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コウモリは、人生における私たちの美しいスピリチュアルな旅の象徴です。もちろん、私たちは皆、人生のさまざまな道に私たちを引き寄せるスピリチュアルなナビゲーション システムを持っています。精神的なつながりを無視する人もいれば、他の人を助けるために自分の考えやプロセスを見つけたり、物質的な利益を求めて努力したりする人もいます.コウモリは、より深いスピリチュアルな意味を見つけようと努力するために、私たちの生活に光を満たす必要があることを思い出させる夢のシンボルです。コウモリに関するあなたの具体的なスピリチュアルなメッセージについては、YouTube にビデオを投稿しました (下にスクロール)。ここで見つけることができます。




コウモリは通常、直感と感覚に大きく依存しているため、コウモリに関する夢が人間の直感に大きく関係しているもう 1 つの理由です。ほとんどの場合、コウモリは逆さまにぶら下がっています。誰かが別の視点から物事を見ている可能性があると考えられています。コウモリに関連するさまざまな象徴があります。たとえば、世界を救おうとするスーパーヒーローのバットマンを考えてみてください。コウモリは象徴的に、過去を脱ぎ捨て、予期せぬ変化や人生で起こる新しいことを受け入れることを示している可能性があります.直感だけでなく、内なる深い感情が隠されていることの象徴でもあります。


  • 飛んでいるコウモリを見た - 人生の光と進歩を見つけてください
  • コウモリに襲われた - 負のエネルギーがあなたを取り囲んでおり、シャドー ワークを行う必要があります
  • 暗闇の中でたくさんのコウモリを見た - 敵や煩わしさを取り除くか、精神的に光に向かって移動する可能性があることを示す健全な兆候
  • 家でコウモリを見た - これはあなた自身の内部エネルギー経路に接続されています
  • スーパーヒーローのバット - 過去の問題を捨てる
  • さまざまな色のコウモリ - 色はあなたのチャクラとエゴを表しています
  • 逆さまにぶら下がっているコウモリを見た - あなたの視点は本来あるべきものとは反対です
  • コウモリの夢を繰り返し見る - 夢のメッセージに耳を傾ける
  • コウモリのコロニーや蔓延についての夢 - コウモリのコロニーや蔓延に関する夢は、あなたの内なる社交界とつながっています
  • コウモリの夢の聖書的意味
  • 友好的で穏やかなコウモリの夢
  • コウモリが死んだ夢、コウモリがあなたの上空を飛んでいる夢、コウモリがあなたを追いかけている夢など!下にスクロールします。


  • コウモリ (動物) は友好的で、邪魔になりませんでした。
  • コウモリ (動物) は、あなたに危害を加えたり攻撃したりしませんでした。
  • コウモリ (動物) は昼間に眠っているように見えた.
  • バット (スポーツ用品) は親善試合で使用されました。


コウモリは夜行性であり、これは夢の解釈に関して興味深い特徴です。彼らは、アクロバティックな動きで自分の翼を制御できる唯一の哺乳類です。先に述べたように、コウモリは盲目ではなく、目が小さく、真っ暗闇でも見ることができます。 「コウモリのように盲目」という用語は、目の前にあるものが見えないことを表すためによく使用されます。興味深いことに、これはこの夢のスピリチュアルな解釈にも使用できます。コウモリは、霊界のベールの後ろに隠れている秘密の戦士です。私たちの多くは、自分が間違っていることもあることを知っています。コウモリは、自分自身をどのように表現しているかを理解できない場合がある象徴です。







コウモリに襲われる夢を見るのは、そのような攻撃の夢を見たとき、私たちの周りにいる人々に気を配るサインです。コウモリを攻撃するという常に人気のある夢に対応するものには、いくつかの肯定的な側面があります。コウモリは、暗闇の中を歩き回ってはならないモーニング コールです。夢の中でコウモリが怖がっている場合は、実生活でコウモリを怖がっている可能性があります。実際、「カイロプトフォビア」として知られる恐怖症があります.紀元前2,000年頃のマヤ文明では、コウモリは知られていると信じられていました.蝙蝠神の死として。これは多くのアートワークで見られ、現時点では、コウモリは死と気晴らしに関連していると考えられていました.コウモリは暗い影に住んでおり、これはあなたの心が人生をどのように見ているかを反映しています.



コウモリは空を飛ぶ唯一の哺乳類であり、非常に多くの種があります。コウモリはハチほど小さく、小さな猫ほど大きくなります。たとえば、オオコウモリの翼幅は 2 メートルです。 1匹のコウモリが飛んでいる様子は何か難しいことを連想させ、翼は感情の風を表しています。コウモリが制御不能に飛んでいるのを見ることは、あなたの精神的なコントロールと、物事を前進させる方法に関係しています。さまざまな小さな障害に遭遇する準備ができている必要があります。コウモリのサイズについても考えてみてください。コウモリが巨大で飛んでいた場合、これは精神的により高いレベルで自分の感情とつながる必要があることを示しています。




聖書は私たちの夢を理解するための素晴らしいリソースです。ヘブライ語のレビ記 11 章 19 節は、「暗闇の中を飛んでいる」ことを示しています。コウモリが洞窟や荒れ果てた地域を飛ぶとき (イザヤ 2:20 を参照)、コウモリは何らかの形で荒廃したり不安を感じたりすることに関連しています。聖書はこうもりを汚れたものと呼んでいます。ほとんどの場合、コウモリは暗闇、死、否定性、穢れ、汚れ、孤立と関連しています。そのため、コウモリの夢を見ることは聖書的に否定的な意味を持つ夢であると考えられています.






メガビットは最大 5 フィート 6 の翼幅を持つことができます。オオコウモリやオオコウモリは大きく、南アジアに住んでいます。一部の人々は、メガビットが現実のものであるとさえ信じていません。大きなコウモリの夢は、あなたが無視している課題があることを示している可能性があります。夢に出てきた大きなコウモリが家の中を飛び回っていたら、家族の悲しみを表している可能性があります。そのような夢では、あなたの家にある敵対的な環境、家族のメンバーの間にある可能性があり、消散するのが難しいかもしれない緊張を予告しています.


コロニーとは、コウモリが出産するときに住む場所を指します。コロニーは通常、洞窟の中にありますが、夢の中では、複数のコウモリがどこにでも現れる可能性があります。最大のコロニーはテキサス州の「ワラビの洞窟」として知られており、推定 1,500 万匹のコウモリが生息しています。想像してみてください。コウモリは一定の体温を維持する必要があるため、巨大なコロニーでねぐらを作ることがよくあります。こんなに大きなコロニーでねぐらを作るのは、保温のためです。コウモリが大量にいることの象徴的な意味を考えてみましょう。明らかに、これまで何度も言ってきたように、コウモリは暗い考えや人生の困難から離れることを示しています。



何かがうまくいかず、痛みを感じたときは、自分自身を取り戻そうとすることが重要です.コウモリは、自分が間違っていると認識したときに現れることがよくあります。信念や悩みを共有していると、コウモリの夢が現れることがあります。コウモリはトンネル ビジョンを持っており、象徴的に夢の中でコウモリが私たちを攻撃している場合、人生の特定の状況を受け入れたくないことを示している可能性があることを忘れないでください。これは故意の失明である可能性があります。コウモリが人間ほどよく見えないという事実は、あなたの潜在意識の状態である可能性があります.あなたは盲目で人生を歩んでいる可能性があり、内なるより高い精神的な力に気づいていません.夢のより肯定的な側面では、コウモリは不可能と偏見の欠如を象徴する可能性もあります.コウモリのシンボルは、自分が人生のどこにいるのかについて、自分自身に正直であるよう努める必要があることを示しています。

コウモリの夢は、内容によってポジティブにもネガティブにもなり得ます。たとえば、中国の神話では、コウモリは長寿に関連しており、コウモリも食べるため (最初の covid-19 発生説を覚えていますか?)、スピリチュアルな観点から、コウモリは呼吸と手放しに関連付けられています。


    コウモリはスピリチュアルな発達の良い兆候と考えられており、ポジティブなスピリチュアルな象徴と考えられています.必要なのは、この夢を経験した後、自分の人生の発展に深く飛び込んでいるということだけです。コウモリは主に暗い城、暗い場所、放棄された大邸宅、暗い物語、秘密、謎、そして絶望に関連付けられています.はい、それは本当だ。コウモリは、ほとんどすべての民話でブギーマンとして知られており、暗闇、悪役、恐怖に関連しています。コウモリは、世界中のさまざまな文化システムで異なる方法で描かれる傾向があります.一部の人々にとって、コウモリは善良で神のようなものです(中国の文化) 一方、他の人々にとっては、コウモリは病気の媒介者と呼ばれます。西洋人にとって、コウモリは悪魔と結びついています。ビクトリア朝のゴスの小説に加えて、ブラム ストーカーのドラキュラのような物語は、ほとんどの文化でコウモリが悪い兆候と見なされていることをさらに示唆しています。コウモリは、ご想像のとおり、神話からかけ離れていることが知られています。コウモリの夢を見ることは、非常に刺激的で興味深いものです。








    妊娠中、私たちは鮮やかな夢を見ているようです。赤ちゃんを産むとき、私たちは多くの意識的および無意識的な状況を処理します.私たちはまた、赤ちゃんが健康であるという恐れを抱いており、これが親の心配の始まりです - 良くならないことを信じてください.妊娠中にコウモリを夢見ると、実際の妊娠自体に対するあなた自身の恐怖や感情に光を当てることができます.母親になるとき、24時間年中無休で赤ちゃんのことを考えていることは誰もが知っています。これは当然のことです。
















    あなたの周りで何が起こっているのかを見ることができないことに気づいたら、それを警告として受け取ってください. 「コウモリのように盲目」という用語は、人生で見なければならないものを見ないことに関連していることがよくあります。人生で問題が発生した場合に備えて、注意を払う必要があることを示しています。人生で目隠しをすることもありますが、この夢は、自分の目から自然に隠されている事実を見つけようとすることに関連している可能性があります。


    ブッダはすべての動物を彼に召喚し、12 匹だけが現れました。最初の 1 匹はネズミでした。したがって、彼はラットに最初の年を与えました。ネズミとコウモリが夢に現れた場合、ネズミの特性の属性を考慮する必要があります。もっと適応力が必要ですか?また、ラットは非常に社交的であり、あなたが人生で誇りに思っていないことをしたことを表すことができます.





    夢の中でコウモリが 1 匹しか見えない場合は、自分自身を調べるのに適した時期かもしれません。夢にコウモリがいることは、悪い習慣を取り除く必要があることを示しています。それはまた、あなたが気づいていないあなたの可能性の呼びかけかもしれません。それとは別に、夢の中でコウモリを見なければならないことは、困った人生の兆候です。しかし、問題はあなたの手の届くところにあるので、あなたは自分でそれを処理します.








    ネイティブ アメリカンの文化によると、コウモリは未知のスピリチュアルな道のガイドです。それは、人の社会生活、内なる直感、知恵、家族の体、そして私たちが人生で他の人とどのようにつながるかを示しています.一般に、アメリカ先住民はコウモリが悪天候を買ったと信じており、コウモリの飛行は直感、能力、積極性、復活の兆候であると考えていました。


    ギリシャ神話によると、コウモリは冥界の象徴的な守護者です。マヤ文化では、コウモリは死の神であると信じられています。コウモリは神聖な生き物と見なされています。ほとんどの場合、コウモリに関する神話の物語は、コウモリが保持する傾向がある暗く、孤独で、夜行性の生活を避けて、善行のメッセージを与えます.同様に、コウモリは永遠の変化、ライフ サイクル、スピリチュアルな力、そして新たな始まりの象徴です。


    西洋の神話 (および民間伝承) では、コウモリは吸血鬼に関連付けられています。イソップ寓話のドラキュラの話は誰もが知っています。コウモリの初期の観察者によると、人間とコウモリの間の類似点、特に人間と同じように乳首で若いコウモリに乳を与えることができる傾向があることが注目されました。コウモリは夜行性であるため、フクロウと同じように超自然的なものと関連付けられるようになりました。ギリシャ神話によると、コウモリは冥界の神であるプルートーの妻にとって神聖なものでした.

    現代の西洋世界には、古い迷信があります。アメリカとイギリスの一部の地域では、コウモリが誰かの家を 3 回往復すると、通常、死が差し迫っていると見なされます。しかし、ふざけて飛んでいるコウモリは、晴天をもたらす縁起の良いものです。 1800 年代のいくつかの迷信では、コウモリの骨をポケットの中に入れて、所有者に危害を加えないようにしていると考えられていました。たとえば、過去のヨーロッパでは、コウモリの右目を見えなくするためにポケットに入れていました。



    Dream about bats crossing your path

    When you dream that bats are flying and bumping into your path, then it is a sign of a close call with danger. You are going to see the danger of being unseen and hugely unexpected. There is a need to watch the hidden dangers which might lurk just around the corner. When bats cross your path in the dream, you will need to take it as a sign of your mind subconsciously figuring out some of the dangers which are hidden. It could be a situation, a person, a place, or a decision that you are making, and thus, a need to be thoughtful regarding it.

    Dream of bats in the dark

    Such a dream shows that there are a lot of things that are happening around you. The darkness featured in your dream is your mind. It could be the expression of your tired or overwhelmed subconscious mind. If the bat tends to be noisy, disturbing, or produce an annoying squeak, it denotes this dream can indicate a feeling of restlessness in waking life.

    Dream of bats in the daylight

    If you had a dream of bats that are flying in broad daylight, it could be a sign that you require to take steps in the hard times which are currently ongoing. In most cases, bats are considered to be active during the night.

    So when the bats fly in your dream during daylight, it is suggestive of taking a step in a situation that is unfavorable. It shows that you could require moving out of your comfort zone in the coming days. With that, move, it might take you to the place that you would find to finally be comfortable.

    Bats flying during the day in broad daylight suggest that you have to move forward in tough times. There is a situation that is going to force you to move under tough circumstances. But, you have to keep moving so that you get into your comfort zone.

    Dreaming about sleeping bats

    When bats are sleeping in your dream, it is quite common. In most cases, it is considered to be a negative sign. It means that there is something wrong that is likely to happen in your life in case you continue to be ignorant about it. It can be an indication that you are currently turning your eyes blind to things that require urgent attention from you. Thus, it could be time to rethink your situation and make a move.

    Dream about vampire bats

    Vampires are normally regarded to suck blood from people. Blood is a sign of positive energy and life. So if you dream about a vampire bat could be indicative that there is someone who is around you that is making your life to be stressful. It can as well be a sign of someone who is taking the wrong advantage.

    For that, you will require to try and be careful regarding whom you need to believe in. You have to take the hint and closely evaluate the relationship that you have with others. It could be in terms of your professional life, personal life, or the life of someone close to you.

    Dreaming about a bat looking into your window

    It might feel to be a bit uncomfortable or intriguing to have a dream like that. It is a dream that shows that there is someone who is keeping an eye on you. Or it could be someone who is from a life experience that is different or another world, who is present in your current life. Whichever way, you will have to look around you to be able to have a better picture of your situation.

    Dreams about baby bats

    To dream about baby bats is mostly a positive dream. Baby bats are known as pups and normally born in a colony. Bats only normally have one or two pups each year and bats care deeply about their young. They are born hairless, blind, and are fully dependent on their mother. The bat colony could be a maternity colony. The baby bat holds onto its mother until it can fly. Bats carry diseases remember. To see a baby bat in your dream is suggestive that you have to work on your personal growth as well as your self-improvement.

    Baby bats are symbolic of your talents which are hidden and your spiritual or psychic abilities. You tend to have the abilities which are required for success and growth. All you require is to take the needed baby steps to be able to grow the abilities further.  You could currently be feeling that you have reached your end of the path as far as self-improvement is concerned, which is not true. There happen to still be flaws in you that are required to be fixed. It is the right time to start your self-evaluation process. Make a great effort for self-improvement. Work on your hidden psychic and spiritual capabilities.

    Dreams about pet bats or friendly bats

    Bats have a lifespan of 25 years. If you are held captive you have no voice, you cannot speak the language and you cannot escape. You have nothing to do and this is what it must feel like in captivity, as the bat has lost control of being in its natural habitat. Bats cannot be domesticated in any way. Therefore if you dream of having a pet bat it could indicate that you feel you want to accept the shadow within you and work with this. A dream of a friendly bat in old folklore denotes that you require taking a bold step, owning things, roles, or people, also, embrace the unknown and the unfamiliar. You can be able to overcome your fears of the unseen at the moment. All you require is determination, hard work, and self-belief.

    Dreaming about catching a bat

    To catch a bat in your dream is a positive sign. It shows that you will be able to focus on the positive rather than dwell on the negativity that is in your life. On another level, the dream, in my experience can also indicate growth or evolving change. In addition, there is an archetypal aspect around the experience of trying to catch the bat.  It can be in reflection with a  solution of a problem, an enemy, finding the cause of any annoyance, and working on a solution.

    Dreams about having bat wings

    Bat wings are made of two layers of skin the bat wings go all the way around the body and down the side of the legs. The structure of the bat wings could differ in your dream, as bats use their wings for feeling a dream of having bats wings can suggest you will "rise" up in the feelings you have in life. A dream that you see yourself with bat wings could suggest that you need to force through a change in your life. It could show that you need to make some hard decisions to rise above everything in life. It also demonstrates that you might have to focus on your own intuition especially if you are having emotional, personal, or external conflicts.

    To turn into a bat in your dream

    Transformation is the key message of this dream. It is something that sounds quite terrible. But, if you happen to have a dream of being a bat or marrying a bat, then you need not worry as it is a sign that you are going to meet someone who is quite amazing in your waking life. There is a new lover that is coming your way.

    Dreams about eating a bat

    We all know that the Chinese have a habit of eating wildlife, including rats. It is believed that covid-19 came from bat soup with no conclusive evidence. Did you actually taste the bat? Eating in dreams is symbolic of a metaphor of the bat dream. It could be the words you have said recently or the projection you are giving. Perhaps the dream relates to you evolving or changing in some way. How the bat tasted is also a clue. If you cannot remember how the bat tasted then this dream on some level is a symbol of the fact that you need to change your spiritual perspective.
    When you dream about eating bats in folklore it is a premonition for naivete and vulnerability. 
    The dream is symbolic of self-discipline. And your judgment at the moment happens to be clouded.

    To eat bats in the dream is symbolic of your acceptance of the consequences that come with your actions. It can point to you being possessive.

    To see others eat bats in dreams means your emotions could be keeping you from being able to act on your impulse and there is no need to fret. It is possible to start learning how to love your downtime - chill out and relax.

    Dreams about a bat poop

    To encounter or deal with bat poop in your dream is related to losing money or profits or gains in olden folklore. The dream signifies that you are having the power of using illegal gains for your good. It is a sign you should consider reinvesting the gains back to the people that matter. It could as well be associated with negative emotions and feelings.  It could be an indication of help for you to come out of a moral dilemma, often bird poo in superstitions times was a positive dream, to dream of being covered in bat poop can indicate great luck.

    Dreams of bats in your bedroom

    A bat appearing in the bedroom in your dream could show that you are rapidly leaving a situation. Is there a problem in walking life disturbing you? To dream of bats near your bed can indicate the instability and restlessness that you have in your life. The bedroom is where we all feel calm, therefore it is a message for you to acknowledge your emotions instead of having to ignore them. It might help you to point out the cause of your current anxieties and find a solution.

    Dreaming about a red bat

    Bats that are red in dreams indicate tempers going out of control. Such a dream is a sign that you might end up in conflict. That said, you are soon likely to encounter conflict with another if you see the red bat in your dream flying. And thus, it could require that you try to have self-control in situations that are extreme in handling these better.

    Dreams of bats on your head or in hair

    Having bats in your hair or head is a sign of overthinking and someone is attacking you - which could be burdening you. It shows your mental and emotional burdens as well as a sign of distress in your life. It can mean that you must stop being so hard on yourself. There is a need to free yourself from your self-made cage.

    A dream where the bat entangled in your hair

    Did your dream involve you seeing a bat rushing towards you and getting entangled in your hair? I've had this dream and it can be frightening. Spiritual speaking, it could be an indicator that there are problems in your mind. The enemy always tries to attack our minds and this can cause hidden unrest or fear which can make you feel like you are stuck in a particular situation. You will overcome the attack if you stay focused.

    Dreams of bats sitting on you

    A dream where the bats are sitting on your shoulders or on you in general - means that someone could be causing gossip in your life. It could be both unknowingly and knowingly. So you require rethinking before making your actions and decisions. You don’t need to take any decision impulsively is the message of this dream. To see a bat sitting on you or near you can indicate other people talking.

    Dreams of talking bat

    A talking bat in your dream has an interpretation that will depend on what the bat was able to tell you. Generally, it denotes that there is going to be a great change that will happen in your life. You have to prepare yourself for a great change or something very important to you.

    Bats sleeping or hanging on trees in your dream

    Trees are normally linked to stability and positivity, also spiritually grounding. The bat can be the expression of the inner desires that you have. Therefore, such a dream could be suggestive of your need for grounding. And you could be craving stability, warmth, and care. It could be time to stop pretending and embrace what you want in life.

    Large bats in your house in your dream

    Flying foxes are the largest bat along with a megabit, to dream of massive bats in your home can indicate you could be living in a negative environment which could effect members of your family, such a dream can also mean you are going through a hard phase or conflict. It might also represent that negativity is currently filling in your mind.

    Such a dream is a chance for you to start working upon that and to embrace positivity. In the case that the bat appears suddenly in the house in your dream, then it denotes that there is an unlikeable guest that is going to turn up.

    Dreams of bats chasing you

    When you are chased by bats in your dream, it could be quite disturbing. It is an indication of a mixed signal of attraction and fear for letting yourself go in a situation. It shows that you are in possible confusion or dilemma regarding a lover or a decision that needs to be made.  Try to give it some time and you will find peace. But if you feel that in the dream your life is in danger, then it could be foretelling that you have pushed yourself too far in a situation. Try to consider others around you and stop running from fear. Try to face fear itself.

    A black bat attacking someone

    To see a bat attacking another person (maybe someone you know or don’t know) is a warning sign that others may attack you in life. It could indicate that the person being attacked in your dream is going to undergo some problems shortly. If it was a loved one that the bat was attacking can indicate there will be calm after the storm. A dream where you see a bat that attacks someone else while you watch denotes that someone close to you will be needing help in the coming days, often the bat (as I have said before) is connected to our dark thoughts. This dream could mean someone going through an emotionally challenging time.

    Dreaming about a crying bat

    It refers to an expression of the disappointment which you have and that people around you are in an emotional storm. It is a dream that denotes that you could be going through a phase in life that is difficult. To hear the bat cry or in pain during a dream can indicate that you are embarking on a new journey in life - to something more fulfilling.

    A bat hanging from the wall in your dream

    Hanging bats is all about changing your perspective. It is a dream that shows that there is someone in your surrounding who will face problems in your waking life. It can as well show the inner concerns that you might be having or awareness about your surroundings. To see the bat hanging in mid-air is normally a message that you have to listen to your intuitions. Bats do hang themselves upside down when they are resting or sleeping, the dream of a bat that is hanging on a wall could alternatively have a positive interpretation. It is indicative of you going to spend the coming months in your life peacefully, without having any trouble or difficulty but only if you change your perspective.

    Bat nests in your dream

    Dreaming of a bat's nest is a natural indication that a spiritual awakening will happen shortly. This is an exciting time. The feelings you hold in the dream are important. If you feel fear then the bat could be portraying your anger or frustrations towards something new. As we know bats are generally found in dark caves. Thus, seeing a bat that is living in a nest during your sleep is considered unusual. It is indicative of feeling that you are being stuck in a difficult situation. It is clearly a dream that hints at the negative situations or people that could be surrounding you. A nest is home, therefore, it could point to difficulties with family members or problems in life. We can all overcome such problems from a spiritual perspective.

    Dreaming of seeing multiple bats

    To see several bats together in your dream is normally a representation of a change that is coming. A gentle reminder, that in life we don’t intend to change anything, but we discover and recover the lost parts of ourselves.  Such a dream denotes that several changes or a change might occur but more importantly, you are ready for the change. Going back to the fact that the dream spiritually is associated with shadow work, it may mean you need to release all your worries to move forward. The takeaway of this dream is the need for you to be prepared in embracing the new. Also, it could be a warning that you will soon be facing problems in flying and soaring high in life. Alternatively, if the bats within the dream appear to be calm, then it could foretell that you will escape any upcoming or ongoing troubles.

    Nightmares about bats

    If you experienced a nightmare about bats attacking you then this creates the need to focus on protection work. Bats in the waking world can often spark the thought of worry, fear, darkness, silence, mystery, and night in the human's waking life. I also feel this is known as a karmic dream. There is a belief in Buddhism that dreams of karmic nature could reveal the hidden elements that are in your unconscious mind. Although extremely rare, and almost never seen in the daylight, flying bats are generally associated with the negative aspects of the karmic dream in Buddhism.

    When somebody has profound insight then certain dreams (such as bats flying) are likely to happen. At first glance, the dream could be seen as a warning but if we turn to Buddhism the dream is focused on three elements:they believe we have three kinds of dreams known as Karmic. 1) ordinary samsaric nightmares 2) dreams of clarity and 3) clear thinking dreams. In clear thinking dreams, there is somewhat a clear light or awareness. How can these types of dreams translate to your experience of dreaming of a bat and what does it mean in your life?

    Samsaric dreams and nightmares: These are our normal everyday dreams and often occur if you are closed off spiritually they arise from our own spiritual connections or spiritual needs in life. The main Samsaric dream meaning of bats is around projecting our own thoughts around how we connect with our own soul. If you are going through difficulties in your existing life and are unable to see the right path or are at a crossroads in life - then the dream of bats is normally a samsaric dream.   It could signal that you may need to connect to your spirit guides in order to understand what is hiding in the darkness, if you followed the shadow work above it could signal that if you are on a difficult path in waking life you need to unveil what is in your own shadow.

    Dreams of clarity and bats: Bats can provide us with clarity. Remember, they cannot see well, they have small eyes, therefore the images and information that arises in your dream world is important. This dream is teaching you that there is something in our daily lives that needs to be understood. This could be a person or situation that is hiding from you. You know when it is a dream of clarity regarding bats if people are featured in the dream.

    Clear thinking dreams and bats: This is the final type of dream and it normally comes after years of meditation or spiritual development. It could also arise if you are spiritually connected. The actual meaning of the bat will be about spiritual awareness and learning in previous lives. There are karmic traces of the past which is the key reason for the dream. This dream is about traveling to different worlds in the dream state - similar to how the shamans connected to the spiritual planes. The bat is therefore a spiritual animal sending you a message:To see the unknown. Understanding these three types of karmic dreams is important to understand where you are (depending on your spiritual development) and can aid your growth as a human being.

    Dreams about the bats hovering above you

    It is a symbolic dream of your interpersonal relationship with others. It could mean that you have a life that is isolated. Or you could be having a bond with others which is quite unhealthy and this needs to break. There is a need to work upon it for a positive change.

    Dream about bats biting you

    Bats only bite if they are normally provoked. Bats are delicate animals and they control the spread of insects and mosquitoes. Vampire bats feed on blood, the diet is known as hematophagy. All they eat is blood, and this is where the whole notion of vampires has come from. Vampire bats are the only mammal that has evolved to eat blood. What does it mean to dream of bat biting or vampire bats? In shamanic symbolism, the vampire bat was known to be connected to destruction and the dark side of life. Seeing a vampire bat biting you in a dream could be a metaphor for feeling pain or hurting you in some way. Vampires for instance have been associated with bats in folklore. You may have dreamed of a vampire, or something simply sucking your blood. If the bat feeds off your blood, it signifies lacking energy in life, normally spiritual energy. If bitten by a bat this is a sign that your positive energy is getting drained. If the bat bites your neck then this indicates communication problems. For the bat to bite your arm indicates the need to overcome troubled water. To see a bat trying to bite you indicates there might be issues or problems in your professional life.

    Being bitten on the neck by the bat in the dream is symbolic of your relationships, and someone is trying to attack you. If the bite is on the head, it is a sign of problems in your immediate family or among your close friends. A bat bite in a dream experienced on the legs or feet denotes that you need to be aware of toxic people. Dreaming of a bat bite on the arms or hands can indicate that you could have issues at work as the hands relate to how we work in life spiritually.

    Dream about fruit bats

    Fruit bats appearing in the dream is focused on hidden disease. You need to be aware of others that appear to be innocent, although they do not mean any harm directly to you. When you socialize with toxic people, they can end up bringing you difficult circumstances and effect your emotional well-being.

    Dream about a white or albino bat

    To dream of a white bat is a sign that there is someone who is going to challenge you. White spiritually is a sign of peace and contentment. This is a dream with a message that you need to ensure that you remain alert and responsible so that you avoid anything that you might regret. Additionally, a white bat can signal a new start is on the horizon.

    Dreams about grey bats

    Dreaming of grey bats is connected to being unsure about the future. Often, grey in spiritual terms is connected to our inner turmoil and emotions. It is a dream which is associated with your past that could be disturbing your current experiences and traumas. Your emotions that are bottled up might end up haunting you in a hidden way. Thus, having to figure these out and the vent is important for you.

    Dream about a green bat

    Green bats are normally symbolic of self-expression, controlling your emotions and grounding. Green spiritually is connected to the earth and how we focus on building our lives.  Ask yourself expressive you are in communicating with others? It might be a spirit message that you require expressing yourself in a more calming way. Or it could be that you require giving yourself some time to understand others. Seeing bright green bats are connected to improving your skills of communication.

    To see a dark green bat in your dream denotes that you have exceptional communication skills. There is a need for you to follow your intuition in figuring out the hidden things which other people might not be saying directly. With such information being in mind, you will be able to understand exactly what is currently happen and what you need to do. Dreaming of green bats is indicative that, there is a need for you to convince people to do what you need them to do.

    Dreams about red bats

    Dreams, where you see red bats, are normally a symbol of an out-of-control temper. Consequently, it reminds you of the emotions or feelings which are hidden deep in your heart. Such a dream can signal regret for part of your life that could be disturbing you. Red is also the color of passion. It can mean a new love is coming your way. Red bats in dreams are associated with the negative and dark part of your personality or someone who is close to you. it is mostly related to negative emotions that are quite fiery like jealousy and hatred which are derived from passion.

    Dream about bat caves

    The cave is supposed to represent our own heart, image, and self-ego as a spiritual symbol. The word cave biblically means fortress and there are many references in the old testament scriptures that caves are hiding places. Bat caves were supposed to be responsible for many SARS viruses in remote Yunnan province. Spiritually, the bat cave is about containing your inner darkness. Containing your own challenging thoughts. Elijah in the bible takes shelter in a cave after traveling 40 days and 40 nights for safety. Also, bats live in caves for warmth and to avoid danger. In spiritual terms, this indicates that you could feel unsafe in some aspect in your life. Do you feel safe and happy in your daily life? Bat caves in dreams can indicate you feel trapped.

    Bats can hang inside down for months in the bat cave where they are most comfortable. There is something quite magical about bat caves, the darkness, the wetness of the walls. There was a seven-minute documentary released by the Chinese media where Chinese scientists explored the bat cave which is rather a famous video as Covid-19 was supposed to originate from bat viruses. A virus in a dream spiritually means that challenges are expected so beware.

    To see bats in the bat cave denotes that whatever trouble that you could be facing in life, you can overcome this. You have to remain strong. Alternatively, to dream of a bat cave could be a reflection of dark influences and thoughts which might be coming from deep into you conscious mind. If you dream of Batman the superhero or a cave that is full of gadgets and treasures, it is a reflection that you are trying to hide certain hobbies or projects from the view of the public.

    Dreams where you are trying to catch a bat

    Did you try catching a bat in your dream? If that is the case, then spiritually the dream is connected to a desire to stand out from the entire crowd. It is a sign that you need to work upon your ideas to be able to achieve what you need. Dreaming of being unable to catch the bat signals that there will be areas of life where you are unable to keep up with the status quo.

    Dream about batman

    A superhero in a dream such as batman is a reflection of dissatisfaction in waking life. It could represent that you are working in a job or living somewhere you do not feel comfortable. To dream about batman indicates that you will reveal the hidden truth, balancing emotions with a righteous psyche. Consider finding ways of juggling the needs between the half-lies and the truth. With that, you could be able to bring more changes that are positive to your inner peace and thoughts.

    Dreams about superman vs batman

    To dream of superhero characters such as superman or batman is an uncommon dream, these famous comic characters need to be associated with how we relate to situations in waking life. Superman and Batman can refer to the superegos for either yourself or people around you. Symbolically, this dream could be a sign that you have a friendly competition. It is important to embrace the competition and to continue to challenge yourself and others. Try propelling yourself to a newer level while at the same time obtaining frenemies for life.

    Bat flying down from the sky

    Seeing bats flying down from the sky in your dream is a positive sign. It is auspicious just like divine blessings. It is showing that you will soon get outcomes that are positive, this is in response to the hard work that you will input. We should all work hard in life but sometimes things get in the way. The bats swooping down is a spiritual message that you need to focus on your goals at work to make things happen and have success. The ancient dream meaning of seeing bats flying in the sky indicates:success, good health, and positive relationships are all waiting for you in the coming days.

    Dreams about bats inside you

    It is a dream that is quite unusual and in most cases, it holds a negative message. If during your sleep you see a bat that is going inside of your body in your dream, it could be symbolic of a negative feeling inside. If the bats are flying at you, it is a sign that you need to pay attention to others.

    Advice from the dream about bats

    Shadow work is about healing and our own conscious thought processes that require us to process after feeling rejected. The goal of shadow work is to try to bring out the darkness that we feel inside - so we can focus our mind on the light, the consciousness becomes clear and all of our underlying emotions and feelings are free.

    Shadow work is about connecting two aspects of ourselves that we can't see. The dream of bats is a signal that you should consider shadow work. As a spiritual teacher, I often encourage shadow work in order to try to improve our own self-image and lives. It's important for us to also look at other people's shadows which means the darker side of our own personality. Because the bat normally appears black in dreams the shadow is what is known as the dark side of our own personality, this could be envy, anger, desires, and also strife and ambition.

    There are positive and negative shadows. When we are born we all have a shadow but the child is born with love and kindness, it's only when we get older we start to shape our own opinions and needs. Turning to Greek mythology there was a belief in gods for example. They believed that the moon and the darkness of night were connected to our own unconscious darker thoughts. If you remember the film Mr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde that is a good example of shadow work. As human beings, we generally try to control our darker side. When a dream of the bat appears it could be a signal that the darker side of your personality or the people around you are affecting your shadow. Inner healing needs to come to the fore.

    The shadow is also a Jungian view, you need to center yourself in shadow work and understand within yourself of your own self-center. Often, we can meditate in order to create a calm peaceful space. The subconscious mind while we sleep is often called the shadow and  I recommend using projection as a tool to improve your shadow.

    How can you do shadow work?

    The dream of bats is a sign that shadow work will benefit you. If you meditate, think about expanding your space with your shadow and feel all the negative thoughts, feelings, hang-ups expelled from your body like a shadow. Pay attention to your breathing and replace the dark shadow energy with white pure light. Past traumas are often a result of our spiritual shadow being dark and twisted. Also, our shadow Is connected to our inner child. Think about your own childhood, were you happy? Were there emotions and behaviors that you were not happy with? Being aware of your inner child's shadow will also help you release any difficulties or anger. Shadow work is a fantastic way for inner healing and peace. All it takes is the self-awareness to understand the negative vibrations that surround your spiritual being. I'm really glad that you visited my page because if you've dreamt of bats it could mean that you are needing healing, transformation in inner awareness. The bat dream also connects to different spiritual aspects depending on the details found in the dream. Bats in dreams are about repressed ideas, feelings, memories, which all need to come into our subconscious mind. Many ancient cultures such as Native American and Indian mythology view bats as a form of warning. In ancient culture, the symbol was used as a doorway to meditate and shamans visited different underworlds. Now you can see how amazing this dream is.

    Bats dream meaning as far as Celtic traditions are concerned

    When it comes to the Celtic traditions, bats signal that you should improve your own health and diet in daily life. According to Celtic beliefs, bats often represent unhealthy or unusual sleeping habits. They are an indicator that you need to change your diet.

    The Chinese meaning of bats in the dreams

    In East Asian cultures such as China, bats are celebrated because they are believed to be fortune bringers and a symbol of good luck. In the Japanese culture, bats are normally believed to be symbolic of five life opportunities which are; peace, virtues, and longevity in life, wealth, and suffering a less calm death. Some Chinese people have a belief that bats do protect other animals from different dangers and diseases. In China, bats are known as Fu, which denotes blessings. For that reason, dreams about bats are quite commonly regarded positively in this culture. The bats are symbolic of initiations of good things, positive transitions, inner rebirth, and much more.

    Positives of dreams about bats

    • They are seen to be friendly or calm in the dream
    • They appear to be harmless in dreams.
    • It did not try to hurt you like attacking, biting.
    • It is like it is daytime and the bat is unresponsive or asleep
    • The bat is to fly during day time
    • Being married to a bat
    • Bats hanging or sleeping on trees
    • Baby bats appearing in the dream
    • Pets bats in the dream
    • Green bats, brown bats
    • Being able to catch white bats
    • A single bat in the dream
    • Being able to hold a bat in your dream
    • Seeing bats that fly into the house
    • Bats that are flying in the cave
    • Bats which are flying down from the sky
    • Bats that are eating mosquitos
    • Bats that are chasing you
    • Bats hanging upside down
    • Bats that are playing with you
    • Being able to kill a bat

    Negatives of dreams about bats

    • To be afraid of the bats while dreaming
    • The bat biting or attacking you
    • The bat crossing your path
    • Several bats in the darkness
    • Bats that are sleeping in the dream
    • Bats that are looking outside a window
    • Bats that are flying
    • Bats nets
    • The vampire bats, grey bats,  red bats, black bats, scarlet bats, white bats, albino bats
    • Seeing the poop of bats in the dream
    • Giant bat appearing in the dream
    • Bats that are flying inside your body
    • Bats in your bedroom
    • Large bats being in your house
    • Bats that sit on your shoulders, head
    • Bats hovering over you
    • Bats that are chasing you
    • Bats that are crying
    • Bats hanging from the wall
    • Dead bat
    • Killing a bat

    Dreams about sports bats

    If a cricket bat appears in your dream, you may need to learn how to better control your anger. If you are struggling to hit the ball with the bat, perhaps this suggests a lack of confidence. The theme of a dream involving any type of competitive sports represents the need to share with others. If you are enjoying the game, though, it is a positive sign.

    If you dream of a baseball bat, then this suggests happy times ahead, depending upon how this particular bat is used in your dream. If you hit a ball with a baseball bat, you are likely to win in situations involving others. If the baseball bat is being used as a weapon, then this dream demonstrates you have aggression within your waking life that you must deal with right away.

    This dream suggests that you will experience some frustration that could eat away at you. If you are awarded a prize in this dream, it indicates that your subconscious mind is giving you sufficient credit for the things that you have achieved in your life. Sometimes living in a negative world leads to a lack of congratulating yourselves on the positive tasks that you have completed, and an award in your dream is a reminder of a job well done.

    Conclusion of a dream of bats

    Below are two "bat" interpretations:Flying bats and bats in various sports. Although extremely rare, and almost never seen in the daylight, flying bats are generally associated with negative situations. It is important, however, to consider the nature of this dream. If it was a positive experience for you, then the interpretation is meaningless. However, if the dream is negative, the bats symbolize one of your negative personality traits.

    Bats are associated with darkness, and therefore this dream shows a negative part of your personality or the personality of someone close to you. If you dream you are attacked by a bat, this demonstrates your need to move forward in difficult times.

    Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of a bat

    怖がった。 Terrified. Disgusted. Unhappy. Accomplished.幸せ。パワフル。自信満々。コントロールで。 Proud.

    1. コウモリになる夢を見る

    2. コウモリを追いかける夢を見る

    3. コウモリの糞の夢

    4. コウモリに噛まれる夢

    5. アカコウモリの夢を見る

    6. 寝室にいるコウモリの夢を見る

    7. バットを握る夢

    8. コウモリの夢を見る

    9. バットを取る夢を見る