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色 / 色




1930 年代の有名な夢心理学者であるカール ユングは、色は次のことを表すと信じていました: 私たちの無意識の白または明るい色とつながっています 私たちの意識を意味します。 は私たちの直感を表しています 私たちの考え、 私たちの気持ちと最後にグリーン 私たちの感覚を表しています。一般的に、明るく力強く反抗的な色は、私たちが性的にどのようにコミュニケーションするかを反映しています。夢の心理学の観点から見ると、暗い色は睡眠中の恐怖や心配を増幅させる可能性があります。パステルカラーはストレスの軽減に関連しています。色付きの夢はかなり頻繁に見られるようで、これは私たちがテレビを色付きで見ているという事実にも起因しています。もちろん、各色について詳しく説明します。私の夢の意味をすべて読む時間がない場合は、この記事を下にスクロールして、特定の色の夢の解釈にアクセスしてください.


色の感受性は私たちの感情とつながっています。 「羨望の的である」という言葉や、「青く感じる」という言葉をよく耳にします。この種のことわざには、実際に意味があります。夢の色は、私たちが人に対してどのように感情的に反応するかに関係していると思います。何世紀にもわたって夢の通訳者は、私たちは白黒でしか夢を見ることができないと信じていましたが、睡眠研究はこれが真実ではないことを示しています.色の夢の解釈は、夢の中で無視されることがよくあります。それぞれの色には精神的な意味があり、夢の中では、それぞれの色の属性に目を向けて、その意味を定義する必要があります。それぞれの色には特定の意味があり、個々の解釈を考慮することが重要です。無地の色を夢見ている場合、これは、どこに行くべきかにより多くの多様性が必要であることを示しています。色に関連する夢は、一般的に、誤った希望や期待に対して警告されていることを意味します。この夢は、誰かの不正直について警告されていることも意味します.


約 85 人が毎晩色付きの夢を見ています。色は一般に、目覚めている生活の中で感情を刺激します。睡眠研究者のロバート・ホスとカーチス・ホフマンによる調査があり、2004 年の ASD 会議で夢の色の理論を発表しました。睡眠実験室で働く参加者の 70% 以上が、色付きの夢を見たと報告しました。夢の感情的な側面に応じて、色はより強くなります。これらの科学者は、重要な色があれば、夢を思い出すのがはるかに簡単になると信じていました。赤い車や青いバスなど、色のついたものを夢に見る人は多いでしょう。ロバート・ホスは、それぞれの色には象徴的な関連性があり、夢の状態で特定のイメージを処理する方法に関連していると信じていました.夢を思い出すのは必ずしも容易ではない場合もあります。実際、私たちの夢の 90% は翌朝に忘れてしまうことがよくありますが、多くの人は夢の中で見たアイテムや物の色を思い出すことができます.


たとえば、オレンジ色はコミュニケーションに関連しており、私たち自身の食欲を高めると考えられています.他の研究では、睡眠薬やレクリエーショナル ドラッグなどの薬物が睡眠に影響を与え、色が常に存在するようになるという研究結果があります。夢の色は、実際に見たものと必ずしも一致しない場合があります。たとえば、オレンジ色の果物が夢の中でターコイズに見える場合があります。私たちが知っていることは、さまざまな色が私たちが心に集中する方法に反応することであり、多くの夢の専門家は、色は私たちが内部でどのように感じているかの結果であると信じています.それでは、早速、さまざまな色の概要を説明します。 下にスクロールして意味を見つけてください!



白については多くの研究がなされてきましたが、これは最も人気のある色です。夢の中で白は新たなスタートを示唆している可能性があります。夢の中で雪だるま式の背景や冬のシーンを見ることができた場合、それは変化の可能性が高いことを示しています。スピリチュアルな意味で白の夢は、人生のすべての問題を一掃するような、新たなスタートを意味します。白い色は、自分自身を開放し、成長させ、浄化することに関連しています。時には、白い色は人生の不安感や冷たさを感じることにもつながります。白の夢の後、人生の障害を取り除き、新鮮な心で新しいプロジェクトを始めようとすることが重要です.さまざまな夢の中で、白は私たちの内面の心配や恐れ、さらには死とさえ見なすことができます.白い部屋は、あなたがスピリチュアルな導きを求めていることを示している可能性があります。すでに述べたように、夢の中の色は感情を刺激し、目覚めている私たちの現在の精神状態を表しています。科学者は、約 85% の確率で色付きの夢を見ていることを証明していますが、ほとんどの場合、これらの夢を思い出すことはありません。白い夢、または白いシーンの夢は、誰かがあなたの自己認識を高めてくれることを意味します。この色はまた、人生の新しい始まりと、新しい純粋な段階への参入を表しています。また、新しいことを経験し、重要な変化を経験することへの開放性も示しています。


白という色には、重要なスピリチュアルな意味があります。それはあなたの潜在意識に関係しています。多くの場合、白の夢は、孤立して何かをする準備ができていないと感じているときに発生します。白いドレスの夢は、人生で何か新しいことを始める準備ができているときに起こります。オカルトの本の白の夢は、自分自身に集中する時間が必要であることを示しています。この夢は、あなたが自分の心に集中すること、つまり、内なる声に耳を傾けることを促しています。白は直感の焦点を告げ、個人のコンパスまたは GPS を表します。言い換えれば、あなたの直感 (直感とも呼ばれます) は決して間違っていません。白い夢を見るということは、あなたの心をクリアにし、現在の人生の価値観に疑問を投げかけることで、考えを整理する準備ができているということです。


夢に見られる黄​​色は、人生にエネルギーと幸福感を感じることができることを示しています。夢心理学の研究によると、黄色は私たち自身の直感を表していることがわかっています。昔の夢辞典を調べていたら、黄色が人生の遅れを表していることが明らかになりました。多くの場合、この色は、人生に大きな変化が予想され、遅れが生じることを意味します。太陽は黄色なので、この色を幸せや暖かさに結びつけることがあります。驚くべきことに、黄色は人口にあまり好まれていない色です。これをコミュニケーションに関連するオレンジ色と比較すると、夢の黄色は創造的な環境でよく使用されます。黄色の夢は、力、豊かさ、自尊心の向上を意味することがあります。夢の中で黄色の光を見た場合、これはあなたが比類のない幸福の時期に遭遇することを示唆している可能性があります.黄色は、太陽神経叢として知られる第 3 チャクラともつながっています。古代の歴史では、いくつかの色としての黄色は、明晰さと結びついており、トラブルを克服し、幸福の焦点でもありました。黄色の夢を見た場合、その夢はエネルギー、知性、知恵、調和を表しています。しかし、あなたの夢には否定的な解釈もあります。それはまた、裏切り、病気、残酷さ、嫉妬を意味します。私は1930年代の夢の論文でこの意味を見つけることができました:あなたが女性で黄色の夢を見た場合、それはあなたが嫉妬深いタイプであり、疑いと嫉妬の攻撃のために愛する人を失う危険があることを意味します. .





赤は愛の色でもあり、バレンタインデーにはいたるところで赤を目にします。車や物などの赤いアイテムの夢を見た場合は、良い時代が近づいていることを示しています。この赤とは対照的に、特に夢の中で赤い光が見える場合は、警告を意味することもあります。女性に好まれる色であり、人生における私たち自身の衝動にも関係しています。夢の中では、赤は興奮、スピード、情熱、強さ、そしてあなたが人生で強い性格である必要があるという事実に関連していると定義することができます.赤色は、私たちの最初のルート チャクラとも関連しています。このチャクラは背骨の付け根にあります。それは私たちの足の間にあり、私たちの性格の性的側面を表しています.したがって、夢の中で、私たちは常に赤を性的衝動と関連付けることができます.結論として、赤い夢を見たり、夢の中で何か赤いものを見たりすることは、攻撃性、怒り、激しい情熱、衝動性を意味します。また、暴力と危険の象徴でもあります。あなたの夢は警告を示しています。徐行。考えを整理し、平和を損なうような無謀な決定を下さないでください。





ピンク色を夢見ていた場合、または夢の中でピンク色のアイテムを見ることができた場合、それはセックス、欲望、および覆われた情熱を表しています。あなたのタイプではない、または現在利用できない人に興味がありますか?あなたが「はい」と答えた場合、この夢は、あなたが人々の周りでどのように行動するかを考えるべきであることを示しています.ピンクは一般的に女性が好む色です。古い夢の本のピンクは、誰かがあなたに愛してほしいと思っていることを示しています。これは問題を引き起こす可能性があります。そして、問題とは、あなたと一緒にいるために関係を犠牲にしたくない人への執着を意味します.あなたの夢はまた、あなたのスピリチュアリティとの再接続を意味します。 As for the spiritual meaning of the color pink I feel in dreams this color stands for caring, unconditional love, understanding, kindness, excessive care and everything that’s nice and good.

What does it mean to dream in green?

The color green in your dream is a symbol of positive changes, new beginnings, and intellectual growth. You have potential and you need to use it to create the life you always wanted to live. Your dream in green also represents independence. You’re a patient person with strong attitude. You don’t depend on anyone nor anything. You love with your whole heart but when a person fails down your trust – you never give a second chance. Your life motto is – “The person who loves you and respects you, will use your first chance as their last one.” Stay as you are and stay true to you.

What does the color green mean spiritually?

The spiritual meaning of the color green is associated with grounding, inner changes, personality transformation, growth, perfect health, vitality, peace, inner healing and lack of experience. To dream in green or to see the color green in your dream denotes a positive transformation in your life and reveals that you’re prepared to apply some changes in your personality. The key message is you need to improve yourself.

What does it mean to dream in black?

Although the Biblical meaning of the color black is associated with death and elements that appear unpleasant, the prophetic meaning is related to blessing and everything that’s beautiful, in general, the black color in dreams stands for potential, possibilities, and determination. It also represents hidden spirituality, vulnerability, and balance between your good and evil side.

What do dreams of purple mean?

To dream in purple or see something purple denotes a mystic connection with something or someone in waking life. In other words, your dream represents your wishes and reveals they will be fulfilled soon. You might also have erotic feelings or sexual desires about someone you just met. To dream of a violet color also implies to your strong attitude and beliefs. People respect you for being faithful to your opinion but also open to hearing their opinion. You should work on your self-image is the message of this dream.

What does it mean to dream of blue?

Blue is the color of spiritual growth. In dreams, the color blue signifies peace, ideals, religion and other feelings that are often sensitive to dream, in towed back to people. Blue is also the color of the sky and shows that anything is possible. Is it the color of the water and the sea, so blue is often associated with a symbol for the unconscious or the feminine side of nature. A very dark blue is the symbol of peace and depth as well as for the night, sometimes even for a change. In addition, Blue is often connected to intellectual and spiritual events, which include insights, experiences, and mental processes. If you dream of a sky blue or a light shade then this is typically a female color. The shade of turquoise is a symbol of emotional contentment that one would like to maintain. If you dream of more than one shade of blue then this shows you must live wisely and with the sympathy of others less fortunate. If in your dream you have seen a blue object then this shows that your intellectual goals and insights are going to be tested in the future. In summary, a dream which contains blue is positive.

What does it mean to dream about sky blue or the ocean?

To dream in blue or see the blue sky or ocean in your dream symbolizes truth, wisdom, creativity, calmness, and openness to new ideas. Nothing can ruin your inner peace and shake your balance.

What does the color navy blue mean in our dreams?

If you dream of the color dark blue then spiritually this carries the same meaning as blue it denotes happiness, prosperity, confidence, self-esteem and the fact that you will gain a fortune in life. Navy blue is a slightly darker shade than traditional blue. This means that you wish to feel relaxed you find it difficult to concentrate and focus in life. Blues from a psychology perspective are quite a calm, relaxing color and generally, in dreams are connected to stimulating “growth in life.” Did you know that the most popular color in the world for men is blue? Obviously blue is the color of the ocean and it is connected to feeling calm, collective and tranquil. Older dream dictionaries from the 1930s indicate that dreaming of a blue object can signify that you will encounter a quarrel with somebody. I’m not sure how much meaning should be focused on this however from a spiritual perspective blue is suppose to be connected to calming love. Blue as a color has been used to relax and calm people, especially children with ADHD and hyper-activism. The spiritual meaning is to "relax" in life.

What does it mean to dream of red and blue?

These two colors can sometimes appear together in dreams. Traditionally red and blue are connected to how we contradict our emotions, these two colors are opposite each other. Red signifies power and action and blue indicates calming times. Thus, seeing both these colors in your dream can indicate that you are feeling confused. If we turn to spirituality, specifically the occult, the color red is associated with passion, power, anger and the power of life. Additionally, red is also a symbol of aggression. It can also mean that we need to grow and develop as people. The color red can also imply that you are afraid to face any adversities in life. Often, dreams of red and blue appear when one has a huge desire to overcome obstacles. In ancient dream books, these colors are associated with being positive.

Interestingly, from a scientific research, it is been found that many women dream of the color red. There are many country flags that depict the colors red and blue, including the United Kingdom and the United States flag. If we even look at the Google logo we can see the colors blue and red! On my trail of research for this article, I could not believe how much red and blue are used. For example, in Star Wars the symbolism of bad and good is blue and red. What I’m trying to say is that blue and red might have appeared in your dream due to the fact that you may have seen the colors in waking life which has affected your dreams. Sigmund Freud, a famous dream psychologist believed that "images" from waking life affect our dreams. In dreams, Blue is associated with the feeling of happiness, calmness, and contentment. If you dream of blue items and this can indicate you are a generous person and that your personality is balanced. Red is power and determination. Red and blue are opposite to each other. They can also represent Ying and Yang. This indicates that together the color red and blue is wholesome.

What is the dream psychology of colors?

Unfortunately, there is little work on color in dreams. One can find many books discussing its meaning, but little scientific study has been performed. There are also a number of books on color, with focus on healing with color or seeing color in auras. I have found in general that the meaning attributed to color in these books do not correlate well with the evidence from dream work. A study of color psychology, including the works of Dr. Max Luscher and Faber Birren, provides some of the best information on the human reaction to color. A study of Carl Jung and Fritz Perls also provides some valuable insight as to the occurrence of color in dreams and its relation to the subject matter of the dream noting that color in dreams come from the sensory colors we see in waking life. In some dreams, color appears on its own and it is not associated with anything, it may be that you see a block of color or circle. but other times you may see an item that has a particular color. Such as a white car or a purple tree. The color itself is a symbolism. It relates to our own emotions and life. There was an interesting study by Prof Curtiss Hoffman, where he kept a journal of people’s dreams for 11 years. He interpreted around 8000 dreams, looking for trends in color recall. I won’t go into the intricate details of this study but the frequency and popularity of colors in these dreams which were analyzed are as follows:white (17%), red (14%), yellow (15%), black (14%), green (95), blue (9%), brown (7%), grey (5%), clear (2%), orange (3%), violet (1.8%) and finally the rest were varied. Therefore, the most popular colors that we dream state are white, red and then yellow.

What the dream theorists think of you dreaming of colors?

Freud often believed that dreams involving colors are associated with our mood in life. He believed that dreams of color are impressive and that this dream has a significant meaning. Freud tried to understand the long series of colors and how they effected dreaming. He believed that people who have such dreams are dependent on human interactions. In fact, in his work, he referred to colors as human expectations. Carl Jung's theory on color was different. According to Jung dream of colors are associated with how you socially come across from a psychological dream periods viewpoint. The other elements of your dream are worth the colors are beautiful will force you any danger in any way.

What is the general meaning of color in dreams?

Any color is a vital part of your dream symbolism and this is because of the spiritual frequency to pitch color ads in dreaming state. Many scientific experiments carried out tests to understand what color is and how this affects the dream state. If you could see the colors found in the rainbow this can denote freedom in life. In dreams sometimes we discover that we have seen a palette of colors. If you work with healing then blues are associated with growth. It took me about four days to get over many people dream in a variety of colors. Generally color is symbolic in terms of culture. In society, we often communicate with color in our daily existence. We also build up the emotional is a sample if then this indicates either passion or anger and depression, and sadness dose-related refusals.

What does it mean to dream of paint color?

To dream of paint demonstrates that you may experience that people may mislead you so make sure you do not deceive another, as “what goes around comes around” A car or house paint featured in a dream is based upon the meaning of the colors which need to be interpreted, just scroll down. The message in this dream is that you are likely to receive information (within the interpretation) about the current situation and further development.

What do colors mean spiritually?

To dream of the main charkas:Having a dream about a specific color may be related to the main charkas and how your body may be blocked of color. In your body there is seven major energy vortexes. Each is vortex is associated with a color. The chakra vortexes are as follows:The crown =white; forehead (third eye position) Purple =throat Blue =chest Pink or green =navel Yellow =abdomen. Orange =groin. Colors in a box, according to old ancient dream interpretations indicate financial gains and prosperity – good news is ahead! In order to offer you a full dream interpretation please see the specific colors below:

  • Red: this color represents inner passion. It can also stand for your anger or blood. Astrological parallel:Aries.
  • Orange: this dream is associated with tranquility, balance and healing. Good news.
  • Yellow: this is associated with inspiration represents clarity, excellence, stillness, virtuousness, self-esteem, awareness, and new beginnings.
  • Green: The color of nature which brings with it a new approach to life with hope.
  • Blue: The spiritual color associated with healing, many healers have this shade in their auric field. Pale blue brings harmony and, like the sea, it implies a lack of restrictions. Negatively, it can every now and then symbolize sadness – as associated with the 'blues'.
  • Purple: This is the color of spiritual success (especially in hoodoo) which is associated with growing your spiritual knowledge.
  • Black: Usually a color associated with sadness. Time to think more positively!
  • White: White signifies purity and virginity. Fresh starts are associated with this color. Innocence, immaturity or impoverishment of the feeling life are also connected. White symbolizes power and the reflection of the Absolute in life. White occurs both as an aggressive color, as well as the color of innocence. As a dream image, you should always remember that white is slightly soiled.
  • Brown: It is time to get grounded and be aware of the responsibilities in your life.
  • Pink: This means broken promises and a realization of the hopes, if not now, then certainly in a few months. Patience will help you rather than violence.
  • Burgundy :Great wealth is on its way including success and prosperity. You have great potential.
  • Beige or nude color :this represents life’s basic needs, the essentials that you need to survive.
  • Clear: dreaming of something clear or transparent indicates your emotions will be challenged in the future.
  • Rose: Its time to elaborate on the desire for lightness in love and passion in your relationship.
  • Gray: A slow period in the dreamer’s time is coming =new beginnings are going to be hard to move forward for a while.
  • A swirl of color / a wheel of color:Great joy, happiness, achievement. Dreams attained. Luck in money and love.
  • Gold: the golden color reflects your sacred rewards, can also show riches are coming, refinement and enhancement in your life.
  • Silver: helping others is going to become important to you also means justice.
  • Indigo: Means that you will have mysticism and divine protection. Can also mean deceit.
  • Peach: love with wisdom is on its way

What do dreaming of color lights mean?

If you dream of a traffic light glowing green then this dream indicates that a situation will work out soon work out well, the color red shows danger in the future. Lights in dreams represent different things. To see multiple lights in dreams can be associated with communicating on my different levels.

  • A red light in the dream: review your project again.
  • A bright yellow light during your dream: an upcoming event that brings with it sorrow.
  • A green light in a dream: unlimited travel for a planned undertaking.
  • The light disappears in a dream: the minor prospect of disappointment, grief.
  • Flashing lights in dreams: caution is advised in a love relationship.
  • Light is switched off in the dream: the danger is over improvements in the present situation will surface.
  • There is no light in dreams: great news is coming in love, joy and happiness.
  • Lights changing color in your dream: shows a burgeoning love life.
  • Disco lights in dreams: if the lights change colors then there are possible disturbances in a relationship.
  • White light in dreams: pleasing gifts and spirit connection.

What is the prophetic meaning of colors?

I have covered many meanings so far but here I want to discuss the predictive factors of colors in dreams. will be surprised hearing the colors have both positive and negative meanings. The prophetic meaning of the color black is a double blessing. One would usually connect black to darkness or depression but when it comes to the prophetic meaning of this color it is positive. Here is the prophetic meaning of colors:

  • Prophetic meaning of Navy or dark blue: Wisdom and power over your enemies. You will feel invincible and untouchable.
  • Prophetic meaning of blue: Peace and justice will never leave your side. No matter how much someone will try to destroy your confidence and social image, the truth will always come to light.
  • Dreams in light blue and their prediction: You will reach a higher level of wisdom and experience enlightenment. You will challenge yourself and do things you never believed you’re capable of doing. You will be surprised by your new abilities and skills you never imagined you own because light blue is the color signifies a true warrior.
  • Prophetic meaning of red: Forgiveness, healing, and salvation are the main traits of this color in your dreams. The fire burning inside you will soon be distinguished by forgiveness and your soul will finally heal.
  • Prophetic meaning of Pink: It represents holy awakening, new birth, and purity. You will be revived and give your life a new meaning, a better one that will change your life forever. You will find your purpose for living.
  • Prophetic meaning of Purple: It stands for unity, the power of love and authority. You will meet your soul mate, fall in love, establish a profound connection with people you love and forgive the mistakes of your enemies.
  • Prophetic meaning of White: It denotes holiness, purity, virginity, absolute power, resurrection, and awakening. White is the color of God and if you dreamed in white, it means you’re ready to let the Lord inside your heart.
  • Prophetic meaning of Gold: This color represents golden heart, compassion, persistence, and patience. The dreamer should practice being more patient and persistent to create a golden heart filled with compassion.
  • Prophetic meaning of Silver: It stands for immortality, self-appreciation, wealth, perfect well-being and self-confidence.
  • Prophetic meaning of Green: It’s the color of grace and peace together with spiritual growth. To forgive means to forget and to forget means to allow yourself to grow spiritually and mentally. Otherwise, you die small.
  • Prophetic meaning of Yellow: It’s the color of the Sun, therefore, it represents warmth, compassion, and protection. However, we all know that the Sun can also burn us if we don’t protect ourselves somehow and hide under the shades. This means the dreamer should continue being good but stop allowing others to take advantage of their goodness and permissive character.
  • Prophetic meaning of Orange: It stands for mercy, forgiveness, awareness and doing what’s right no matter if it has a negative impact on our lives. The dreamer should reconsider their life values and perspectives.
  • Prophetic meaning of Brown: it stands for self-awareness and comfort. Seeing this color in your dream is a sign to stop feeding your ego and get down to earth. Stop focusing on the material and give your life a purpose.

What is the biblical meaning of colors?

Christian and Jewish scholars have come to the conclusion that dreams are a way in which Lord speaks to us. Here are the spiritual biblical meanings of colors in dreams. I know we have covered allot already but if you would like to focus your dream meaning in a biblical sense then please use my meanings below:

  • Black: It represents darkness, death, demonic deeds, sexual sins, mystery, and negativity.
  • White: It denotes loyalty, a double blessing, holiness, and justice.
  • Red: It stands for anger, blood, revenge, war, love, and hatred.
  • Green: It denotes growth, wealth, prosperity, but also ego, jealousy, and envy.
  • Blue: It represents emotional states like vulnerability, depression, regret, anxiety, and guilt.
  • Gold: It stands for holiness, glory, selfishness, and greed.
  • Brown: It indicates compassion, warmth, comfort, compromise, and understanding.
  • Yellow: It denotes hope, cowardice, fear, envy, and sorrow.
  • Purple: It represents authority, passion, loyalty, and royal blood.
  • Orange: It denotes perseverance, temptation, change, and progress.
  • Pink: It stands for the love of God, morals, and sensuality in waking life.

What does it mean to see an item a certain color?

Ok, I have covered loads on color but what happens when you see an object or item a color. Such as millions of red spiders in a dream? The color of a dream object or animal can be simply derived from past associations, something you had seen in waking life that the dream is recalling. For the most part, however, the color comes from an association with the effect it has on your nervous system and your emotions. Our relationship with color has formed as a part of the evolutionary process of the mind and therefore has a somewhat similar effect on all humans. If we can determine the effect a particular color has on us, then we can understand its “meaning” to us.

Final thoughts on color in dreams

Looking at spiritual research has shown that color can have a profound effect on our moods. For example, pink is soothing and healing. Orange is intuition-focused and energetic. If a particular color is prominent in a dream, it could indicate that you need that color's energy for your chakras.  Are you opening up to new possibilities in your life? I urge you to be on the lookout for unusual colors or strange combinations such as distorted color.

  1. 色のついた風船の夢を見る

  2. 茶色の夢を見る

  3. 灰色の夢を見る

  4. 黒の夢を見る

  5. 桃色の夢を見る

  6. ラベンダー色の夢を見る

  7. オレンジ色の夢を見る

  8. 赤い色の夢を見る

  9. ツルニチニチソウの色について夢を見る