message then try to go back to sleep.
Now, the other area I want to cover is that it is important to say that at night we have nothing to distract us. We are what is known as “protected” the troubles are not protected. The light cannot hide away our energy or our troubles. Sometimes I used to try to stay awake as long as I could at night so that I was exhausted and could then fall into a sleep and actually sleep past the 3 am time bomb! Now, spiritually, to wake up between the hours of 1 am and 5 am is known as waking up on the “hour of the wolf” which yes, places the creepy werewolf in your mind. This “hour of the wolf” is known as the hour when people pass onto the other side, the sleepless night can be disturbing. So what about research? Research shows that the hours between 3 am and 5 am this is connected to when we are most vulnerable in life. This is when the army or special forces attack others, or alternatively in war, the enemy is least likely to attack. We believe that waking in the night is not natural. Let’s review babies, they often wake in the night for a feed. What about the studies? Dr. Thomas Wehr studied many subjects that awoke in the night. So did cavemen sleep more than we do, did they sleep better for example, and due to our artificial light and the modern world is this why we wake up in the middle of the night?
The study by Dr. Thomas Wehr concluded that our rhythms of sleep have changed. Modern humans sleep on average seven to eight hours a night and this may be due to artificial lighting. This has resulted in us becoming sleep-deprived. He did a study and removed lighting from one group and the other group carried on as normal. What was strange was the difference between the two. Those people that had been subjected to artificial light normally woke up in the night, after approximately four hours of sleep. The study found that the hormone called “prolactin” was high in the bodies of those that did awake in the night. This is the same hormone that keeps the birds sitting on their eggs and helps animals rest.
So, tomorrow night, make sure you do not check your phone, go on your laptop or iPad and you may have a more sound night's sleep. Removing electronic devices will have an effect on your sleep pattern. Going back into the spiritual side of waking in the night we need to review the ancient Hindu text known as the Mandukya Upanishad. This text basically looked at the consciousness of being asleep and why we awake. It was believed that waking in the night was a transcendent state that makes our spirit fall into the unknown. So, when we sleep we wake up open to spiritual contact.
Do we always need eight hours of interrupted sleep? It’s just not true. So, as I said, if you wake in the middle of the night, get out of bed. Try to uncover the mystery of your life, take some time to meditate, and celebrate your solitude!