ドアは、2 つの道を隔てる女性的なシンボルです。それらは保護と避難所の象徴でもあります。私は人々が私に送ったほとんどの夢を以下に取り上げましたが、あなたの夢がカバーされていない場合は、Facebookのメッセージを残してください.私の名前はフローです。あなたの夢の中のドアの象徴に立ち向かいます。また、ドアが小さい場合、職場での昇進など、人生で失われた機会を表すこともあります。施錠されたドアは、手の届かない目標や陰口のうわさ話の象徴となる可能性があります。ただし、ドアが開いているということは、あなたの願いがすぐに叶う可能性があることを意味します。夢の中のドアは、危害や損害を意味する可能性があります。建物、おそらくあなたの家の中にドアが見える場合、これは、この世界でのあなたの成長を制限する障壁があることを示しています.ドアがロックされている場合、これは、手の届かない可能性のある目標を達成しようとしていることを象徴しています。将来的に競合が発生する可能性があります。
開いたドアは、人生の新しいスタートまたは新しいアプローチについてです。夢の中でドアが開いているのを見ることは、人生のつながりに関連しています。 2 つのパスを接続します。ギリシャ悲劇では、ドアは家と家族に関連しており、正面玄関はおもてなしに関連しています。扉が開くことは、「人生の道が開ける」ことにつながると私は考えています。今後も機会やつながりがあるかもしれません。開いたドアは、人生のキャリアにおける重要なイベントについての決定に関する選択を表している場合もあれば、人生の新しい段階の組み合わせを表している場合もあると言えます。古い夢の伝承では、ドアが開いているということは、願いが叶い、運命が前向きになることを意味しますが、ゲストを迎えることもできます。開いたドアは、人生のパートナーとの調和も意味します。夢の中でドアを開けている場合は、職場で新しい人に会ったり、秘密を発見したりするかもしれません。ドアが開いているということは、近いうちに遭遇する可能性のある新しいスピリチュアルな道を指している可能性もあります。ドアとは、このスピリチュアルな道に携わる場合に享受できる開放性を指します。開いたドアがきしむ場合、それは戦いと不運を象徴する可能性があります.
10 年前、私が初めてウェブサイトを立ち上げたとき、ある素敵な女性からメールがありました。これは、ドアを壊そうとしている斧男について彼女が見続けた恐ろしい夢でした。彼女はこれらの悪夢を見続けました。彼女の人生に関連するシンボルを調べた後、この夢は彼女自身の内面の攻撃についてのものであることが明らかになりました.彼女は進歩があまりうまくいっておらず、彼女のキャリアの管理レベルでブロックされているように見えました.ドアは、彼女が逃していた機会を表していました。彼女は後で私にメールをして、実際に新しい仕事を見つけたと言った。ここで言いたいのは、壊れたドアはチャンスを逃し、人生のある面で将来への移行を妨げる可能性があるということです。夢の中でドアが壊れた場合は、率先して行動する必要があるかもしれません。私にとって、この夢は新たなスタートを意味します。
スピリチュアル的に言えば、ガラスや鏡のドアは水のエレメントとつながっています。大規模なオフィス ビルでは、ワードローブのミラー ドアやガラス ドアをよく見かけます。ガラスはあなたとあなたが設定した目標を反映しています。夢の中のガラスのシースルードアは、中国の夢文化で幸運と幸運を表しています。あなたが夢の中で回転ドアで立ち往生している場合、これは目覚めている生活にブロックされている可能性があります.あなたが見ることができるドアは、私たちの人生の努力においてマインドフルでスピリチュアルであることを思い出させてくれます.
What does a car door in a dream mean?
Car doors in dreams are associated with going somewhere or a journey into the unknown. If you cannot open the car door in your dream then this implies you are trying to move forward in life you will find it difficult to focus. It may be that you need to turn your bedroom into a haven of relaxation, that you are hearing car doors outside which is initially creating symbolism is in your mind. A frozen car door in a dream from my research implies that you feel an outsider at work. Car doors as I've already outlined indicate you want to embark on a journey perhaps changing the way you think or feel in order to take on life’s problems. If you are unable to unlock car doors in your dream then this can signify roadblocks in regards to focusing future. A dent in a car door indicates an awakener spiritually. Someone or something has dented your ego.
What is knocking on a door in a dream mean?
I spent quite some time researching this dream meaning. The knocking on doors in a dream is quite an interesting symbolism. If somebody is actually knocking on your door then this can signify that there is a possible opportunity that might not be obvious. Knocking on the door in a dream also suggests a period relaxation is needed in order for you to control the future. Try to understand any problems can come your way. It is also possible that the locking of the car door is associated with spiritual protection. If the car is jammed this can imply that something may break up.
What is the color meaning of doors in your dream?
Spiritually, doors represent our own passage in life. If you can observe the color of the door and this is quite important. If the door is red then this is a positive omen, if we turn to feng shui the red door is associated with opening our own energy. Many Catholic churches also have a red door which is connected to sacrificing Jesus on the cross. The red door in this respect is associated with rebirth blood.
1930’s dream interpretation:
If you are being chased and you shut the door behind whatever or whoever is chasing you, it could foretell that you are going to encounter a protective individual in the near future. If you hear somebody knocking or ringing the doorbell, you will be asked to comment on a situation which is out of your control, or you will receive unexpected news. A ringing doorbell could foretell that you will meet some shady people. If you are knocking at a door, you are wise in taking good care of your love life. Spiritually if the door is orange it is connected to Mercury and communication, work, movement intelligence and also flexibility.
If in the dream the door of your house is burning, a person you know could die. The house’s main door on fire is a sign of death. If the door fell on the ground, it represents moral damage. In older dream lore a closed door means you may disappoint your partner, or you could be disappointed by him or her. If you are closing the door, a small loss or something unpleasant can occur. If you are behind the door, you may encounter some difficulty in solving issues. If you strongly shut the door behind you, there will be some gossip in regards to your private life. Shutting the door also means that you have decided to ignore gossip and not get affected by it.
If in your dream you are applying lacquer on a door, it means that you have great control over events in your life and great responsibility. The lacquer color matters too. A light color lacquer means you will enjoy respect from others. Darker color means you may have a hard time being accepted by people around you. If a door is covered with shutters, it means that you will have financial gain soon. The front door of a house in a dream refers to good fortune in love. If the door is stolen or broken, your life partner may get sick. If the door is half-open, you will have good and pleasant love relationships.
What does a backdoor in a dream mean?
The backdoor in dreams symbolizes problems that you try to avoid in ancient dream lore. Maybe you are confronting problems on your own and refuse help. According to dream psychology, you might be facing some negative situation that makes you want to leave and walk away forever. Of course, you will be using the back door of your home (if you have one as not all homes have a backdoor). Your dream also reflects your ability to find the fast and optimal solution to every problem. So, in summary, the back door is like the hidden passage in life and that you wish to remove yourself from existing problems.
What does a red door in a dream mean?
To dream about red door means you’re holding either passion or aggression inside. Red doors in homes throughout the country is popular. Often, people paint their doors red before selling a property as a red door is suppose to attract a sale. Additionally, the red door in older dream lore indicates acting cold and you won’t let that anger or passion materialize. If you open the red door in a dream, it signifies that you’re ready to confront your emotions.
What does a blue door in a dream mean?
To dream of a blue door signifies a change to make things right. The blue door symbolizes the transition period you’re going through. Most dreamers find the blue color as a spiritual color that represents heaven, peace, truth, intuition, and ocean. Thus, to dream of a blue door also indicates a wish to go on a vacation for life.
What does a white door in a dream mean?
A white door in your dream is associated with the moon. The white door serves as a gateway to your deepest emotions, childhood dreams and the purest part of your soul that remains untouched. The white color represents feminine power, purity, cleanliness. To dream of the white door means you will finally find your inner peace.
What do small doorways in a dream mean?
Small doors always remind me of the film Alice in Wonderland. To dream of small doorways suggests that you’re hiding your potential and you underestimate your skills. You will have to confront someone below your level of knowledge, social status, and class. You’ll find yourself in an unpleasant situation if you cannot go into the small door.
What does dreaming of opening a door mean?
To dream of opening a door means you will finally come to your senses and show the world what you can do. If you have been living with self-doubt and low confidence for too long, the time has come. The opening of a door in your dream represents new opportunities. These may be created by yourself. Opening doors in a dream with a key suggests many options are waiting for you.
What does dreaming of closing a door mean?
To close a door in your dream has a transparent meaning – you’re closing a chapter in your book of life. I like to say “book of life” as we all lead on a path. This dream implies that you might reject a person or business offer. Think twice before you do that, so you don’t regret your actions in the future.
What is the dream interpretation of multiple doors?
If there are multiple doors in your dream, it denotes options you have in waking life, especially when it comes to love. The multiple doors also denote opportunities coming on your way. Choose wisely – only one leads to success.
What does a broken door mean in a dream?
A broken door in your dream symbolizes detachments, revealed secrets, depression and bizarre events. To see a broken door also denotes misfortune.
What is the meaning of a door in the bible?
The biblical meaning of doors is associated with heaven. They’re mentioned in connection with the God’s temple (1 Kings 6:34). Also, in (John 10:1,2,7) it says that Christ is the door that are connected to the gospel ministry. In my research, the door’s spiritual meaning is related to self-awareness and the ability to make the right thing or ‘open/close the right and wrong doors’ in life. Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of a door:Angry.開ける。 Closed off. Locked out. Secluded.混乱している。 1人。制御されます。野生。 Secluded. Expected.
In your dream you may have:
- Seen a door.
- Seen a closed or open door.
- Seen a locked door.
- Been behind a door inside a house.
- Seen an outdoors door or gate.
- Shut the door behind you.
- Heard a knocking at a door.
- Heard a squeaking door.
Positive changes are afoot if:
- You open the door.
- There is a great opportunity behind the door in your dream.
- The door safely excludes intruders.
- You feel safe behind the door.
- A lover waits for you behind the door.